[center] [img]OptionalTeepeeHeaderHere[/img] feel free to do what you wish for these [color=brown/othercoloryouwant]Welcome to the home of thegothicbeauty2 and Her Soquili.
They All/Native OC's name live(s) Location (not sure what this is.) if Location of teepee: Desert [/color]
Hello, and welcome to Soquili! You're doing great! :D
Below, I've included a sample of what your post would look like once your teepee was made. I modified your code a bit based on your notes, and I wanted to make sure the post was something you were happy with.
Changes I made to code include: - Header and footer option omitted (they were optional and no images were provided, so they defaulted to being blank). - Default brown color used since no other color was specified. - Flavor text ("They all live in the desert.") added.
(Click spoiler to see what the post would look like.)
Welcome to the home of thegothicbeauty2 and Her Soquili.
I also wanted to clarify something about Threnah's image! It looks as if Looneytaz82 has the rights to the image (that is, they created it or had the image made for them), which means you would need to ask Looney for permission to use the image. Alternatively, you can use Threnah's cert image instead, in which case the post would look like this:
(Click spoiler to see what the post would look like.)
Welcome to the home of thegothicbeauty2 and Her Soquili.
In short, I was wondering if: 1. The modified code was to your liking or if you wanted any changes, and 2. If you wanted to use Looneytaz82's image (in which case you'd need permission if you haven't received it already) or Threnah's cert image (in which case you already have permission as you co-own her).
Thank you for your time!
This was discussed over PM and the finalized code is below!
[center][color=brown]Welcome to the home of thegothicbeauty2 and her Soquili.
(Note: The updates I've done (listed in royal blue font) have been approved by mind and was a temporary thing! I do not have access to the teepee mule, and these requests have been left unattended: Nayci, pg. 15 Milady Emerald, pg. 15 -MoomoolatteCha-, pg. 17)
Transferred ownership agreement :agreement New Owners Teepee (For Stat Transfer):sbuggy's teepee
(sorry I know this is kind of a backwards way to do it, but basically Darkmoon gave me full rights to these two and I am trying to get them transferred into my teepee along with their existing stats, thank you!)
Hello, sbuggy! I checked the agreement link and subsequent pages, but I don't see a post where you quoted to agree. We need the agreeing party to quote stating they agree to ensure they're aware of the terms they're binding themselves to. If staff needs to step in between a dispute, the agreement makes it clear on what terms we need to enforce, and quoting helps ensure the original party does not edit terms behind the agreeing party's back as well.
Once the post has been quoted and agreed to, could you let me know or post here with an updated link?
In addition, it would help a lot if you used the "Adding a Soquili to a Preexisting Teepee" form to clarify where you'd want the soquili placed and which image URLs you would like us to use.
Thank you so much!
ok, here is the new link to the agreement. I forgot to agree, but we should be all straightened out now. XXX
[url=http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w306/sbuggy166/Soquili/TeePeeFortTottenND2007.jpg][b]The Teepee[/b][/url] They all live in a clearing. [/color] [img]http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a354/soquilipets/Sirenz/Teepee/smalldiv.jpg[/img][/center]
Dapper Dabbler
Man-Hungry Fatcat
Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2014 9:14 pm
Great, thank you so much! And to clarify, would you like me to rearrange the soquili in your teepee to be alphabetical while I add Betula and Kali? Or did you just want the two of them to be organized alphabetically at the end?
Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2014 9:45 pm
Great, thank you so much! And to clarify, would you like me to rearrange the soquili in your teepee to be alphabetical while I add Betula and Kali? Or did you just want the two of them to be organized alphabetically at the end?
If you could put everyone in alphabetical order that would be great! also, since your going to be poking around my teepee anyways, i have a few more changes to make that i just got all worked out, below are the appropriate forms. Thanks for helping me so much with this!
I have a Soquili to add!
Username: sbuggy166 Teepee Link :XXX Link to rolls: XXX
Placement Request (optional): alphabetical Would you like your soquili's stats to be placed within a Spoiler code?: no
Hello everyone, and congrats on your new ponies! They've been removed from their previous owner's teepee, so I've included copies of their original stats above.
