Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2024 1:13 pm
This is a private RP between LydaLynn's Akos and Eos Galvus' Ravage.
Please do not post without invitation.
Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2024 1:37 pm
Akos had been traveling off and on for years. Occasionally returning to his adopted family, but still unsettled as he searched for a place to call home.
He had long since found others that looked like him. But knowing what he was didn't impart the sense of belonging he craved. So he kept searching. Always going back to visit his adopted family when he was near but knowing his place wasn't with them.
This fall day had started with a misting of rain, just enough to leave an uncomfortable damp that seemed to make the chill air colder. But while the precipitation had stopped, it was still overcast and dreary. The leaves underhoof didn't even rustle as he walked through them.
Surrounded by naked birch trees, Akos realized he blended in remarkably well with his surroundings. Only his little pixie companions will their red glow showed any real color to the surroundings.
He had long learned that startling others often lead to violent misunderstandings so he started softly singing as he walked.
"The wind was a torrent of darkness among the gusty trees The moon was a ghostly galleon tossed upon the cloudy seas The road was a ribbon of moonlight over the purple moor . . ."
Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2024 2:30 pm
To say things were different with Thoth would be an understatement. Ravage wasn't used to.... She had no words for it, but the white and black hippogryph walked with a heavy mind. She was more accustomed to the wild, to hunting her prey, to surviving. Speaking like other Soquili regularly was odd. Acting calmer felt odd, though she still had her momentsaa.
The mare was fluffed against the falll rain, somehow resembling a chicken as she silently passed through into the birch woods, Thoth curled upon the mare's back, the Ibis slumbering peacefully on her adoptive child as Ravage moved. Were she hunting, the mare would have been elated to blend in with the trees. TRavage walked with her customary silence, claws cautious before stopping as she listened, hearing a voice. It seemed distant initially, but her ears flicked to track it, takking a deep breath before she turned and began approaching carefully.
...OK. She had to admit - she was curious and... It sounded nice, and the mare drew closer to listen before considering how to announce her presence before finally a low, cautious mix of a warble and snarl, before she realized others might not see that as friendly and spoke.
Words felt so clumsy.
Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2024 4:08 am
Akos was a little startled by the voice, not its quality, but its presence. Turning, it took him a moment to see the mare in through the distortion of rain amongst the trees. Blinking a few times to clear his eyes, he saw her speckled feathers and clawed feet and realized she blended just as well as he did. A smile, "hello. Not the loveliest of weather to meet, but well met all the same." He gives a nod that isn't quite a bow. "I'm Akos. I do hope I'm not intruding, I'm just on a bit of a wander." The winds shift, sending wet leaves scattering. He looks to the windblown leaves, then the sky. "Though I admit, I have chosen a poor day for it. It looks like the weather is about to shift. But be that to clear up or rain harder, I do not know." He falls silent, not sure if he should ask her about local areas of shelter or invite her to join him in looking for one. It seems a bit forward after no more than a hello.
Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2024 3:01 pm
"Well... met." Ravage parroted a bit. It saaounded like a pleasant greeting and she was trying to be pleasant. The mare wasn't used to many others - the mare was rather quiet, unless trying to be threatening, so a friendly interaction was a less commoin experience, but, not unwelcome. Very slowly, with caution, she crept closer curiously, her claws quietly moving her weight, her movements fluid and slow as she inched close to stretch her neck out, examining Akos curiously. "My name... Is Ravage." She finally introduced. her voice was a quieter growl, head tilting. It seemed the growl was an accent, born from years of screeches, snarls, growls, and yells, among other ancient-like noises. "Can't intrude if it is not my tewrritory. I wander too. No home, no - pack? Flock?" Her head tilted. "Unsure which the word is, sorry. Not... Used to others not... Judging." And oh did a lot of the Soquili she met judge. She was feral a long time but intelligent, knowing they thought the mare a savage. She shoook herself, as if shaking off the falling rain and bruiefly diasasrupting Thoth befoire bliunking. "Rain is not so bad. Wet. Can be coild. Snow is worse. Cold, wet, sticky. Mmmm..." A thought. Maybe he wore something Fancy he didn't like wet? ?OIne wing tried stretching out to cover his head curiously, the mare unsure if this was the right response. ...He seemed nice though. She hoped so.
Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2024 3:30 am
He stands still as she approaches, blinking when she extends her wing. Between her voice, her words, and the awkward way she's trying to help with the rain, it's clear to Akos that she doesn't have much interaction with others. He ducks a little so she can reach better. It's odd, feeling like an intrusion on his personal space. But it's so obviously done with a good heart and intent to help that he's careful not to move away. "Thank you, Ravage. That's kind of you. But it's. . . " He pauses as the red blur of the sprite that follows him buzzes up under the wing with the slightest sound of bells. A small sigh, "Ah, yes. It's the sprites that have difficulty in the weather. I don't care for wet feathers, but it doesn't really bother me. But they are so small and their wings so delicate that water can cause them some distress." A shrug, "I don't spend much time in the herd I was raised in, though I'm welcome and visit when I'm in the area. And I don't want to be part of the flocks I've met. I don't belong with either of them. So I wander, and am judged for it and my appearance and claws. But those who judge are ignorant or afraid and both can be countered with conversation usually. Though I am lucky to have been adopted and raised in a herd where I could learn to both accept my differences and explain them to others. " He smiles, "If you would like companionship in your wandering for a ways, I would be happy to join you. Though I do not want to make you uncomfortable if you prefer solitude. I know sometimes it's nice being around others and sometimes it's overwhelming. So please let me know when you need to move on and I will understand." She was a bit of a puzzle and Akos couldn't help but think she wasn't used to being in a social setting for long so he wanted to be sure she felt comfortable and able to leave when she needed. And standing still under her wing, though the sprite was enjoying it, was getting awkward for him. His instincts wanted him to either snuggle in or move out of her personal space and holding still was a struggle. If they started traveling she would likely lower the wing and he wouldn't say or do something stupid that made her feel bad about the kind gesture.
Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2024 4:08 pm
Ravage watcghed the sprite with no small cuyyriousity. Oh, she had never seen a sprite before and was briuefly unsure it was food, but it seemed not to be. And she listened, giving Akos her full and undivided attention before flexing her talons at mention of claws, speaking when he finished. "I understand a fear of claws. Claws are goood for hunting. Some do not... Understand there is more than leaves and hwerbs or flowers." And Ravage knew to eat those enough for digestion. She even stopped eating small rocks!... But she was still feral once. She still listened to his description of his upbringing, genuinely listening before seeming distant. Her eyes peered far away as a halrf-forgotten memory came to her. Snarls and bellows, screams and snarls. Screeches... cries... Blood.... Death... Her claws gripped dirt as she didn't move a moment before looking to Akos. "I... Did not... Have anyone." She said. Her vboice was slow as she found words to finally, finally[ tell someone, anyone what happened to lead to a feral raptor of a hippogrypoh. "I was... Small. Baby. When my flock and home was... Attacked. Very small. My... Basket was destroyed so I fled. I knew... Hunt. I knew.... Fight. To survive. I knew... Basics. Mother's stories. To survive. to fight. To live. I was.... Alone for a long time. Thoth is... My familiar. My new-mother. She will... Like you. She is... Helping me speak better. Communicate better. To me it is normal to make noise, oiiver words. Some nice are not nice to others." She considered, showing Akos the ibis sleeping on her back before smiling. "I would... Like companionship.,, Someone not afraid. It makes me--" She smioled, and decided something. The mare raised her head, She made a sound between a chattering giant bird and an almost melodic trumpeting sound, not unpleasant, simply different, but she was smiling - a good cue her sound meant 'Happiness' or 'Joy', and friendliness. She grinned at Akos proudly, as if pleased someone might learn from coontext. Oh, she was decidedly never abandoning all of her sounds - but she was learning to afford conteszt! LydaLynn ...Ravage apparently REALLY likes him.