Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 7:15 am
About Glitter Rock: "Relevant quote or song lyrics for this particular soquili" Maxed stats May 4, 2016 Alternate cert: No flagUncert: Here, and With flag and PregnantName: Glitter Rock Meaning: n/a Lifemate: Quinntessential (Sylent Nyte) Breeding/Lifemating Agreement: Here 2-24-2014 Co-ownership agreement: HereSexuality: Hetero Generation: 2 Breed: Half Unicorn Family: Mother: GlamrockFather: StarcandyReceived: As a Gift from Meeki in 2008 Post Color : Deep Pink Chat Head: History: Glitter grew up within the True Spirit herd, surrounded by a loving family. It was a simple life, full of love and service to others. When she became an adult, she felt the need to explore and set off to discover herself. Soon after leaving she met Xian, and the two became fast friends. They eventually became lovers, and had three kids together. The two unfortunately discovered that it was not love that bound them, and decided to remain friends but go their separate ways. The children they reared together, but once they grew to adulthood Glitter and Xian went their separate ways.
Glitter wandered far and wide and eventually met and fell in love Quinn, and the two became lifemates. They travel together now, though they also maintain a certain level of independence. Glitter likes to go on her own adventures and meet new soquili. Personality: Glitter Rock is the embodiment of a free spirit and a dreamer. She has boundless energy and often thinks about the stars and what the heavens would look like if she could fly up towards them. She bears no jealousies to those with wings; she simply wonders what it might be like. Her life is an adventure and she is always in motion, pushing forward with indomitable optimism. Her feet are always moving, but so too is her mind. She is intelligent in an understated way and never passes judgment on anyone. She has no reservations about approaching all types of soquili, though that trait tends to get her into trouble sometimes. She wholeheartedly believes that her feet can carry her far and fast enough away from any danger she may face. She is a little on the naive side in her innocence, but she is warm and loyal and always seeking new friends.
Glitter's mother is the Alpha of the Ture Spirit Herd. Glitter takes great pride in this and carries with her the ideals of the herd. She hopes to one day return to the herd and help it prosper, but had taken it upon herself to venture out into the lands to find the dangers that the herd would protect the two-leggers from and to find the ways to protect herself and others, as well as how to heal those who need it.
Glitter has a deep love of family, especially hers. She loves how large it is and that no matter where she goes, she's likely to find someone sharing her blood. She feels that having such a large and loving family brings her the greatest strength and is overjoyed that she has children of her own.Plots: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Breeding Attempts: Glitter X Quinn 1. http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?page=7&t=24502347#3683718352. http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=24731373&page=23. http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?page=2&t=24781583#3737635654. http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?page=1&t=24788455#3738870255. http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=24870777&page=16. http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?page=1&t=24883305#3756671177. http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=25012963&page=48. http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?page=1&t=25053819#379113095Breeding Form: Glitter Rock ( Fatal Irony and [s]Meeki[/s]) ) x Quinntessential ( Sylent Nyte)
[b]Mother:[/b] [img]https://i.imgur.com/lY9ImhQ.jpg[/img] [url=https://i.imgur.com/zjZUxOs.png]UNCERT[/url] [b]pregnant stage:[/b] [url=https://i.imgur.com/4sTMPDf.png]I have one already[/url]
[b]Father:[/b] [img]https://i.imgur.com/KS7U6Ov.jpg[/img] [url=http://i941.photobucket.com/albums/ad255/xFatalIrony/Soquili/Uncert/Quinntessentialprev_zpsc52059c8.jpg]UNCERT[/url]
[b]Co Ownership?:[/b] [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=2643386&page=54]Meeki is not getting a basket[/url] [b]Teepees:[/b] [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?page=1&t=13009145#170581068]Fatal Irony[/url], and [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=20818295]Sylent Nyte[/url]
