About Micah:
"Relevant quote or song lyrics
for this particular soquili"
for this particular soquili"
Alternate Cert:
Uncert: Adult, Naked, Wingless
Name: Micah
Meaning: Angel of he Divine Plan
Lifemate: n/a
Breeding/Lifemating Agreement: n/a
Co-ownership agreement: n/a
Sexuality: Hetero
Generation: 1
Breed: Domained Angeni
Domain: Valor
Justification for Domain Choice: She is a holy warrior, valor is her code and creed.
Powers from Domain:
Influential domains may also be referred to as the emotional domains. These domains include things like love, sorrow, fear or truth. The angeni with these domains will create an effect just by being in an area. An angeni of sorrow may cause sadder emotions to become more prevalent when they are about and an angeni of truth may cause it so that lying becomes difficult in their presence. Additionally these soquili may knowingly use their powers to affect another creature. An angeni of love, for example, could knowingly push of feeling of love on a creature for whatever reason.
VALOR: the ability to inspire incredible courage to those around her.
All pure angeni also have an ability known as their “holy light” that only pure angeni, angenicorns, or direct offspring with compatible abilities (aka Non-Kalona) may use. They may manipulate the light for a short time either offensively or defensively. The most popular way to use the light is by focusing it around their bodies to blind enemies long enough to act or escape, and has a repellant towards certain breeds if the owner contains evil in their heart (Evil Minded Kalona. Skinwalkers.) though some individuals are capable of resisting it.
All angeni are capable of blessing other soquili in order to make the recipients stronger or faster. They may also impart a blessing on the Kawani people to help them with their harvest or hunts. These blessings are a conscious decision from the angeni that requires concentration and energy. The more energy they put into their prayers for a blessing the greater the outcome will be though the effects will remain temporary.
First generation, domained, pure angeni also have the ability to shape-shift in to a mortal guise. When they are shifted, they look just like any kawani native. They could pass off for human, though they are still 100% soquili. An angeni who does shift should know that it would take dedication and practice before they would begin to perceive, much less understand, the kawani language or tongue. Even those who are well practiced in the art and knowledge would still be a bit 'off' when compared to a human.
Family: Sister: Valoel || Parents: Unknown
Received: Originally a Bribe from 2008, taken on by Yumi from forgotten custom thread in 2015
Post Color Dark Orchid
History: The twins come from a long line of pure angeni. Their history is shrouded in mystery, however. Neither one will speak about why they chose to descend from heaven and live among the "mortal" soquili of the land. Neither talks about home or their family, focusing only on the recent past, present, and future.
Micah is a pragmatic mare, often missing the point of frivolous things in favor of something practical. She's stubborn and quick to do battle for her beliefs and for those who can't defend themselves, though she never kills or does serious harm. She's adept at subduing her adversaries. Generally she is kind and giving, always offering help where she might provide some. She sees herself as a protector, a holy warrior.
She's serious to the point of coming across as rude. She can't stand small talk or what she deems "wasteful" conversations. She's often considered cold and emotionless, though that isn't strictly true. She does have feelings, but she chooses not to express them. She values being in control of herself. She can be quick to anger sometimes, particularly when defending her sister. Valoel is the only one Micah opens up to and whose company she always enjoys. Valoel is the light in a dark world for Micah.
1. She is usually with her sister and will likely want to teach the foals Valoel takes under wing all she can.
2. She will come to the aid to anyone who seeks her out.
3. Meeting with conflict, trying to resolve issues without inflicting too much damage.
4. Perhaps meeting up with some form of healer, someone who will travel with her and help her in her quest for peace.
Familiar: n/a
1. Alesdair
2. closed
3. closed
4. closed
5. -not maxed yet -
Breeding attempts:
Breeding Form:
still work in progress but he is righteous and kind hearted but can be a little mischevious, playing harmless pranks and pulling little jokes to make one laugh, but is very much a gentlemen and he wont prank those he doesnt know well. Can be light-hearted and loves to see others smile, but will not do for violoence and will protect one in danger in passing.......kinda rough but
He's a warrior. Perhaps they meet in battle, passion ensues. Micah realizes he's evil and steals the children away.
Future lifemate
Username: Fatal Irony
Familiar Name: Isara
Species: Mutant wolf - If I can get the feathered wings, two sets if possible, plus head wings, and the floofy tail please!
Gender: Female
Temper: Sly
Request: I would like her colors to compliment Micah. I definitely want wing-type pattern somewhere, doesn't have to be on the face but they can be!
Soquili Cert: Micah 1 || Micah 2