Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 2:08 pm
The Wreckage of the Storm RP with Balrog & Stormwild It had been a day since Firestorm had launched his failed coup on the Thunderbird herd. And while Balrog and his family and herdmates had been successful in defending their herd, Balrog didn't feel like he had won. There was no victorious celebration, and he didn't feel like a champion.
After the seige had ended and Firestorm'sNew family had drug his unconscious form away from his territory, Balrog had plodded off to a shady corner of the valley and lay down to be alone with his thoughts.
He had sustained injuries; Firestorm was an able fighter, just not able to best his sire. His flank had a gash where Firstorm had gored him with his horn. His leg was sore where a hard blow had landed. But that wasn't what bothered him the most.
Had he been responsible for his son turning away from the herd? Should he have gone after him when he had initially left? He was lost to him now, consorting with a demon. Having created demon-spawn with her. Balrog had never heard of Kalona until Stormwild had said something after Firestorm described the mare he had met. But now he knew she was right. They may have wings, but they were not of the same ilk as his family. Stormwild had let Balrog have some breathing room. She knew he probably needed to be alone for a while. She occupied most of the day by tending to the wounded of the herd - nothing serious but there were a few patches that need a tender caress and perhaps a bandage supplied by the medicine woman that shared a part of their herdland. No one seemed to really know what to say - everyone was quiet and shocked. Herdmembers that were not directly involved, such as Zhuri and his children, had no idea the rift between Balrog and his son had gotten so unstable. Regardless, they were quick to come to the aide of the herd and its leaders and fought valiantly. Not only was Firestorm outgunned by older and more experienced Soquili, his family was significantly outnumbered as well. The young impetuous stallion didn't understand loyalty like she did.
Part of Stormwild felt... vindicated. That Balrog's mating with that spindly outsider had resulted in nothing but heartache. But she was too kind and far to wise to let those thoughts fester. That was not what was important.
As the sun began to sink into the sky she finally found Balrog alone and brooding just as she expected. She padded over to him softly, stopping beside him and nuzzled his face gently, silently asking if he wanted to talk. Balrog avoided eye contact with his mate, but she could see frustration and shame written across the great stallion's features as she brushed him with her muzzle.
They had known each other long enough that she did not need words to express her sympathy, and he understood her intentions. She had given him room when he needed it, but now, that the sun had set and risen again, she was coming to see how he was doing, if there were words that he could give to his thoughts and feelings.
"I suppose you owe me an "I told you so." Balrog began bitterly. He knew that his mate would never use such words, but she had every right to. Not only in his selection of Anemone as a suitable mate - a decision which had begun to seem poorer and poorer on the actions of the children that had come from their union. Children that were supposed to be strong, and uphold the tenants of both of their beliefs. But also of the nature of the mate that Firestorm had taken. Stormwild just shook her head, a few thin silky strands of snow white mane falling across her muzzle. She settled down next to him, pressing her body close to his and outstretching her wing slightly so that it fell gently across his back. She was silent for a few minutes, searching for the right words to say while enjoying the simple pleasure of his company.
"There is no wound that can not eventually be healed in time," she finally said softly, looking over to him. "Firestorm is still young. And in love. It is her presence that poisons his mind, not your blood." She didn't know if that was completely true - Stormwild had no idea what kind of history Anemone had in her lines. And Balrog himself wasn't exactly an angel.
But she was positive that is Firestorm had stayed with their herd he would have eventually found his place. He was strong, he would have been a great edition to their proud family.
"But don't count him out forever, Balrog." Balrog didn't try to break the silence as Storm lay by his side. He breathed. Her scent comforted him, it was something familiar and calming, letting him ease his mind and not think as hardly about what had just occurred.
An ear flicked back as he listened. "You were right about the demons. She has turned my own son against me... against us." His eyes darted aside. "There was murder in his eyes. Had he the chance, he would have crused my skull. He wanted to take this land from us. I am pleased that others were willing to fight to defend it from him and his ilk."
He breathed a heavy sigh. His words, while still spoken in the deep, booming voice that he always used, sounded more hollow, detached than characteristic for the stallion.
"Perhaps not, although at this point, it seems just as likely he may attempt another takeover as return to his family." Stormwild kept her voice soft, steady, and comforting. "I think it is unlikely he will try again. He's stubborn but not suicidal. He knew we were holding back,I think he will understand that he cannot win."
She fluffed her feathers a bit, gently stroking them down Balrog's back. "Besides, even if he does we will fight. He is already outnumbered and our herd has been growing by leaps and bounds recently. It is a good omen. We made the gods proud today protecting our and our family... perhaps we will be rewarded. Thunderbird has a mate, now. The heat of summer should be breaking soon... good times for foaling. I am not worried at all. We are strong." "I hope that you are right this time as well, Storm." Balrog rumbled with a sigh.
"But... you are right. The spirits must bless our herd with foals, and the members who have come to us, knowing and agreeing with our ways. I am proud of Thunderbird. His mate... is a bit strange, but she understands our ways."
He hesitated a moment, as if deciding whether to give voice to his thoughts. "I... did not tell you, Storm. But seasons ago I called to the spirits to give us a purpose for our strength, a challenge to show them... and my own pride the value of this herd. That if called on, we could be strong - that there was a reason for collecting such strong soquili here." He shook his head, guilt on his features. "The spirits must have resented my ego and my restlessness. To have answered my wishes in a way such as this - my own son being the challenger that they sent."
Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 2:08 pm
Dark Side of the MoonPooka's Reflection RP on her encounter with Poison It was with a bounce and a kick in her steps that Pooka meandered back towards the familiar tangle of trees that was her herdgrounds. That certainly was an experience. She loved encountering new soquili. Every time she did, it was different - due in no small part to the roles that the twisted filly tended to adopt when she did encounter them. Part of the lie she adopted was based on pure whim of the moment - whatever her "creative" mind happened to throw together on the fly. But it was also shaped by the sort of creature she encountered - what they were doing; the mood and aura they projected. Sometimes she sought to impress. Sometimes to terrify. But always to amuse herself.
When her two sets of red eyes lit on the stallion, she immediately was reminded of a great serpent. Pooka enjoyed watching animals - drawing inspiration from their daily struggles. And she often saw features of other animals in soquili she met. Sometimes it might be a cat, such as the other trickster she played with one afternoon. Some of her herdmates even sometimes reminded her of snakes with their glistening scales. But with this one the resemblance was immediate. But this time the snake would not get the best of the hare.
Immediately, a story wove into her mind and she engaged the stallion, spinning a new, wild story. She was not merely a terrestrial mare. Nor merely a soquili at all - no. She was the mysterious, dark side of the moon itself. One can make out a rabbit on the face of the full bright side of the moon, and she was its dark counterpart. A constant struggle, she elaborated. That when the moon was full and visible to those on the earth was when the light rabbit had power. And when it was swallowed up by the dark - that was her time. When the night was its blackest and no sliver of the white of the moon could be seen, that was when SHE Presided over the land. She had lit down to the ground this day, and would have to return to her place once more when the moon rose again in the sky. She caught his interest, and dug in, playing with him with her words. Teasing him, and almost never stopping in her movements about him. His eyes shone with interest and with greed. He sought a mate to make his family proud of him. To be worthy in their eyes.
Some smalllllll tiny voice in Pooka that she normally drowned out with her musings and games chimed in sympathy. She rarely held the attention of her own dark sire for very long. He was a creature of his own needs, and he was hardly a parent.
And what this stallion suggested - to make strong foals between them - with his twisted blood intermingled with hers, they would do his family proud.
This was an experience Pooka had never had before - and she thirsted for new games, new things she'd never tried before. Though overtly she took his offer with a casualness - she had been gravid before - does the moon not swell on each month?
She accepted his proposal, and experienced something truly new.
The prospect of foals... she had seen her herdmates make them before. And to have a brood that listened to her new playthings truly malleable to whatever she told them? And yet, more like her than any other? It was a novel idea.
So as she wandered in the direction of him, she wondered if the stallion was strong enough to give her what he hoped.
In the meantime... well.. it was Pooka's favorite time of the year. The time that the two-legs busied about in their fields and took in the food for the season. And the perfect time to "play" with them. To gorge herself on the ripe crops.