[b]Link to Breeding Agreement:[/b] [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?page=44&t=23696151#363080137][ X ][/url] [color=white]---[/color][b]Lifemate?:[/b] Yes
[b]RP Approved?:[/b] No
[b]Low Luck?:[/b] No
[spoiler][list=1] [*] list of attempts [/list][/spoiler]
[b]Same Breed Variants:[/b] Yes [color=white]---[/color][b]Templates to Avoid:[/b] Long hairstyle
[b]Throwbacks?:[/b] Yes [color=white]---[/color][b]Links to previous generations:[/b]
[url=https://i.imgur.com/I9WxoDv.jpg]Starcandy - Glitter Rock's Dad[/url] [url=https://i.imgur.com/YpesmoX.jpg]Glamrock - Glitter Rock's Mom[/url] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 7:16 am
About Jailhouse Rock: "Relevant quote or song lyrics for this particular soquili" Uncert: Basket, || Foal, || AdultName: Jailhouse Rock Meaning: n/a Lifemate: Lynnesse (dawns_aura) Breeding/Lifemating Agreement: Here and Here 03-09-2014 Co-ownership Agreement: Here and Edited - Voided hereSexuality: Hetero Generation: 3 Breed: Half Uni Family: Mother: Glitter Rock (above) Father: XianMaternal grandparents:Glamrock and StarcandyPaternal Grandparents: Tai Shan and Jailbait (deceased)Received: Through breeding Post Color Dark Orchid Chat Head: History: Personality: Plots: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Breedings: 1. Used with Leilha 2. Reserved for Lynesse 3. Reserved for Lynesse 4. Reserved for Lynesse 5. -not maxed yet - Breeding attempts: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Breeding Form: [quote="4: Lynnesse x Jailhouse Rock"] [b]Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets:[/b] At least one girl --[b] Genders if three are rolled:[/b] At least one girl [b]Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?:[/b] yes -- [b]If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?:[/b] yes
[b]Name, image, and owner(s) of mother:[/b] (Lynnesse /dawns_aura) [img]http://i941.photobucket.com/albums/ad255/xFatalIrony/Soquili/Notmine/BailLaur3_zpsc4fddaba.jpg[/img] [url=http://i941.photobucket.com/albums/ad255/xFatalIrony/Soquili/Notmine/BailLaur3A_zpsvf5ag8hy.png]UNCERT[/url] [b]Name, image, and owner(s) of father:[/b] (Jailhouse Rock / Fatal Irony and Dovaxy) [img]http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a354/soquilipets/Norp/Tagged/Glitteran_tag03.jpg[/img][url=http://i941.photobucket.com/albums/ad255/xFatalIrony/Soquili/Uncert/Glitteran_ADULT03.png]UNCERT[/url] [b]Co Ownership?:[/b] [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?page=37&t=22748047#362673439]Dova isn't getting a basket[/url]
[b]Lifemate?:[/b] Yes
[b]Low Luck?:[/b] No
[b]Link to Breeding Agreement:[/b] [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=23696151&page=47]Here[/url]
[b]Teepees:[/b] [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=13009145&page=1]Fatal Irony[/url], and [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=12046611]Dovaxy[/url] [b]Throwbacks?:[/b] Yes [b]Link to previous Generations:[/b]
Jailhouse Rock:
[url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/LostNside2/Soquili/StarRock_01tag.jpg]Mother[/url] X [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/LostNside2/Soquili/Notmine/TaiJail1.jpg]Father[/url]
[url=http://i941.photobucket.com/albums/ad255/xFatalIrony/Soquili/Notmine/Jailbait.jpg]Paternal Grandmother[/url] X [url=http://i941.photobucket.com/albums/ad255/xFatalIrony/Soquili/Notmine/Taishan.jpg]Paternal Grandfather[/url]
[url=http://i941.photobucket.com/albums/ad255/xFatalIrony/Soquili/Notmine/glamrockcard2_zps8b1d5f6c.jpg]Maternal Grandmother[/url] X [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/LostNside2/Soquili/Notmine/starcandycard.jpg]Maternal Grandfather[/url]
[url=http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a354/soquilipets/DD/Items/Bailey-cert.jpg]Mother [/url]X [url=http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj205/santianne/gaia/soquili/Laures-1.png]Father[/url]
[b]List of Connected Soquili[/b] [list] [*][url=http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj205/santianne/gaia/soquili/Lyonessecert_zpsd5681651.jpg]Lyonnesse[/url] | Aunt [*][url=http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj205/santianne/gaia/soquili/Linaiha-2.jpg]Linaiha[/url] | Half Sibling [*][url=http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a354/soquilipets/Atheart/SoquiliCerts/Growing/BailLaur1.jpg]Gael[/url] | Sibling [*][url=http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a354/soquilipets/Atheart/SoquiliCerts/Growing/BailLaur2.jpg]Aleda[/url] | Sibling [/list]
