Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 1:49 pm
"That way," said Salieri, pointing a direction and suddenly feeling Zack's broken arm like she hadn't before. Ratio's Arcanine mauled him worse than she thought. "Almost done?" she asked Oberon.
The Cleffa shrugged. She wasn't sure how to tell if human anatomy was mended other than by the color of their skin. The black and blue shrunk away and when it was gone, Sal returned her Pokémon.
"Between breaking a leg and losing an arm, this isn't the worst." She was referring to the bond, not his broken bone. "I mean, we still beat up those guys, right? Could've been worse."
Sal paused. She was searching for the right words, trying to put an idea out there without sounding cheesy while the environment wasn't filled with their usual toxic hostility. "As long as we're stuck together, we don't have to suck together."
Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 11:28 pm
Once Bridgette's plans ended, Benedict felt a shift. They needed to move, and they needed to hit this thing fast and hard. Without waiting, Benedict grabbed Noel's hands and pulled them forward to hold tightly to him, and then he held tight to Francis. Manny did the same. Francis began to fly faster at the mental prodding. Quick Attack began, and suddenly they had the speed they needed. The shadow claw that had attacked the team was destroyed, and what made it through would only strike at Francis, who was immune to the attack.
Caboose also used quick attack to avoid the incoming strike. Though the opponent was large and experienced in striking at multiple opponents with single-target abilities, it was built to attack single opponents, making it much easier to avoid. With the attack, the pikachu began his path to move around behind their giant opponent.
Essence would use the momentum of the quick attack to activate a Cut, leaves would fly from her with her own speed combined with that of the quick attack and move ahead of Francis. The strike would arrive first, and most would move to strike the back of the plant-suit the Stalker wore, just behind where the Stalker was. The cut-leaves would begin to, by their nature, strike at the plant, which was one single entity, to weaken the structural integrity of the back. Some would slip inside of the gashes, and strike at the points that would connect the Stalker to the plant-suit.
Francis would arrive close enough, a moment later, for Manny to make use of Mind Reader. His hand would raise, his eyes would focus, and Psychic would be loosed. The telekinetic force would push at the Stalker, aiming to push at him free and launch him from the plant suit.
If this succeeded, Caboose would be waiting on the back, and would strike with a thunder wave to paralyze the Stalker, and make it difficult for them to fight back.
((And then, not at all because I'm kind of forcing this, the post ended.))
Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 10:31 am
Off Route 14 - Oil Field
Since Fearow was so fast, Shadow Claw couldn't reach it. And also since it was so fast, it could follow up on Ben's assault. Roy had to marvel at Benedict's quick thinking, and found himself fearful of what the kid could accomplish with a stronger team. Still, he struggled to wipe the grin off his face.
Should Ben's assault go through, Fearow would rush in with a Peck attack, striking the paralyzed Stalker with quick jabs of its pecker, juggling it to keep it in the air as it plummeted. If they could keep this monster disorientated long enough to mount a pressured attack, they'd win hands down.
If Ben's assault didn't go through, Roy's grin would definitely vanish, along with any warm feelings or respect he had towards the kid forever. He would grab Fearow by the feathers and they'd speed the hell away from any reprisals, trying to figure out what to do next.
Lumiose City Streets
'That's so lame,' said Zack.
Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 11:38 am
Hidden Oil Field
The tree titan's huge frame didn't have the reflexes to protect its back from a speedy attack. Essence's piggybacked Cut couldn't harm the Trevenant's body, but the titan didn't have that same Normal type immunity. Wide slices were made in the middle of its wooden spine, and as plant matter fell far below it gave way to a hole. Peering inside would allow one to see the red shimmer of the Stalker's single glowing eye.
The titan's stride halted as its feet reconnected with the earth, trying to form roots to connect and amass more plant matter for repairs. But it stood where the ground had been torn apart by his own Earthquake, blocking a connection. As long as it was standing there, it couldn't fix itself.
Inside the heart of the titan, the Stalker could feel himself getting forced away. He had the bulk not to be too damaged by it, but it was still a heavy shove. He tried grabbing at bramble surrounding him, but eventually his grip gave way and he was sent flying backwards into Caboose's Thunder Wave.
Slowed down dramatically, the Trevenant spun through the air, bounced up by jabs of Fearow's beak. They started off like pinches, but the pain was mounting fast. If he was to last he needed to make sure he wasn't defeated before he landed.
