Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 9:45 pm
Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 9:52 pm
(( good, as in I will be part of it? or I won't? ))
Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 10:27 pm
((hehe I won't give the ending away that easily. But please, proceed.))
Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 11:38 pm
(( razz I'm assuming Lilly will be, but I'm gonna to make Lilly go in even if She is or is not...))
As Aurora landed in front of the creepy looking mansion, Lilly jumped off and made her way to the brown, giant, worn out double doors. The paint was worn out, and tiny splinters stuck out all over the door. As Lilly scanned the door, she noticed the hinges, door knob, and knocker were rusted. The knocker had an odd shaped creature on it, one that she hadn't seen before. She brushed it a little with her fingers, then shrugged unable to make it out. Careful not to touch the splinter ridden door, she placed her hand on the doorknob and turned it, pushing the door open. The door made a loud creaking noise, echoing across the inside of the mansion. As she stepped inside, the wooden floor creaked beneath her, "Anyone home!" she called as she looked at the old cobweb ridden place.
Aurora, quietly followed Lilly inside, whacking Lilly upside the head with her tail, "Your so stupid, this is and abandoned mansion…” she whispered as she looked around in awe.
Lilly glared at Aurora, “Seriously!” she whispered annoyed, “What is up with all of you guys whacking me upside the head?” she rubbed the back of her head, looking around.
Aurora just smirked, as she moved a little further into the mansion. Suddenly she spotted a red ball of fur behind a giant statue of a Pokémon. She tapped Lilly on the shoulder, “Lilly, look…” she pointed at the fuzzy ball, “Over there…” she whispered, and watched as the ball started to move.
Lilly watched the fuzz ball move and slowly made her way towards it, beckoning Aurora to fallow her. She finally reached the statue, and looked behind it to see a tiny Growlith, staring at her with adorable puppy eyes, “Awww… Aurora, come look at this adorable litew growith…” she was mesmerized by how cute it was.
Aurora was already behind her. She also gazed in awe at the little pup. "Yes, it is quite adorable..."
“Aww… hi thew wittle puppy… your just so adorable, yes you are…” she gave the little Growlith pup a warm smile.
The pup’s lip began to quiver, as it looked at Lilly. Then it started to cry hysterically.
“Oh, I’m so sorry little guy, did I scare you?” she reached down to pick up the pup and comfort it, but froze when she heard a loud growl coming from behind her. She slowly turned her head around to see that she and Aurora were surrounded by several bigger Growliths and two Arcanines. “Oh, crap!” she whispered, “Were screwed…”
Aurora sighed, as she turned to face the fire breathing dogs. “Yeah, I guess we are, and you wonder why we always whack you upside your head… so what’s your brilliant plan to get us out of this situation?” she asked sarcastically.
Lilly rolled her eyes, then focused back on the pack of dogs, “Umm… to tell you the truth, I don’t want to hurt them, but I don’t think making friends with them will work at the moment, “ she paused for a second, “I really don’t have an idea what to do…”
"If I had hands I would face palm my self right about now..." Aurora muttered, trying to help Lilly think of a way to get out of their sicky situation.
(( yes, I felt like beign a bit discriptive to day biggrin ))
Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 12:11 am
Musashi, Czar Lucas
Within the mansion walls, Lucas sat in an Indian position while he focused on his inner aura Calm. . . I channel my Aura. . . Focus, I am one with the Aura. . . I sure wish that Musashi didn't have to drag me inside this mansion. . . why is it that where ever I go he must drag me with him. . . Never mind this is taking me away from my meditation. . . Okay, , , Focus. . . I am one with myself and my Aura. . .
Accompanying him is Musashi; who is walking around the mansion hallways. This mansion is pretty big, I wonder if I can find any thing of interest around here? Musashi turned a corner into another hallway an through a door. However that door lead him to the foyer again. with a sigh he decided to take a break and look around. Then noticing Lilly and Aurora in trouble he stood back and watch the events unfold.
It's better If I don't get involved. . .
Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 12:41 am
The Growlith and Archanine, contuined to growl, baring thier white teeth at Aurora and Lilly, as they moved in closer.
"Aurora..." lilly mumbled out of the corner of her mouth, "Do you have a paln yet?"