[/quote] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 7:18 am
About Leilan: "Relevant quote or song lyrics for this particular soquili" Uncert: Basket || Foal || AdultName: Leilan Meaning: n/a Lifemate: Lovely (Yayoi) Lifemate Agreement: Here 04-25-2012 Co-ownership agreement: n/a Sexuality: Hetero Generation: 4 Breed: Half Uni Family:Mother: LeilhaFather: Jailhouse Rock Maternal Grandparents: Iniabi and PamuyaPaternal Grandparents: Xian and Glitter Rock Paternal Great-Grandparents: Glamrock and StarcandyReceived: Through breeding Post Color: Steel Blue Chat Head: History: Personality: Leilan is rather reserved, though far from shy. He's sweet and kind almost to a fault. He likes to be useful and feels most comfortable being a support pillar for others. He can always be counted on, whether for a shoulder to cry on or a comrade in battle. There isn't anything he wouldn't do for family or for friends. He's trusting as well as trustworthy, and is somewhat gullible in that he believes wholeheartedly in the goodness of others. To Leilan, no being is beyond salvation.
Leilan is a gentle spirit, and as kind as they come. He's strong-willed, and always willing to come to the aid of others. He comes from a vast family of good-hearted unicorns and shares their sense of adventure. He's more than willing to go on any sort of adventure and will be most at home in a protector/healer position. Plots: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Roleplays: Breedings: 1. Reserved for Lovely 2. Reserved for Lovely 3. Reserved for Lovely 4. Reserved for Lovely 5. -not maxed yet - Breeding attempts: 1. Breeding Form: [quote="3: Lovely x Leilan"]
[b]Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets:[/b] No pref~ [b]Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?:[/b] Sure -- [b]If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?:[/b] Sure
[b]Name, image, and owner(s) of mother:[/b] (Lovely/Yayoi) [img]http://skullzee.net/soquili/Lovely_mated.jpg[/img] [b]Name, image, and owner(s) of father:[/b] (Leilan/Fatal Irony) [img]http://i941.photobucket.com/albums/ad255/xFatalIrony/Soquili/Leilan3.jpg[/img]
[b]Lifemate?:[/b] Yes
[b]Low Luck?:[/b] No
[b]Link to Breeding Agreement:[/b] [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?page=341&t=11630811#334925771][x][/url]
[b]Teepees:[/b] [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=13009145]Fatal Irony[/url] and [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=13368621]Yayoi[/url] [b]Throwbacks?:[/b] Sure [b]Link to previous Generations:[/b]
Leilan's Line:
[url=http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a354/soquilipets/Norp/Tagged/Glitteran_tag03.jpg]Father[/url] [url=http://i941.photobucket.com/albums/ad255/xFatalIrony/Soquili/Notmine/leilha.png]Mother[/url] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/LostNside2/Soquili/StarRock_01tag.jpg]Grandmother[/url] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/LostNside2/Soquili/Notmine/TaiJail1.jpg]Grandfather[/url] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/LostNside2/Soquili/Notmine/Glamrockelder.jpg]Great Grandmother[/url] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/LostNside2/Soquili/Notmine/starcandycard.jpg]Great Grandfather[/url] [/quote] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 7:19 am
About Rocksteady: "Relevant quote or song lyrics for this particular soquili" Uncert: Basket || Foal || AdultName: Rocksteady Meaning: n/a Lifemate: None Breeding/Lifemate Agreement: Here Broken HereCo-ownership agreement: n/a Sexuality: Hetero Generation: 3 Breed: Regular Family: Mother: Glitter Rock Father: QuinntessentialMaternal Grandparents: Glamrock and Star Candy Received: Through Breeding Post Color Light Sky Blue Chat Head: History: Personality: Rocksteady is, as her name implies, steady. She's good-natured and wise beyond her years. She's learned a great deal from her mother in the ways of the world, but has yet to experience them herself. She's curious much as her mother was and still is, though she lacks the reckless abandon with which Glitter Rock tends to approach all situations.