Perhaps his timing was most fortuitous. A good sign! And she delighted, having many seeds herself planted for the future sewn at the best time of year. Surely, something fun would come from this!
Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 2:09 pm
Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 2:09 pm
Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 2:09 pm
Tangled WebsRP with Megaera, and Mixcatl Megaera stepped carefully around the tangled clearing of the herdgrounds, watching where she placed her fiery hooves. She had done as Taraxippus had asked of her. She didn't know if it would work, but she trusted him. She did it because she trusted him. She said that she would be doing her part to make the herd stronger. She had seen the number of soquili that hung around the area grow over the past seasons, and with it, the smile on Taraxippus's face. She knew that he had plans. She didn't quite know.. or even think that she could understand what that was. But he was always so nice about putting it simply for her. She didn't have to worry about the big picture when Taraxippus was in control.
Still, sometimes it made her feel... Odd. She didn't doubt Taraxippus - no never! But... maybe he didn't always understand her.
She felt... unsure. Uneasy. She plodded through the herdgrounds. Taraxippus had said it would make more sense later. Maybe he was right. Psyche had made things make more sense after she arrived, though she was her own mare now. She even seemed more a part of the herd than Megaera half the time. She talked to more of the soquili of the herd than she. Mixcatl spent much more time in the woods or above than in the herdgrounds. She knew what was in the herdgrounds - the forest, on the other hand, held mysteries. However, she still made sure to come back every now and then. Sometimes she would find Psyche there - her adopted mother, or Xibalba, her brother, and they would join her. Sometimes there were new faces. Like the white fox-like mare. She was an interesting one, and Mixcatl had shared a quick conversation with her a few weeks ago. She didn't have much time for words, but she hoped that they could explore together some time. She sensed a bit of a kindred spirit in that one, despite their different backgrounds. And she was one of the few other soquili of the herd with the gift of wings. Or there was the dark mare with the bat wings. She was quiet, though, and sullen. Much less interesting.
Today, however, Mixcatl spotted her aunt... grandmother... she didn't really care the specifics. She was usually quiet, or lacked interesting conversations, but today she caught her attention as she plodded through the thicket.
She fluttered over with a curious peek.
"What'chuu doing, Megaera?" She nosed. Megaera looked up quickly, focusing on the mare that was suddenly before her. It was her daughter's friend... the one she had raised. The true daughter of the mad mare that lived on the far side of the clearing.
She shook her head. "Nothing important."Mixcatl frowned, eye catching the glint of the neckalce around her neck. It was a lovely necklace... she shook her head and looked back at her. "You think too much, Megaera. And you're not that good at it." She whickered. Most soquili might be intimidated by Megaera's fiery facade. And indeed, she could be powerfully violent if riled, but Mixcatl knew her well. Megera scowled at her, but wasn't offended. She knew she wasn't the smartest. But maybe Mixcatl was right. Thinking about her issues never solved them. Talking about them with Taraxippus, perhaps, but rolling them through her head just tended to make her upset. "What would you do about it, Meesh?" Mixcatl rolled her shoulder, flicking her wings. "You spent time with that burly stallion, Right? I see things. Taraxippus set you two up. You shouldn't worry. If it's meant to be, it's meant to be." She grinned. Missing the point, perhaps, but yet, the advice fell on welcoming ears. Mixcatl was right - if Taraxippus and the spirits willed it, something would come of it. If not, then it wouldn't. There was no use worryin about he past. She had friends, family that looked after her. "And if you're still feeling bothered.... then fly! Enough of the soquili here are tied to the ground. You don't stretch you wings enough, Meg!" And with that, and a challenging whinny, Mixcatl set out. Megaera smiled. The wind, the skies, that was a language that she spoke clearly. It was simple, pure, and easy. She was right. She had spent too much time on the ground - her body as well as her thoughts. Pushing her concerns to the back of her head, she spread her wings and set off after Mixcatl. She didn't think she could keep up with her, but she didn't care.
Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 2:09 pm
Stories and Lies Pooka and... motherhood? Pooka and Ichor. Pooka turned her head this way and that... that way and this as she regarded one of the younglings that had crawled its way from the baskets that she had tucked her offspring into. Pooka hadn't quite been sure what the whole "mother" experience was going to be like when she signed up for the deal, but that hadn't been it. First off, it had been heavy. And she was tired. All of the time. She could feel them squirming inside of her. Which was entertaining at first. She would whisper stories to herself - or the foals- whichever was listening about squiggly worms and apple seeds growing within. But that had run its course. And then, then there was hurt. Lots of hurt. Boggling the mind hurt. And when it was over and Brother Dearest tucked them away into the baskets she was ready to be done with it all. To yell bile and huff as she lay on her side angry at the world.
Her father had only passed by once during it all. Once. With a curious gleam in his sixeyes. Six was more than four. She knew that. Father was more than she.
He would be back when they could once more be seen, not just tucked away in wicker and darkness.
It wasn't at all like she had pictured. There was no fanfare, no congradulations, no party. They had wandered by in her recovery, to smell or prod curiously the baskets that held new life. She told them stories, each one a different one as they came to pass her by as her strength returned. Most of them knew her well enough to pay them no mind. That was no fun.
Hopefully they would listen to her stories.
Finally they arrived - tore free and came to her. Three. Three boys. Eight eyes all together. Eight was more than six.
He came by again. Her father... AND their father. But that was two separate times. She saw a smile on HIS face. there was often a smile on his face, but it was different. Their herd grew. But then, as soon as the smile passed a growl came and he skulked away as if angry with himself. She didn't see him for a few days. She knew Father and his Projects.
But then the other-father. Their father came. He came and - for a time - he took them from her. He took them to see his parents. Show them off. He was proud. She was... proud?
They were still small. Too small to be fun, anyway.
But they came back to her. Some of them anyway. The white no.. pink.. no...white. The one with the ears like her - it stayed with its father. There were too many to keep track of.
She told them stories. Every day was a new game. She was a new soquili... or monster... or creature. And as the days passed, they played back with her.
Today, she turned to Ichor. The drippy one. The one with her eyes. He stayed the closest to her. He listened, but didn't talk very much. Ichor watched Pooka with gleaming eyes as he herd her weaver him truthlies. There was already a giggle in his troat as he listened. He was better at listening than talking. Talking was confusing. Putting words together and not slipping out the ichor from his mouth that he was named for.
Laughing. That was easy. It came quick to him. He didn't quite know or understand when it was the right or wrong time to laugh. A frown tugged at Pooka's wide mouth. That wasn't the funny part. He was... odd. That one. At once both like her and like his father. Pooka knew she wasn't "normal". She didn't want to be normal. But him. He was odd. He didn't seem to fully understand her stories. And that... that was disappointing.
It wasn't like she imagined.
She played with them. They joined her in her games. But... it wasn't the same. there was not the freshness that there was with new faces. Her games were their games. They knew they were games.
Maybe some day they could join them. Maybe when they were bigger. Or not. Taking care of them was tiring. There was some times that, like Anju, she would just wander off to be with herself or whoever she could find to entertain her.
Like her father.
No not like him! She came back. She told them stories. She played with them.
Not like her father.
Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 2:09 pm
Flidais's AdoptionRP Copied from Kamiki's Teepee - Flidais's adoption story - between Xandir & VonCoren, and then bringing the basket to Sequoyah & Amitorlin "Are you.... sure?" "I swear," said the strange creature in front of him. "Look, I've been watching it for three days. No one's come to claim it. I don't want to stick around here much longer." Xandir looked skeptically at the fuzzy beast. "How do I know it's not yours you're trying to get rid of?" vonCoren snorted. "Look, it ain't. But so what if it was? Like I told ya, I don't like staying in one place too long... there are harpies all over the place... so I'm leaving it here. Take or not... I don't care anymore. LIke the harpies eat it." Xandir frowned. "You're bluffling." The winged creature gave a gruff laugh. "Watch me." And with that...he walked off. Xandir stood there for a better part of an hour...shuffling around. A few other Soquili wandered by, looking strangly at the stallion hovering around a dusty basket on the side of a well-used game trail. Part of him hoped someone else would come along and take responsibility. Part of him...didn't. When nightfall came, he left the basket alone. He kept it in sight... but hid in the underbrush to see if the weird bunny creature would come back and claim it. However, as the moon grew high and small into the sky, Xandir finally convinced himself no one was coming for it. It wouldn't be the first time (or last) a disressed mare not ready for motherhood had left a basket to way-side, trusting in the kindness of strangers. Xandir slowly approached the basket, tilting his head. He pulled it up by the little strings and flaires his wings, making double sure the basket was secure and closed before taking flight. Maybe... just maybe this was fate. ***************** Xandir landed in the soft ground at the base of the impressive mountains. The winter wind had completely numbed his nose, and his neck strained from the heavy basket he held awkwardly in his mouth. He found a rocky patch of ground to set the basket down on and shook out the snow flurries from his wings and mane. After a moment of rest, he picked up the basket again and trotted off towards the thick thicket of trees his herd called their home. He was nervous already about what Sequoyah might say about the new addition – after all, it was the middle of winter and everyone was growing tired of pine needles as a staple food – but as he entered the thicket and saw the kirin Amitorlin across the river on their side, he bristled a bit. Sequoyah was next to her, and his ears perked as he saw Xandir approach. He nodded for Amitorlin to stay put as he trotted up to meet his lovemate. Xandir hastily set the basket down, “What’s she doing here?” Sequoyah’s eyes widened at the basket, distracted from Xandir’s question. “Huh?” “You heard me.” Sequoyah sighed. “We’ll get to that in a moment. What’s this? Xandir followed his gaze down the basket nestled in the short brown winter grass. “I found it…well, no. Someone abandoned it over near the apple grove.” Sequoyah looked a bit skeptical. “Are you sure no one’s going to be looking for it?” “Totally sure! I was there all afternoon… no one came for it. And no one else claimed it. It would freeze out there.” Sequoyah gave a small frown. “It’s the middle of winter, the last thing most want right now is another mouth to feed.” “Sequoyah…I’m disappointed in you – “ The silver stallion quickly shook his head. “No, I’m not saying take it back. Of course we won’t turn it away. We’re not that kind of heard.” Xandir smiled and puffed up a bit. Sequoyah sniffed at the basket, and placed his muzzle against the woven strands. It was thankfully warm; smelled early and not like death. As he inspected it, Xandir slid up behind him. “You know… I’ve been thinking. Sure, we’ve raised baskets before as a herd, ya know, like the twins and all. But I was thinking this could be more like… our basket.” Sequoyah looked up from his inspection, his brows furrowing. “Like Dahlia,” the spotted stallion continued. “I know you’ve been feeling a bit of the empty nest recently…” “I thought we talked about this,” Sequoyah snapped, standing at attention now between Xandir and the basket. “Yes and you said you …” Sequoyah didn’t let him finish, “I said I wanted a basket of my own blood! My creation, Xandir. I need it…” “But WHY,” Xandir pleaded. “Why can’t I be enough? Me and Dahlia, and the twins, and this one…?” The older stallion shook out his mane and gave a frustrated snort. “I… I can’t explain it. I just feel like it’s something I need to do. I am going to do it.” Xandir looked crushed, causing Sequoyah to soften his expression a bit. “Look,” he continued, “I’m not saying it’s going to be tomorrow or next spring or five summers from now… I just don’t know. But I’m going to do it. And… I think Amitorlin is a fine mare…” The pinkish stallion stomped his front hooves and rolled his eyes dramatically. “Stop that,” Sequoyah said sternly. “Look, this is my herd and this is my ultimate decision. I’ve invited her to stay, and nothing’s going to change that. You’re going to have to learn to respect that – I treat her like you would any other in this family.” Xandir struggled to maintain his composure, standing firmly and holding it ground even though he felt the sting of tears spring to his eyes. “Nice to know how much my opinion means to you,” he snapped. He stormed over to his basket and plucked it back up from its resting point, causing Sequoyah to cringe alittle as it swung dramatically from Xandir’s mouth. “I can’t be arounmth her ight now” he mumbled around his load and unfurled his wings. Sequoyah sighed heavily as he flew off, his ears dropping in defeat. He joined after a few minutes by the quiet kirin mare, bumping him softly on the shoulder inquisitively. “He’ll come around,” Sequoyah said after a moment, finally breaking his gaze from the rapidly fading figure on the horizon. “He’s just not used to change.” Amitorlin nodded. “You really care about him, don’t you?” The stallion smiled. “Of course I do. I’ll make sure he doesn’t stay gone long, no matter what.” “I can leave…” she said in her tiny, musical voice. “No…” he said quickly, shaking his head. “No, Xandir will understand one day. We just shouldn’t rush things.” “Of course,” she said, lowering her head a bit. “I just don’t want to come between you to.” He shook his head again. “They will be much his children as yours and mine,” he said, forcing a smile and giving her face a platonic muzzle. He paused for a moment, the insecurities creeping back into his mind. “You’re… positive about this arrangement? I mean, I really can’t stress enough – I don’t want you feel pressured…” It was her turn to shake her head. “No. I’ve always wanted children… I’ve just wanted to do it right. I mean… this might be a bit, hmmm….” She searched for a delicate way to put it, “unconventional. But I can’t think of a better situation. A whole herd to raise them… loving parents – three of them, even.” “Well, let’s hope so….” Sequoyah said as he started out into the night. He fluffed his feathers and shivered. “It’s getting cold, I’m going to go after him.” Amitorlin smiled and gave him a supporting nod as he raced off into the night.
Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 2:09 pm
Teumesia in the Anju's DenRP with Teumesia, Mixcatl, and Taraxippus White and black wings beat furiously, shedding feathers as two mares landed, winded in the center of the clearing of Anju's herd. It was one of the only parts of the herdgrounds that the grasping tangle of trees was open enough to allow a takeoff or landing - and the mares had to know where it was when arriving - let alone at the breakneck speed - to both spot it AND land safely. But neither complained as they touched down, sharing grinning glances. It was just another mark of pride.
For Teumesia, this had been a first. She had never spread mayhem with another before. And it was certainly a much different experience than the flights of whimsy she had often taken. She had seen the brightly colored mare around, but she spent much more of her time away from the herdgrounds than in it. Bored, Teumesia had approached her, sensing perhaps a bit of a kindred spirit. And while she hadn't found a creature all too much like herself, at least she had a sense of adventure, and that was something fun to push.
They had raced, headed deeper in these woods than Teumesia had gone before, and then, after Mixcatl had shown her some kind of ... waterfall or something that she seemed overly impressed with, Teumesia had promised to show her an even BETTER time.
They took to wing, sailing over the trees and to the flat plains which eventually began to be broken up by cultivated land. Teumesia grinned and landed at the edge of a field and began to show Mixcatl HER idea of a good time. Mixcatl didn't seem to understand it at first as she watched the odd doglike mare begin to tear apart the stalks of corn as if it had caused her some devastating personal grief in the past. With a shrug, however, she tried herself. IT was... kind of enjoyable. Tearing into something with her teeth and hooves. It was like a practice battle. To test her strenth. The thick, fibrous stalks of corn were stronger than they looked. It was just as she was getting into it that she heard the shouts. When she turned to Teumesia as if to inquire, the white mare just flashed her an eager grin and spread her wings with a snap. "NOW's the fun part." Teumesia barked, and took to the skies, letting the other mare learn by example. She saw, to the mare's credit, that she didn't take long to follow, glancing back in surprise as the two-legs came rushing towards the fields, incited by the damage. "They're chasing us!" Mixcatl called after her, surprised, and not sure how she felt. Her heart was racing, however, and this was certain a most different adventure than she had experienced before.
Mixcatl only glanced back at her to flash her a knowing grin as they raced each other back home to the twisted grove.
Even as they touched down, safe and untouched, Mixcatl smiled an appreciatory smile at Teumesia. She had battled the slimy things of the wood, stood against cougars before, but to seek danger from the two legs before? That was new. And.... exciting. She loved adventure - and the whole point of that was to do new things - things that set ones heart racing. Teumesia settled back, leaning against a tree, panting harder than she should have. Before coming to this herd, a little teasing jaunt like that would have barely winded her. What was wrong with her? This mare was normally not the kind that would have taxed her - certainly they had raced each other back home, but Teumesia was a queen of the skies! Speed rivaled by no one! They hadn't even taken a life. What was wrong with her? Had she grown soft...? Fat...?