She cntinued to think hard, finally coming up with something that might work, "Yeah, I do..." she mumbled back, as she slowly wrapped her tail around the little pup and placed it in front of them. "Here is your puppy." she said speaking calmly to the fire breathers. "We were not trying to hurt it in anyway, please understand, I just think it might be a little hungry or something." Aurora suggested, I hope this works...
Lilly watched intenly, as Aurora tried talking to the pokemon.
One Arcanine, cautiously walked up to the pup and graabbed it by the scruff and walked back to the group. The other Arcanine nodded and turned away. The pack trotting behind the two Arcanines.
Lilly stared wide eyed, "Well, I guess they just wanted their pup back. I don't think they even wanted to harm us..."
Aurora sighed, "I also think, because I'm a pokemon they trusted me, if it were you talking, they would have totally set us aflame." she informed Lilly.
"Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, whatever you say, miss know-it-all." Lilly joked, giving Aurora a small shove, as she made her way to a set of stairs.
Aurora, whacked Lilly lightly on her head and soared up the stairs, laughing
Lilly glared, running up several steps before she felt a step break beneath her feet, "Whao!" she excalimed as she fell through the open step, luckily grabbing on to the step that was infront of it. She hung on to the step, shocked from the sudden fall.
Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 8:28 am
((Yes I'm on the roof and wow O_o I need to catch up on my posting more))
In the end, Amaya and Gally both decided to join Missy and returned to sitting on the train's rooftop. Now back up there again, she wondered silently why she wanted to leave it in the first place. "Hey Gally, hold on to my legs. I wanna stand against the wind" she told him as she carefully rose to feet.
Nodding, Gally kept a watchful eye on his trainer as she made the necessary transition to stand. Grabbing a hold of her jean clad calf's, he made sure to keep a steady grip on her in case she fell.
"Now this is more like it" thought Amaya as she listened to the loud roar of the train's engine. Smiling, she closed her eyes and tilted her head to the starry sky as she felt the rush of cool air hitting against her now flushed face. "My hair must be a mess though" she continued to think as she felt the loose strands of her hair hitting softly against her cheeks at random times.
"Looks like she's feeling better" thought Gally with a small smile as he watched Amaya let herself feel free and relaxed. "I wish I could join her but I should get going." Closing his eyes, Gally let some of his psychic ability flow from his hands and onto Amaya's feet. "That should hold you down" he told her as he let her go and stood himself.
"Where are you going?" asked Amaya as she questioned him through their link together.
"To get some rest. You'll be okay. I've left you in safe hands...or more like I've used some of my psychic abilities to help hold you down. It should stop when you grow tired" he told her as he noticed Jace and sent a nod of greeting towards him and his Eevee. "I'll be leaving now. Be careful Amaya" he said as he pat her on the head and turned to leave.
"I will" she promised him. Opening one eye, she glance back to watch her friend go when she noticed Jace coming. "Hey" she said softly while sensing that he wanted to be alone. But her quiet hey was lost to the world when all of a sudden Lilly and Aurora rushed on by and past the train in a whirl of strong winds. "Wow" she said while laughing as the force of the strong winds blew her red shirt open. "That looks like fun but I wonder where she's going?" she wondered aloud while not bothering to close the red sleeved top.
Looking down at herself, Amaya was now thankful for the short black tank top that the shop keeper had insisted for her to wear earlier that day. If not for the owner's quick thinking, then this right now would definitely be an embarrassing situation. "Gotta love those shop owners" she told Jace as she glanced at him with an amused smile.
Turning her attention back away from him, she returned to looking at the stars. Getting a childish thought in her head, Amaya hesitantly spread her arms wide as if she were a Pidgeotto in flight and let out a shout of joy. As she closed her eyes once more, she was reminded that Jace was still there. Blushing, she looked back and offered him a friendly smile. "Awesome isn't it?" she asked him as her shirt flapped in the wind like a bright red cape of sorts. "This place is perfect for thinking...and for being alone. So if you want me or need me to leave...I'll go. I'll understand your want of needing space. Just remember that you have people here who are willing to listen to you talk, complain, or just to keep you silent company. Include myself as one of them if you can ignore the small fact that we just met today" she told him with a small nervous laugh and shy smile. "But if you don't give me an answer soon then I'm gonna have to ignore you and enjoy the feeling of being free" added Amaya as she embraced the wind and envied it's ability to roam free around the world. "Just don't leave if you think your gonna be a bother or think that your interrupting anything cause that'll be just plain silly."
