Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 6:40 pm
With a gentle breeze blowing through the clearing, Little Eagle had decided to set up a teepee here, sort of like a temporary home until she could find a place in which she fit into. As in a sudden twist of fate, a strange basket was delivered to her, in a sense, and she was now attached to this place; though she knew it not at the time. With a sigh of happiness, green eyes scanned over the area before landing on a darken filly just a few paces away, happily romping around and trying to catch her tail; the same kind of behavior that is normally displayed in dogs. The wind carried her hair about, it was unbraided, and such an occassion as this is rare indeed! For she had not her hair undone but once in a blue moon. Clasping her hands together as she was sitting down on the plush grass, the filly had been a blessing that she was forever eternally thankful for! Who would have thought that she, Little Eagle, would have such a companion as this! Never before was she in the companion of such a lively and energetic filly such as this one. And such strange markings this filly bore on her back and underbelly. Though, they were familar, she could not place her tongue on the source of those markings, so she had put them out of mind and out of thought. Placing her fingers delicately to her mouth, she blew and produced a shrill whistle that caused the said filly's ears to perk up before trotting over.That thing was taunting her so! Always within reach, but when she tried to place her muzzle close enough to her tail, Resi's attempt failed in catching it. This frustrated her so, and it never ceased to end her pleasure at what she would do if she had indeed, caught her tail. Though, a shrill whistle broke her concentration as she skidded to a stop and perked her ears in Little Eagle's direction. She had spent some time with the girl and the other part of the time exploring, either with friends or alone. Though, she never traveled to far in the fear that she would get lost and not be able to find her way back home. Trotting over to the girl's current position on the ground, she stopped shortly before snaking her way over to the girl's unbraided hair for a tug. That would never tire her, and at some point, she enjoyed the attention she received from the girl. It was quite different attention than what she received from her friends like Sora or Cyrus. She had finally come to the conclusion that this girl could not talk to her in a way she could respond, so had given up any hopes of trying to communicate with the other. Lowering her head, and placing it gently against the girl's cheek, she blew out a slow breath of hot air before a soft nicker followed.With a gentle and soft caress to her cheek, Little Eagle couldn't help but smile and forget about the dull pain from the tug to her hair. She couldn't be angry over something as small and minute as that. It had almost become like a ritual for the filly to do when she had been approached. Not that she minded it, though she feared it would hurt more when the filly grew. Placing her hand on the filly's other cheek and rubbing it ever so gently, she whispered soft words to Resi, and saviored the closeness that was growing between them. It had all started when Resi was still in her basket, and she had no one to confide in, but the basket. Though, she did feel silly at the time for talking to such an object, she was glad she had done so, for it helped with the bond that was growing between the two. Having all her thoughts and feelings bottled up inside of her, wouldn't do her any good, so the filly was the next best option. Closing her green eyes to everything around her, the gentle wind blew around them, caressing them in its warm aroma of wildlife. "Resi." That was the filly's name, one she had came up with not to long ago, and one of significant importance. Not only had she realized the markings on the filly then and had forgotten about it, she had realized that this was no ordinary filly. One that would not stand to be petted and oogled over day in and day out. This was a filly that had a mind of her own and did what she pleased, whether Little Eagle liked it or not. Though, at first this was hard to get the hang of, she had gotten over letting the filly wander off on her own. Resi had always come back in one piece and a little happier than she had left. The tug, all but forgotten in the eyes of the black widow filly, crimson eyes danced with playfulness as Resi was enjoying the time with Little Eagle. The rub to her cheek was soft and sent a chill down her spine. It felt strange, and almost foreign at the same time, but nevertheless, she enjoyed the touches. As no words were spoked from the girl, she delved into silence that was all but broken with a single word. One that she recognized from all the others the girl spoke. Resi. Her name. It sounded so melodious as it carried from the girl's mouth to her ears, but she knew it was her's and her's alone. It could mean nothing else but her name, for the girl said that word many times while she was present, so she had begun to associate that as her name. Drawing her cheek away from that of the girl's, a vigorous toss of her head and a whinny broke the silence that surrounded the two. Bending her legs, and folding them beneath her, she rested on the ground not an arm's length away from the girl. Crimson eyes took in the scenery as the long grass swayed in the wind and fluffy, white clouds blew past the two of them.Slightly surprised at the sudden retreat of warmth, Little Eagle's green eyes were given such a sight! The filly was resting with such contempt, and right next to her! A wave of happiness and warmth spread throughout her body as she slowly and meticulously reached out with her hand and placed it on top of Resi's back. With no signs of retreating from her tough, Little Eagle smile and softly moved her hand forward and backward, rubbing the red markings along the spine. As no words were exchanged between her and the filly, none needed to be exchanged. This was one of those times where body language said more than words ever could. And thus, this is how they spent the rest of the afternoon: comfortable in each other's company and speaking not through their voices, but through their actions.
Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 9:03 pm
Kireiryuu Trotting around with a swish of her tail here and a swish of her tail there, Resi was in high spirits at the moment. Crimson eyes danced with playfulness as she whinnied, not knowing if there was anyone around. Things have been going really well for the black widow filly. She's had plenty of fun with her friends as of late! Takakun In his moment of excitement, the little colt did not realise his playmate was not following him anymore. Losing the boy's scent, the soquili stopped, a confused look on his young face. But Sora wasn't a soquili who would trouble over something so he gave a casual shrug as much as a soquili can, and trotted off. Soon he caught scent of something familiar...someone he knows....RESI! He whinnied and ran over, proclaiming his presence with a peel of whickers and snorts. Finding his marked friend, he dropped his head for a moment and then gave a slight rear, hitting the ground with both front hooves.
Kireiryuu Just before she could detect her friend, Resi was bombarded with a series of whickers and snorts. Crimson eyes widen in surprise before she mimicked his playful rear with one of her own. Upon landing, she flicked her tail and made her way to Sora and gave him a soft nudge on his neck. "Sora!" Takakun Sora giggled and gave a gentle headbutt to Resi. "Hi Resi! Watcha doing? I was going to play with little playmate but I don't know where he went...he seemed happy about something. I wanted to know! So watcha doing?" He excitedly nosed her at the neck, legs scampering about beneath him. Then he caught sight of something, a small two legged, "hey who's that?" He stared for awhile and then trotted closer.
((sora wants to meet little eagle ^^)) Kireiryuu Giving Sora an equine smile, Resi tossed her head, "I was just wandering around until you found me!" Almost like a game, she nosed him in odd places such as his neck, sides, haunches, and legs before perking up. Turning her crimson eyes, she spotted Little Eagle. Nickering to her caretaker, she turned to the silvery colt, "Oh, that's the two-legged that lives with me. I don't really have a name for her yet."As she was sitting down in the grass relaxing, the sounds of soquilis caught her attention. Raising those green eyes of her, they rested on Resi and another foal. Smiling, Little Eagle waved her hand slightly, not wanting to disturb the fun until they headed in her direction. Takakun As Resi nosed him around, Sora snorted and jumped here and there feeling a tickling sensation. He responded by nipping at her everytime she started sniffing. As she spoke of the two legged, he grinned,"like big brother and little playmate!does your two legged have treats?" showing his teeth in a horsy grin, he trotted over and snickered to the sitting two legged who seem to be lumpy shape like the women in the village. They always had some treats, so without waiting he blew around the small person, trying to find those small openings 'pockets' thats usually there.Kireiryuu Resi whinnied at the playful nips before trotting over to Little Eagle and tugging on her hair. It was almost their ritual to great each other. She would tug on that braid and get a nice pat on the muzzle. Turning to Sora, she took a step back and watched him curiously, head slightly tilted to the side.With a pat to the filly's nose, Little Eagle smiled to the other foal. "Oh? Is this one of your friends, Resi?" Green eyes followed the silvery colt as he investigated her. Figuring he wanted something, she went into her small bad and pulled out some sweet grass. "Here you are." Opening out her hand slowly, with her palm facing up so that the colt could have some. So that's what Resi must be doing while she is away. Playing with her friends! Takakun At the sight of the sweet grass, Sora's mouth drooled. He was becoming one spoiled soquili! Gathering the titbit in his mouth, he gave a small whinny in thanks and chewed, enjoying the taste. It was different from the fresh grass of the grazing fields but it was good nonethless! Gulping it down, he turned to Resi "your two legged is nice.." and he beamed. Then following Resi's example, he nosed at the mane of the two legged and gave it a small tug with his mouth.
Kireiryuu A small smile grew on the girl's face as the silvery foal took some of the sweet grass. Turning to Resi, she offered some before putting whatever left of it away. Little Eagle was about to say something when a tug to her braids happened again. Though this time, it wasn't Resi, but her friend! A soft laugh escaped her as she patted down her hair, "Well, seems you're influencing your friend, Resi!"With her neck outstretched, Resi picked up some sweet grass and nibbled on. It was really good! Tail flicked in delight before she whinnied at Sora. He was following her example and tugging on Little Eagle's hair! "Yea, I like the two-legged." A nod of her head confirmed this before she pranced in a circle around Little Eagle to Sora's other side and butted against him. Takakun Sora bounced away at the butting and flicked his tail and Resi, covering the human too. Now energised, he wanted to go run. Neighing at Little eagle, he tugged at her hand, wondering if the two legged wanted to run with them. Little playmate often leaped about with him, and sometimes big brother too though he'll get that red color on his face everytime another two legged comes.
Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 3:41 am
Draculas Babe Cyrus had been wondering around, the weather had been getting a little bit chiller. He walked past a couple of trees and being lazy as he was he went up to one and laid by it. He started to daze and doze off to sleep. Gis ebony coat glistened in the sun light. He had been thinking about last night and Alona. How he had just left her. He felt pretty bad. He was still dozing trying to take in as much of the suns warmth as he possibly could. He sighed as he listened to the breeze blow against the grass. Kireiryuu Walking around the clearing as Resi could feel the cooler breeze, she shook her head playfully. This was good weather! Crimson eyes danced with excitement and they shone upon landing on a familar, black lump just beyond the horizon. Ears perked forward, she trotted over in Cyrus' direction and tried to sneak up on him. A sly grin glew along her jawline as she stood next to him before reaching down to gently n** at his short mane. Draculas Babe Cyrus felt the n** and knew who it was, "Querida, that wasn't very nice." He swept his hid leg from under her hooves then. "But then neither was that." He figured the small filly would have lannded on her tush but then he hadn't opened his eyes either. Soon enough he opened those big emerald eyes and looked at the foal. "How are you today?" Kireiryuu Not keeping an eye on the large stallion, before Resi knew what happened, she was sprawled out on the ground. Blinking in surprise, she shook her head and then turned to look at his back leg that was the culprit. Oh, she'd get him back for that alright! Pushing herself up, she smiled to Cyrus and nickered, "Cyrus! I'm fine. I was just walking around before I spotted you. How are you?" Draculas Babe "Ah, I'm fine as well. You are up to mischief I see." He grinned at her. He looked at her little crimson eyes, he knew she was going to try to get him back. "Have you explored any more of the land yet?" He had been wondering if she had been to the sea or the lake, or any where else, since she was so new. Kireiryuu As the stallion spoke, Resi's eyes got wider and wider. Explore the land? Oh, this sounded like fun! She shook her head as her tail swished behind her, "No, I haven't! What is there around here?" Curiosity washed over her as she pranced around in a small circle. Fun, fun, fun! Kireiryuu Ears flicked in the stallion's direction as he spoke of the sea and it being a large pool of water. That sounded fun to play in! Crimson eyes scanned the hilly area before spotting all the leaves scattered on the ground. A grin grew on her muzzle as her tail swished happily. Leaping into a gallop and just as quickly, she skidded on the ground and watched in amusement as the leaves flew everywhere. Turning back to Cyrus, she nickered, "Is the sea far away?" Kireiryuu Crimson eyes swept over Cyrus before he announced the lake. Averting her gaze, Resi gasped. It was a large body of water! "Wow!" Escaped her mouth as she cantered after the stallion. Once she was close to it, she slowed down to get a better look. It was almost like the river that she played in with Sora, but this was much, much larger! Walking towards the edge, she gazed down at her reflection in the water before peering out. Turning back to the stallion, she exclaimed, "This is big!" Draculas Babe "Not as big as the sea though," he looked at the edge, little minnows were still swimming around. The frogs were starting to hibernate in the lake's mud. He had seen the little buldges. Little lilly pads floated on the surface. He took another step towaards the egde and a frog flung itself from Cyrus' deadly hoof. Cyrus flickered his ears back and fourth. He waited until Resi was ready to move on. Kireiryuu There were many animals here in the lake that Resi could see. As she watched each and every one of them curiously, she neighed. Turning to Cyrus, she moved away from the water's edge and was ready to go on their trek to the sea. "What was that animal that jumped from your hoof? Do all those animals live at the sea too?" Draculas Babe He started to walk away from the lake continuing their journey, "Those are frogs, they do not live in the sea as far as I know. I've never seen one out their. At the sea their are many different animals than at the lake. I think it deals with the water." he replied in a neigh as the walked into a valley.
Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 12:47 pm
It has been many moons since Little Eagle has settled into the clearing, and has done so quite nicely. There is plenty of water, with a stream just beyond the horizon, and food. Not only that, the little Indian was spending much of her time with Resi. She wanted to strenghten their bond as well as teach the little Soquili as much as she knew about the world around them. Though, she knew not to be afraid when Resi went off on her own, it didn't stop her from worrying. Had it not been just the other day when a deadly snake was spotted, she wouldn't be as worried. Green eyes flicked up at the filly as Resi made her way over. "Resi, come on."A filly perked her head up as Resi could hear the girl's words. Crimson eyes looked around at the swaying grass before settling on the lithe figure. Trotting over, she tossed her head and whinnied. Once she was close to the girl, she lowered her head and nudged her shoulder. 'Where's my food!'Slightly off-balance by the filly's nudge, Little Eagle regained her footing and patted Resi's muzzle. "Hi Resi." Turning and walking towards the stream, she maded a motion with her hand for the filly to follow. Slightly curious as crimson eyes followed the girl, Resi pranced after Little Eagle as she nickered, "Wait up!"
Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 12:25 pm
Time had elasped and Little Eagle had spent as much time with Resi as possible. It was then that the girl noticed the filly was changing. Her body was growing and she was turning into a nicely composed mare. During the awkward stage between foal and adult, Resi had trouble walking with her legs getting longer. It was quite a sight to Little Eagle, but she had helped her soquili all the same. Their bond had grown so much. She placed much trust in Resi than she had placed in anyone else before. Smiling as she was sitting down on a deer hide on the cool ground, the weather was rapidly changing. It was getting colder and food was getting harder to find and catch. Whistling to Resi, she was hoping to get the mare's attention.Not noticing the changes in her body, Resi still acted like her old, filly-like self. Being a trickster and playing tricks on Little Eagle, it was quite amusing to her! One thing she enjoyed above all was playing with hair. That never ceased to amaze her, and the ways she went about getting a tug at Little Eagle's hair increased daily. There would always be a new trick up this mare's sleeve. Ears turned to the whistle and lifted her head from the slightly frozen ground. Noticing her height, she felt taller! What was this? There was something long on her rump! Shying slightly in surprise, crimson eyes gazed to her haunches and got a surprise. Her tail was longer! Longer than what it was as a foal. Tilting her head slightly to the side. That was odd. Her tail was longer, but her mane still felt short, like when she was a foal. Trotting over to Little Eagle, it was then that she noticed another thing. Little Eagle was smaller than herself! She now had to look slightly down at the girl when before she had to look slightly upward. Was this a strange dream? Shaking her head and letting out a snort, she kicked her back legs out and whinnied. Turning back to Little Eagle, she delicately snaked her head closer towards the girl and nipped on one of the braids.Green eyes shone with happiness and amusement as Little Eagle watched Resi understand her new form. Apparently the mare was confused and didn't know what to think! Letting a peel of laughter escape from her, she quickly covered her mouth to surpress them. Just as the mare made her way over, the look in Resi's crimson eyes was priceless. Memorizing her soquili and how she looked, she would remember Resi from anywhere. Resi was special, and that much she knew. Resi wasn't like any of the other soquilis that she had encountered...there was something that made those crimson eyes spark with life. With the tug to her head, it had increased into a dull pain as the mare hadn't realized the strength she now possessed. Patting down her head, she reached out to touch the mare's muzzle gently. Like they always have. A ritual, per say. "Resi. You have grown up." Moving closer and doing something she had never done before, Little Eagle slowly wrapped her arms around Resi's slender neck and hugged her. Head buried into the soft fur of the black widow, she spoke in a whisper, "You are so beautiful, Resi. I am happy that you have chosen me to spend your time with." Nothing had made Little Eagle happier than this.A strange sensation washed over the black widow. What was the girl talking about? Tilting her head to the side, she could barely see the girl, but she could definitely feel the girl. There were things wrapped around her neck. Just as she was going to shy from the feeling, Little Eagle's soft voice made its way to her ears and she calmed down. It was Little Eagle, but what was she doing? Blinking, she lowered her head slightly to get a better look at the girl but realized her head was resting on something. It was then that she realized that her head was resting on the girl. Blowing out some warm air to the girl, a soft nicker escaped her muzzle before trying to grab her ear.Comforted by Resi's closeness, Little Eagle closed her eyes and savored this moment. It was something she would always remember. Resi and her first hug! Waving her head at the attempt to her ear, Little Eagle smiled and patted Resi's muzzle, "Come on. Lets go and get something to eat." And with that, she turned back towards the teepee with Resi by her side.
Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 9:04 pm
Wandering away from the teepee, Resi's crimson eyes looked at her surroundings. The air had gotten colder as a mist of breath came from her muzzle. Blinking slightly and tilting her head, this was curious! How did she make smoke come from her muzzle? Blowing another breath out of her muzzle, the same thing happen. A puff of "smoke" appeared. A grin slowly grew on her muzzle at the occurrence. This was amazing! Ears perked forward at a sound as eyes shot forward. Ah, it was only the girl, Little Eagle. Trotting forward until she stopped right before the girl, she blew out of breath of air and whinnied happily. "Look! Isn't that cool!"Her search for Resi had turned out to be quite fruitful as she had found the black widow just some distance near the forest. Walking quietly over, Little Eagle was never able to sneak up to the mare, something always alerted Resi to her presence. Well, she didn't have much luck today as the mare trotted over to her. As the black widow stopped before her, a small smile grew on her face as she noticed that Resi was having fun in the cold. Apparently she had figured out that her breath cooled in the cold weather. Patting the mare's muzzle, she spoke, "Having fun, are you? Well, I have a present for you, Resi." And with that, she pulled out some sweet feed from her back and presented it to the mare with an open palm.Smelling the sweet food even before it was presented to her, Resi stood there still and patient. Once the invitation was given to her, she dug in and ate the food. Licking the palm clean, she turned to rub her head against Little Eagle's shoulder and nickering softly. Taking a step back, she kicked her back legs out playfully before prancing around Little Eagle and tossing her head every so often. And then with that, she turned and darted into the forest, but not before glancing back to Little Eagle with a look that told the girl to follow her. They were going to play a game. Catch the spider.Green eyes followed the mare before Resi darted off towards the forest. Little Eagle was about to call out when she noticed the playful and sly look that Resi had in her eyes. Following along, Little Eagle ran to the trees. Tredding carefully, this was a game she had yet to play, but she knew she had the disadvantage. Resi