She blinked down at her flanks. They were wider. She knew it. She hadn't kept herself to the rigors of the life she had had before... * * * * It wasn't laziness. It wasn't fat. It was something much more insidious. She knew that now. Life grew inside her. She could feel it. The dark stallion had done this to her, and that is why she had been brought here. A recepticle for his young.
She gnashed her teeth, snarling and snapping at any who dared look at her and her freakishly swollen sides.
She was too heavy to fly now, too ungainly to be on her own. She HAD to stay here. Ears pressed against her head as she glared daggers in every direction.
***** Foals. She was going to have foals. Any day now, so they said. Eventually, she had to let them help. She felt useless, like some invalid too sick to hunt for its own food. But the fact of the matter was she WAS hungry. Starving. And she didn't turn her nose up at the rabbit that Taraxippus brought her, or the boar piglet from Mixcatl.
She would often greet them with a growl, but here, here she saw another reason for them to cling together like this. Even if she felt infuriated that she had to be the recipient of charity. Letting Mixcatl join her on her romp was one thing. It had been enjoyable to share that... but it could also be a liability. What if she couldn't have kept up with her? And if she had, it was less testament to her own ability to outrace - or outfox - her victims. But it was somethin worth trying. Even if all that meant now was thinking about it.
And nowadays she had little else to do but think. She couldn't very well move much.
One afternoon as the sun was dying into the night, Taraxippus stopped by again with a dead pheasant. Once more, she growled at him, offering no words, and then snapped the pheasant before it touched the ground.
"Do not be angry, Teumesia." Taraxippus purred with a calculated care to his voice. "You have come here a beast of strength, and I know that that strength will only be multiplied with the foals that grow within you. Just think... between my father's shadowy blood and yours, what true horrors you will unleash on this land."
"I did not ASK to be broodmare to him. I do not CARE how strong the foals may be. I am strong, and that is all that matters." She growled.
Taraxippus did not appear surprised by her defiance or her rejection. He just siddled closer as he continued. "I have kept my word to you, Teumesia. This grove may be the death of many who wander here, but for you, it is open to as a home. You have shared meals with us, and you know the fierceness and savagry of heart that is sometimes needed.... and sometimes enjoyed. We are kindred spirits you and I... and many of those that call this land home. It is because of US that this land is feared - not the tangled trees and snatching branches. It is because of US that stories are whispered to colts to stay away from these trees. It is because of US that many lie awake quivering, thinking of the monsters that might come from the woods to eat them up. And it is because of US that sometimes... we really do.
Stay here, Teumesia. Raise you foals. See them grow STRONG and make you all the stronger for it. And let us spread this fear. I know you feed upon it as readily as I do. Add your strength and that of you foals to this herd and someday, foals across the lands will quiver, hoping, dreading that one of our herd pluck them from their homes and rend the flesh from their bones." His voice built intensity as he spoke, and Teumesia, despite her cantankerous attitude, found herself listening... considering.
"Well. I'm stuck here till I whelp them." She growled. "After that.... We'll see. " She left the shadow-unicorn with a glare as she turned and tried to get comfortable again.
He painted an ineresting picture. She would have to think on it. After all, she didn't have much else to do except think...
By the times the foals had all been expunged from her belly and been tucked hastily into baskets, Teumesia was exhausted. If she wasn't so exhausted, she would have wanted to have visited the pain that she had to endure on Anju's hide. If she even COULD tear into the shadowy flesh - she had met with little success on that their first encounter.
But... still... as she lay back, three baskets filled with life - life from her own flesh.... she felt something that she had never quite felt before. Like pride, like when she gloated over a particularly succulent victory.... but.... different nonetheless.
She lay back, eyes fixed on the three baskets.
She still had time.... the foals had not yet emerged. And she discovered... after all that effort.... she'd have to at least see them.
Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 2:10 pm
The End of a Quest, the Beginning of a StoryRP with Fianna, Dae'Ruil, and baskets Fianna shifted again, pulling the strange wicker baskets closer to her sides with her great wings with a belabored sigh. She couldn't believe that this had happened. Not to HER. Of all soquili. She had cursed herself when she had woken up and Einar, the charismatic stallion that was everything her father wasn't, had been gone.
It had been bad enough that she was alone - and LOST. She thought that things were the worst that they could be. But then, she had been proven wrong again and her life had taken a turn for the even more miserable and complicated.
She had continued to travel, with no real destination in mind, just not wanting to stay still, needing to move and fly and try to forget what had happened. The fact that her quest had ended in such disappointment, and the small comfort that the stallion Einar had brought her had quickly turned to disappointment.
Dae'Ruil was lost... her own fault - having flown from the clearing too quickly for him to follow. And she was alone, with no goal, and no destination other than trying to clear her mind through the mind-wiping experience of flying. Her flights turned more daring. She was talented and experienced - her wings large and her frame small - but she pushed herself - doing risky dives or flying higher than she ever had flown before. Anything to feel something different.
But then, she began to notice that it became harder and harder to do such stunts. Her body was growing heavier. At first, she attributed it to her binging on the soft clover and sweet grasses. She HAD had an appetite. But before long, Fianna realized exactly what her mistake with Einar had resulted in.
She saw red. And she felt cold.
There was soon no denying it.
And before long, she couldn't even fly at all. She had ducked deep into the woods to be with herself. To feel sorry for herself.
She knew it wasn't like her. The fire that seemed to burn in her spirit felt like it had been extinguished with a flame hood. The fire of life had turned into a smoldering anger. Anger with herself.
She knew she was hiding away deep in the woods.
She had procured baskets, doing what she knew she needed to do. But eventually, after experiencing something so exhausting and terrible, three foals were tucked into baskets safe and sound. And... the most surprising thing happened. Her anger and hate began to dull. Looking at the baskets. Children. HERS. Something maternal in the mare kindled. Small, granted, and not enough to overwrite all of her regret and anger. But enough to cause her to carefully carry the baskets out of their hiding spot away from the world to a nice, tender clearing by a stream.
She still didn't know what she was going to do. Defeated, she considered maybe returning home to her own mother. Her own mother that had wanted her to stay home with the herd. She had even considered trying to find her real father again, giving him a chance that he seemed to have wanted.
But, she wasn't ready yet to make that decision. Dae'ruil felt like he had been flying forever. He felt as if he had been flying - with or without Fianna, for longer than he had ever lived in his cozy kingdom, laying on silken pillows and ever need attended to. That life seemed almost like a dream now.
Things had been... hard for Dae since Fianna flew off in a flurry of tears and anger. His heart had ached for her and he wanted nothing more than to go to her and comfort her. He wanted to know what the stallion that he assumed must had been her father had said. He wanted to be there for her like he had been there for the months and months of their travel together to find him.
It at once was both a comfort and a pain to know that when she flew like she meant it that he couldn't keep up with her. It meant that she had wanted him with her, even though he couldn't fly as fast or as long as she really could. But it meant that he had no idea how he could find her.
But there was never a question in Dae'Ruil's mind that look for her was exactly what he was going to do. He admirered her SO much. The fact she had looked for so long for her father with unwavering determination. If he could look for her with half as much dedication, then maybe he could be a bit more like the brave, fiery mare. Maybe he could be a better, stronger soquili.
But as the days stretched, desperation hedged at his mind. She was faster than he. She could fly longer every day than he could. Unless she stopped moving for days, he could never catch up with her. How did he even know where she was going? And of course, there were dangers out there to soquili like him. He wasn't like his brothers - brave and skilled warriors. The sword her carried was more decorative than anything - a sign of his status and his family (that no one out here knew anyway). And that fear and hesitation and that aloneness in the world began to close in on the slight stallion.
Eventually, he looked to the mask that he carried on his side, and decisively, he put it back on. It was like a comforting blanket, a little boost - that little boost that he needed. He remembered himself at the ball - that confident stallion, charming and charismatic without any hesitation or concern for what others thought of him. And... he let himself pretend... pretend that the spell was on him again and he was someone different. Someone brave. Someone with enough confidence to find Fianna.
And he took wing once again.
* * *
He didn't know how long he had been looking for anything like the mare that had been stuck in his mind. So often that he thought he saw her sometimes in the bend of a tree or glimmer in a pond that when he caught sight of a brown mare with the flare of green that he almost thought that it was just his mind playing tricks on him again.
