The Castle of Neteru

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So you think you know Neteru,
The secrets and the lies.
Well come take a gander,
At what's forming inside.

The castles not a castle,
But a portal you see.
And all that dare enter,
Will never be free.

Some homes never sleep, and some places never die, even when there is no longer someone to care for it.
Until a strained tourist group find themselves docking for the night in Neteru's harbor. Arriving onto the abandoned castle grounds, you think the haunted atmosphere would scare them off, but I guess beggars can't be choosers right? Even with the feeling of dread closely surrounding them, the travelers press on til they close in on the ruined dragon shaped knocker. Without hesitation or common sense, they pushed the door open with the male Tour Guild* as their leader, inviting themselves in. Heart still racing, they look around the scenic grand hall, captivated by the Gothic horror styled designs. Speaking in only hushed whispers, they in circle around the large dragon statue. The guild reached up to dust off the cobweb covered beast, and finds the beginning of the inscription underneath. But just as they start to recite to the others, a clicking sound startles the group.


*Group leader: Nhikxter, follow his command as your tour guild to survive the castle.
*Your role: On a historical tour, you find yourselves lost and forced to take refuge in the Castle. Watch as the ruins come to life.