Transfers to new teepees do not happen automatically, just in case you guys have new images you'd prefer to use (eg. custom-made banners; certs with updated usernames) and a certain ordering or format you'd like followed, so please feel free to post forms for 'em here at your leisure. Thank you!
Man-Hungry Fatcat
Divine Prophet
Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2014 11:49 am
I Need a Teepee Stat!
Username: WitchWalk Link to Stat rolls of Pony: This Soq was re-homed to me. Validation of re-homing is here: { x } His previous stats were found by another user: { x }
I'm hoping I did this right / okay, so my apologies if not.
[center][img]https://38.media.tumblr.com/70f890ed23f34088c1dad69298e0188c/tumblr_ncitvzma0S1tmlysmo2_r1_400.jpg[/img] [color=brown]Welcome to the home of WitchWalk and her Soquili
[b]The Teepee Dwelling[/b] [img]https://38.media.tumblr.com/b0ebe901fa0789b9b7bb1546a73a3ba7/tumblr_ncitvzma0S1tmlysmo1_400.jpg[/img] They all live near the Desert lands [/color]
Username: Summer Raven Teepee Link :[x] Link to rolls: [x]
Placement Request (optional): Underneath Colt, please! Would you like your soquili's stats to be placed within a Spoiler code?: There already is one, so yes please!
Username: Summer Raven Teepee Link :[x] Link to rolls: [x]
Placement Request (optional): Underneath Boone would be perfect, thank you! Would you like your soquili's stats to be placed within a Spoiler code?: There already is one - so yes!
Username: Summer Raven Teepee Link :[x] Link to rolls: [x]
Placement Request (optional): At the bottom is fine!^^ Would you like your soquili's stats to be placed within a Spoiler code?: There already is one - so yes please!
Soquili being removed: Rico *cuddles him* It's for your development! whee
Transferred ownership agreement :Co-ownership Agreement Now that i'm reading through this form, this really looks like it's only for ponies who are going to completely new homes? I was hoping that Rico's stats could be added to Astro's teepee, since he was originally co-owned in 2008- and his image was added to her teepee with a note that his stats were still in mine. Astro has had full RP rights since 2008, and we only updated his co-owner agreement so that he could be transferred and she could get credit for the RP she'll be doing... Please let me know if there is any problem with this. heart New Owners Teepee (For Stat Transfer):http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=15035089
Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 1:14 am
I have a Soquili to add!
Username: [X]Natty-Chan[X] Teepee Link :X Link to rolls: X
Placement Request (optional): N/A Would you like your soquili's stats to be placed within a Spoiler code?: N/a
Hello, Huro! The general rule of thumb is that the person who wants their teepee updated needs to make the post. This helps us ensure we follow their specifications, and that they are aware of and agree to any modifications that occur within their own teepee.
From my understanding, you don't want anything in your teepee changed, you would just prefer stats get copied over to Astro? If so, they would need to make the post themself (preferably with the "I have a Soquili to add!" form) so that we can make sure we're using the image links, formatting, and placement requests they want. :3
Edit: Oh! And you're right; the eviction form is generally for users who rehomed their soquili and want it removed from their teepee.
Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 9:35 am
Hello, Huro! The general rule of thumb is that the person who wants their teepee updated needs to make the post. This helps us ensure we follow their specifications, and that they are aware of and agree to any modifications that occur within their own teepee.
From my understanding, you don't want anything in your teepee changed, you would just prefer stats get copied over to Astro? If so, they would need to make the post themself (preferably with the "I have a Soquili to add!" form) so that we can make sure we're using the image links, formatting, and placement requests they want. :3
Edit: Oh! And you're right; the eviction form is generally for users who rehomed their soquili and want it removed from their teepee.
Hiii Ryuu! :'D heart
Ahh yes, alright. That makes sense.
I understand. 3nodding Thank you for the response!