I_bord_I rolled 3 20-sided dice:
9, 8, 3
Total: 20 (3-60)
Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2024 11:49 am
new month, new ship, new cargo to find. +1.5 - 4 = -2.5
Fiona is not going to do this by herself of course, Igander is there again, a year older (he's a whole grown 17-year-old lol.) Future Igander is leaving though, he has more things to do (the apocalypse won't control itself.) They found a bit. Unfortunately it looks like some of the furniture on this ship is cheap trash and it's broken yay
I_bord_I rolled 5 20-sided dice:
8, 4, 14, 15, 8
Total: 49 (5-100)
Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2024 9:54 am
-2.5 tons -2 +1 +1 = same
a phoenix who's technically thousands of years old should be better at this. really. (and I did the wrong number of rolls, whoops. only counting the first three- 4/8/14)
I_bord_I rolled 3 20-sided dice:
20, 6, 2
Total: 28 (3-60)
Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2024 6:14 pm
-2.5 tons +5 +0 +8 = 10.5 tons yay, good day
it would be hilarious if Fiona is the only one to smuggle this month, and she wins with almost no effort. kind of sad, but hilarious (and she doesn't really care what the prize is, they all do this for fun)
Besides the one time when Fiona clumsily flew into the hyperdrive and needed Iggy to fix it, they did great today. new planet where they found some goods to replace the busted furniture and then some, more spice, finally a good amount~
I_bord_I rolled 3 20-sided dice:
3, 10, 18
Total: 31 (3-60)
Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2024 7:35 pm
10.5 tons -8 +1.5 = 4 lmfao y u do dis jabba
it's kinda lonely being the only ship smuggling, but hey, less competition. she could do something totally weird and crazy and nobody would even notice, like burn all Iggy's shoes up so he has to run around barefoot.
Fiona probably shouldn't have done that, Jabba caught up to them, RIP. Iggy made sure he grabbed some new shoes, these ones are made of dragonhide like most of his furniture and totally fireproof.
I_bord_I rolled 3 20-sided dice:
10, 15, 16
Total: 41 (3-60)
Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2024 6:44 pm
4 tons +1 -1 +4 = 8
But if Fiona (and Igander, and this mystery phoenix who's totally definitely her kid from the future) doesn't try, someone else could come in and smuggle harder and win instead. So obviously she has to try her best. Even if trying her best means figuring out how to apply animagus magic as a phoenix and turn into a human/elf. Really, she's not exactly sure how it worked, the pointy ears seemed to be a... side effect? Maybe she was just overcompensating for those little bird ears that don't stick out at all lol.
Today was good, but just because human/elf Fiona can drink more whisky than phoenix Fiona doesn't mean she should. Those Jawas might have won, but at least she burns it off quickly (and literally lol) because a couple hours later, she was good to go and grab a few good tons of stuff.
Yamka Jaden rolled 3 20-sided dice:
7, 2, 14
Total: 23 (3-60)
Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2024 7:30 pm
I_bord_I rolled 3 20-sided dice:
9, 18, 5
Total: 32 (3-60)
Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2024 6:30 pm
8 tons - a bunch bc of a-holes = -2 RIP
obviously other people could like, totally smuggle more stuff, so Fiona needs to step it up. maybe firing extra flames into space will keep imperial trash and nasty hutts at bay (and away from the cargo bay)
nope, apparently Jabba is attracted to the fire, lmao RIP
I_bord_I rolled 3 20-sided dice:
15, 1, 17
Total: 33 (3-60)
Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2024 5:55 pm
-2 tons lololol -6 +1 = -7
will she smuggle today, or snuggle instead (yep, same old jokes, too lazy to make new ones right now)
apparently she's distracted because she literally asked Iggy out and he was like "yeah sure why not, you're my best friend" and she literally can't even (which is not bc she's physically 18 y/o caucasian female rn lmao)
Yamka Jaden rolled 3 20-sided dice:
18, 14, 7
Total: 39 (3-60)
Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2024 12:20 pm
I_bord_I rolled 3 20-sided dice:
5, 2, 20
Total: 27 (3-60)
Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2024 8:38 pm
-7 tons, what fun +2 +8 +5 = 8
Fiona attempts to do a thing, hopefully not an unthing (is unthing even a thing? it is now) omg she actually did things and had no unthings today!!! this is plus good xp she should get some sleep now
Yamka Jaden rolled 3 20-sided dice:
6, 20, 14
Total: 40 (3-60)
Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2024 7:27 pm
I_bord_I rolled 3 20-sided dice:
1, 9, 19
Total: 29 (3-60)
Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2024 7:31 pm
8 tons -9 +3 = 2 RIP
will Fiona and Iggy (everyone else left last month) smuggle stuff today, or make out? maybe both? apparently they don't know how to balance making out with evading imperial scum, whoops. at least they're helping other people sometimes
I_bord_I rolled 3 20-sided dice:
8, 9, 5
Total: 22 (3-60)
Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2024 5:30 pm
2 tons +3 -4 = 1 ton lmao
run smugglers, run!!! run for your lives!!!!! not that Fiona would stay dead of course, but being a baby bird is annoying (and absurd).
not a great day, but at least they don't have a negative balance again, the furniture is still intact (plus one wookiee)
Yamka Jaden rolled 3 20-sided dice:
6, 5, 19
Total: 30 (3-60)
Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2024 7:34 pm
Yamka Jaden rolled 3 20-sided dice:
19, 9, 8
Total: 36 (3-60)
Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2024 7:40 pm