Flailing through the air, the Stalker grabbed onto one of Fearow's wings and brought his wooden, cyclops face right up to Roy's. No breath escaped him, only the coolness that came with shade. His other claw grew longer and spindly, and he reached out to scratch Roy with a new Curse. Maybe if he could take out one, he could take out the rest and continue to serve his dominion.
Lumiose City Streets
"Hey, at least I'm trying not to be a connard. Arceus, you're as impossible as your sister." The corner of Sal's mouth turned down into a disappointed frown. "The least you could do is try not to be a connard yourself. I feel your feelings, don't pretend you like fighting with me."
A thought occurred to her. Something she meant to ask Zack before they got tied up together. "Have you talked to her today? Helena, I mean."
Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 5:18 pm
Hidden Oil Field
"Pluto," Bridgette said, out of breath as the Drifblim floated beside her, released by her one good hand. She looked at the Pokemon who stared down at her, his face passive but adorable.
"Kick his butt."
Pluto disappeared into the darkness that was Wailord's cavernous mouth. Bridgette then looked up at the roof of the mouth, catching her breath as she reached over to grab and release Kabutops from his ball.
"This place is sticky and grosssss..." she whined.
Pluto emerged from the shadows, his eyes locking on the falling Stalker. Seeing him going after Roy, he'd traverse into another shadow. While he wouldn't be able to prevent the attack on Roy, he could separate the human from the Pokemon as he emerged from the shadow cast on Roy's chest from the distance between him and The Stalker.
Shadow Force would be used to drive into the Trevenant, and if it held firmly, Pluto would use his not-ridiculous-hands to charge up a Shadow Ball right into the enemy Pokemon's face to try and force him away.
Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 10:14 pm
The stalker was slower, but he was still fast. Strong. Not the sort to be trifled with. They needed to bring him down fast, and before he touched the ground preferably. Francis was on the move again as the Trevenant's plant-suit was emptied of its power source. Quick attack was more than enough to get her around to the other side as Fearow began their attack. Essence began to charge a solar beam in that moment.
Caboose was there, the mental prodding bringing him to his team with a quick attack as well. He would grab Essence in both hands, carrying her towards their opponent just ahead of Francis, who had chosen to keep some distance, and who had taken a place below Fearow.
Essence would arrive in time to take the Curse attack from the Stalker in place of the human, her ride dropping her into place just in time. Caboose took a position above, preparing his next move, and she raised one of her rose-hands. Solar beam, enhanced by the psych-up, would be loosed along-side Pluto's own attacks, and if the Stalker didn't end his curse early, she would be the one to take it. The force of her own solar beam would, of course, push her back and off the Fearow. It was, supposedly, a part of the plan.
After all, she was more durable than Roy was, and she could be returned if beaten, he was more likely to simply die.
Manny, who was now positioned below the fighters, would add another Psychic to the attacks, aiming to make sure that the Stalker would be stuck in the air, with upward momentum that would keep them from any plants.
For now, Caboose would restore his Magnet Rise, to keep his aerial capabilities, and would be prepared should the Stalker be ready to continue a fight.
As for Benedict, he put his attention on returning Essence if she was affected by Curse. She would, of course, try to focus on not being murdered, and if that all went well she would vanish in a red beam of light, which would cause the curse to disappear.
Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2016 8:47 pm
Route 12 - Fourrage Way
"Are you serious?" Helena asked, as the two of them sat on a cliff face that let Helena and Grant overlook the training of their Pokemon.
"Absolutely," Grant said, as he pulled up the video on his holo caster.
When Helena saw Zack and Salieri holding hands, she started laughing. Grant smiled as she watched her bend over and hold her gut, trying and failing to simultaneously breathe and laugh at the same time.
She had been much calmer since she had spoken to Ratio. Helena wasn't an idiot, she had assumed it was something that Ratio had done. Still, he hadn't invaded her thoughts, at least not to her knowledge, and he had helped her think straight after the ordeal with Jean-Pierre.
So she would thank him for it later. The teen had intended to on her way out, but she hadn't been able to find him after her nap.
"Okay, okay, I need to send my brother a message." Helena said as her laughter died down. She looked out at her Pokemon, catching sight of Loki as he trained against Raijin. Since becoming an Alakazam after meeting up with Grant, he had become much stronger. Still not enough to take down the Raichu, but he was getting there.
"Is there a way I can send my voice over without calling him? He didn't pick up when I tried before."
