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Tags: soquili, horses, breedable pets, pet horses, familiars 

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How to Get a Teepee: Stat & Teepee Updates Thread (see p147) Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2 3 ... 8 9 10 11 12 13 ... 223 224 225 226 [>] [>>] [>>] [»|]

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High-functioning Cultist

PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 4:09 pm

Updated - left the bottom until new owner gets their teepee

I have a Soquili to add!
Username: Kaitaia
Teepee Link : here
Link to rolls: here
Placement Request (optional): N/A
Would you like your soquili's stats to be placed within a Spoiler code?: No

[b]Baldric the Bold's Stats[/b]

Strength: 8%
Courage: 10%
Speed: 4%
Intelligence: 7%
Luck: 4%
Stamina: 4%

Username: Kaitaia
Teepee Link : here
Soquili being removed: Eetu
Transferred ownership agreement : here
New Owners Teepee (For Stat Transfer): The new owner has yet to create a teepee.
PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 5:59 pm


I have a Soquili to add!

Username: Novablu
Teepee Link : Click
Link to rolls: Click

Placement Request (optional): At the end of them all!
Would you like your soquili's stats to be placed within a Spoiler code?: Nope

[b]Calixte's Stats[/b]

Strength: 4%
Courage: 8%
Speed: 6%
Intelligence: 12%
Luck: 4%
Stamina: 6%


Eloquent Rogue


Divine Galaxy

13,850 Points
  • Cat Fancier 100
  • Wintersday Bard 50
  • Divine Donator 100
PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 8:13 pm


I have a Soquili to add!

Username: ArashiX
Teepee Link : Here.
Link to rolls: Here]

Placement Request (optional): N/A
Would you like your soquili's stats to be placed within a Spoiler code?: No.

[b]Verallys' Stats[/b]

Strength: 8%
Courage: 11%
Speed: 12%
Intelligence: 9%
Luck: 8%
Stamina: 9%
PostPosted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 9:46 pm


I have a Soquili to add!

-_Wish of Tevarae_-
Teepee Link :
Link to rolls:
Lalin San
Compass Rose

Placement Request (optional):
Would you like your soquili's stats to be placed within a Spoiler code?:
Don't care

[b]Lalin San's Stats[/b]

Strength: 7%
Courage: 9%
Speed: 12%
Intelligence: 12%
Luck: 1%
Stamina: 3%

[b]Shinseina's Stats[/b]

Strength: 5%
Courage: 8%
Speed: 12%
Intelligence: 12%
Luck: 5%
Stamina: 4%

[b]Compass Rose's Stats[/b]

Strength: 8%
Courage: 4%
Speed: 11%
Intelligence: 9%
Luck: 4%
Stamina: 12%

As a side note, I also need two images changed. Natyre's to this: [X]
and the young Seathi Revenant's to this: [X]


Feral Phantom

12,375 Points
  • Elysium's Gatekeeper 100
  • Battle: Rogue 100
  • Generous 100


Beloved Winner

PostPosted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 8:15 am


I have a Soquili to add!

Username: xXToxicIllusionsXx
Teepee Link : Here
Link to rolls: Here

Placement Request (optional): If you have a specific place to put it. Otherwise N/A or leave blank.
Would you like your soquili's stats to be placed within a Spoiler code?: Yes
If possible can you do the same for the others?

[b]Irissa's Stats[/b]

Strength: 5%
Courage: 7%
Speed: 9%
Intelligence: 6%
Luck: 8%
Stamina: 9%
PostPosted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 8:41 pm


I have a Soquili to add!

Username: ~Twilight...Angel~
Teepee Link : TeePee
Link to rolls: Stats!

Placement Request (optional): Just at the end is fine.
Would you like your soquili's stats to be placed within a Spoiler code?: Nope



[color=pink][b]Altiu's Stats[/b]
Strength: 8%
Courage: 6%
Speed: 8%
Intelligence: 11%
Luck: 6%
Stamina: 4%


Celebrating Giver

26,275 Points
  • Generous 100
  • Hero 100
  • Supreme Supporter 500

She-Ra of Etheria

PostPosted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 12:11 pm


I have a Soquili to add!

Username: She-Ra of Etheria
Teepee Link : Teepee
Link to rolls: Here

Placement Request (optional): At bottom
Would you like your soquili's stats to be placed within a Spoiler code?: Already is.

[b]Belocc's Stats[/b]

Strength: 4%
Courage: 4%
Speed: 4%
Intelligence: 4%
Luck: 4%
Stamina: 4%

I have a Soquili to add!

