Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 3:33 pm
November Questions are up! heart
Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 3:47 pm
POINTS ADDEDOwner's Name: wooga Paes Participating Soquili: Paco Link to Teepee: http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=1559547
What is stamina?: It is basically what allows one to run long, or do an activity for long. Its what defines if you tire easily or not 8D
The following are stats each Soquili has: Courage, Strength, Speed, Intelligence, and Luck. Which do you think uses Stamina the most and why?: Strength. Its hard to keep up on hard work for very long >8O
Tell me why stamina's important in YOUR life. Why do you need it?: So I can do what I like for longer, without tiring, and thus not having to stop what I want to do. :]
Thanksgiving Bonus!
For one extra stat point, tell me what you're thankful for: 'm grateful for being huge >8D
Edit: xD Fixed. I got compleetly confused by the questions.
Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 3:59 pm
POINTS ADDEDOwner's Name: Kamiki Participating Soquili: Kamiki Link to Teepee: Kamiki's TeepeeWhat is stamina?: Stamina... well, I suppose that would be staying power. Not how fast, or how hard you swim, fly, or run... but how long you can keep it up. Marathon, ya know?
The following are stats each Soquili has: Courage, Strength, Speed, Intelligence, and Luck. Which do you think uses Stamina the most and why?: Strength I would suppose. Its very hard to keep up all the work f or a long time!Tell me why stamina's important in YOUR life. Why do you need it?: Well, it hasn't been so far. But I have three little ones on the way, and goodness knows I'm going to need stamina to keep up with them!! I remember what I was like as a filly, and I know I wore my mother out. Wish me luck, will you?Thanksgiving Bonus!For one extra stat point, tell me what you're thankful for: My baskets of course! I love them to death already!
Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 4:02 pm
POINTS ADDED((While reading these imagine Scarlet speaking dead pan, it’s better that way)) Owner's Name: Nisshou Hakuyaiba Participating Soquili: Scarlet Wing Link to Teepee: Right 'EreWhat is stamina?: Stamina is what lets you hold out longer before you collapse from exhaustion. The following are stats each Soquili has: Courage, Strength, Speed, Intelligence, and Luck. Which do you think uses Stamina the most and why?: Speed. You can only run so far for so long. Without stamina you fail before you start.Tell me why stamina's important in YOUR life. Why do you need it?: I run. I have to run sometimes until my heart feels ready to burst.Thanksgiving Bonus! For one extra stat point, tell me what you're thankful for: I’m thankful for my lessons.
Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 4:06 pm
POINTS ADDEDOwner's Names:: Teh Cheryl & -Polar- Participating Soquili:: Tezuka Kunimitsu Link to Teepee:: .xxx.
What is stamina? :: Stamina is the ability to push yourself to your utmost limits and go as far as you can in order to achieve something.
The following are stats each Soquili has: Courage, Strength, Speed, Intelligence, and Luck. Which do you think uses Stamina the most and why? :: All of the stats which a Soquili posses can thought of in regards to stamina. While one may think stamina more heavily affects speed and strength, it is also important to train yourself mental and be mentally strong.
Tell me why stamina's important in YOUR life. Why do you need it? :: Stamina is needed in order to train and become stronger. Only those who are able to both physically and mentally can improve their stamina. It is needed for me, in order to go as far as I possibly can to train myself and to achieve new goals.
Thanksgiving Bonus!
For one extra stat point, tell me what you're thankful for. :: I am thankful for the support of my teammates who have helped me over come difficulties in my life and being able to watch them all grow and really expand their potential. Everyone, don't let your guard down!
Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 4:18 pm
POINTS ADDEDOwner's Name: Lady Evelyn Nyht Participating Soquili: Wild Wind Link to Teepee: [ xXx] What is stamina?: The wind flexes his wings and puffs his chest out in a prideful manner. His gaze lingers on his wings, "Stamina is the ability to fly for long distances and to be able to last longer than your opponent. It's all a state of mind, really."The following are stats each Soquili has: Courage, Strength, Speed, Intelligence, and Luck. Which do you think uses Stamina the most and why?: A look of confusion passes over his features. Each word is drawn out slowly as if unsure what the question is asking for. "Well. I would have to say speed and strength. It's a dead even tie between the two. You can be the strongest or fastest Soquili, but the one that lasts the longest is the winner."Tell me why stamina's important in YOUR life. Why do you need it?: A cheeky smile stretches across his face as he stretches his black and white wings on either side. "Well, that should be clear, good sir. I am a Wind. We have to spend hours upon hours flying from place to place. We soar with the best and worst of the weather. There is a good side to this since only we can get to the best grazing sites. But yes, I use it to keep myself in the air. A grounded wind is a very sad sight to behold."Thanksgiving Bonus!For one extra stat point, tell me what you're thankful for: He folds his wings slowly with a pleasant smile. A wistful sigh escapes his lips before he snaps back to reality. "I am thankful for the herd I am part of. You have no idea how hard it is to wander these lands and have all those foolish Winds, Alicorns, Unicorns, and horses say that your ideas are wrong. I am accepted into a place where I don't have to conform to another's beliefs like my old herd." A blush creeps on his face, "And then there's Maelstrom."
Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 6:08 pm
POINTS ADDEDOwner's Name: Caitlyn Hellstorm Participating Soquili: Zahariah Link to Teepee: Teepee linkWhat is stamina?: Stamina basically means endurance.. how long you can keep going for very long time or so. It just means you have more energy and tolerance to keep going without giving up even when your body or mind wants to.The following are stats each Soquili has: Courage, Strength, Speed, Intelligence, and Luck. Which do you think uses Stamina the most and why?: I would have to say strength because strength is not just physical..its emotional and mental. You need good stamina in all of areas to keep going and live the life the way you want to and deal with the problems with caving in or making it even more worse.Tell me why stamina's important in YOUR life. Why do you need it?: Stamina is very important in my life because I always train my body so it will stay in tiptop shape. So I take daily runs to see how far and long I can keep running at the same pace or climb the mountains of Frosta to see if I could do it. Raising children requires alot of stamina because they are going to be handful so its very important to have alot of stamina because you will need it to keep up with your little'uns.Thanksgiving Bonus!For one extra stat point, tell me what you're thankful for: Zahariah shot an indulgent smile as he looks at his family whom is standing nearby. "I would have to say I am very thankful for my lovely mate and my two beautiful daughters. They have been there for me no matter what.. they will always be important to me."
Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 4:51 pm
POINTS ADDEDOwner's Name: Ivory_Feld Participating Soquili: Maui Link to Teepee: XWhat is stamina?: Stamina is the amount of energy & effort you can endure when preforming a given task. Examples of tasks involving stamina would be running, long jumping and climbing.The following are stats each Soquili has: Courage, Strength, Speed, Intelligence & Luck. Which do you think uses Stamina the most and why?: Speed because Stamina is needed to keep a steady pace, or sprint, or keep energy & endure traveling long distances.Tell me why stamina's important in YOUR life. Why do you need it?: Well, since Oathkeeper, my adoptive father is such a race addict, stamina is important to me so I can keep up with him in a race! xd Aside from that, I'm a wind and stamina is highly needed for Winds so we can get airborn and stay airborn for long distances! Aside from the physical, stamina plays a role in my life emotionally as well' I'm constantly induring dealing sanely with my overly flirtive mother and half sister... emotion_sweatdrop Thanksgiving Bonus!For one extra stat point, tell me what you're thankful for:I am thankful for Oathkeeper, for he's proven that you can have family without blood ties that's just as good and pure as family with blood ties. I am also thankful for life as it yeilds many mysteries and wonders and love...cause love is all we have and all we need in the end.
Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 11:03 pm
POINTS ADDEDOwner's Name: Infinities Participating Soquili: Ishtar Link to Teepee: XWhat is stamina?: Stamina? I... I guess it's how long you can run.The following are stats each Soquili has: Courage, Strength, Speed, Intelligence, and Luck. Which do you think uses Stamina the most and why?: Strength. Because you have tobe strong to have endurance, and technically endurance and stamina are the same things?Tell me why stamina's important in YOUR life. Why do you need it?: Well, if anything happened, and you needed to get away, having lots of stamina means that even if you can't go as fast as your follower, you can go for longer. Thanksgiving Bonus!For one extra stat point, tell me what you're thankful for: I'm thankful for my family! =D
Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 12:05 am
POINTS ADDEDOwner's Name: Huroggmeten Participating Soquili: Shishio Link to Teepee: Click~
What is stamina?:
Stamina is the ability to endure all that is required of you. It is the ability to push your body to it's limits, and then to push it even further. It is a state of mind that one must posses if one wishes to lend others aid, for what good could you do if you have no more stamina than the one you wish to help?
