It was finally the perfect time of year for gardening. Triteleia was thrilled, even giddy, as she pranced through the little rows of carefully mounded dirt. She had gathered so many different sorts of flowers for replanting, and already could envision the future with all of the colorful blooms opened and thriving. It put a bounce in her step as she daintily hopped over the one "imperfection" in her neat little garden. A cluster of adorable little white MUSHROOMS had already made this patch their home, and she would have felt terrible for disturbing them. So, they were going to serve as the little centerpiece for her roses.
Starting from what she thought of as the 'back' to the garden, she gently nudged aside a hoof's width of dirt to begin. This was perhaps the hardest decision to make. Just which little flower did she start with? There were shade trees mere steps away from this border of her little plot of land, so none of the flowers that liked full sun would be happy there. A decisive nod, and she selected two dark-leaved sprouts to plant them side by side. When they bloomed, they would have such pretty little white flowers and attract plenty of bees. And so it went, step by careful step, first one row of flowers gently planted and patted into the dirt, and then the next. She left the center for last, the mushrooms within a fairly large bare circle. Right up until it was time to plant her favorites; the roses. For quite a while, she argued with herself on just what order they should be planted in. Should she have the white flowers to the center, closest to the little white mushrooms- or should she plant the darkest there, so that they stood out more as a feature?
In the end -after a span of time she would never admit to taking, she decided to simply pick them at random. The rose bushes would look more natural that way. The rest of her patch wasn't very organized either, so it would blend all the better. A cute yellow rose wound up in front of the mushrooms, and to the left was a bush that already had two lovely dark purple buds on it. A red rose to the back, and then a white, and the colors appeared to spiral out from there. She was very pleased. Her project was a very spur of the moment idea, and it had taken three days to gather all the necessary flowers and seeds. And now it was all finished! Well, the planting part was done, at least. Her hooves were dirty, as was her muzzle, but she could not care less. Besides, she was going to gather water now and that would wash the dirt away quickly. An old cloth pouch she'd found ages back served as a very good little watering tool. The water seeped through the fabric quickly, so it would take many trips- but the water did not gush out in one heavy splash either, so the precious flowers were safe.
It was late in the evening when the task of watering her garden was complete, and Triteleia stood there for a long moment to savor the sight. Only a few had buds or young blossoms on them, but already it was such a lovely sight. It had been a very weed-filled patch of hard earth when she'd first chosen this spot, and all of that effort was so very worth it. In the setting sun, the garden looked lush and colorful, and so relaxing. She wanted to find her siblings and show them what she'd accomplished! Though they were far, and she couldn't just leave this plot to tend to itself, not so soon. The garden would be able to sustain itself eventually, bees and birds coming to the flowers, rabbits and other smaller creatures to eat the leaves- and flowers fully grown able to withstand harsher weather. But that wasn't now, not just yet. Oh, but she could show Osrick her little treasure! Come morning, then. She would find him and show him to this garden and share the beauty, and the peace of this quiet little spot. Of course she would show him again once all of the flowers were healthy and in full bloom, to really appreciate it together. Already, she couldn't wait to see everything full of color and thriving. And of course, she had a vision in mind of trimming a couple new roses to ruck in her mane, ones that she'd grown herself would look all the more lovely.
word count: 776