((I feel so out-of-the-loop T-T))

Strider watched as a few of the people came out of their homes. "Is everyone okay?" A man came into the lead of the crowd.

"Yes, thank you. If you don't mind me asking, who are you?" The man seemed to be a gaurd that hadn't been in the fight.

"I am Strider, this is Chron, and the one coming up behind us is Ries." Strider pointed at Ries who had come from behind them with the falcon.

"Thank you again but you three don't seem to be from around here. Wait, we've been getting reports of people popping out of portals from different places. You three wouldn't possibley be..."

"Yes we are. You wouldn't happen to know a bit more on that would you?" Strider asked curiously.

"I'm afraid not." the gaurd saw the bird on Ries' shoulder. "Hey where did you find that bird? Was it carrying a message?"