Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 8:20 am
Mandalorian's place a great deal of value on loyalty to ones family and clan, they are nomadic, often roaming the galaxy for years at a time and yet are forever ready to return home at Mandalores call. Furthermore they believe that one's family is not just based on blood and are fond of adopting those they care for deeply into the family. While Bangil may not be a warrior at heart like Many Madalorians her base personality traits - those which make her loyal to her friends despite her nomadic ways fit the bill perfectly. Bangil and Jarita, along with their families, have created a clan all of their own, even if they are not always in the same area..and hey her headdress could be a helmet!
Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 9:21 am
Drive - IncubusBangil is a conflicted soul, on one hand she longs for adventure and dreams of roaming the big wide world like her father, and on the other hand - she longs for the swamp where her mother resides whenever she does end up on those adventures. Regardless of where she ends up tis is not a mare who fears getting her hooves dirty, no Bangil is more then willing to take a leap of faith in order to get things done..once she finally makes a decision about what it is she's going to do anyways. Bangil's foalhood was a good one, although she spent more of it with her mother and sister's in the swamp then her father whose wanderlust often took him away for long periods of time she dosen't really have all that much to complain about when she looks back at things.
As a foal Bangil met Jarita and while the two are complete opposites in almost every way they none the less became best friends spending almost all of their time together. Unfortunately as they grew things changed and although their friendship remained strong Bangil couldn't help but feel a little bit jealous over her friend whom haad managed to find herself a love to spend most of her time with. Lonely and perhaps a bit jealous Bangil hooked up with a wandering bad boy named Banzai....and wound up with foals.
Once the foals were old enough she took a trip to search for Banzai so that he might know that he was a father - only to find that he had settled down with another mare. Although she hadn't been looking for a relationship with him it none the less underlined her desire to eventually find someone to love and returned home to raise her children. Banzai continued to be a part of their lives although Bangil still remains single and looking.
Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 12:07 pm
Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 12:08 pm
Padric the Buffalo
Having met the buffalo while still a foal and him a calf during an earlier adventure the two hit it off almost immediately becoming inseparable friends in the blink of an eye. While not quite a good tempered as his equine friend Padric is none the less an adventure junkie and while they often adventure together it is not unheard of for one or the other to go their seperate ways for a while as well.
No matter how far they travel however they always end up returning to one another in the end. Padric is not fond of Bangil's best friend Jarita - her girly ways and dislike of taking chances annoys him beyond belief - and that prancing poof of a stallion she wound up with is even worse, but he puts up with her for Bangil's sake.
Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 8:06 am
Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 11:14 am
Someone of Worth - While Bangil is relatively happy in her current life, and she's more then happy that her friend Jarita finally got the family she had been hoping for..she's none the less suffered a bit of a self esteem drop in the process. Why can't she find someone special to spend her life with? Why didn't her family work out like Jarita's had? She really needs to find someone to assure her she is of worth.
Adventure of a lifetime! - Bangil grew up mostly in the swamp so she rather likes water..and she's heard of this place called the ocean that is nothing but water for as far as the eye can see. She's really like to go sometime but she dosen't want to go alone..and Jarita can't come now that she has children to watch out for..a fellow adventurer would be nice to have.
True Love - While her last 'relationship' read 'one night stand with consequences' did not lead to the family she's always wanted it would be nice if this mare actually got a happy ending and found someone to spend her days with now that her own children are grown.
Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 10:55 am
Slot One - Bangil & Banzai (Won) Slot Two - Open Slot Three - Open