Dameon Black Alt

Cynthia watched Allistair's eyes for a long moment then gave him a simple nod and a small smile, "Very well... What I want is to give the other Barons something else to think about. I want them distracted from what Lady Zosne and I are doing. I also want one or two of them to make mistakes in Council meetings badly enough to warrant Gypsy needing to kill them. I want you to have Dev sitting at your feet on a leash like the pet he prefers to be. I know he's a dangerous pet and I want them to find that out the painful way. I also want them to see you as dangerous, Allistair... I want them to know exactly where your loyalties are and how ruthless you're willing to be to demonstrate that loyalty. I want mind games and chess moves..." she explained to him as bluntly as she could.

Dev just grinned with every word, eating his meal as they both spoke, "My HellCat has already tried to make an appearance. Should prove to set a bit of chaos in the Council chamber when that one comes out to play..." he teased a bit. He didn't mention the Primal yet and hoped that Allistair would understand that and why he was doing that.

Cynthia gave a simple nod, simply accepting the information as well as the possibility, "The Baron of the HellCat Clan won't like you having one, but it will keep him on his toes. The Black Skulls will certainly make a try to take you, Dev. They like their bloodsport games too much to resist. I'll let Allistair deal with them as he wishes when they make the try. As far as the other demons are concerned, Dev is your pet to do with as you wish, even during Council meetings," she added that bit in and knew that they'd both appreciate it.

She took a sip of her wine as she sat back and considered Alliatair for another moment, "Merrick will be ready for the Trials in two weeks, three at the most. Brianna will have them both at full growth by the day after tomorrow. Gypsy will be seeing to their training at the Fort. Lady Zosne will be her primary bodyguard. Al'gaan will be Merrick's. At the end of the Trials, Merrick will sit on the throne at King," she told them both, making Dev frown over the twins accelerated growth. But it also told them why she wanted chaos among the Barons...