Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2020 8:52 am
Epine de Rose I, Epine de Rose, am giving Full Ownership of Wynne to Kaname Kyoto.
I will no longer have any rights or claim to the Soquili below and Kaname is free to do as they please with her! I consent/accept!
Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2020 5:47 pm
I'm co-owning this basket with Rein_Carnation./ We will both have full rp rights and we will discuss and agree upon mating and breeding this soquili when the time comes. When this one breeds Rein and myself will both get a basket from the first breeding. Anything to add Rein? Or is this good?
Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2020 5:52 pm
Sleet Tempest Snape I'm co-owning this basket with Rein_Carnation./ We will both have full rp rights and we will discuss and agree upon mating and breeding this soquili when the time comes. When this one breeds Rein and myself will both get a basket from the first breeding. Anything to add Rein? Or is this good? I agree with all the above agreeing between one another on any plot, decision, etc made for this Soq. ^^
Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2020 5:34 am
-MoomoolatteCha- Cheyriddle4 I, Cheyriddle4 am co-owning Nascha with -MoomoolatteCha- Moo-Gets Full control over One Breeding and doesn't require Cheyriddle4's approval for choice of partner - Have fun! <3 - Cannot break the co-ownership to gain full rights: Should Moo break the agreement, full ownership goes back to Cheyriddle4 - Cannot make life altering decisions like charming or mates - After gains one breeding producing walker spawn all rights go back to Cheyriddle4 Cheyriddle4-Has RP and Teepee Rights -Control over remaining breedings -Cheyriddle4 has the right to cancel the co-ownership at any time for any reason. -CAN: Make life altering decisions Such as turning into an elder or Charming - CAN enter him into breedings or breed them when Moo isn't already entered (if the colorist bans entering same pony into a raffle more than once) Both-Get Signature Rights -- Once Moo's breeding is complete, either Moo or Cheyriddle4 will break the agreement and return full ownership to Cheyriddle4 ;A;!!!! Thank you chey! I approve! <3 Since Moo now has a walker of her own. I am breaking this co-ownership and Nascha goes back to me.
Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2020 2:39 pm
Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2020 2:41 pm
*blinks* ..... I agree?? thank you so much
Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 5:54 pm
Ririka Shi Berry Temporary Co-Ownership Agreement for Dai ChangRirikaFor the purposes of attaining a purewalker, Ririka may breed Dai Chang once with Pihoqahiak. Shi Berry has no rights to the offspring attained by this breeding. Only stipulation is that the other baskets [besides Ririka's] produced by this pairing also go to purewalker newbies. :3 Signature rights as desired.
Shi Berry Retains all other rights, and signature rights as well. Ownership of will return to Shi Berry once this breeding is complete.
Agreed! Thank you so much! Dissolving this agreement.
Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 5:58 pm
Temporary Co-Ownership Agreement for GenichiroRirikaFor the purposes of obtaining a child of this incredibly attractive piece of work, Ririka may breed Genichiro once with any partner of their choosing. Shi Berry has no rights to the offspring attained by this breeding. Signature rights as desired.
Shi Berry Retains all other rights, and signature rights as well. Ownership of will return to Shi Berry once this breeding is complete.
High-functioning Hellraiser
Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 6:02 pm
Shi Berry Temporary Co-Ownership Agreement for GenichiroRirikaFor the purposes of obtaining a child of this incredibly attractive piece of work, Ririka may breed Genichiro once with any partner of their choosing. Shi Berry has no rights to the offspring attained by this breeding. Signature rights as desired.
Agreed. Thank you! Shi Berry Retains all other rights, and signature rights as well. Ownership of will return to Shi Berry once this breeding is complete.
Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 6:03 pm
Shi Berry Ririka Shi Berry Temporary Co-Ownership Agreement for Dai ChangRirikaFor the purposes of attaining a purewalker, Ririka may breed Dai Chang once with Pihoqahiak. Shi Berry has no rights to the offspring attained by this breeding. Only stipulation is that the other baskets [besides Ririka's] produced by this pairing also go to purewalker newbies. :3 Signature rights as desired.
Shi Berry Retains all other rights, and signature rights as well. Ownership of will return to Shi Berry once this breeding is complete.
Agreed! Thank you so much! Dissolving this agreement.Also agreed
High-functioning Hellraiser
Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2020 7:19 am
Co-Ownership between XxXPandamoniumXxX and Leez0rz for Vraedna DeVir General Rights We both have the rights to put the Soquili in our signature and teepee. We both have full IC roleplay rights and do not need each other's permission to start an RP. We both have full OOC roleplay rights. We both need to discuss attaching a familiar to the above Soquili.
Breeding Rights Both owners must discuss before lifemating any of the above Soquili. There is no specified order in which a co-owner will breed any of the above Soquili. The co-owners will discuss among each other before entering a breeding to prevent confusion. When it comes to baskets, the baskets will be divided up between the co-owner entering the breeding and her partner. In the case of three baskets, it will solely be up to the co-owner entering the breeding and her partner.
Disappearances In the case that either owners has not logged in/posted on Gaia for 6 months without notice to the other co-owner, the active co-owner may revoke the rights of the other owner.
Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2020 5:05 pm
Leez0rz Co-Ownership between XxXPandamoniumXxX and Leez0rz for Vraedna DeVir General Rights We both have the rights to put the Soquili in our signature and teepee. We both have full IC roleplay rights and do not need each other's permission to start an RP. We both have full OOC roleplay rights. We both need to discuss attaching a familiar to the above Soquili.
Breeding Rights Both owners must discuss before lifemating any of the above Soquili. There is no specified order in which a co-owner will breed any of the above Soquili. The co-owners will discuss among each other before entering a breeding to prevent confusion. When it comes to baskets, the baskets will be divided up between the co-owner entering the breeding and her partner. In the case of three baskets, it will solely be up to the co-owner entering the breeding and her partner.
Disappearances In the case that either owners has not logged in/posted on Gaia for 6 months without notice to the other co-owner, the active co-owner may revoke the rights of the other owner. I agree! Thank you so much! <3
Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2020 10:37 pm
Co-ownership between tefla and magnadearel for QarinahGeneral - We both have equal rights to put Qarinah in our signature and teepees. - We both have equal rights to IC roleplay - Both owners must discuss before charming Qarinah. Breeding - Both owners are free to set up and obtain flings at any time with permission from other co-owner. - Both co-owners must discuss lifemating - Baskets will belong to the co-owner who entered her and her breeding partner for that breeding.
Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2020 10:43 pm
magnadearel Co-ownership between tefla and magnadearel for QarinahGeneral - We both have equal rights to put Qarinah in our signature and teepees. - We both have equal rights to IC roleplay - Both owners must discuss before charming Qarinah. Breeding - Both owners are free to set up and obtain flings at any time with permission from other co-owner. - Both co-owners must discuss lifemating - Baskets will belong to the co-owner who entered her and her breeding partner for that breeding. I agree with this statement.
Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2020 2:04 am
I am transferring Flying Fish to Manda no strings attached. Enjoy your fish. Uncert