could blend in quite well with the shadows and was much faster than she was. Staying close to the trees, she scanned the area for any signs of red. Maybe Resi's markings would give her away. To her left were hoof sounds that died before she could spot anything, and then to her right came more hoof sounds. Closing her eyes, she strained to hear the hoof beats of Resi. Apparently, she was being circled, like a hunter hunting prey. Her breath was caught in her mouth as she whip around and landed on nothing but trees and the silent cry of a bird.Once Resi knew that Little Eagle had made her way into the forest, she began to weave through the trees with a quick and agile movements. A turn here and a turn there, all the while, ears were listening for the girl. Ah ha! She had found her! With muffled hoof beats, the black widow weaved her way through the trees in a loopy, wide circle around the girl. Letting her shiny coat catch the light every now and then to tease the girl. It was helpful that it was getting to be dusk, a time where the light was decreasing and the blackness was increasing. Just as a loud movement was heard from Resi's right, a sly grin grew on that muzzle. This was so much fun! A different way to tease the girl. Tossing up her head as she pranced around with long, fluid strides, she nickered. "You'll never catch me!"Clasping her hands together, Little Eagle had caught glimpses of Resi's shiny coat, but never the full picture. Sighing softly, she started to walk from her position as she mumbled under her breath. "Resi...Resi...Resi..." A nicker was heard in the distance and she followed in that direction for a little while until the forest got deathly quiet. She didn't hear anything and was beginning to get scared. Did something happen to Resi? Was she alright? Panic began to spread through her body before a black body charged through the trees in her direction, with head slightly lowered. Resi!Stopping a short while away, the black widow stood there patiently and waiting for the girl to come. The girl would come, she always would. Crimson eyes were rooted to the direction in which she had come from before she softly flicked her tail. There! The green hair and eyes of the girl were visible as Resi smiled to herself. This is fun, she thought. Sensing the fear and confusion from the girl, she took that and used it to her advantage. Charging forward, she ran straight towards the girl with her head sligthly lowered like a charging bull. Once she was close to the girl, she turned and circled. Another charge, and another dodge. This was all in play, of course. She would never do anything to hurt the girl. But, she had never planned on the girl throwing her arms out and catching her neck. So now, she had a dragging girl on her neck. Unsure of what to do, she did the only thing that instincts told her to do. Run! And she did just that.With the charges from the black widow, Little Eagle was rooted in place. She was paralyzed with fright. As if her arms had minds of their own, they slowly began to spread apart and miraculously caught Resi's neck. Dragged off her feet and dangling from Resi's neck, she held on tightly and buried her face into Resi's neck. She was afraid, very afraid that something was going to happen. Trying to move closer to the body, she had begun to realize that she was moving towards Resi's back and before she knew it, she was sitting on top of the galloping mare. Green eyes widen with surprise as she realized that she was riding Resi! Clasping to Resi's neck, she lowered her head until she could feel that short mane on her face. "Resi." She called out softly to the mare, hoping to slow her frantic pace. Apparently, she had spooked the mare more than she had intended to.In a mad dash through the trees, Resi was running on pure instinct. There was a strange thing on her neck and she had to get it off! Huffing and puffing, she swirved one tree and then again with dirt being thrown in her wake. Just as she felt the weight on her neck let up, there was now weight on her back! Unknown feelings ran through the black widow as she bolted out of the forest and into the clearing. Gathering speed as she galloped, it was like she was flying. The surroundings all blurred together as ears were not pinned back, but held forward. A strange voice came from her back. What was that? An ear flicked as she caught...her name? How was something to speak her name...unless...it was the girl! Then, the past events in the forest flashed before her eyes as she put the pieces of the puzzle together. The girl was on her back! Slowing down significantly, a crimson eyes slowly glanced back and reassured her assumption. The girl was indeed on her back. Tossing up her head, she had dislodged the girl slightly without knowing it.Hanging on tightly, now would not be a good time to fall off of Resi. Pressing her body close to Resi, it was good thing she was small and lithe, no more than 5 feet tall. Just as the clearing was in full bloom, she could feel the muscles of Resi underneath her explode with such a speed that blinded her. The cold wind pounded her face before Resi had realized she was on the mare's back. Little Eagle was jolted and lost her grip of Resi's neck and could feel herself slipping. Grabbing more of the mane, it was then that she realized how useless it was because the mare's mane was so short. Before she knew it, the ground had met her and the wind was knocked out of her. Stars circled around her line of vision before they slowly disappeared and she got her breath back with a sharp pain. That, hurt a lot.The weight on her back had suddenly disappeared. Resi turned and saw the girl lying on the ground. Trotting over and stopping next to the lying body, she lowered her head and nudged the girl. Blowing a breath of warm air in the girl's face in an attempt to wake her, it apparently worked because those green eyes of her slowly opened. She nickered softly in response.A nudge and warm, sticky breath was felt as Little Eagle slowly opened her eyes. And, what she saw was Resi's face and those crimson eyes starring down, concerned. Reaching her hand up to touch the mare's muzzle, it hurt to move. But, she needed to get up and she thanked the gods that they were very close to the teepee. She needed rest for she knew that she'd feel these pains in the morning. Slowly and painfully she pushed herself forward until she was standing. Shaking and slightly weak, she leaned against the mare as the two of them walked to the teepee. "Some day we had today, Resi. Hopefully I'll be able to ride you properly." After some time, they soon fell asleep soon afterward.
Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 3:14 pm
Kireiryuu Standing there and flickering her long tail, the black widow mare was breathing out a breath of hot air. Watching it turn to steam right before her eyes, Resi whinnied happily and did it again. Apparently this never ceased to amaze the mare once she had figured it out the other day. An ear flicked as she thought about her friends and longed to see them. She had not seen them in such a long time. chemicalstar Zephyr shievered as he threw his braided hair from one side to the other. It was so cold... He liked cold weather, yet he could not help the numb feeling that spread around his limbs in such a winter air. He trotted about to warm himself up, and suddenly he saw a black figure ahead of him. Curiously, this figure looked somehow familiar...he walked a little closer. Kireiryuu Playing with her breath for some time, the black widow mare's ears flicked back at a sound. Crimson eyes shifted over the landscape before landing on a figure in the distance. Squinting her eyes slightly, why did that Soquili look so familiar? The black body, the white, skeleton-like markings, the red eyes...skeleton-like markings! Crimson eyes widen with surprise and happiness. It was Zephi!! Flicking her tail with a display of happiness, she pranced over in his direction with a warm whinny. "Zephi!" chemicalstar Zephyr jumped back with surprise and joy... "Resi??" he shouted with happiness. It was so exciting to meet a childhood friend. "You have grown! Forgive me for not recognizing you right away.. though your marks are hard to miss" he smiled and and ran to grap resi's tail as he did some time ago when they were both younger. Kireiryuu Meeting up with Zephi, Resi gave him a bright smile. It was so good to see him again! Just before she could go for his mane, he went for her tail. With the stallion on her tail, she turned and snaked her body close to his so she could n** those braids of his. "Gotcha too!" Crimson eyes danced with delight, oh those would be fun to play with alright! "Yea! I grew and so did you! Your markings are not one I'd forget to easily either!" She said with a slight teasing tone to him, she was just so happy to see someone after so long. chemicalstar Zephyr laughed with thread of Resi's tall tail between his teeth "Aucgh! tphat furt!" He let go "I mean that hurts!" He gave out a small laughter again. He missed this playful soquili alright.. it had been so long since they last met. He quited himself down and faced resi to meet her crimson eyes with his blood-red ones "so tell me, how have you been? " He shook his mane again.. he was not used to long hair or braids for that matter... Kireiryuu Flicking her tail so that it brushed up against Zephi, Resi smiled. She missed her friends, and it was great that Zephi had grown too! She wouldn't know what she would have done if he was still a foal and she was a mare or the other way around. Now, they both had the advantage. Just before she was going to answer his question, those braids of his caught her eye as they were shaken. Oh, such toys they were. Blinking and turning back to Zephi with a sheepish smile, she replied, "I have been quite well. Hoping to see my friends and I can see that I have gotten my wish!" She flicked her tail and looked over the now larger Zephi, "What have you been up to? Couldn't of had too much fun without me now!" She teased lightly. chemicalstar Zephyr giggled at Resi's last comment "Ah yes... No fun at all" Well, that was partially true because he realized now that he was really enjoying himself around this black soquili... she was so playful...so alive! "I was up to.. well nothing to be honest... though i had some time to do some mischief too!" he giggled and remembered the pranks he played on his owners from time to time. He moved closer to resi and made another playful attemp to get heir tail though he held back and resisted the temptation to tease her at the last moment. he was older now, he should know better and act in a more mature way, right? though he was finding hard to contain his excitement around resi and pranced around like a newborn colt. Kireiryuu With a smug smile, Resi replied, "Of course not! Oh really?" She tilted her head slightly, "Mischief you say..." That was her middle name according to her caretaker. The black widow was always getting into trouble, a trickster at heart. Crimson eyes followed Zephi's movements and noticed the particular attention her tail was getting. Oh, she knew what he was after all right. Slowly, that sly and playful smile of her's grew on her muzzle as her crimson eyes danced with mischief. Lifting up her hooves, she began to prance in a circle around Zephi, flicking her tail in his direction every few steps...a playful tease. chemicalstar Zephi neighed happily and followed Resi and her tail of course! He didnt know why that tail seemed to enchant him so much! it was just that it was so... well chase-worthy! ok, he told himself, calm down, your inventing words! then he continued his chase "i am sssooooo gonna get you miss!" he was faster now that his lengs were longer, though resi was almost as big him too... though she ssemed to take it slow in a playful manner. he neighed again and tried to get rid of a single braid which bloced his vision. he now realized resi had a braid too! maybe instead of the tail, he should go for it! Kireiryuu Prancing around with a careful hoof, Resi