Back at the hallway, Abs searched around for anyone that he find and was starting to get annoyed at the fact that he had no clue where Missy was. He originally went after Raion but after awhile he just gave up. "I really am getting old" he thought bitterly as he sniffed the air around where Gally was just seen leaving. "Ah!" he said grinning as the scent of an Eevee caught his nose. Looking up at the small entrance to the top, he easily jumped onto the ladder and sneakingly stuck his head out. "Darn!" he thought angrily since what he smelled was Jace's Eevee. Sticking his head back in the train, he jumped back down and immediately caught Finn's scent. "Got you now!" he said as he turned left and spotted the pokemon hiding behind a women's legs. "Will you leave her or must I cause a riot?" he asked Finn while casually walking inside the compartment just as Drake headed out. Feeling the pat, Abs raised a sharp eyebrow. "Well thats a first" he thought. No male has ever petted him before.
Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 9:11 am
Missy's ears pricked, as she heard Abs coming. She stood up and back away a little, ready to run if she had to. She watched as Abs came and left, not realizing she was there at all, She giggled, and looked up at Amaya, "Well, looks like, Gally's plan worked." she giggled, then glanced at Raskal's Eevee for a moment eager to play. Then just curled up on the roof again, feeling the wind in her pink fur.
Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 9:50 am
"Gally's smart. He always knows what he's talking about" replied Amaya as she carefully bent down to pet Missy's soft fur. "Your so cute Missy" she told her with a small smile. "And your cute too" she said looking over at Jace's Eevee also. Then slowly looking up at Jace she flashed him a shy smile. "And your handsome. So don't look so down Jace" said Amaya as she straightened herself out and reached for the sky as she stretched. "You'll get wrinkles if you do" she added with a smile this time.
Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 10:52 am
Missy purred softly, enjoying herself as Amaya pet her. The Espeon's tail, swished back and forth on the surface of the roof, as she right foot thumped a little. Once When Amaya stopped petting her, she looked up, still wanting to be patted more.
Aurora laughed, as she floated under the staircase to catch Lilly, "Have you had enough adrinaline for one day?" she asked smirking.
Lilly dropped on to Aurora's back as she felt herself being taken to the second floor, "Are you kindding! That was like, awesome!" Lilly exclaimed excitedly.
Aurora looked at Lilly, with a worried expression on her face. With a sudden fall like that, she knew that Lilly had enough common sense to stop. "Lilly? Tell me what's wrong..." with a hint of worry in her voice.
She looked at Aurora, "What do you mean? I'm fine..." she muttered lieing.
"I know your lieing Lilly... but I'm not gonna force you to tell me unless your ready." the dragonair sighed, as they both continued to explore then masnsion.
Lilly sighed, "Fine, I'll tell you..." she whispered, "I want to join Team Rocket..." in her serious voice.
Aurora froze, she knew Lilly wasn't joking, "Are you Loco in your Cabeza!" she retorted, in disblife, as she spun her head around giving Lilly a menicing glare. She wish so badly she had hands at the moment, so she could smack Lilly back to her senses. "I think this place is getting to you Lilly..." she said trying to be calm. She flew to the top floor of the masnsion and out on to the front balcony.
Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 2:20 pm
Drake walked back into the train compartment and sat down on the seat. He laid his head back onto the back of the seat and let out a sigh of relief. He felt free. He was in a train heading to Arceus knows where and he felt absolutely free. Drake started to laugh. The laugh originated in the base of his stomach until it escaped out of his mouth. The youth stopped laughing and turned his attanetion to the window. He watched the clouds whizz by on the cool night. Finn saw Absol and he jumped out from beneath his living shelter. The small Pokemon jumped over Abs with lightning speed and ran down the hallway leading to the second compartment.
Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 5:35 pm
Eevee leaped up from Raskal's shoulders as he crested the top of the rail car. It tentatively walked across the roof even as the wind comanded it to fly away. However the small fox-like pokemon perservered all the way to it's psychic type counterpart, eager to see his friend Missy.
