Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2024 4:36 pm
Welcome to Target Practice! So's my dear brudda-in-law decided to give me some kind a chore hereabouts so's I'd keep outta trouble or sumpin' see? Between you's an' me, I think the ol' Sith is afraid of gettin' locked up and shot at agin, you know? Not like I'd ever do dat kinda thing to him agin' or nuttin', now's that I know we's related an all, right? Whatever da reason, I's got me dis here job teachin' the likes of you's how to properly control an' use your Blastech E-11© blaster, see? Step right up and try your marksmanship out on dese here targets.Get your gear and get your gun! How to play: You will roll 3 100-sided dice. If you hit a number with a prize listed next to it, it means you's collect on it. That's 3 shots with one post! Once someone has hit that target, please edit that post with the number and prize won. The number will be removed. You can win more than one prize per day. No deleting posts.These are the numbers you must generate to get the item listed beside it.
1: Tripled Treats Remix Magic Bundle 3: RPGeez! II: Open Beta Patch Bundle 8: Campfire in the Woods Rosy Bundle 12: Lisa's Garden Sweet Bundle 15: Tailored Star: Mixed Messages Nightmare Bundle 19: Spring Snippings Regal Bundle 22: My August Bundle 23: Now Logging On Rosy Bundle 27: Flutter Friends II Hair Bundle 30: Stealing the Sights Withered Bundle 32: Cold Summer Luminous Bundle 36: September Skies Spooky Bundle 42: Nature's Intentions Aurelian Bundle 44: Overgrown Feelings Dual Bundle 49: Pixel Personas Yokai Bundle 50: Virtual Idol Heartbeat Bundle 53: Tailored Super Star Exalted Bundle 56: Hexistential Crisis Enchanted Bundle 59: Special Clone Processing Prize! 62: Luck of the Gaian Breezy Bundle 64: Bootlegger's Brigade Royal Bundle 68: Crystalline Creations Ja-Dead Bundle 71: Havencrest Starry Bundle 73: Campfire in the Woods Delicate Bundle 74: Sweet NEIGHbors Wondrous Bundle 83: The Magic Circle Fierce Bundle 87: Steamy Nights II Muted Bundle 89: Skeletal Surprises Silken Bundle 92: Cuddle Up Cozy Bundle 94: hiBEARnating Graceful Bundle 95: Hallow's Weave II BOOtiful Bundle 100: Mori Mood Wispy Bundle
Da person what hits da most tahgets here gets a special prize, See? Gaian Finger Painting: Corrosive  Da person what hits da second most tahgets here gets a special prize, See? Little Dusk Rose Ruse  Da person what hits da third most tahgets here gets a special prize, See? Merrily Mute  Da person what hits da fourth most tahgets here gets a special prize, See? Chiffon Cutesies  Da person what hits da fifth most tahgets here gets a special prize, See? To the Moon and Back  checked to page: 1279 Please do not delete posts in the contest threads if you make a mistake. Simply edit your original post to show that you made a mistake and then re-post. This will keep you from being disqualified from that particular contest. 
Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2024 4:37 pm
Every now and then, we's gonna have to obliterate one a Scabrous' clones of Darth Daddicus what didn't quite cut the mustard so's we can process da meat and put mustard on it in da cafeteria! Dis'll be da spot where's I bring one a dem wacked out clones to for you's ta shoot, dig? Just plug a blaster bolt in 'im, and voila, you's lookin' at gettin' da fancy prize what's coming to you for doin dat, alright?
17 Aquarium Mini Monsters Landshark! 
Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2024 4:38 pm
Students Accumulated Scores
Name - Score ozkur = Winter Freeze = 1 BloodAngel95 = 2 Universal333 = 1 sachara = 3 Queentintin = 1 6fred6 = dee dee little = Ultrabord = 3* Mickey_McNoodle =
"Mirdala Naast chuckles with a smile under his helmet then leaving the room for a drink saying nothing more.
Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2024 4:38 pm
Welcome to Target Practice! So's my dear brudda-in-law decided to give me some kind a chore hereabouts so's I'd keep outta trouble or sumpin' see? Between you's an' me, I think the ol' Sith is afraid of gettin' locked up and shot at agin, you know? Not like I'd ever do dat kinda thing to him agin' or nuttin', now's that I know we's related an all, right? Whatever da reason, I's got me dis here job teachin' the likes of you's how to properly control an' use your Blastech E-11© blaster, see? Step right up and try your marksmanship out on dese here targets.Get your gear and get your gun! How to play: You will roll 3 100-sided dice. If you hit a number with a prize listed next to it, it means you's collect on it. That's 3 shots with one post! Once someone has hit that target, please edit that post with the number and prize won. The number will be removed. You can win more than one prize per day. No deleting posts.These are the numbers you must generate to get the item listed beside it.
1: Spring Snippings Ponytail Bundle 2: Water Pressure Classic Bundle 5: Keiko's Bakery Sweet Bundle 13: Netherhood High Ghosting Bundle 14: Booked and Busy Blooming Bundle 17: Netherhood High Sweet Bundle 21: Surf & Turf Blooming Bundle 25: Fashion Fiends Good Bundle 27: Hexistential Crisis Sinful Bundle 32: Pocket Pals Aurora Bundle 33: Foire du Gothique Vain Bundle 37: Call of the Sea Pearlescent Bundle 41: Midsommar's Eve Skyward Bundle 45: Garage Sale Trunk II Fleurs Bundle 46: Tie the Knot Double Bundle 50: Foire du Gothique Breezy Bundle 52: Family Function Reserved Bundle 54: hiBEARnating Gentle Bundle 61: Thrift Store 3 Elusive Bundle 63: Stay Home Club Polaris Bundle 67: Stylish Stylings Radiant Bundle 69: Special Clone Processing Prize! 71: Re:cycle Breezy Bundle 74: Forest Fiends Gloomy Bundle 78: FALLing In Love II Oriana Bundle 82: Coolest Cosplays 85: JK Winter's Back Soft Bundle 87: Impressively Dressed Sweet Bundle 90: Steamy Nights II Ambrosial Bundle 93: Mori Mood Skuzy Bundle 98: Friends Forever! 100: Re:cycle Polar Bundle
Da person what hits da most tahgets here gets a special prize, See? Arcane Ascension: Omniscient Ossidian  Da person what hits da second most tahgets here gets a special prize, See? BTS 2k19 Super Bundle  Da person what hits da third most tahgets here gets a special prize, See? Summer Earth Bundle  Da person what hits da fourth most tahgets here gets a special prize, See? Obsessively Offchrome  Da person what hits da fifth most tahgets here gets a special prize, See? Familiar Friends Bundle  checked to page: 1279 Please do not delete posts in the contest threads if you make a mistake. Simply edit your original post to show that you made a mistake and then re-post. This will keep you from being disqualified from that particular contest. 
Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2024 4:39 pm
Every now and then, we's gonna have to obliterate one a Scabrous' clones of Darth Daddicus what didn't quite cut the mustard so's we can process da meat and put mustard on it in da cafeteria! Dis'll be da spot where's I bring one a dem wacked out clones to for you's ta shoot, dig? Just plug a blaster bolt in 'im, and voila, you's lookin' at gettin' da fancy prize what's coming to you for doin dat, alright?
17 Aquarium Mini Monsters Airshark! 
Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2024 4:40 pm
Students Accumulated Scores
Name - Score ozkur = Winter Freeze = 1 BloodAngel95 = 2 Universal333 = 1 sachara = 3 Queentintin = 1 6fred6 = dee dee little = Ultrabord = 3* Mickey_McNoodle =
"Mirdala Naast chuckles with a smile under his helmet then leaving the room for a drink saying nothing more.