A lack of stamina puts many a Soquili in grave danger. If they cannot outrun a Kalona, they could be horribly wounded or even killed. If they cannot withstand the coldest nights of winter, they could freeze to death.
Lacking stamina is dangerous.
The following are stats each Soquili has: Courage, Strength, Speed, Intelligence, and Luck. Which do you think uses Stamina the most and why?:
Everyone has a limited amount of stamina, and so they must use it wisely; and so Intelligence uses Stamina. Everyone can increase their stamina by increasing their strength; and so Strength uses stamina. However, Luck and Stamina are more closely linked then any other statistics.
When a foal is born, they are considered lucky or unlucky. They could have the luck to be blessed with good looks, or with a high level of intelligence, or great strength. They could be entirely lacking of luck, possessing some strange disease that renders them ugly to all others or perhaps a weak leg. But luck exists not only in genetics, but in life and death situations.
If you have more stamina then the one you are fighting, or running from, then you are lucky; If that beast has more stamina then you, then you are unlucky.
Tell me why stamina's important in YOUR life. Why do you need it?:
I require stamina to help others. As I have previously stated, it is dangerous to have a low level of stamina. There may come a time when I need to protect the ones I love. To think that my lovely Alenazsa would ever come to harm... I could not bear it. I could not stand by and watch while some brute chased her down and tore into her... the very thought! It pains me to think so, but I know that in this world such things are possible. I know that in this world not all is good and pure. Evil exists, and evil could have the stamina to outrun me or outfight me and enough left over to do away with the ones I love. I could not stand for them to suffer such a fate!
And so I must posses stamina, to be prepared for the day when I will need it most.
Thanksgiving Bonus!
For one extra stat point, tell me what you're thankful for:
I am thankful for Alenazsa. That is the pure and simple truth.
I am thankful that I stumbled upon her that fateful night, that she walked with me and spoke with me, that our love could blossom as it did. I am thankful that our love is so pure, so true. I am thankful that we were blessed with children of our own, children who seem like angels brought upon us by some kind god. I am thankful... for love.
Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 8:42 pm
POINTS ADDEDOwner's Name: Manda Participating Soquili: [ Sorai] Link to Teepee: [ x] What is stamina?: "Well ... " Sorai starts slowly, blinking slightly. "Stamina is how much energy you have, basically. Something like that ... "The following are stats each Soquili has: Courage, Strength, Speed, Intelligence, and Luck. Which do you think uses Stamina the most and why?: "I think that Strength or Speed would probably use Stamina the most because you have to have energy to be fast or strong. The other things are all things that you don't really need energy for."Tell me why stamina's important in YOUR life. Why do you need it?: At that question, Sorai tilts her head just a little and thinks for a moment or two. "I don't really know ... that it is all that important to me. I suppose I need it so that I wouldn't get tired too quickly, but other than that ..." She trails off then, not sure what else to say about it.Thanksgiving Bonus!For one extra stat point, tell me what you're thankful for: "Oh ... that's easy. I'm thankful that I got to meet my mother. And thankful for my father ... " She breaks off for a moment at an indignant little squeak from her mane. "Oh, and I'm thankful for Dele too, of course."
Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 7:44 am
POINTS ADDEDOwner's Name: Rein_Carnation Participating Soquili: Hsien-Ko Link to Teepee: Here (under construction)
What is stamina?:
Hsien rested easily swishing her tail back and forth as she pondered her answer, "Hmm I would say its the drive to keep going. The sheer endurance of how much energy you truly have". She looked outward away for a moment thinking of the darker beings she chose battle with before responding once more, "Stamina if used improperly will be a downfall when you need it most. Is best to conserve than consume."
The following are stats each Soquili has: Courage, Strength, Speed, Intelligence, and Luck. Which do you think uses Stamina the most and why?:
Hsien nodded and responded with a furrowed brow, her one forehoof tracing the ground with silver claws, "I would say mainly Speed is a consumer of Stamina but also the other stats come into play as well. Stamina is not nearly just becoming out of breath from a brief run or fight. It comes into play with thinking and hoping for good outcomes. Each stat I believe is crucial to one another.
Tell me why stamina's important in YOUR life. Why do you need it?:
Smiling the Chinese mare looked out from her "fu" paper and smiled, "Why to keep anything evil at bay of course. Its what helps me to do a little soul searching and rip a new one into those ungrateful creatures when they deserve it. If I exhaust my stamina I might as well toss myself to the kalona." She paused grinning with a wink, "And I know as well as you do that I'm not that meek or inferior."
