Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 9:13 pm
"We're still missing one," Drake said. Sunflora started to dance around the Slugma, absorbing the heat. Espeon merely sat down and yawned. Cacturne cackled loudly and his arm glowed. Cacturne's arm then stopped glowing.
Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 9:25 pm
Aurora curled up on the ground and watched Sunflora to make sure it didn't get hurt from the fire and she watched the slugma so they wouldn't run away again.
Lilly nodded, "Yeah, we are. Hopefully some one has found the last one." Then she noticed Cacturne's arm glow. "Hey, Drake. Your Cacturne's arm is glowing, is it okay?"
Lux answered for Lilly, "Cacturne want's to battle me. I was trying to bring the slugma back here and then he jumps in front of me."
Lilly looked down at Lux, "Why don't you battle him now? While we wait of the others to find the last one?"
"Okay..." Lux looked over at Cacturne. "Still want to battle?One on one?"
Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 9:44 pm
Cacturne just grinned evilly at Luxray. "Sure," he said in a raspy voice. "Are you sure you want to do that?" Drake asked. He knew Cacturne was a tad, well, demented. Sunflora stopped dancing and looked at the Cacturne. Sunflora then looked at Lux. She actually looked a bit worried. Espeon merely stood there.
Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 9:34 am
Aurora glanced at Lux and Cacturne. She wasn't too worried, Lux usually was really good at tough oppenents. In battles and contests.
Lilly shrugged, "I'm fine with it. Lux here is quite strong..." she bent down and scratched Lux behind the ear. "She hasn't battled for a while so, I think she should."
Lux growled happily, her tail swishing back and forth, while Lilly pet her. "Yeah, it has been a while... I would like to battle. Since most of the slugma are already here..."
Lilly looked up at Drake, "Well, I think it's settled, the two seem to want to battle." Then she looked back at Lux. "Um... I want to try a new technique I've been thinking of trying for a while, after I saw Czar's pokemon... are you willing to do it?"
Lux looked at Lilly confused. "Sure....what is it?"
"I want you to battle yourself, no comands will come from me. You judge and battle yourself. It will help me see how your judgement is and how you move on your own. Then we can work on your stlye. What do you say?"
Lux thought for a moment, "That is actully a good idea! I'm in!" she really liked the idea. "But what if I lose?" Lux wasn't the type who liked to lose.
Lilly smiled, continueing to pet Lux. "That's just part of learning... don't worry about loseing just do your best." she encouraged. Lilly looked from Cacturne to Drake, "So, Drake you up for it?"
(( by the way... there are no more slugma to get, Czar and Rita are getting the last one, that just evolved into a macargo, and 4 are already caught and are at the meeting spot by the bench...))
Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 10:56 am
"Well, okay," Drake said. Sunflora and Espeon could tell that Drake was a little bit worried Cacturne could be a vicious battler. Cacturne walked in front of Luxray. "Hehehe," he cackled.
Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 10:57 am
(( Missy who supposed to be watching over them))
Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 11:02 am
(( @ luke- we are all at the bench right now, and Aurora is watching them.))
Lilly nodded and sat on the edge of the bench. Watching Lux intently.
Lux crouched her tail swishing in the air. She gave him a smirk, "Ready when you are...."
Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 11:04 am
Cacturne merely cackled. He then stood still and looked at the Luxray, maniacal intent could be seen in his eyes. Cacturne opened his mouth and shot a Dark Pulse attack at the electric-type.
Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 11:13 am
"Lu..." Lilly called, but stopped remembering what she had told Lux to do. She was so used to calling attacks.
Lux jumped but the dark pulse caught her legs. She was spun back, hitting the ground skidding across the grass. Shaking it off she got up, "Oh, it's on buddy!" she growled menicingly. Sparks surounded her body as she let a force of discarged sending bolts of lightning at Cacturne.
Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 11:29 am
The attack his Cacturne directly. Cacturne merely shook it off. '"Cacturne's a grass-type. Electric moves have no effect," Drake said. Cacturne started to chuckle again. "Cacturne, use Faint Attack to get in close to Luxray!" Drake called. Cacturne seemed to disappear and he soon reappeared behind Luxray. Cacturne's arm started to glow and he aimed his Needle Arm at Luxray's exposed back.
Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 11:35 am
Lux smirked, she had a feeling Cacturne would do that. Her tail glowed as she did a back wards flip over Caturne aiming iron tail at Cacturn's face just missing the cactus pokemon's needle arm by inches.