didn't want to trip on the cold ground. As she had caught Zephi's attention, that small mane of her's was a small as a foal's. Every time she glanced back, those crimson eyes were lit with play. Flicking her tail again, she replied to his comment, "I don't think so, Mister! You'll have to catch me first!" Though, she was completely unaware that her single braid was now in the attention of Zephi and would more than likely be the object of chase. In a little wider circle, she pranced just a few steps ahead of Zephi, she couldn't let the stallion catch her just now. chemicalstar Zephyr quickened his pace to a faster trot to catch up with Resi. she looked playful but graceful at the same time prancing around. he pranced right behind her, trying to get to the braid. he tried to come closer to her on left side to grad the braid with his teeth... he was so close.. he could feel resi's warm breath just above his right cheek... "i am sooo not letting you go!" he said and giggled. Kireiryuu With a peel of laughter that escaped the black widow mare, Resi quicken her prancing slightly till she noticed that Zephi was coming up along side of her. With him so close to her, she pressed her shoulder against his own and replied, "Oh, you don't have to worry about that! I'm stuck to you!" Suddenly she stopped and stood there with a playful look as she waited to see how long it would take the stallion to notice that she was not along side of him. Though, she had thought that he was going after her tail? She did not know she had a braid like his in her mane as that piece of information eluded her. Tilting her head slightly at the stallion and waited to start up her prancing again. chemicalstar Zephyr giggled "Ohh stuck right??" and continued his prancin, but suddenly he realized he was alone! he looked back and saw that resi had managed to trick him! he tried to look mad, but it was impossible to do so, so he gave a loud laughter instead. "I am so going to get that little braid of your someday!" he shouted. then he looked up.. it was getting late, he should probably return before his owners were worried. he walked up to resi in a playful manner, and facing her close again he said "i need to leave now, but it was nice to see you again little one! dont be a stranger next time, ok?" he asked and gave small kiss to resi on the cheek and giggled, wondering if she would remember his sloppy kiss when they first met some time ago. then the smiled and turned back to leave. Kireiryuu Watching the stallion, amused, Resi noticed his failed attempted at being mad at her. Flicking her tail, she smiled before blinking. Braid? She had a braid?! Shaking her head slightly, she could feel a small braid at the top of her neck. Ohhhh! So that's what he was going after! She'd have to remember that for next time. Crimson eyes looked back to the stallion as she received another kiss to the cheek and remembered that she had received one the first time she had met him. "I'm so happy that I got to see you. Good bye Zephi. And don't worry, you'll see me...remember I'm stuck to you!" She stuck out her tongue playfully before tucking away in her mind that she needed to give Zephi a kiss of her own.
Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 12:06 pm
Kireiryuu Trotting through the trees as the shadows danced along her black body, the black widow could see the clearing up ahead. Smiling to herself, she tossed her head and trotted out from the trees. As crimson eyes scanned the area as sounds caught her attention. They sounded...familiar! Flicking her tail as she walked forward. Tilting her head, that looked like...Cyrus! And Alona! And a little foal she didn't know but would find out soon enough. Draculas Babe "Pretty good and yourself?" he had spent the past week to himself and Lily. His excesive hair gave him a low self esteem at times, but he blew it off and didn't care about it anymore. His emerald eyes were glancing back and forth between Alona and Orchu. He looked around curiously behind him it felt as if someone were watching. Someone he knew. He arched his neck again and took another drink of water and waited for Alona's reply. -Polar- Orchu snorted lightly. "Yes very new. Especially the cold white flakes Polar refers to as snow." Orchu shivered suddenly at the thought. He smiled at Alona and nuzzled her affectionately. Orchu saw Alona as a mother figure since he had been around her most in seemed when he had been confined within his basket; with the exception of Polar of course. hanging gallow "I've been doing fine Cyrus" Alona said cheerfully. "Oh! Orchu the snow is wonderful well at least I think it is" Alona said nuzzling Orchu back. Orchu to her, was like a little brother that she didn't have, someone she would look out for and help when he needed her. Alona could also sense someone watching them, but didn't worry too much about it. She only figured it was another soquili. Draculas Babe "That's good," Alona and Orchu reminded him of Zephi's relationship with himself. Well of corse now he's gotten much bigger but still the same he treated Zephi as a younger brother and the same as Resi, she's was like a little sister. Ah well, he hoped to see them soon too. "I agree with Alona besides the Autumn leaves snow is rather beautiful as well. I personally prefer the leaves." he grinned. Kireiryuu Grinning to herself, they apparently hadn't figured out who was on the way! Resi trotted over towards