She is something of a thinker and is certainly more on the quiet side. Perhaps it's her father's influence, though she isn't as manipulative as he.Plots: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Breedings: 1. Used with Dhanuraja 2. Used with Dhanuraja 3. open 4. open 5. -not maxed yet - Breeding attempts: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Breeding Form: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ He is..an adventurer/warrior in the making, he's always wanted to be a warrior and challenge the thought that because he looks like a butterfly he isn't strong enough to go on a grand adventure. He was helping a mare investigate an attacking PW, but they parted ways but that helped inform him about what dangers were out in the world and he has been trying to train to be strong and agile on his wings. But he's really friendly with it, not one of those stoic types and he still likes taking the time to go small and dance in the flowers when he isn't seeking adventure hehe ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 7:21 am
About Rainbow Swirl: "Relevant quote or song lyrics for this particular soquili" Uncert: Basket || Foal || AdultName: Rainbow Swirl Meaning: n/a Lifemate: None Lifemate Agreement: Here and Here and broken HereCo-ownership agreement: n/a Sexuality: Hetero Generation: 4 Breed: Allicorn Family: Mother: Rocksteady Father: Dhanuraja Maternal Grandparents: Quintessential and Glitter Rock Paternal Grandparents Karma and AlynaMaternal Great-Grandparents Star Candy and GlamrockPaternal Great-Grandparents Avalokiteshvara and ScytheReceived: Through breeding Post Color Royal BlueChat Head: History: Personality: Rainbow is a dedicated stallion with a heart of gold. He would go to the ends of the world for the ones he loves - and actually proved that in his quest to heal his beloved Zyanya. He's determined to a fault and once he sets his mind to something he won't let it go. He's an accomplished flyer and quite good at healing, though he is never too proud to ask for help if something is beyond his capabilities. He loves his family and would do anything for them.Plots: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Breedings: 1. Used with Zyanya 2. open 3. open 4. open 5. -not maxed yet - Breeding attempts: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Breeding Form: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OFFERS:She is currently trying for a fling with Fallo Amachi, but I'm thinking of buying it with staff credits at some point so it shouldn't be too long till that's done! Which kinda works out with Rainbow Swirl's broken LM if you're interested~ Eya was the result of a wishing star wish. Her mother, Sakura, absolutely loves kids and loves being a mom, having previously raised two boys. But her wish to the wishing star was a moment of weakness, and she definitely wasn't prepared to actually find Eya's basket. She was on a quest to find her long-lost father, and it took a lot of courage for her to go out and seek him, so most of her focus went towards that. As a result, Eya grew up getting dragged all over the place, forced to tail around behind her mother. Eya is quite a headstrong, stubborn girl and so the two were often at odds. They would argue, and though Sakura loved her daughter dearly, Eya always felt she came second in her mother's affections. Eya grew up never having a real home, so once she was old enough to set off on her own she wandered around aimlessly for a while, unsure of what to do but glad to have her own life in control. Then she met Fallo. The stallion wasn't interested in anything more than a fling, and Eya understood that, though she definitely developed some feelings for him. But more importantly, he offered her (and her future children) a home amongst the Amachi traders. This became her sanctuary, and she finally found