Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 4:24 pm
Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 4:28 pm
((This type of post is well and good once in a while but please try to add more detail to your post. Even if you can't think of anything to do other than climb the rope, show some character in doing so. for instance earlier when we flew across the ice river I revealed that Raskal has a fear of heights. Its a character trait that makes things more interresting. Try spicing things up a bit. From the first few posts you made I really think you can do it.))
Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 4:29 pm
Raskal56 ((This type of post is well and good once in a while but please try to add more detail to your post. Even if you can't think of anything to do other than climb the rope, show some character in doing so. for instance earlier when we flew across the ice river I revealed that Raskal has a fear of heights. Its a character trait that makes things more interresting. Try spicing things up a bit. From the first few posts you made I really think you can do it.)) (( k, but lets see articuno soon))
Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 4:29 pm
Lilly nodded finally making it to the top, she sighed in relief, “Well, that was fun…” she said sarcastically. Then suddenly, she saw Larwn. “Woah! Larwn, what are you doing here?”
(( blue-alien, add me to the rise of primal, or can I just add myself?))
Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 4:35 pm
Noticing Lilly; emerging from the hole Larwn Replied.
"Isn't it obivious?" Larwn asked her.
"I'm climbing this mountain to further train myself in earth power, and mostly because Czar and the rest of the group are on top waiting for me." Larwn answered her.
"Well looks like we'll be traveling the mountain together. . ."
((I will in a moment just hang on.))
Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 4:39 pm
((we will soon, but getting there is half the fun! ^.^))
Raskal watched as Lily dissapeared over the top of the frozen chimney. He climbed a few more feet then threw his arms up overthe edge and pulled himself the rest of the way until he was safely at the top. Cubone jumped down from his shoulders and played on a small patch of ice, skating back and forth while Raskal reached back down into the hole to lend silver a hand.
"Who are you talking too Lilly?" Raskal asked with the top half of him back down the hole.
Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 4:42 pm
“To one of Czar’s Pokemon!” she called down to Jace, her voice echoed down to him.
Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 4:48 pm
Raskal56 ((we will soon, but getting there is half the fun! ^.^)) Raskal watched as Lily dissapeared over the top of the frozen chimney. He climbed a few more feet then threw his arms up overthe edge and pulled himself the rest of the way until he was safely at the top. Cubone jumped down from his shoulders and played on a small patch of ice, skating back and forth while Raskal reached back down into the hole to lend silver a hand. "Who are you talking too Lilly?" Raskal asked with the top half of him back down the hole. ((cool)) silver reached the top "go typhlosion" as silver said that silver fell backwards down the pit they just came from and dissipeared from sight "TYPHLOSION!!!!"typhlosion skreamed to silver in horrorsilver had to ack quickly as he was falling and no one elses pokemon cold fit through that hole...
Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 4:51 pm
Woah! hang on! Out of sudden impulse Larwn Began to twirl his Grappling hook and threw it downwards through the whole and hopefully around Silver.
Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 4:53 pm
"Silver!" Lilly cried as she watched him fall. She watched in terror unable to do anything.
Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 4:55 pm
blue-alien Larwn
Woah! hang on! Out of sudden impulse Larwn Began to twirl his Grappling hook and threw it downwards through the whole and hopefully around Silver. silver lunged towereds the rope but it was just out of reach
Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 5:02 pm
"Not yet!" Behind the Group, Shinobi; who entered the mountain as well, jumped downwards to the hole; holding the Grappling hook in hand as he reached for the falling person.
Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 5:03 pm
"Bone! Bone Bone!" Cubone cried, racing twards the hole, it's bone club back in hand. When it got to the edge it hurled the weapon downwards towards silver and wrapped the rope around his leg. "Boooooone!" the pokemon shouted as the other end of the rope began to slip through it's tiny hands.
"Hang on!" Raskal shouted, diving for the loose end of rope. He caught it and held on tight, just as it flew past him into the hole. Raskal felt the rope snap tight from the weight of Silver on the other end and it was all he could to muster the strength and balance not to fall in after him.
"Cubone help me pull him back out!" Raskal pleaded as he struggled to hold on to the heavy load.
Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 5:05 pm
((hmm whoes gonna save you now?))
Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 5:07 pm
blue-alien Shinobi
"Not yet!" Behind the Group, Shinobi; who entered the mountain as well, jumped downwards to the hole; holding the Grappling hook in hand as he reached for the falling person. Silver reached out to the random person and clinged onto his hand. 'Crack' "FUUUUUUCK!" slivers arm was ripped from its socket. he was now dangeling from his now dead arm. has hand was slipping more and more."damnit!"