Username: She-Ra of Etheria
Teepee Link : Teepee
Link to rolls: Here

Placement Request (optional): At bottom
Would you like your soquili's stats to be placed within a Spoiler code?: Already is.

[b]Melosa's Stats[/b]

Strength: 4%
Courage: 4%
Speed: 4%
Intelligence: 4%
Luck: 4%
Stamina: 4%
PostPosted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 4:08 pm


My Teepee Needs a full Overhaul!

Username: Phail Ninja
Teepee Link : [x]

[align=center][size=11] [img]http://oi583.photobucket.com/albums/ss279/hawaiianbcmule/Journal Graphics/Banner1.png[/img]
Welcome to the home of Phail Ninja and her Soquili.

[b]Alaka'i's Stats[/b]

Strength: 7%
Courage: 5%
Speed: 9%
Intelligence: 10%
Luck: 4%
Stamina: 10%

[b]Apatite's Stats[/b]

Strength: 32%
Courage: 29%
Speed: 30%
Intelligence: 25%
Luck: 31%
Stamina: 29%

[b]Bear's Stats[/b]

Strength: 10%
Courage: 4%
Speed: 4%
Intelligence: 10%
Luck: 4%
Stamina: 8%

[b]Caius' Stats[/b]

Strength: 10%
Courage: 12%
Speed: 10%
Intelligence: 10%
Luck: 4%
Stamina: 4%

[b]Casper's Stats[/b]

Strength: 31%
Courage: 31%
Speed: 31%
Intelligence: 30%
Luck: 24%
Stamina: 31%

[b]Chaldene's Stats[/b]

Strength: 7%
Courage: 11%
Speed: 11%
Intelligence: 7%
Luck: 6%
Stamina: 11%

[b]Cyllene's Stats[/b]

Strength: 48%
Courage: 44%
Speed: 47%
Intelligence: 49%
Luck: 50%
Stamina: 53%

[b]Edan's Stats[/b]

Strength: 11%
Courage: 12%
Speed: 6%
Intelligence: 5%
Luck: 4%
Stamina: 12%

[b]Eya Rose's Stats[/b]

Strength: 14%
Courage: 14%
Speed: 19%
Intelligence: 20%
Luck: 14%
Stamina: 16%

[b]Hakkar's Stats[/b]

Strength: 32%
Courage: 28%
Speed: 28%
Intelligence: 26%
Luck: 27%
Stamina: 30%

[b]Ladon's Stats[/b]

Strength: 25%
Courage: 27%
Speed: 26%
Intelligence: 29%
Luck: 25%
Stamina: 30%

[b]Lamiales' Stats[/b]

Strength: 12%
Courage: 12%
Speed: 4%
Intelligence: 9%
Luck: 4%
Stamina: 10%

[b]Lazulite's Stats[/b]

Strength: 9%
Courage: 4%
Speed: 4%
Intelligence: 4%
Luck: 12%
Stamina: 4%

[b]Pyralis' Stats[/b]

Strength: 30%
Courage: 24%
Speed: 26%
Intelligence: 30%
Luck: 24%
Stamina: 24%

[b]Qing's Stats[/b]

Strength: 4%
Courage: 6%
Speed: 11%
Intelligence: 12%
Luck: 5%
Stamina: 5%

[b]Sakura's Stats[/b]

Strength: 100%
Courage: 100%
Speed: 100%
Intelligence: 100%
Luck: 100%
Stamina: 100%

[b]Timbira's Stats[/b]

Strength: 36%
Courage: 40%
Speed: 36%
Intelligence: 42%
Luck: 39%
Stamina: 38%

[b]The Teepee[/b]

They all live in the forest.

[img]http://oi583.photobucket.com/albums/ss279/hawaiianbcmule/Journal Graphics/BottomBanner.png[/img] [/size]


Phail Ninja
Vice Captain

Man-Hungry Sex Symbol

Sharingan spud

Sparkling Genius

PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 7:18 pm


I have a Soquili to add!

Username: Sharingan Spud
Teepee Link : Teepee
Link to rolls: Rolls

Placement Request (optional): Right under Ollie please and above Reggie. Thank you.
Would you like your soquili's stats to be placed within a Spoiler code?:
no ty


[i][size=7]((Sharingan Spud's))[/size]
[b]Noleani's Stats:[/b]
[color=#8FBC8F]Strength: 8%
Courage: 12%
Speed: 11%
Intelligence: 9%
Luck: 4%
Stamina: 9%[/color][/i]
PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 9:03 am


I have a Soquili to add!