"Yeah," Grant said, and he reached over to show her. Helena caught sight of his cheeks tinging pink as he got close and felt her own cheeks heat up.
"There, just hold that down and speak."
"Okay, shhh."
Helena pressed and held the button, until the indicator lit up that it was recording.
"I saw you and Salieri holding hands. I did not see that coming, but I think your ship name is gonna be Zackieri." Helena grinned at herself as she sent the message. Zackieri sounded like Zachary, which she thought made it a pun. A great pun.
"That was terrible," Grant said as he frowned at her.
Helena's smile turned into a grin as her lips parted. "You mean it was amazing."
Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 6:12 am
((Sounds to me like Helena just evaporated her chances with Grant. So sad))
Hidden Oil Field
Roy couldn't pretend his heart hadn't leaped into his throat when the Stalker's face filled his view. He knew what getting scratched by it meant, and to be honest, Trevenants just looked freaky. Its spindly claw shot towards the trainer like a whip, and Roy couldn't explain how he managed what he managed next. His hand, gloved and protected against the Stalker's bark, snatched the claw before it could reach him, freezing it in place. He had one big red eye in his sights, and his confidence was soaring.
'Get the hell away from me!' Roy roared, about to punch the Trevenant in the eyeball and send it flying in a moment of pure badassery that he might be able to tell his grandkids about someday. But before he could swing, something ballooned out of his chest. Its tuft of white hair was the first thing to pop out, then as it squeezed its way through a non-existent hole, its purple, spherical head began to swell. Pluto the Drifblim wasn't the only pokémon to leap to Roy's defence. As the balloon pokémon inflated, Essence landed practically in Roy's lap and attacked the Stalker with a blast of Solar Beam just as Pluto launched its Phantom Force.
Now, Fearow's claim to fame is that it's a strong flier. But even it couldn't ignore the sudden hive of activity occurring on its neck. All the commotion forced it downwards, its mighty wings flapping to remain aloft as the group fell into a dive.
Lumiose City Streets
'No, I've been a little tied up,' Zack replied. 'She called earlier but I was busy. Couldn't have been important or she'd have tried more than once.'
The Holo Caster around Zack's neck began to beep, its screen displaying 1 New Message. Of course with no hands, Zack couldn't use the damn thing. He sighed.
'Do you mind?'
Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 7:44 am
Hidden Oil Field
The Stalker's hand stopped when it was grabbed by Roy's, out of surprise rather than a struggle. He didn't expect the human to muster such resistance in the face of fear.
That hesitation was enough to let Drifblim create distance between them, forcing the Trevenant back as he peeled off Roy's glove in the process. Right afterwards he was pummeled by the combination of Shadow Ball and Solarbeam flying into his gut. The phantom tree was thrust up and off of Fearow, thrown further into the air by Manny's Psychic.
"Whoa whoa whoa-" Liam chanted nervously as Fearow started to lose balance when Drifblim arrived. "Three's already a crowd," Alexa practically gasped when Essence made her landing as well. Poor Fearow didn't stand a chance with five passengers. The bird was going down fast.
The Stalker flopped through the air, leaking a sickly green liquid from a wound on his chest. For years he had been the guardian of this oil field, the trusted watcher of Jullien Nostrad's domain. As long as he drew breath, he wouldn't allow these humans live, much less escape. In one stiff hand, he charged an Energy Ball.
The shadow that loomed over him grew larger and darker. The Stalker looked up.
With no one in the pilot seat, the tree titan was teetering on uneven ground. One loud wooden creak later, and the mass of plants came tumbling down, losing shape and form in the process. The Stalker, being the highest one up, was the first to be slammed by his own titan as it all fell down, threatening to rain down on everyone and crush them all under its titanic weight.
Lumiose City Streets
"Yeah," said Sal, awkwardly reaching over to Zack's Holocaster. She activated the message, which played on speakerphone, audio only.
"I saw you and Salieri holding hands. I did not see that coming, but I think your ship name is gonna be Zackieri."
Sal groaned and rubbed her hand over her face. "Damniiiiiit." Crushing Iceburg's Holocaster was all for naught. Now she owed him a new Holocaster for no reason, or she'd probably be shunned from the gangleaders of Lumiose cocktail party at the end of the month. Between all of this, the most likely thing that had happened was finding out that Helena was a shipper. "At least that hashtag won't catch on. It's terrible."