Cyrus, with his back towards her so she could sneak up on him. Once she was close enough, she nipped his tail and whinnied. "Cyrus!" Turning to Alona, she whinnied again and trotted over to tug on her mane as well. It was nice being the same height as them. "Alona!" And then, she turned her crimson eyes to the foal and smiled. "Hi!" -Polar- Orchu raised an eyebrow sardonically at Alona. Orchu flickered his ears as he heard a crisp trotting on the somewhat frozen ground near Alona, Cyrus and himself. The sounds were coming from a mare Orchu didn't recognize. As she approached them he rustled his mane and said, "Hello. My name is Orchu." Draculas Babe "Querida! You have grown!" he exclaimed bewildered. His emerald eyes seemed to pop out of their sockets while he was trying to figure out when she was getting so big. This was the same reaction that he had when Zephi had grown so he should have been somewhat use to it but he wasn't. "How have you been Resi?" He flickered his tail that she had just nipped at. hanging gallow "Resi! Oh! May you have gotten tall" she said cheefully. "On the bright side you can now reach for Cyrus's mane" she laughing as she remembered the day when she had first met Resi trying playfully tried to reach Cyrus's mane. "Cyrus is right Orchu, snow is great, but the leaves are better" she said giving him a wink. Kireiryuu Happiness shone on the black widow's features as Resi flicked her tail. Oh! Alona was right; she could reach Cyrus' mane now. Inching closer to the stallion, she plucked at his mane playfully. "Yea! I'm tall now! It's great to see you all, I've missed you." As the colt rustled his mane, it caught her crimson gaze as she inched closer to him and nibbled on the mane. She had a thing with manes. "I'm Resi, it's nice to meet you Orchu." Draculas Babe "Good job Alona, you gave her the idea of letting her get my mane." he said rather sarcastically as he grinned, realizing that Resi had already began nibling his mane. He looked at Alona humorusly. -Polar- Orchu blinked. "Leaves? Autumn? ... What?!" He was so confused. Everything was so new to him and he didn't understand what they were talking about. Orchu raised a curious eyebrow at Resi as she nibbled on his mane. "Nice to meet you too." hanging gallow Alona laughed as Resi when she nibbled Cyrus mane "I'm sorry I didn't realize she didn't remember" she said giving Cyrus a childish innocent look. "Leaves are the green things that grow on trees in the spring and summer, and in the autumn they turn brown and fall off the trees and then we have winter" Alona said hoping to clear some of it up for Orchu.
Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 8:28 am
As the days went by and the winter was turning into spring, Little Eagle had spent many days together with Resi, closening their bond. And, as it would seem, nothing went by that made the day dull and boring. Resi up to her tricks with nipping at her hair or running around the teepee. Though, one day something caught Little Eagle's attention. Did Resi look different because something was nagging the back of her mind. Whistling to the mare to get her attention, she walked over to Resi. Coming closer to her companion, she placed a hand on Resi's neck and spoke softly. "Hey Resi...I think there's something different about you...or perhaps I'm just imagining things."
As a black muzzle touched her shoulder softly, she patted it before using her hands to investigate Resi's body. Moving over the sleek black body and coming to her stomach, she felt it go up most pronouncely before going back down. Blinking to herself, that didn't seem right. Doing it again, she got the same result. Resi's stomach was bigger! A step back, she fully examined Resi and saw what was nagging her. Resi appeared to be...pregnant!
Bright green eyes lit up with happiness at the thought of foals running around, but then began to wonder, who was the father? She knew it couldn't be any of Resi's friends as both the silver stallion and the skeleton stallion both had kids of their own. So, who could it be? Speaking softly to Resi, "You're going to have foals!"
Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 12:36 pm
Blinking in surprise, there seemed to be two new bundles lying in the soft earth. Crimson eyes looked over each before slowly reaching her head down to nose at one and then the other. They carried the scent of both her and Verloren! Then, on a whim, she looked back at her stomach and noticed it was smaller! Neighing happily, she was now a mother! Flicking her tail, she was tired to say the least and settled down next to her baskets to take a nice, nap.
Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 3:46 pm
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Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 12:10 pm
Reserved for rp between Resi and Nioka. mrgreen
Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 2:29 pm
Restless. The little green colt was restless to say the least. The weather was getting warmer and he wanted to do things. As his mother was grazing, he snuck his way over to her. Rearing up, he rested his forelegs on her side and whinned, "Mommy...I want to play some games!"
As Resi was munching on some grass, she felt something touch her sides and knew who it was instantly. Her son. Smiling, she lifted her head and gazed at him. He was bored, that much she knew. Thinking for a moment, "What shall we do, Nioka?"