somewhere she could belong. She grew to love the people around her, and works hard to keep her place. That said, she is still somewhat of an outsider, seeing as it is primarily a family group, and she obviously doesn't have any real permanent attachments there, bar her children. On the surface she can appear stubborn and argumentative, but having freed herself of her mother she's somewhat mellowed out now. Instead, she's become very lively and spirited, and practically oozes confidence in whatever she's doing. Beneath all that, she is an optimistic, thrill-loving, driven Soq. And I'd really love to find her someone who can see that in her, and who wants to stay with her. Idk if you're interested at all xD Let me know! In terms of the Amachi traders, either he could join her or I think Eya would be okay with leaving them if she truly found someone she wanted to be with (I understand living around the desert isn't for every pony XD). She would maintain connections with them of course, but she would give it up for her own bit of happiness :3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 7:22 am
About Dubstep: "Relevant quote or song lyrics for this particular soquili" Uncert: Basket || Foal || AdultName: Dubstep Meaning: A form of dance music, typically instrumental, characterized by a sparse, syncopated rhythm and a strong bassline. Member of: Thunderbird Herd Lifemate: Euphrates || Euphrates with hood (Kamiki) Breeding/Lifemate Agreement: HereCo-ownership agreement: n/a Sexuality: Hetero Generation: 4 Breed: Wind Family: Mother: Rocksteady Father: Dhanuraja Maternal Grandparents: Quintessential and Glitter Rock Paternal Grandparents Karma and AlynaMaternal Great-Grandparents Star Candy and GlamrockPaternal Great-Grandparents Avalokiteshvara and ScytheReceived: Through breeding Post Color Medium Purple Chat Head: History: Personality: Plots: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Active:1. Breedings: 1. Obtained with Euphrates 2. Reserved for Euphrates 3. Reserved for Euphrates 4. Reserved for Euphrates 5. -not maxed yet - Breeding Attempts: Breeding Form: Euphrates ( Kamiki ) x Dubstep ( Fatal Irony )
[b]Mother:[/b] [img]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t142/kamiki_soquili/Euphrates/Euphrates2.png[/img][img]http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a354/soquilipets/Sabin/Breedings/jerixav3.jpg[/img] [url=http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t142/kamiki_soquili/Euphrates/Euphrates.png]UNCERT[/url] (optional: [url=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c123/kamikipets/Soquili/jerixavadult3.png]Nekkid[/url]) [b]pregnant stage:[/b] I want one
[b]Father:[/b] [img]http://i941.photobucket.com/albums/ad255/xFatalIrony/Soquili/Dubstepcert_zpsfcf1b5f0.jpg[/img] [url=http://i941.photobucket.com/albums/ad255/xFatalIrony/Soquili/Uncert/RoDh2c_zps2d900455.png]UNCERT[/url]
[b]Co Ownership?:[/b] n/a [b]Teepees:[/b] [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?page=1&t=13009145#170734610]Fatal's[/url] and [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=23028101&page=1]Kamiki's[/url]
[b]Link to Breeding Agreement:[/b] [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?page=41&t=23696151#362687385][ X ][/url] [color=white]---[/color][b]Lifemate?:[/b] Yes
[b]RP Approved?:[/b] No
[b]Low Luck?:[/b] No
[spoiler][list=1] [*] list of attempts [/list][/spoiler]
[b]Same Breed Variants:[/b] Go for it [color=white]---[/color][b]Templates to Avoid:[/b] "Long" hairstyle
[b]Throwbacks?:[/b] Yes [color=white]---[/color][b]Link to previous Generations:[/b]
