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PostPosted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 7:55 pm

So life right now is not going well. Firstly I have apparently a high blood pressure , so it's making me feel terrible.

Secondly then I 've been so busy. I have absolutely no free time to myself . Lately all i've been doing is going between working, or being at school. All this week i've been doing tests for my three classes that i'm taking this semester. that is Great Religions of the world , Philosophy , and sociology.

so far my favorite is my religions class. I'm exicted to learn about lots of religions, including japanese Shinto.

that and i'm still working on my ayame sohma cosplay ..and I'm nowhere close to being done.

Then there's my new puppy..yes a new puppy. I now have 5 pets, three cats and two dogs. The new puppy is a red tri australian sheperd puppy. His name is scout , and boy is he a handful. he chews everything..but I love him a lot. he's a little bundle of cute trouble.

and that's it for now.. more as it unfolds  
PostPosted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 9:32 am
Hi Gang! Myria here , on my other original account . Wow its been a long time since I blogged about anything , I suppoose i'd better catch you all up on what i've been doing !

Well firstly I'm no longer going that that rinky-dink little community college.As of August this year i've been going to a major university not too far away from my home . Its a nice place, not too big and easy to get around. I live in a dorm room with a roommate . Its tiny in here ,about the size of a room one would live in at a house , but a tiny bit bigger than that. So far i'm having a good semester here , i've taken a class in women's studies, EDBE which is teaching english as a second language, Math( i wasn't supposed to but apparently something got messed up and i have to ) and a teaching reading to students class.

THe other nice thing about living her is that there's a bus system, so its easy for me to get around since i don't drive. Plus the dorm is close to all the major resturaunts down the road and not too far from downtown where there's just a few botiques and a great Hamburger place t hat does huge hamburgers. They even use grated cheese instead of sliced on the burgers and offfer other things like hot dogs and cheese fries too .

Other than that there's not much going on with me. I've almost finished my first semester here at the major univeristy and only have two finals left. Most of my other finals were acutally final projects. Two of those projects were actually group projects and only one is a real comprehensive final .That final , the comprehensive one is of course for math class . Then i'm going home for chrismas to my family and to start working at my job at a major retail company as a cashier again . i'll have to get them to tell me how to do some stuff again since they 've added stuff i think to what a cashier does while i've been away . Believe me folks..the job is worth it.. Especially if you knew how much I was paying to be here

EDIT:Oh i almost forgot! sadly one of my pets passed away this year. one of my dogs. She was actually my grandmother's dog we were caring for since grandma went to a alzheimer's facility to be taken care of. She was.. well i don't know how old she was .. well beyond the years her breed required. She was a mix of Italian Greyhound and something else and her name was Bridgette. She was on her last legs anyway and on thanksgiving after everyone had gone we decided to let her in after she had been out . She was outside all day because she was enjoying the sun and we let her in as the sun was going down . Well i called and opened the door but no sign of her. So mom went to see if she had fallen in the fool (She was unsteady in walking in her old age ) and she hadn't. Apparnetly my idiot brother or father who had been working outside cleaning and moving stuff from front to backyard had left the gate open.. Bridgette had run off . THis isn't hte first time she had done this either. She did it once before by getting out of the house somehow without any of us letting her out. That time thankfully we found her when we went to the animal shelter, but that's another story. This time however we (my mom my brother and i ) ran out to find her . My brother and mom took his car while i walked with my puppy shining a flashlight around to see if i could spot her since she's a black dog . No luck. We assume she ran away to die knowing she didn't have any time left and didn't want to upset us by dying at home... brave dog. I'll never forget her , she was a good dog and i'll miss her .

R.I.P Bridgette

Anyway Joy to you all....  


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PostPosted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 11:24 am
This post will be dealing with death, which i've delt a lot with this year. In addition to my dog dying this year, i've lost some important people in my life.

THe first important person that i lost this year was my grandfather. My mother's father. I never knew my other grandfather, having met him only when i was a baby. We have pictures but I was too young to remember him. Anyway i was very close to my papa (which is what i called him) He was an interesting man . He worked for a newspaper and talked to the mother of Lee Harvery Oswald, the assasin of JFK. we even have a picture of him talking to her. He used to help me with my fishing pole when i was a kid and i was close to him. He lived three hours away from me , but i always never minded the trip to go see him and my mimi. Anyway my grandfather wasn't in the best shape having had lots of translplants. He died after i think slipping in the shower. I attended the funeral, and it was one of the hardest things i've ever done. They buried him amongst my other family members from that side of the family i'd never met. i still tear up thinking about him.