Thanksgiving Bonus!
For one extra stat point, tell me what you're thankful for:
Smiling she nodded and looked to the far horizon in front of her. "I'm thankful for many things actually. The chance to feel achevied, the friends I've met and remember who I am, and also to that nice ice mare that has let me dwell in this region. By no means shall anything come to harm that herd or the one that governs it. By this I give my soul loyalty to those I respect."
Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 4:52 pm
POINTS ADDEDOwner's Name: Meeki Participating Soquili: Lord SothLink to Teepee: XWhat is stamina?: Stamina is what keeps your body going when the battle rages on. The healthier you are, the more stamina you will have. In a battle, this can be the driving point to victory. Strength and Speed can only keep you going so long. Stamina is what can bring you out on top. The following are stats each Soquili has: Courage, Strength, Speed, Intelligence, and Luck. Which do you think uses Stamina the most and why?: Strength and Speed go hand in hand with Stamina the best. What is strength if you lose it fast? What is speed if you cannot run for very long? If Strength and Speed were brothers, Stamina would be their father. Tell me why stamina's important in YOUR life. Why do you need it?: I am a warrior. I have been in battles that have lasted a long time. Sometimes when you're about to lose everthing, you have to rely on stamina to pull you through. It's saved my a** enough times, that's for sure. It is in this that I have trained my body well. Thanksgiving Bonus!For one extra stat point, tell me what you're thankful for: I am thankful to be alive. Though not a day goes by that I do not regret actions in my past, it is a day that I deserve as punishment for what I have done. I am thankful to have a chance to atone for my sins.
Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 5:50 pm
POINTS ADDED[-aww'd horribly much at Shishio's last part-]
Owner's Name: Marinity Participating Soquili: Alenazsa Link to Teepee:
What is stamina?: In my mind, Stamina is the will in you. Some people say that it is your true Physical strength,.. which, in a sense it is, but in my mind, Stamina is your will to continue. If you are in a spot where you need the energy to go on, your Stamina will be there to push you forward. An inner strength, really.
The following are stats each Soquili has: Courage, Strength, Speed, Intelligence, and Luck. Which do you think uses Stamina the most and why?: ...Truely, I do not at all believe that a certain one uses more Stamina than the last, as they are all use Stamina... However, if I where to absolutely, have to answer, as if my very life depended on it, I would choose to say that Courage, would consume the most Stamina. I know some others, especially my daughter, perhaps even my son, would look at me strange for saying that, but I would continue to stick to my answer. Because for me, Courage truly is everything. Strength, feeds off courage; If you are to fight and go on in life, you need the Courage to do so. Your Speed relies on Courage; Are you brave enough to venture where you run, even though anything could happen at any given moment in time? Intelligence... though it seems like you would not need courage for that, but you do. You need to be brave, to believe in yourself, and your own thoughts.
Courage stands for most things, and therefore it would use most of the Stamina you possess.
Tell me why stamina's important in YOUR life. Why do you need it?: To protect my family, of course. With two, [sadly, not so small] Children, and my mate, and in the future, [hopefully] more children, there may be a time when Shishio will not be around, and I will be the one that will need to protect my children. I will need the courage, strength, and wisdom to protect my family, all of which feed off of Stamina, as I stated before.
Thanksgiving Bonus!
For one extra stat point, tell me what you're thankful for: It almost seems like a stupid question to me. I am thankful for my family... My brother, though I do not often see him,... his mate, my nieces and nephews, my mate, my children, and the children that will hopefully come in the future,... and also, the chance to even be able to settle with my own family, something I'd not at all dreamed of upon coming here,... also, the chance to, some day, be able to possibly become a grandmother, with the help of my two children,... And whomever they may choose to be with.
Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 9:22 pm
POINTS ADDEDOwner's Name: Reeve_Tuesti Participating Soquili: YueLink to Teepee: HereWhat is stamina?:- It is the ability to keep going no matter what obstacles one may face.The following are stats each Soquili has: Courage, Strength, Speed, Intelligence, and Luck. Which do you think uses Stamina the most and why?:- Each needs stamina in it's own right, but I believe that it is courage that needs it the most. Because if your courage does not last, how can you stand up for the things you believe in?Tell me why stamina's important in YOUR life. Why do you need it?:- Stamina allows me to keep going so I can protect what is important to me.Thanksgiving Bonus!For one extra stat point, tell me what you're thankful for:- My very existence.