Dubstep's Family: [url=http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v27/LostNside2/Soquili/Rocksteady.jpg]Mother[/url] [url=http://i941.photobucket.com/albums/ad255/xFatalIrony/Soquili/Notmine/alyma1_cert.jpg]Father[/url] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/LostNside2/Soquili/StarRock_01tag.jpg]Grandmother 1[/url] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/LostNside2/Soquili/Notmine/Quinntessentialcert.jpg]Grandfather 1[/url] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/LostNside2/Soquili/Notmine/Glamrockelder.jpg]Great Grandmother 1[/url] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/LostNside2/Soquili/Notmine/starcandycard.jpg]Great Grandfather 1[/url] [url=http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j228/Katjive/Soquili/Alynagrowh.jpg]Grandmother 2[/url] [url=http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y142/hksherra/References/karmitem.png~original]Grandfather 2[/url] [url=http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a354/soquilipets/Lil/Tags/Avalokiteshvara.jpg]Great Grandmother 2[/url] [url=http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b98/Goodkittygnbad/dixiepet-2.jpg]Great Grandfather 2[/url] [url=http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a354/soquilipets/Sirenz/Tags/spottypaws.jpg]Great great grandfather[/url]
Euphrates' family:
[url=http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a354/soquilipets/PandoraTalie/Items/Certs/xaviera_item_cert.png]Euphrates Mother[/url] [url=http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a354/soquilipets/Ameh/Tagged/belzhu2.jpg]Euphrates Father[/url] [url=http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a354/soquilipets/Sirenz/Tags/caroline.jpg]Euphrates Grandmother[/url] [url=http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a354/soquilipets/Sirenz/Tags/zhuri.jpg]Euphrates Grandfather[/url]
Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 7:24 am
About Roxxanna: "Relevant quote or song lyrics for this particular soquili" Uncert: Basket || Foal || AdultName: Roxxanna Meaning: n/a Lifemate: Eh...? (Sylent Nyte and SilentSpy) Lifemate Agreement: HereCo-Ownership Agreement: here and updated hereSexuality: Hetero Generation: 5 Breed: Allicorn Family: Mother: Zyanya Father: Rainbow Swirl Paternal Grandparents: Rocksteady and Dhanuraja Paternal Great-Grandparents (Rocksteady): Glitter Rock and Quinntessential Paternal Great-Grandparents (Dhanuraja ): Karma and AlynaPaternal Great-Great Grandparents (Rocksteady): Glamrock and Star Candy Paternal Great-Great Grandparents (Dhanuraja ): Avalokiteshvara and ScytheReceived: Through breeding Post Color Medium Slate Blue ktqueen plays her, this is just for show. smile I'm taking RP rights back so I'll edit this later Chat Head: History: Personality: Plots: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Breedings: 1. Reserved for Eh? 2. Reserved for Eh? 3. Reserved for Eh? 4. Reserved for Eh? 5. -not maxed yet - Breeding attempts: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Breeding Form: [quote="3: Roxanna x Eh...?"] [b]Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets:[/b] random --[b] Genders if three are rolled:[/b] random [b]Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?:[/b] yes -- [b]If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?:[/b] yes
[b]Name, image, and owner(s) of mother:[/b] (Roxanna /Fatal Irony) [img]http://i941.photobucket.com/albums/ad255/xFatalIrony/Soquili/Roxannamain_zpsj58nnwc2.jpg[/img] [url=http://i941.photobucket.com/albums/ad255/xFatalIrony/Soquili/Uncert/rainbowzya2adult_zps55022ed1.png]UNCERT[/url] [b]Name, image, and owner(s) of father:[/b] (WRITE FULL SOQ/ OWNER NAMES HERE PLEASE) [img]http://i941.photobucket.com/albums/ad255/xFatalIrony/Soquili/Notmine/Eh_tag.jpg[/img][url=http://i941.photobucket.com/albums/ad255/xFatalIrony/Soquili/Uncert/Musicalride1_zpsxsgybiyz.png]UNCERT[/url] [b]Co Ownership?:[/b] [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?page=58&t=22748047#370167951]Roxanna[/url] - Kt left gaia and has no rights anymore. Only including this link since she agreed to the lifemating.
