Hey sister, go sister, soul sister, flow sister~
Name: x____Doctor Ruri
Soquili's name & cert: HafwynReason for joining: Because Harpies are freaking awesome, and Bee completes me. <3
IC reason for joining: Wynnie would just sort of stumble upon the herd and just........not....leave. Like that awkward friend who can't take a hint when everybody leaves during a movie, except you and your boyfriend, and themselves.
Desired rank and reason:Nanny/Village Idiot/Musician
Whichever you prefer, really. Hafwyn, being the Soquilli of Emotion (she IS a Mespirit) is really.......REALLY spastic. Her mood swings are like PMS on speed with a martini chaser. She's insanely flighty, and while she normally means well, is generally useless for anything that requires actual skill or concentration. Honestly, the ONLY thing keeping her from being a slave to be honest is the fact she is female, because she's really THAT useless.
AIM?: No, I do have an MSN though. o 3o //prefers Guild rp though
Do you acknowledge that you understand the Flock's practices?: Yes indeedy.