Until he looked again. And she was still there.
His heart leapt in his chest and he nearly fell out of the skies when he forgot to flutter his wings. He tore for the ground as if there were a kalona on his tail. He couldn't believe it. Was it really she? Fianna blinked once and then twice as a shimmer of brown and blue and white dived from the skies. It had felt like it had been SO long. Almost another life.
"Dae...?" She whispered hoarsely. It felt as if it had been weeks since she spoke a word. The syllable was rough and scratchy as it fell from her mouth.
She didn't move, her wings still covering the baskets by her side, she realized with a cold sweat.
What would he think of her? She was already common by comparison to him. But now with baskets, alone.... would he see her for the sad, lonely filly that she felt like? "Fianna...? Spirits! It is you - it REALLY is! I never thought.... I mean.... I can't believe it! I found you!" He crowed in triumph and joy. Quickly, he removed the mask and was by her side, pressing a velvety nose to her cheek. Once again, she was there. And he tucked away that crutch of confidence that he had clung to in her absence. "Dae... I...." She frought with humiliation and joy at seeing him again. "I... I'm so sorry!" She burst out quickly. "I shouldn't have left so quickly... I never should have. I didn't think... and then.... then it was too late. I didn't think you'd want to travel with me anymore... after the failure of my father that I led us around on a wild goose chase for months... and then... then..." She just shook her head and fighting back the tears. "Fianna - slow down!" He urged with a bit of a joking smile. "I'm here. And of course I want to stay with you. Even if you found your quest, my lady, that does not end a story. Perhaps it is just not truly the end of your quest. Stories don't end like that. Were every knight to stop at the first obstruction, well, then there would be no great Knights. Tell me, what happened?" Fianna sighed, and slowly at first, but then more quickly as her story built up momentum, she told Dae'Ruil of her meeting her father. Her disappointment, the bitter irony that he was hardly more different than she - just a lost colt in stallion's clothes looking for his own father. Her anger, her frustration, and the little bit of information that she had gotten from him before she had flown off in anger.Dae'Ruil shook his head. "It is true what they say, lady Fianna. You cannot choose your family. I... have never gone into much depth about my own, but let it simply suffice to say that I am much happier in your company than theirs. It is only when you have left your family, I think, that you can really find out who you are." Fianna's expression softened. She had forgotten how comforting the soft-spoken, courtley stallion could be. But she knew that the weight of her mistake still had not been said. "Maybe you won't like who I really am." She grumbled, humiliated. He started to say something, something dismissive and encouraging, but before he had the chance, she lifted her large wings, revealing the baskets nestled beneath them. Dae'Ruil's mouth hung open, speechless. At first, he began to wonder where she had found baskets - what had happened. But then, her expression, and the colors that had already appeared on the baskets... he realized suddenly that they were not orphans that she had rescued. They were hers.
He swallowed, feeling a strange mix of emotions that he had never felt before. Surely, it couldn't be jealousy... hurt.... could it?
She was not his lady. He hadn't even courted her. She had been his companion, his mentor... a lady that he had admired her strength, her confidence... a wild daring representation of the excitement of the world outside his kingdom.
He had no right to feel jealous.
And yet, his ears lay low on his head. "I... see. Then... you probably do not want me around. To interfere with you and the father." He glanced away. "No!" She spoke quickly, too quickly, for she had to retract, figuratively step back. He didn't even know the full expanse of her humiliation. "You're not interfereing with anything, Dae.""You need not be modest, Lady Fianna." He forced himself to say without the hurt that he felt. She had obviously found someone better - more worthy than him. And why not? He was a friend - he had never been her suitor. "Do not downplay love. Another stallion like myself would only get in the way-""Dae'Ruil! Stop being so noble!" She laughed around tears. "There.... there IS no stallion." She paused, already seeing the confusion on his face. "Not anymore. And no... he wasn't killed or anything quite as dramatic or excusable as that. It was just..... just...." And then, all of her walls collapsed and she bursed out in hormonal, feminine tears. "Just a mistake! Just NOTHING at all!" Despite this admission of something he might have viewed before as scandalous, Dae'Ruil could not stand to see any mare cry - let alone her. He was by her side again, nuzzlign against her cheek. And today, he saw just a glimpse of the little filly that she had inside her. The little filly that was brave when she needed to be - but sometimes felt just as alone in a big world, and small and full of mistakes as he did. He didn't need to say anything. And Dae'Ruil surprised himself in just how close he felt to her then. Not angry... not jealous... just... wanting to be there... with her... for her. And make her better.
For a while, he was just by her, nuzzling her as her sobs slowly lessened to quiet tears before he finally spoke.
"My lady, You must think so little of me to think that I would leave your side, no matter the reason. IF anything... SOmething tells me that right now... you might want a companion....." She looked up to him, her eyes a truly brilliant green from all her tears, and she looked so beautiful to him as she smiled, softly. "Dae'Ruil..." She mused, feeling exhausted. "I don't deserve you..." before she quieted once more and just leaned against him, not caring for the moment that her brave walls were down. For the first time in months... she didn't feel alone.
Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 2:10 pm
Life in the DarknessRP with the Anju herd: Taraxippus, Mixcatl, Teumesia, and new foals: Legion, Proserpina and Barghest Taraxippus strode confidently through the twisted herdgrounds with a wide grin stretching his shadowy face. It seemed as if fortune was smiling on his herd. New life was burgeoning in the darkness. Their ranks were growing, and were going to be growing strong. Not just haphazard adoptions like had characterized some of the early additions to the herd - a small usdia that their two-leg used as a messenger. Or that blithe regular stallion that also stuck near the structure. No, their numbers were growing as Taraxippus's plans were coming together. Mixcatl had returned to the fold. She often came and went, but this time she had come back heavy with foal. At first, she didn't want to talk about it. Mixcatl was embarassed, snappy. But Taraxippus had a way with words. He soothed her, eased her mind. Assured her that there would be others to help raise her foals, just as there were those in the herd to help raise her. And by the way, who was the father? He listened, nodding as she told him of the 'warrior.' He seemed certainly acceptable. And Mixcatl was a fireball - full of energy, full of enthusiasm and he could think of no fiercer, more adventurous soquili. Despite the angeni heritage. She had come in, and flopped down beside Teumesia, who had been keeping eyes on her baskets. And they had spoken. Taraxippus couldn't be happier. It was one thing for him to tie the members of his herd together - especially the strong ones - the ones like Mixcatl and Teumesia who would themselves make strong members of the herd. But he saw a friendship budding between the mares that he was all the happier to encourage. Mixcatl had spoken at lengths to Teumesia. And when both of them had started out rather sour-faced, by the end of it, they were laughing like a pair of fillies. They talked about their next adventures... what mischief that they would have... and their foals being raised together... friends... and spreading more mischief. Her attitude began to change... And eventually.... the white mare that Anju had brought to their fold had had foals - and Taraxippus had siblings. REAL siblings. They were more sane than his younger rabbit-eared sister - granted... SANE may not have been the proper term, but they were smart. Conniving, and perfect. Perhaps TOO perfect. More than one showed the same spart of brilliance that set him apart from many of his other herdmates. That drive that even his father lacked. So he knew just how careful he needed to be in taking a very personal hoof in raising them. To make sure that they understood their role in the herd... both their importance as well as ensuring their loyalty. To assist him in bringing greatness to the herd... and of course himself. Taraxippus could see the long-distance. He was immaculately patient. And he had the vision to see it through. These three could very well be vital. They had the ehterialness of his father and himself. They had Teumesia's all seeing eyes, and two of them even had wings... Anju's projects... his experiments had taken the darker turn that he was positively giddy to see. No longer was he seeing how his shadowy blood tainted the good, but how it could mix with something already strong, already dark, to create creatures truly magnificent. Taraxippus smirked to himself. He was almost jealous. And best of all, it seemed as if Teumesia were going to stay. She had a budding friendship with Mixcatl, but more importantly, she seemed to recognize the net that the herd offered. They would help her raise the foals - to watch them when she didn't want to. To teach them... how to be the monsters that they could and allow her to go out, causing mischief, and have somewhere that she could come back to and sleep safely. She always could come and go when she wanted. And as long as she had that, Teumesia had no reason to leave. And, Taraxippus smiled to himself, the longer she stayed then like it or not, the more accustomed she'd become to the herd. She'd get to see her foals grow up, she would have companions... partners in crime... and she began to enjoy having ears to