Username: Kettyn
Teepee Link : Here
Link to rolls: Here

Placement Request (optional): Before "Killashandra Ree"
Would you like your soquili's stats to be placed within a Spoiler code?: The spoiler code is there.

[b]Blossom's Stats[/b]

Strength: 11%
Courage: 5%
Speed: 8%
Intelligence: 12%
Luck: 8%
Stamina: 9%


Tara de Draiocht

Naughty Man-Lover

PostPosted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 7:41 pm


I have a Soquili to add!

Username: Tara de Draiocht
Teepee Link :http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=15564315
Link to rolls: http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?page=249&t=23601959#366647323

Placement Request (optional):
Would you like your soquili's stats to be placed within a Spoiler code?:

[b]Basil Hoyt's Stats[/b]

Strength: 11%
Courage: 10%
Speed: 8%
Intelligence: 5%
Luck: 8%
Stamina: 7 %
PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 4:01 pm

I sent a PM to Soquili~Teepees and would like a response!


Antagonistic Strategist


Anxious Prophet

PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 7:13 pm


I have a Soquili to add!

Username: derivative
Teepee Link : here
Link to rolls: here

Placement Request (optional):
Would you like your soquili's stats to be placed within a Spoiler code?: No thanks

[b]SoquiliName's Stats[/b] Bullseye

Strength: 12%
Courage: 10%
Speed: 8%
Intelligence: 7%
Luck: 5%
Stamina: 10%

[b]SoquiliName's Stats[/b] Romeo

Strength: 4%
Courage: 8%
Speed: 4%
Intelligence: 12%
Luck: 4%
Stamina: 4%

[b]SoquiliName's Stats[/b] Desdemona

Strength: 4%
Courage: 12%
Speed: 5%
Intelligence: 8%
Luck: 5%
Stamina: 8%

[b]SoquiliName's Stats[/b] Charlize

Strength: 8%
Courage: 4%
Speed: 9%
Intelligence: 4%
Luck: 4%
Stamina: 4%

[b]SoquiliName's Stats[/b] Omriel

Strength: 8%
Courage: 8%
Speed: 6%
Intelligence: 5%
Luck: 4%
Stamina: 5%
PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 7:59 pm


I have a Soquili to add!

Username: LunaRei_SilverBlood
Teepee Link : Link
Link to rolls: Link

Placement Request (optional): -
Would you like your soquili's stats to be placed within a Spoiler code?: Nope~

[b]Vradric Nacht's Stats[/b]

Strength: 4%
Courage: 5%
Speed: 12%
Intelligence: 4%
Luck: 4%
Stamina: 7%

I have a Soquili to add!

Username: LunaRei_SilverBlood
Teepee Link : Link
Link to rolls: Link

Placement Request (optional): -
Would you like your soquili's stats to be placed within a Spoiler code?: Nope~

[b]Linaria's Stats[/b]

Strength: 7%
Courage: 4%
Speed: 6%
Intelligence: 5%
Luck: 12%
Stamina: 5%


Jackariah Beckett

Fluffy Firestarter

14,975 Points
  • Peoplewatcher 100
  • Bunny Hunter 100
  • Bunny Spotter 50
PostPosted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 1:07 am


I have a Soquili to add!

Username: ladyfirefox89
Teepee Link : Here
Link to rolls: Start Here. The rolls for Zuben and Phoca are right after.

Placement Request (optional): Please put Tesni right under Zenstar nwn.
Would you like your soquili's stats to be placed within a Spoiler code?: Nah.

[img]http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y3/LadyFireFox/Gaiaonline dot com/My Pets/Soquili/Ladyfirefox89-Tesni.jpg[/img]

Strength: 4%
Courage: 7%
Speed: 6%
Intelligence: 9%
Luck: 12%
Stamina: 5%

Placement Request (optional): Right under Tesni<3.
Would you like your soquili's stats to be placed within a Spoiler code?: Nah.

[img]http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y3/LadyFireFox/Gaiaonline dot com/My Pets/Soquili/ladyMay14-2.jpg[/img]
[b]Zuben Hakraki[/b]

Strength: 5%
Courage: 9%
Speed: 5%
Intelligence: 12%
Luck: 5%
Stamina: 5%

Placement Request (optional): Right under Zuben<3.
Would you like your soquili's stats to be placed within a Spoiler code?: Nah.

[img]http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y3/LadyFireFox/Gaiaonline dot com/My Pets/Soquili/ladyfirefoxPhoca.jpg[/img]
[b]Phoca Vitulina[/b]

Strength: 4%
Speed: 6%
Intelligence: 9%
Luck: 9%
Stamina: 7%

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