He watched as Amaya stood upright, defiant against the strong gusts threatening to blow her over. The embarassed trainer felt his cheeks begin to flush red with blood and he turned away from the girl to hide his blushing. "You talk too much," Raskal responded with a light-hearted smile. He reached up and brushed his hair back, as much a sign of flirtation as to simply remove the golden locks blowing across his eyes.
Turning back to face her, he couldn't help but admire Amaya for her beauty, made more aparant by the somewhat revealing outfit she wore. Although she seemed odd to him for acting slly and imitating a bird, Raskal couldn't help but think of her as an original. That was certainly something to smile about.
Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 7:53 pm
Hemmelig darkyologdog Hemmelig darkyologdog Hemmelig darkyologdog Houndoom snorted in a small chuckle your going to tell her right?Houndoom thought to Morter now seriously No. Now is not the right time Morter thought back. It broke his heart that he couldn't tell her, but right now it was for the best."My father is an evil man, caring, genius, talented, but incredibly evil." Morter said in a half broken voice Miso could sense the sorrow in Morter's voice. "Your father was an evil man?" Miso looked down blankly into her lap, where Lemmy and Axl were nestled. "yes, he loves his family and pokemon but hates everything else and would willingly kill anything that doesn't catch him on a personal level. My mother was much the same way..." Morter said stronger now "You had a rough childhood, then?" Miso asked sadly. "That's terrible... Where are they now?" "well my mom's dead and my dad dissapeared as soon as my younger brother Pyre turned 10, the legal age of a trainer."Morter said now returning his voice to its normal indiferrance "Where is your brother now?" Miso asked, with a newfound sense of curiousity. *sigh* "well he ran off after losing in the final match of the johto league and I haven't seen or heard from him since... but he wanted to travel to places in this order: Johto,Hoenn, Orre, Sinnoh,Kanto,Almia, the Orange Archipelago... then he said he would retire with his pokemon in the same run down village we were born in..."
Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 8:00 pm
darkyologdog Hemmelig darkyologdog Hemmelig darkyologdog "yes, he loves his family and pokemon but hates everything else and would willingly kill anything that doesn't catch him on a personal level. My mother was much the same way..." Morter said stronger now "You had a rough childhood, then?" Miso asked sadly. "That's terrible... Where are they now?" "well my mom's dead and my dad dissapeared as soon as my younger brother Pyre turned 10, the legal age of a trainer."Morter said now returning his voice to its normal indiferrance "Where is your brother now?" Miso asked, with a newfound sense of curiousity. *sigh* "well he ran off after losing in the final match of the johto league and I haven't seen or heard from him since... but he wanted to travel to places in this order: Johto,Hoenn, Orre, Sinnoh,Kanto,Almia, the Orange Archipelago... then he said he would retire with his pokemon in the same run down village we were born in..." "And at such a young age... Wow." Miso eyes gleamed. "He's younger than me and he's already reached the Johto League. I, too, want to reach that level..."
Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 8:08 pm
Hemmelig darkyologdog Hemmelig darkyologdog Hemmelig darkyologdog "yes, he loves his family and pokemon but hates everything else and would willingly kill anything that doesn't catch him on a personal level. My mother was much the same way..." Morter said stronger now "You had a rough childhood, then?" Miso asked sadly. "That's terrible... Where are they now?" "well my mom's dead and my dad dissapeared as soon as my younger brother Pyre turned 10, the legal age of a trainer."Morter said now returning his voice to its normal indiferrance "Where is your brother now?" Miso asked, with a newfound sense of curiousity. *sigh* "well he ran off after losing in the final match of the johto league and I haven't seen or heard from him since... but he wanted to travel to places in this order: Johto,Hoenn, Orre, Sinnoh,Kanto,Almia, the Orange Archipelago... then he said he would retire with his pokemon in the same run down village we were born in..." "And at such a young age... Wow." Miso eyes gleamed. "He's younger than me and he's already reached the Johto League. I, too, want to reach that level..." "take your time and don't worry... we were raised at a young age to battle pokemon. Our parents believed that if we were old enough to walk we were old enough to fight. the only one who truly got away was my younger brother Silver who escaped after evolving an almost dead quilava and running away with the typhloson. You don't want to reach this level..." Morter said trying to see how she would react.