listen to her bragging. When the time came to enact his plans, Taraxippus had grown to know Teumesia and what buttons to push to snag her along. They were adventures. Ways to cause mischief and anger. And a way to prove her superiority. And the foals... they too would be very useful. There were three of them. Each one more devious than the next. Each one more horrifying and monstrous and perfect. There was Proserpina. The one that reminded him the most of himself and his father. Her form was the least corporeal - she was as much shadow as he or his father, flitting into darkness until where she stopped and the darkness started as easily as breathing. But unlike him or his father, her whole coat was covered in red eyes. She could see in every direction without moving her head. And she could stride almost silently on pawed feet. And she was hungry for knowledge - to learn and to plot and to plan. She took to his lessons very well - how to hunt and how to manipulate. How to control. But occasionally, the impatience of her mother would shine through and she would finish off a victim before they were ready. But... still... she was quite a remarkable young filly. Anju had made mention to him that he had even noticed her following him on some of his jaunts. Lurking silently in the shadows to watch him as he engaged his projects. Next was Legion. A soquili that even sometimes gave the creeps to Taraxippus. He was born off. His wings and his tail resembled heads, and he seemed to regard them as such. All of them followed the same line of vision when he watched something. And the "mouths" moved as he talked... and when he talked, he spoke in plural as if he were more than one being. He was cruel, focused, and deranged, but in the calculating way. He bore wings and Taraxippus was certain that before long he would be flying. He was more distant than the others. He stuck around during his instructions, but wouldl sigh, roll his many eyes and act as if it were a great favor that he had given Taraxippus his attention. But he knew when he was listening. And when he watched him, lurking in the shadows, he saw that he had indeed picked up on his lessons. And Taraxippus was proud that despite having a monsterous appearance as his siblings or herdmates, he did not use it as a crutch. He used his words, getting into the heads of his victims. To drive them mad. Finally there was Barghest. He had the inky blackness of the shadows themselves, but the wings and tail of his mother. He acted more like a canine than his other siblings, growling and snarling. He loved the meaning of his name that his father had granted him, and he listened to the stories of him and his herdmates like Xibalba - about legend, about Death, and omens. He was fascinated with portents and prophecy. To know the future - to know the unknowable. And to use it to unnerve his victims. To know when tehre would be life and when there would be death. And then, see it through. He likened his wings to Ravens - the minions of Kalona and portents of Death, and he, to the fearsome Barghest. Together, they spelled doom for those he encountered. He had taken a particular fascination in Hepatomancy and haruspex... tearing open his victims and then examining their innards... drawing from the viscera a pronounciation of the future. And then, using that information as the basis for hunting plans for himself and his siblings. Unlike his brother, he enjoyed showing himself to his victims. To startle them and tell them that their death was imminent... And then hunting with his siblings to ensure it happened. Together, they were an impressive force... each contributing something to the herd. It was more than worth Taraxippus's time to instruct them. Just as he had taught his own foals. And someday... hopefully soon... their territory would expand, the fear of the 'haunted forest' would spread... and there would be more... more that they would have dominion over.
Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 2:10 pm
To Trap a PrinceRP with Fianna, Dae'Ruil, and foals (Garret & Cayden).... and Drusevere Fianna huffed, blowing a curl of hair from her face for what felt like the tenth time in the past hour. She groand to herself as she watched the two colts cavorting around by the stream as she leaned against a nearby tree.
She had felt such a mix of pride and humiliation when they had arrived, tearing free of their wicker baskets. She had never been around foals, really, since she herself had grown, and never really anticipated being a mother and doing... motherly things. Her whole life had been an adventure - a quest, and motherhood - while certainly active and did quite a bit to fill her days and keep her tired... wasn't exactly what she expected.
This wasn't home. This wasn't anywhere, really. She had just found this clearing in the woods by a river - good qualities of foaling grounds she supposed. But she was miles and miles and miles from "home".
And Dae'Ruil being there was... at the same time both wonderful and humiliating. She caught glimpses of the almost hollow-looking expression when he didn't think she was looking. They looked nothing like him, of course. He was taking the role of their father figure, but there was never any lie about him really being their father. He was "mother's Friend." She didn't even have a real term for him. She was... thankful he was there... but every time he interacted with them, every time he helped her, she couldn't help but feel guilty.
He was so noble. So gentle, so kind. It was like he didn't even have it in him to blame her. He never spoke cruelly to her, he never once had a conversation with her about what she did. After she had explained it to him, there were no more questions. Just... this quiet acceptance. But he couldn't be happy with it. She knew he wasn't happy with the situation. The little he had talked about where he was from seemed to indicate that what she had done would have been considered scandalous at best to him.
She almost didn't know why he was still around. He had joined her on her quest, but that was over. What glamour or glory was there in helping her raise foals that weren't his. Staying in this random clearing in this random forest.
She really didn't deseve him. For what it was worth, Dae'Ruil threw himself into this new role as a knight-protector and guardian of these foals. They were wily, spirited like their mother, which always brought a smile to his face. They listened, enrapt to stories and tales that he would tell from his homeland. But even to the children, he didn't speak of personal stories, of his kingdom and people.
It was an interesting role - and certainly kept him occupied. They had so much energy, and he could see the thankful looks that Fianna gave him when even she was worn out by their antics.
Cayden in particular, however, seemed even more full of energy. His attention would begin to wander even before his stories were finished. He was quick to take to his feet, and Dae knew that it was only a matter of time until he was flying as swiftly and uncontrollably as his mother.
Garret loved his stories, and often seemed to want to participate with them - interrupting and making up his own endings or twists. Interjecting a plot point and forcing Dae'Ruil to adapt to these unexpected elements.
Both of them were bundles of energy, and often played very rough and tumble together, even conspiring to get Dae'Ruil or Fianna into a compromising positition, entangled in vines or lured into the deep end of the river. And yet, despite the overwhelming resemblance to their mother, he could see the absent father in them as well. From what she had described... especially Garret. And it did hurt. Dae'Ruil would be lying if he said it didn't. Even though it shouldn't. Things were different in these lands... Fianna was an independant mare... and he was still spending time with her.
And yet... he found himself wearing his mask from time to time. It helped keep his mind from depressing, quiet places. It helped give him energy that he needed to keep up with the foals - or give him the courage to reign them in when they were particularly out of control.
And they seemed to respond to it - like it was a game.
And yet, he was also thankful for the times that their mother would play with them, taking on the role of protector and guardian, and give him time to walk and enjoy the quiet. As the weeks passed, Fianna began to notice that Dae'Ruil was taking loner and loner walks. She understood... the foals were wingfulls. They were active and he was doing more than his part in helping raise them... but she began to really worry...
Was she driving him away? Was the ache of the fact he was raising other soquilis' foals getting to him?
Maybe he was finding his own adventures, things for him... and ... he deserved it.
But the most frustrating thing was that when she asked him about it - what he was doing - why he was gone so long... he just outright lied to her - he said that he didn't know what she was talking about - that he hadn't been gone very long.... He insulted her intelligence in seeming confused by her questions and accusations.
The weeks stretched into months...
And then one day.... he didn't come back.
At first, she told herself that he was just taking a particularly long walk.
And then... she began to worry... maybe something had happened to him.... but it didn't take long for explanations to come to her mind. Maybe he met someone... someone more faithful than her. Someone who deserved him.
Maybe he had finally moved on. Gone off on an epic quest that she would have loved to have joined him on if she hadn't gotten herself pregnant... not that she didn't find herself loving her colts more and more every day... but she felt so young still... too young to just stop living life.
And she didn't know what to tell Garret and Cayden when they started asking about him. She did everything she could to keep the tears from her eyes. Instead, she asked Garret to tell her - he loved making up stories... but she didn't know how long that would last.
Cayden still hadn't flown for more than a few seconds, and Garret didn't even have wings. How could she go off looking for him - she couldn't leave them alone...
Maybe he hadn't gone that far... maybe he would come back... maybe he was in trouble... as every day passed, more worry filled her mind.