She wasn't sure if Zack wanted to call Helena back, so her hand lingered. But before he could, she had to tell him about earlier in the afternoon. "I battled Helena earlier today. She said she changed her mind, that she wanted to help us. Help as in she wants to kill Ratio and use the court for herself. Like, actually kill him. All she could talk about was being worried that she wouldn't survive or whatever."
Salieri left out the part about Helena calling out her leadership and people skills, or that Dune had beaten Loki. That wasn't the point of her warning. "I think she's close to the end of her rope. She's Wishiwashi wishy-washy, Zack. I've seen people act like that under pressure before, and I can't trust them. In the Kalos league, those people snap. I can barely trust Benedict as it is, we can't work with Helena too unless you can put some sense into her."
Her tone was apologetic. She was sure that this wasn't what Zack wanted to hear about his sibling. She knew she wouldn't want to hear it about Moze. But if someone had told her that earlier, maybe Moze wouldn't have left. "You were right the first time. If she can't handle Kalos...maybe she should just go home."
Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 9:37 am
Lumiose City Streets
'Why's she think we're getting a boat?' Zack asked at the end of the message, frowning. Whatever. She didn't seem too rattled. She was actually attempting to sound like a human being, which wasn't something he knew his sister for. He really didn't want her to get sidetracked from her league challenge because she was having too much fun, but it was preferable to Ratio or the Darkhorse Hunters taking a shot at her.
'So she wants to kill an assassin who made us look like scrubs and manipulate guys who've got literally an entire country on their side,' Zack said, mostly to himself, just to check if it sounded any more sensible out loud. 'At least her heart's in the right place. I'll talk to her. Helena's smart, but she loves to be over dramatic and just ends up sounding like a dumbass. Killing people. Really.'
He wasn't too worried about the league putting Helena under pressure. The best growth came when circumstances were dire; if you went through life without ever being tested, you'd never better yourself. Malis wouldn't be an murderous little b*****d if Zack went easy on him, and Helena wouldn't win the pokémon league if Zack held her hand all the way to the finals.
That said, his initial plan hadn't included Ratio or the Court so maybe he should see how she'd been getting along.
'Give her a call,' Zack said. 'Please.'
Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 10:13 am
Lumiose City Streets
Salieri pouted. Even she had to admit that she could be a real hothead, but she also operated by laying out plans for her future. Like getting answers out of Ratio while he was still breathing, or taking down the court in a way that didn't leave Kalos like a Torchic with its head cut off. The presence of a wildcard could blow those schemes out of the water, and there weren't many second chances.
"Okay," she said, scrolling through the blue hologram display and finding Helena's number. If Zack could talk sense into his sister and get her to take it down a notch, she figured it may ease some of her paranoia. "Just get her to channel that drama better. We don't need wildcards."
The phone started to ring. Sal mouthed 'I'm not here' to Zack as she leaned as far as she could out of the viewfinder, not appearing in the hologram from Helena's side of the conversation. It was very uncomfortable to lean that far.
Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 10:16 am
'Just kneel down, you look ridiculous,' said Zack as the call dialed. If and when it went through, he'd say: 'Hey Helena. It's me, your brother, Zack.'
Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 10:56 am
Essence's presence definitely meant she was adding weight to the Fearow, but it was a short-lived landing as she was returned by Benedict once it became clear there were too many people there. Also once it became clear, at least to Caboose who was keeping tabs on the Stalker, that there was something falling at them. "RUN!" He yelled, and Francis was already on his way, another quick attack activating to carry them to safety away from the titanic plant-suit. Manny's mental prodding would direct him to safety away from anything that happened to rain down faster than the rest.
Caboose did the same, with Manny coming to his aid as well. With that thing crashing down, and already striking the Stalker, they didn't have much room to attack, or try and stop whatever would come next. Hopefully whatever came next was something painful for their opponent.
Also, hopefully that Fearow would be able to get out of range, because Benedict and his team had a severe shortage of moves to help them.
Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 11:32 am
Route 12 - Fourrage Way
When Zack called, Helena shot to her feet. "I'm gonna take this," she said to Grant who gave her a thumbs up, flashed a smile, and looked back to the Pokemon training.
Helena moved toward Shalour City, until she was out of earshot, as she answered the call and looked at the image of Zack come to life.
"Hey, what's up?"
Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 11:36 am
'I got your message. Cute,' Zack said. 'One Shot said last time she saw you, you were ranting about survival and killing people. Got anything to add?'