The second importnat person to die was a dear friend of mine. His name was Thomas. we met in high school and became fast friends. we both had the same intersts of anime and he developed a crush on me. sadly i didn't feel the same, so when i learned he had died i was devistated. Thomas was the boy who took me to prom. He was one of my closest friends , probably one of the only true friends i ever had besides my pal clara who i've been friends with since elementary school . (Warning: Do not make fun of what i'm about to say or you fill face a very angry person ) He died ... choking on a fruit roll up . I was at work just getting out when another friend of ours called and told me. I didn't go to his funeral.. i couldn't. It would of killed me to see someone else i care for put in the ground .

As to bridgette , well i' already told you how she went. So i'll tell you about how we found her the first time she escaped and how i met her. Bridgette actually found us. We have no clue where she came from but one day i was outside at the front of my house... playing . And this dog walks up to me. Poor thing seemed lost and scared so i got my mom and we took care of it , and tried to find its owner. well we couldn't and we decided we were going to take care of this dog and give her as a gift to my grandma ( who showed no signs of alzhiemers during this time) so she went to live with my grandma. Now the time she escaped we had no idea how she got out of the house. So after searching furiously around hte neighborhood calling her name, we decided to check our local animal shelters. We went to the closest one first and i went in . I was quietly praying to god that i'd find her, because i love that dog. So i turn the first corner and lo and behold. Who should be on the first cage around that corner..but my missing dog Bridgette. Apparently the poor confused dear who was already up there in years had wandered down our street where some kind souls took care of her until the sheleter people came for her. So we took her home after getting all the neccesary stuff and there she stayed until that fateful thanksgiving.

So yes.. this has been a year of death for me.. .  
PostPosted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 8:18 pm
This has been one of the best Christmases (is that a word?) that I ever remember. The First reason that it is is because starting in the morning of December 24th it started to snow. and it wasn't the tick wet snow we're used to here.No I was the stuff that you ski on. It was special because its my puppy's first Christmas with us so it was extra special for him

Secondly I got most everything I asked for This Christmas. Excpet for a few new games that my mother couldn't find . I especially love my new digital camera. I can finially replace the one that broke and take more wonderful pictures. I love Christmastime, Too bad I have to work tomorrow. Checking out people buying Christmas stuff on sale.  


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PostPosted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 6:56 pm
So now i'm back at College, and I'm still a junior. But i'm confident that it won't be too much longer till I get my Bachelors degree and then my masters Degree.

So this year I moved up seven floors from Temporary Housing on the seventh floor to the all important and apparently honors floor of the 14th floor. We have a lounge on this floor , with a fantastic view of the street and outlying area behind the Hall. The people on this floor are just, amazing. I've never felt more welcome. Everytime they see me they say hi , they don't ignore me like they did on the seventh floor. The view from my room is awsome. I can see over the entire campus, no kidding. I can even see into the student union second floor from where I am.

My roomate is also wonderful. She's like the long lost twin i've never had. She doesn't like anime. But she's happy like I am. Very sweet and kind. We get along spectaculartly. However I wish I could say my classes were going that well.

My Classes this year are a mix of the last of my core curriculum classes, and some teaching classes. I 'm taking hte last of my math classes, an online art class for teaching art to students, an Education and society class and a teaching special education class. I go to class monday , tuesday, wednesday and Friday. And my art class is probably going to be the most intersting out of all my classes. Instead of actually walking to class, my art class is online. Now you may ask me , but Kahlan, how can you do art class online? Well it works like this. We will meet online and projects will be doing a project and taking pictures of our progress and putting those pictures in power point. From there we turn the power point in online and boom! that' how it happens.

I hope you all are having a great school year. and please at least post in my journal with questions you have for me!  
PostPosted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 9:15 pm
shoot me.. shoot me now and get it over with
I've been bogged down lately and stressed. All this schoolwork that i'm having to do for my classes is stressing me out to now end. I have projects due almost every sunday, and now we're getting into test time. One of my teachers gave me a review with just vague snipits on it such as

Chapter 2
Multicultural schools

and there's a wiole bunch in the book under that section and I have no idea what's gonna be on the test. aaargh!