She coudln't just leave well enough alone. She hadn't with her father - despite how much of a let-down that was. And Dae'Ruil had come and found her, even when she left him in the dust.
She'd find him. Even if she didn't like what she found. She wasn't the sort to give up. The Old Fianna wouldn't have given up.
She... had a new quest. Even if she had to do it on foot... her foals were getting older, they could keep up with her - heck, they'd probably enjoy the excuse to move out of the small area of woods that they'd lived in their whole life so far. They were both already chomping at the bit, wandering father and farther every day.
She'd find him.
Even if she found him happy with a new mare, she couldn't not know.
* * * * * * Drusevere had noticed the fluttercorn when he began to meander through the edges of the territory that she had claimed as her own. He seemed so lost in thought that he didn't even notice as the shadows grew darker and the ground spongier.
She watched, lurking in the shadows- being ever so careful to observe but not be noticed until she learned more about him - why he was there... what he was like.
She heard him as he murmured to himself... trying to find confidence.... struggling with some mundane issue of a mare who apparently hadn't been faithful. She smiled wryly to herself.
And yet, despite his demeanor, there was something about him - a regal bearing. The trappings he wore were immaculately maintained - he wore metal and weapons that had been created with care...
She knew royalty when she saw it, even hiding in these deep woods.
What a delicious find.
She watched this lost prince, letting her violet fur blend into the deep shadows.
She had left her parents - but not until after she had learned quite a bit from them - from the magic of her father and seductive nature of her mother. She still had contact with them, but she preferred time alone - taking things into her own control instead of answering to Warlock's demands. She cast the bones. She consulted the spirits... and then... she discovered the most delicious aspect of the stallion of all.
The mask.
It was perfect. Kalona himself must have smiled down on her and appreciated her honoring him. To have given this little prince to her.
It already had the taint of a powerful spell on it. Mostly inert now, but the spell was still there for someone who knew how to look for it. It still had traces of its power that probably filled the stallion's mind like some drug.
All she would have to do was reactive it... and he would be hers: body, mind and soul.
She spent some time studying, consulting and praying and sacrificing to Kalona to figure out the key, to reactivate the magic before she ever appeared before the stallion.
And ah, how naieve he was. He looked at her suspiciously at first - she was a kalona after all... but soon it became obvious that he never had actually met one - at least not that he knew. And she could be quite silver-tongued.
But by the time she met him face to face, she had begun to experiment.
While she didn't have him entirely the first time she met... she was able to have him forget ever meeting her.
She was delighted when she met him "anew" the next day. He didn't remember. Not at all.
This happened every few days for weeks. Each time, she felt the strings of the spell twist and turn, begin to waken. But never quite there. Sometimes, for a time, he was ensnared, but the magic would falter and fade, and he'd just return, confused.
But then, finally. It worked.
She felt the spell flare to life, and the light in his eyes go glassy, and then sharpen again... his whole demeanor shifted... he seemed at the same time more confident, and yet... utterly loyal.
He bowed a knee to her, called her "his lady". And Drusevere grinned a wide, triumphant grin.
She had a puppet... a toy... just like her parents had set the example for. And while he was certainly no kalona... he was not useless... she coudl smell the potential in him - and with the mask's magic activated, she sensed in him not a meek, shy prince but a dashing nobleman... a knight... willing to fight - or perhaps even die - for his mistress.
Whomever had initially cast this spell must have been a powerful sorceress indeed. Maybe some day, Drusevere would rival that magic herself. But for now, she had taken a step. She had a patsy - a loyal servant...
And she led him, deep into the swampy home, to test just how far she could push this stallion's loyalty. Dae'Ruil followed close behind the Witchy Kalona. The spell that had ensnared him those years ago at that fateful party was alive again. The shy prince that he was was forgotten. Fianna was forgotten. He brimmed with confidence, and yet, his world was tinted and shaded - he wasn't in a swamp but a brilliant castle... the kalona mare a beautiful queen who had his affection. He wasn't Dae'Ruil... but a dashing knight - brave and true.
The mask's spell had him once again - and so desperate had he been to cling to the dregs of the inert spell that his mind posed little to no defense against the fully reawakened magic that now held him in its grasp...
Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 2:10 pm
Into the Woods RP with Bloodmoon & Little Red The woods were quiet today. Only the occasional birdcall pierced the quiet of the late winter. The blanket of recently-fallen snow had a silencing effect, stilling the air and muffling the usual snapping twings and rustling leaves. Ice coated the treebranches, stilling their swaying. So the only noise that reached Bloodmoon's pricked ears were his own soft crunching footfalls in the virgin snow.
He lifted his muzzle to the air, closing his amber eyes to see if he could scent out any prey. Hunger clawed at his belly. Winter times were lean times for everyone, but most of all a predator of his size.
With a bitter whuffle, he continued on, senses alert and scanning these familiar woods for any signs of movement or the presence of others.
Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 2:10 pm
Cast Aside Your Masks and Find Your Inner StrengthRP with Fianna, Dae'Ruil, Cayden, Garret, and Drusevere Fianna, Cayden, and Garret set one hoof in front of the next. Footsteps through weeks,and eventually months. Fianna silently swore to herself. Why had she waited so long before she began to look for Dae? Whatever trail he had left would be long cold by now. Her foals in particular noticed how moody she was - as she shifted between anger at herself for grasping for this stallion that had probably left her. He deserved more than an unfaithful tomboy like her. She was spending all this time and hearache chasing down this stallion that probably didn't even want her. But then, her mood would shift to worry for him. It was so UNLIKE him to just... disappear. Without any explanation or goodbye. What if he were hurt, in trouble, or worse? And, the emotion in her heart made Fianna realize, as she traveled... just how much Dae'Ruil meant to her. How much he ALWAYS meant to her.
For their credit, Cayden and Garret were taking it much better than she worried. They had finally left home, and were setting out on a grand adventure. She couldn't help but smile to herself as they bantered and spoke. It was thanks to them, sometimes, that she didn't just give up or give in to depression. Despite the fact that for Garret's benefit, they did the trip on foot, they covered a fair amount of distance. Since Fianna had no idea where he went, they covered the land in increasingly larger circles spirialing out from their foaling grounds.
She didn't know really how long it had been, but her sons had gotten larger - nearly as large as she, when they started to hit a strange, murkier land. The mud squelched under their hooves, and the trees grew thick and tangled. She had to keep her wings tight against her sides as she progressed deeper into the territory.
And yet, despite the dank darkness of the swamp... something familiar stirred. At first, she thought it might just be her imagination playing tricks on her; hoping for something that couldn't possibly be there. But as she delved further in, she knew it was true - she could SMELL him. Dae's scent clinging to the trees or rocks. She was close.
But there was also another smell - something almost acrid and musky... something that sent her withers quivering. A mare... but something off about it. Her ears flattened.
She looked back to her foals, indecision in her breast.
They had come on this adventure with her... but they were still so young... and she wouldn't be able to live with herself if anything happened to them. This was her fault, and so it was something she had to do by herself.
So she lied. A little white lie to protect them.
She told them that she needed something from them - a flower she had seen blooming miles and miles and miles away - a particular flower to draw Dae'Ruil back to her.
She sent them off on the errand, and charged forward with determination, following his scent.
She didn't care about the mud that covered her fur and trappings, she didn't care that there were numerous submerged roots that caused her to stumble or trip.
And eventually... she caught a glimpes of mud-stained blue and white. It was him.
But it wasn't at the same time. He walked with a different demanor. As if he were parading through the grand halls of a castle from his stories and not the muddy swamp he was in. He wore that mask of his that she sometimes saw him wear, but his expression was all wrong.
But regardless, she ran to him, a smile on her face.
Dae'Ruil saw the mare that stumbled towards him, some wild beast of the forests! Her mane was thick and tangled,covered in mud and burrs. Her fur patchy and mangy. His lip curled in a sneer as he backpedaled, not wantin the filty creature to touch his shining fur. What was she doing in the kingdom, so close to his lady love?
