A thread RP between Rio De Genero and Zaiella
Rio - Sniffs around for a little while trying to find something to do. A little fed up to be honest. No one seemed to be about and everyone that was seemed occupied with something else. Which was no good for a foal who craved the attention of everyone around him. He sighed slightly before looking for the raccoon he had been stalking for the last week, Raccoons had soon become his favourite animals they were so cute and this one was such a little trouble maker.
Zaiella - Her piercing blue eyes followed the winged foal as he pranced around. Her own winged shifted slightly by her side as she moved them to a more comfortable position. This foal was a variety of different colours, similar to a rainbow. He also seemed to be looking for something...
Curious, the mare approached him, golden hooves lightly touching the ground. "Morning, little one," she greeted. "Are you looking for something?"
Rio - "Yes I am to be honest. You see there has been this raccoon which has been around here and he keeps stealing things from me!" The little foal stated with a small pout. He liked the raccoon just for its personality but it was annoying every time he got something nice to eat it would always steal it and then run away. He looked up at the mare with a smile and a flick of his tail happy he had someone to talk to now. "Anyway Hello. My name is Rio." he greeted her with a wide friendly smile.
Zaiella - A frown tugged at the mare's lips as the foal explained his little predicament. "That's quite a shame..." She replied. "And I can only imagine how agitating that little raccoon is," she added with a little shrug. "I'm Zaiella," she stated, smiling and bowing her head slightly to the foal. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Rio."
Rio - "It is nice to meet you too Zaiella." He smiled and nodded tilting his head to one side. "No I am sure it is just playing a game with me. To be honest it gives me something to do. I will get it back... as soon as I find the little... Erm.... Pthatat?" he chose his words carefully not to show the mare his bad habits. "Want to look with me? Maybe if I hide and you try and find me then you will find it by mistake?" he asked trying to come up with an excuse to play hide and seek.
Zaiella - She tilted her head at the foal's request. It seemed like a game of hide-and-seek to her. Her eyes narrowed slightly and she chuckled. "All right, fine. We'll play hide-and seek," she said with a light laugh. She nudged the foal's side with her nose as a way to tell him to go hide.