In other news my father is an idiot. He's sold my mother's payed off van that they were using to advertise his bunk bed buisness for an $800 a month truck for delivering orders. He hasn't even gotten a single order in yet! Yes the van didn't get good mileage, but it was payed off, and he has me and my brother who is about to go into college . He tried to get the van back today but they'd already sold it so now we're stuck with this truck he bought on impulse apparently. I worry now how they plan to help my brother get through college. I'm going to be fine, but i'm more worried for him. He wants to be an architect and a nice school (Not Cheap!) has shown interest in him. They won't be able to afford that and the truck unless one of my parents starts working harder than they already are. and they work pretty hard my father doesn't come home till late because of his company being not very good and mom works in different school districts with special needs kids which makes her drive a lot .

This is all just one big mess. I wish there was some way out of it.. Hopefully it all clears up soon and I can relax.. COME ON SPRING BREAK!  


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PostPosted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 8:23 pm
Well it turns out now that my father made the right choice. He got a huge order and the "monster" aka his new truck is actually pretty awsome. I got to ride in it and its got all these neat little features that make it nice

In other news i've been having a lot of trouble lately. My puppy scout, who's an Australian Shepherd puppy started having seizures. This was out of the blue, he'd never had a seizure before and they were Grand Maul seizures. He'd stop breathing for a bit and he had six in one day . We tried everything to get him back to normal, even giving him medication the vet had prescribed to our old epileptic dog bridgette (Bless her soul). Well Whatever it was the meds stopped it. He now takes 8 pills a day, but he's not the same dog. He's scared of me now, its like he's never met me before . He no longer jumps and plays and just lays around , he's an entirely different dog. But he's slowly on the track to recovery  
PostPosted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 9:44 pm
well life has yet again dealt me another blow. The reason I haven't updated in quite some time is that I've been swamped under by homework. I just recently got that done and now I have something else preoccupying me. My father has been diagnosed with hyperparathyroidism. Apparently that means one of the para thyroids in his neck is messed up. It causes all sorts of stuff like irritability and stuff he's had. He had to go to the hospital for something else recently and they diagnosed him. So now he has to go get surgery from that after being out of the hospital for the first thing he went in for. But wait.. it gets better . Apparently now he has to get surgery the morning after I'm writing this because of a problem with something inside that's making him sick. and until he gets well he can't have his Hyperparathyroid surgery which will cure a whole lot of his other problems. I feel I may go home this weekend and just do my best to help my family as much as I can during this difficult time..

Other than that I'm doing well. My semester is almost over. I'm nearly dead from all the paperwork and typing I've had to do . Oh and you all would probably love to have an update on scout , my puppy wouldn't you? Well he's doing well now, back to his old self. I had to start over completely with him because he forgot who I was due to those seizures. He's down to two pills a day and seems happy enough.

Summer can't come quick enough..  


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PostPosted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 4:20 pm
Myria again with an update on my father.

Well father had to go through some other minor things. But slowly yet surely he's getting better enough to get his surgery done to get his hyperparathyroidism fixed . Plus my grandmother, who is his adopted mother fell recently, breaking the ball in her shoulder and dislocating it . So in addition to being in pain he's been having to go to the hospital to visit her as she now heals from the surgery. This has just been a bad year for us medicial wise. Thank goodness my semester is almost over so I can stay at home and help as much as I can in between working to earn money for the fall semester.  
PostPosted: Sat May 15, 2010 7:46 pm

Well I made it through my finals without going insane. However now going home seems a lot less welcoming. My father is in a deteriorating conditioning and so I'm really worried about him. They attached a bag to kidney to keep it from getting any bigger and so it would drain that way . But now he's unable to eat anything without getting sick. Its awful and if he does eat something he immediately gets nauseous . So I'm having to help my mom care for him as much as I can and keep the house looking nice and keeping up with everything so she won't go mad.

But wait. it gets better. In addition to being home and having to help out at the house , I have to go back to work tomorrow . So now I have the added stress of work and helping out at home to deal with. This summer is definitely going to be an interesting one. Thank goodness one of my presents was a pedicure machine . Also the trip to Eureka Springs, should help and the fact that maybe they may not schedule me at work as much as they might of hired good cashiers in my place while I was gone for a semester.

We'll just wait and see..  


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PostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 2:21 pm
Myria's back, and has so much to say .

