Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 2:04 pm
"You're not gonna get stronger if you get sick," Eunmi said. "You have to be more realistic about it."
Eunmi looked up at the sky.
"Besides, I don't see how much stronger you can get by practicing the same things you've been practicing," Eunmi replied. "Your pokemon, maybe, but their already learning new things, right?
"You need an opponent or an instructor if you're gonna put your body to its limits like this," Eunmi said.
Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 2:08 pm
It was true. All Henrietta could do was practice form, but without someone to spar against she couldn't learn anything else. She was, essentially, at a wall in the developmental road. "H-hum.. I don't have anyone like that, though."
So she really couldn't get any stronger? Robert had said that the Sage had been strong and she'd lost to the Plasma Grunt she'd fought. Badly. So she needed to be stronger, more skilled. Could she really not do it on her own?
"I-i don't know what else I'm supposed to do.."
Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 2:19 pm
Eunmi quietly removed her baseball cap and stuffed it in her bag before collapsing the umbrella. Then, she held the umbrella at arms length, adjusting her stance to try and mimic Henrietta's from before.
"I'll help," she suggested.
Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 2:23 pm
Henrietta looked at Eunmi to see her stance and she blinked. Was she really offering to duel? To help her? Henrietta couldn't help it when her lips curled into a slight smile. She said, "th-thank you," and faced Eunmi with her stance.
"Begin," she said after a moment or so and she kicked forward with one leg, then the other, her feet staying relatively the same from the looks of it with the left foot never passing the right. Still, she seemed to rocket across the distance between the two of them and her shinai raised and she'd twist and begin it around for Eunmi's right wrist, making sure to hold back on her striking force because they weren't in proper gear.
Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 2:33 pm
"Oh god, what did I do?"
Unlike Henrietta, Eunmi had no experience in this and simply offered because she didn't think there was any other way to cheer the girl up. She also stood her ground rather than moving forward. She swung out ward and up slightly to try and block the attack, but it was unlikely it made any difference.
((I don't know kendo like at all, so I'm not sure I should even bother trying. You can decide whether or not it disarms her.))
Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 2:35 pm
((Just to speed things along.))
Henrietta's shinai would meet the umbrella, though the force of an unbraced weapon vs. a swinging one had an obvious outcome. The umbrella would be forced from Eunmi's hands and thrown aside some distance to land in the mud.
Henrietta noted this and said, "s-sorry!"
Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 2:41 pm
Eunmi didn't pause long when she had been unarmed.
"Don't be," she said, lunging at Henrietta's shinai, grabbing it with both hands about a foot and a half apart from the same side, and pushing away from Henrietta in a circular motion to twist the weapon out of her hands.
((I have no idea if I explained that at all right, Trop. It's the self defense disarming move I was taught against arnis sticks, which, btw, hurt like a mother ********, especially when your older sister likes to hit you with them.))
"Team Plasma isn't gonna give up just because they don't have a weapon to match yours," Eunmi said.
Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 2:44 pm
Henrietta watched her shinai become a whole lot not held anymore. She was surprised by Eunmi's sudden speed and skill. Didn't the girl say it was luck before? Had she been lying? More importantly, she'd taken away Henrietta's shinai.
"H-hey!" she said and she'd close the remaining distance herself, reaching for her shinai. "G-give it b-back!"
Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 2:45 pm
"Make me," Eunmi said, holding the shinai up in the air. Even though Eunmi was only a few inches taller than the girl, she still used it to her advantage.
Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 2:48 pm
"Give it back!" Hop! She couldn't reach it. Pouting, Henrietta tried one more time, this time she'd slip in the mud. Forward. While she wasn't tall enough to cause an incident like that morning, she'd had enough weight to likely topple the other girl if Eunmi didn't have proper footing, which wasn't likely in the mud.
Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 2:51 pm
Eunmi fell backward, slipping in the mud.
"No, geroff!" Eunmi said, squirming under Henrietta's weight, trying to keep the shinai out of reach while also trying to push the girl off her.
"God damn it, Henrietta!"
Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 2:56 pm
Henrietta wasn't actually that heavy. Not that it was implied, just statin' in case one would ever wish to like, throw her or something.
"N-no, g-give it back!" she said as she reached for Eunmi's hands, crawling up the girl, so to speak, with her knees at each side, trying to keep her body over the other's so that she couldn't escape until Henrietta seized her shinai.
Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 3:01 pm
Eunmi, thoroughly pinned, let go of the Shinai as she twisted her left food over the girl's right leg. She grabbed Henrietta's right shirt sleeve (Henrietta's right, btw) and pulled down while pushing up on the girl's left, also kicking against the ground to shove the girl off and over Eunmi's left leg. By doing this, they were locked in a hold, and Eunmi would switch places with Henrietta, pinning the smaller girl to the ground.
Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 3:12 pm
And then Henrietta found herself pinned in the mud. She was staring up at Eunmi now, her face red. How far apart were they? She couldn't tell. She tugged lightly at her wrists, but that was it.
Why should she be embarrassed, though? What happened that morning was an accident, right? It would never actually happen, right? So she shouldn't act weird, right?
Despite these thoughts she could feel her heart beating away a mile per minute. So what should she done? She didn't know how to get up, pin the other person. Her thing was kendo, not grappling.
So that only left one thing.
"H-hum, y-you w-win."
Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 3:16 pm
Eunmi was very close to Henrietta, and when the teenager's face turned red, Eunmi realized she might have overstepped boundaries again. She quickly scrambled up, plopping onto the ground next to Henrietta.
Eunmi looked at her hands and legs, mud smeared against them in hand print like shapes or otherwise, already starting to wash away because of the rain. Her hair was soaked and lay flat against her head, making her bangs a little more in the way than they were usually. She rose her arm to her face and brushed them out of her eyes.