"Stop, wildling! Begone fromthis kingdom! You feral ways are not wanted here." Fianna stopped dead in her tracks, face contorting with sadness and confusion. "Dae...?" She whispered as if she had been struck. "Dae... what's wrong? Heh... I got dirty looking for you, but it's me! Fianna! What's wrong with you?" Dae'Ruil shook his mane, scowling. "How dare you call me by such a familiar name. I do not know you, wild-mare. You will not trick me with your wild magics. You have been warned!" Fianna stamped a hoof. She understood if he were upset with her. She would understand if he had found someone else, but to pretend that he didn't /know/ her? To speak down on her?? "Dae'Ruil!" She shouted, shaking her head. "TALK to me. Stop with the games and stories. If you are angry with me then shout. Knock it off!" But Dae'Ruil did not falter. He just lowered his head dangerously. "You were not invited, here, wildone. Begone now before I force you to leave. You presence tarnishes the kingdom." Fianna faltered. This was no game. Dae'ruil was not angry... there was something seriously WRONG here. He wasn't himself. He honestly didn't remember her!
What was doing it?! How did she snap him to!?
She shifted back and forth in place. And then, her chest tightened in determination.
She dashed towards him quickly, and planted a kiss on his velvety muzzle, squeezing her eyes shut. For a moment, he just froze, shaking with indignation. But then, for just the briefest of moments, she saw the old Dae in his eyes, his brows crease. "Fi...?" He began, but then, he shook his head from side to side, and Fianna saw a haze around the mask he wore seep into his head... and his eyes hardened once more. "Fell temptress!" He whinnied in anger. That was it! He was still in there! Somewhere! It... it was the mask! He had always seemed a bit different when he wore it. Thinking back quickly - whenever they had to do something brave, he put on that mask. Something was wrong.
In a flash, she tore it away from his face with her teeth. It put up more resistance than she had expected, but with a final sharp tug, it made a rippin sound as it finally tore from him. Dae'Ruil blinked once... twice... and then looked around at his surroundings. The grand castle melted away to a disgusting swamp... and the wild mare before him became Fianna... his Fianna.
"Fianna...?" He asked, confused. "What... my god..." He looked down at the mask that now lay at his feet.
And he began to step towards here, to apologize, to explain... when a flash of violet zipped from the shade of the trees. Drusevere bee-lined for the strange mare that had entered HER territory. She had smelled her and had already been on her way when she saw - too late - her ripping the mask from her slave-stallion. "HOW DARE YOU!" SHe raged. The generally coy, beguilling mare erupted with anger and reserved strength. This was no stallion she could seduce or fool. This was a mare, that same mare whose stink had covered her 'knight" before he had come to become hers.
"He is yours no longer!" She shrieked as she battered her with her hooves. "He is MINE. You were a fool to come here. Your sacrifice to Kalona will only strengthen my hold on him. When you are gone, there will be no breaking the spell!" She shrieked as she continued her attack. The heart of his love, sacrificed to the dark god - surely he would be hers forever, then. She betted that she wouldn't even NEEd the mask. Fianna whinnied as she was blindsided by the kalona mare. She was fast, strong, and knew how to move - and fight - in these swamps much better than she did. She was an aerial acrobat, but she couldn't fly in this thick swamp. Her hooves were sharp, and so were her horns.
Her brash temper was keeping her above water for now, but she worried that she would not be able to hold her off for long.
She was glad she sent the foals away... away from this dangerous mare. She would never forgive herself if something had happened to them, as well. Dae'Ruil stared in horror as he saw Drusevere fly at Fianna, pelting her with blow and kick. His memories of his time with her were hazy... as if it was a dream, but seeing her here, attacking his love... it was all becoming far too real for him.
"Fianna! No!" He called out weakly, his voice wavering. He couldn't let her do this. Not to HER. He wanted to think that Fianna would handle herself, but her feet were mired in the mud, and her wings getting caught on the brambles.
He hesitated. Fear clamped over his heart, weighing down his legs as if they were encased in stone.
He shivered. He couldn't let this happen... and yet, what could he do to stop her? The kalona was all sharp and a ball of fury.
He looked down at the mask, almost considering donning it - needin its strength. But something held him back from doing it. The mask. The mask had done this! It hit him with a bolt of realization.
Fianna didn't need a mask for her strength. Using it like a crutch was what had gotten him into this situation to begin with. Fianna - his TRUE LOVE... for that's what she was... needed HIS help.
With a whinny, he took the mask between his teeth and tossied it as far as he could throw it, and then dove towards Drusevere with his horn. Drusevere turned, too late, to see the horn gorge her flank. Fianna slipped out from underneath her and reared, taking the opening to bring her hooves down, hard, over her head. Drusevere slumped, seein stars, and then blackness as unconsciousness took her.
The last thing she saw was the pair of them flee, running away... Dae'Ruil and Fianna ran until the clearing opened up to them, and then took to the skies, off to find Cayden and Garret, and their 'special flowers' in the direction she had sent them. Flying, Fianna knew that they would catch up with them in no time, and finally, they'd be a family. A real family. Even if the foals were not Dae'Ruil's, he had been a father to them.
She turned to Dae'Ruil and smiled genuinely. "I was so worried about you, Dae'Ruil... I thought you were angry... I thought you left..." Dae'Ruil shusshed her, shaking his head. "Say no more, my fair lady. The foul sorcery clouded my mind... but now I know... with you as my lady, I need no masks to fill my breast with the courage I need to fight for her." he smiled widely.
"I would have never left you. OUR foals... I love you." Fianna smiled broadly, tears coming to her eyes. And for the first time, she said it - not having any doubt in her mind. "I love you, too, Dae'ruil. My knight in shining armor." Drusevere, some time later, swam back to consciousness. She cursed, her thrall had slipped from her, along with his lady that could have sealed his fate forever.
But, even seeing her plans shatter around her, Drusevere smirked darkly. Little did he know that he had given her one more service before he left her.... foals. To raise as her own... and perhaps some day... to use against him.
Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 2:10 pm
First Midnight RP with Bloodmoon & Little Red Bloodmoon had been feeling particularly prideful these past few weeks. The cerynei filly he had initially been stalking as prey had turned into a very different sort of quarry. Something about her drew him to her - it was intoxicating and he couldn't get enough of her. Her scent, her naivete. It both made him feel more soquili again for the first time since he could remember... as well as kept the lupine hunter alive within him. It was a perfect balance.
Little Red had grown heavy with foals not too long after their union - and was utterly confused as to what was happening to her - why she was growing so fat, and not believing Bloodmoon when he explained that he had "wolf pups" in her stomach. That was silly, she thought - how would they have gotten there? Cerynei didn't eat wolves - usually it was the other way around.
But time passed, and she grew heavier, and eventually, Bloodmoon snuck close to the village to steal baskets to keep his offspring safe and protected.
After the young foals were born, pale and featureless into their baskets, all seemed to be Normal at first. They slowly took on the colors and markings of the foals, and all seemed fair.
Then one night twisted creatures were discovered, crawling weakly onto the baskets for warmth, their mouths twisted into permenant twisted smirks, their breath raspy and labored, small, tattered wings useless for flight, instead making a rustling noise whenever they moved.
They proved to be difficult to move without harming the baskets, and in their labored hissing breaths they whispered raspy secrets to those who would listen, fortunes of the children they guarded.Bloodmoon snorted suspiciously at the creatures that latched themselves onto the baskets that guarded his offspring, unable to dislodge them... though they did not seem to be bringing harm to them... Still, as he listened closely, he could make out words....? Come daybreak, each and every one of the creeping creatures collapsed, becoming little more that leaf litter, having never been living creatures to begin with and blew away without a trace, the Spirits of the Twisted tunnel no longer needing the creatures to guard the baskets as they worked their mischief.
The first creature wheezed as it cackled, glowing eyes empty and hallow, "..Lisssten.. hssk... Lisssten now. The woodsssman comesss... Woodsssman fallss..." it shuddered as if in pain and repeated itself, cackling softly as it did.
The center one hissed sharply, rustling its wings as its claws flexed, its voice raw and dry compared to the other, "Paint the pelt, paint the bones." It swatted at the wolf-like stallion, hissing and speaking in a grating, alien language, the stallion having moved too close for comfort. It seemed disinterested in sharing any more after that
"Hssk. Hold yourself high.." The third one chuckled softly, its empty eyes blank as it looked into the distance, "Bury it deep....."
Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 2:10 pm
Nothing is Left to ChanceRP with Malach HaMavet & SkullKandy RP Located Here