Firstly myria went to her local convention lately with one of her friends who she hasn't gotten to spend time with in a while. It was fum, probably more fun that she's had in a while. She got a totoro plushie, a great new poster from one of her favorite old animes she hasn't seen in a while, a figurine from one of her favorite new series , and another plushie of ayame sohma. Basically a great hall. Sadly she also saw someone she doesn't like that she's been trying to avoid.

Other than that its been a long long month. Myria's daddy hasn't been feeling so well, in fact he's been downright sick. So she's been worried about him as he want between surgeries and feeling miserable laying in bed. Other than that its mostly been working , and working hard. Kahlan's work has been asking her to come in a lot and work short shifts and she's been saying yes. I figure that if I do enough shifts I 'll have more than enough by the end of the summer to afford school in the fall.

Other than that I haven't been up to much , its been really hot where myria is and now its really rainy. Myria has mostly been focusing while inside on finding a fourth class to take that will benefit her education now that she's done with her core curriculum classes.  
PostPosted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 10:24 pm
I have so much to tell you all. I guess I should really start with the big one first.

Myria will not be coming around anymore.I have closed her account and will only be using this account and a cosplay account I have made from now on. I felt that I could no longer go anywhere with myria and it was time to let her go.

Now on to the happier news. I note that in my last entry I mentioned my father . Well he got better thank goodness. It was a long hard road but he is now much better than he was and is no longer stuck in bed from his pain. Also, I'm back in school for my fall semester.

So far its been really hard, since I'm taking four classes at once. One has turned out to not be anything like its supposed to be . But that is probably because of the professor ,and apparently she's the only one who teaches that class. So I have to take this class and finish it because If I drop to get away from her it won't do any good. But i'm not worried. I'm confident that I can get through this semester and enjoy myself with a few social activities along the way.

Also I'm excited because next spring a dear friend of mine, who i've known since elementary school is getting married. This person is someone I consider to be my dearest friend and I'm so happy for them. At the same time though, i'm jelous. All the people I know who I have been friends with either are dating someone ,have kids or are married . While i'm still in College with no boyfriend at all. I 've only had a date and it didn't go so hot and I fear i'm doomed to be alone forever. -sigh- I think I need some comfort food..  


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PostPosted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 7:38 pm
Kahlan has been really tired I've been busy with nothing but schoolwork , which is why I haven't posted for a while.

Really there's not much I can say right now, things have been going quite well for me. My father's health is back to being great, and he may be getting a job that makes him happy. My own health is finally back to being good, I was sick for a tiny bit. I'm making good grades in all but one class, but I'm working to fix that. Right now, I feel this semester is looking up for me. I feel that I'm going to do well , although a break would really be nice.

I don't know if anyone actually reads these anymore, because I don't see anyone else posting in this thread and commenting on my journals.

Oh I know what else I was going to say, I'm now part of a joint shop for tarot reading. I work with two other people, and only one other does readings. Other than that, kahlan is a bored person ... or maybe i'm just boring..  
PostPosted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 5:39 pm
and cue the breakdown...

Yes I had a sort of breakdown recently, I cried a lot . I have decided that I may not be doing what I want to do with my life. That the college I am at, is not providing the education I need. So I am considering a transfer right now, to a college in the same town with the same educational program as the one I want. However, its program would offer me a broader spectrum of job opportunities wit the degree I could get.

Its not that I hate the college I go to ..its... that the educators here aren't the best. They use a lot of adjunct professors who aren't the best teachers. I am hoping this all works out,because so far this change is only showing me better things. This school is closer to the mall and good restraunts, I can get the apartment i've been wanting to live in, and hopefully some better classes for me and getting closer to an Bachelor's degree. wish me luck people..  


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PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2011 10:05 pm
Well at lot has changed since my last post, and I have done a lot of thinking. I ended up deciding that I am going to stick to my guns and remain at the school I am at. However I made a few changes to my enviornment at the school which I think really helped.

Firstly, I moved out of the dorms at the school , and now live in a nearby apartment. Its so close I can walk a few steps away from my home and i'm on campus. Also, I came to realize I am almost finished which really helped me come to terms with continuing my education.

So far my only concerns is quitting my job of 4 year to start a job closer to my school so I can continue and go to summer school . I hate to quit, but I have two jobs I am going for that I think I am qualified for. One of which is an assistant job, while the other is a job at the school paper writing for them! So wish me luck people, and if this works out I may have a cool new job soon.  
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