[b]Lifemate?:[/b] Yes
[b]Low Luck?:[/b] No
[b]Link to Breeding Agreement:[/b] [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?page=258&t=11630811#291225095]Here[/url]
[b]Teepees:[/b] [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=13009145&page=1]Fatal Irony[/url] and [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=20818295]Sylent Nyte[/url] [b]Throwbacks?:[/b] Yes [b]Link to previous Generations:[/b]
[b]Parents:[/b] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/LostNside2/Soquili/RainbowSwirl-1.jpg]Father[/url] [url=http://i941.photobucket.com/albums/ad255/xFatalIrony/Soquili/Notmine/zyanyatag.jpg]Mother (can't find not-pregnant version)[/url]
[b]Paternal:[/b] [url=http://i941.photobucket.com/albums/ad255/xFatalIrony/Soquili/Notmine/alyma1_cert.jpg]Grandfather[/url] [url=http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v27/LostNside2/Soquili/Rocksteady.jpg]Grandmother[/url]
[b]Paternal Great-Grandparents (Rocksteady):[/b] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/LostNside2/Soquili/StarRock_01tag.jpg]Glitter Rock[/url] and [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/LostNside2/Soquili/Notmine/Quinntessentialcert.jpg]Quinntessential [/url] [b]Paternal Great-Grandparents (Dhanuraja ):[/b] [url=http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y142/hksherra/References/karmitem.png]Karma[/url] and [url=http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j228/Katjive/Soquili/Alynagrowh.jpg]Alyna[/url] [b]Paternal Great-Great Grandparents (Rocksteady):[/b] [url=http://i941.photobucket.com/albums/ad255/xFatalIrony/Soquili/Notmine/glamrockcard2_zps8b1d5f6c.jpg]Glamrock[/url] and [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/LostNside2/Soquili/Notmine/starcandycard.jpg]Star Candy[/url] [b]Paternal Great-Great Grandparents (Dhanuraja ):[/b] [url=http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a354/soquilipets/Lil/Tags/Avalokiteshvara.jpg]Avalokiteshvara[/url] and [url=http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b98/Goodkittygnbad/dixiepet-2.jpg]Scythe[/url]
[/quote] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Familiar: Uncert: Name: Meaning: Lifemate: Breeding/Lifemating Agreement: Familiar History: Familiar Personality: Familiar Plots: 1. 2. 3. Familiar Roleplays: 1. 2. 3. Familiar Breedings: 1. closed 2. closed 3. closed Familiar Breeding attempts: 1. 2. 3. Familiar Breeding Form:
Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 7:25 am
About Laylani: "Relevant quote or song lyrics for this particular soquili" Alternate Cert: Uncert: Name: Meaning: Received: Lifemate: Obsianus (Mia Lovasz) Breeding/Lifemating Agreement: HereCo-ownership agreement: Sexuality: Generation: Breed: Family: Herd: Post Color Chat Head: History: Personality: Plots: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Roleplays: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Breedings: 1. closed 2. closed 3. closed 4. closed 5. -not maxed yet - Breeding attempts: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Breeding Form: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Familiar: Uncert: Name: Meaning: Lifemate: Breeding/Lifemating Agreement: Familiar History: Familiar Personality: Familiar Plots: 1. 2. 3. Familiar Roleplays: 1. 2. 3. Familiar Breedings: 1. closed 2. closed 3. closed Familiar Breeding attempts: 1. 2. 3. Familiar Breeding Form:
Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 7:26 am
Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 7:29 am
Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 7:31 am
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Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 7:33 am
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Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 7:06 pm
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Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 8:25 am
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Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 2:41 pm
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