Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 3:42 pm
Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 4:01 pm
Thread Contents
Post 1 - Post by Soquili : Into Post Post 2 - OMG You Are Here! : Thread Contents Post 3 - Listen Or Die : Rules and Other Stuffs Post 4 - Where Am I? : Teepee and Surroundings Post 5 - Haha, This Is Me! : Indian Character Info Post 6 - Pretty Horsey #1 : Murphy's Info Post 7 - Pretty Horsey #2 : Kayjin's Info Post 8 - Those Other Things : Familiars, Plushies, and Items Post 9 - Honoes, Spawnz! : Children and Family Post 10 - Life-Altering Uber-Important Stuff! : Important Soquili Events Post 11 - Other Pretty Horsies : Soquili Friends Post 12 - Nifty Junk : Miscellaneous Accquired Items and Gifts Post 13 - Bwahaha, Mine #1 : Reserved Post 14 - Bwahaha, Mine #2 : Reserved Post 15 - Bwahaha...er... : Begging for RP?
Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 4:02 pm
Rules and Other Stuffs
1. Please indicate OOC chat with brackets or something similar - but try to keep OOC talk to a minimum, if possible! <3 2. Fight fair, play fair, etc. Godmoding isn't welcome here. 3. Though it's not techincally a requirement, it aids RP description if I know what your pet looks like. If you think about it, try to post an image of your pet if it's not in your sig. This'll also aid me if my Soquili become friends with yours! 4. You don't have to color-code your RPs, but I do so. Murphy in this color, Kayjin in this color. 5. Anyone can post, but it's more convenient if you own a Soquili or a Soquili familiar. >.>
Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 4:03 pm
Teepee and Surroundings
In the midst of a gorgeous thicket of grass and flowers, a teepee sits decorated with random designs of greeting and peace. Mountains are visible in the far distance, and the sound of running water dances towards you with the whistle of the wind. There is evidence of what might have been a fire that was cooked over outside the teepee, with the charred sticks and warm clay pots remaining. Some pottery is drying in the sun to one side of the teepee, and what appears to be a minute garden is to the other side.
A wisp of smoke wafts from the top of the teepee - obviously, there are active inhabitants inside. There is a lot of rambling and gibberish coming towards you on the breeze: the aforementioned inhabitant seems to be rather busy...or is she talking to herself?
A buttercream-colored horse is grazing just outside, you notice as you draw nearer. He seems to be lost in his own world as well, leaving you to wonder just how sane (or deaf) these creatures are.
Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 4:07 pm
Indian Character Info
Name: Mansi Image: None yet - fanart would be appreciated. <3 Bio: Some would say that Mansi is "off her rocker", or has strayed a little from the path of sanity. She prides herself in her herbalism and crafting of little trinkets. The garden she keeps is full of healing herbs and herbs that are used to alter colors and create dyes, and she forms and dries pottery when the herbs aren't ready for harvest. Mansi creates strange pet names, thinks she sees fairies, and often talks to herself. She speaks to the Soquili she cares for as if they are other humans, and doesn't seem to notice the difference. Despite the fact that she is moderately insane, she is very friendly and never fails to help someone in need. She always loves visitors, and will never turn down company or a good conversation, though it can be somewhat hard to translate her odd gibberish and ramblings at times. Appearance: Dark hair and tanned skin. Her hair has two obviously lighter streaks in the front that have become a dark reddish color, and she claims that such a change comes from applying a certain herb residue and sitting in the sun. She keeps her hair in two pigtails with two feathers on the ties of each. Her clothing is simple, and rather generic, though she embellishes the cream-colored leather with bits of dried flowers, handmade beads, dyes and fur she collects and creates in a rather ecclectic way.
Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 4:10 pm
Murphy's Info
Image: x Bio: Murphy could easily be considered shy and withdrawn. He doesn't particularly assert himself when it comes to meeting others, but he's very friendly once a conversation or interaction begins. He can be somewhat odd, but only in small periods of time - his mood swings and personality shifts are sudden and very changing.
He is only violent or snappy when approached by someone who intends to start a fight or an argument, but he isn't very willing to let grudges go once they're begun.
Clover is his favorite snack, and he particularly likes exploring and observing actions of other Soquili and the environment around him.
Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 4:23 pm
Kayjin's Info
Image: x Bio:Kayjin is a wind Soquili with a ferret familiar named Sugah . She is naive, albeit somewhat witty, interesting to be around, and typically enjoys company of all types. Kayjin enjoys flying more than anything else - the feeling of wind through her hair is irreplacable.
Her familiar, Sugah, is usually draped over her shoulders like a mini-mink, sleeping. The two are inseperable, and Kayjin always makes an effort to ensure that Sugah is having as much fun as she is.
She is Makya's (a fellow wind Soquili) lifemate.
Lolita's Info
Image: x Bio: Lolita loves to flirt. She and her sister, Jailbait, enjoy hunting for the most goreous of stallions, competing with one another and teasing the poor males.
When she's by herself, Lolita can be rather sarcastic, with a "holier than thou" attitiude. Very rarely will she pay attention to anyone that attempts to speak with her, unless said someone is a particularly fit stallion.
She's very proud of her looks, and has an ego that is nearly impossible to deflate.
Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 4:44 pm
Familiars, Plushies, Items
Bailey: Familiar to Murphy, Bailey keeps him company. She tries to make sure he stays sensible most of the time, since he can be rather odd and awkward in some situations. Bailey's Image can be found here: x
Sugah: Familiar to Kayjin, Sugah is overly-giddy and silly. She is an interesting addition to Kayjin's prsonality, though she can be conniving and distracting. x
Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 7:00 pm
Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 7:18 pm
Important Soquili Events
3.17.06 Acquired Murphy from a raffle - his personality develops slowly. 4.19.06 Kayjin is purchased for me by Meeki (<3!); Sugah arrives a few days later. 5.13.06 Lolita is gifted to me by Meeki (<3!), who owns her twin. 6.13.05 Kayjin and Makya become lifemates. heart
Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 7:27 pm
Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 7:37 pm
Miscellaneous Accquired Items and Gifts
Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 7:43 pm
Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 7:53 pm
Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 8:05 pm
Please feel free to come in and post now. I'm rather intimidated by the thread RP, since my posts get eaten or buried, so I'll try to RP a bunch here if anyone is interested. I'm just not used to fast-moving threads to RP in. ;_;