Gifted to me as a basket by Nuclearity.
Parents- TempestxCharlotte
Siblings- Puck and Damien
True Kalona. Of the evil persuasion.
01 Fling????
02+ Lifemate
Personality Ceci is intelligent but not often quick to pick up on social ques. She tends to immediately assess the potential danger of anyone she meets before anything else. In spite of this, she's not unwilling to make friends or be conversational. Ceci is comfortable on her own but highly enjoys the companionship of close friends. She's rather proficient at small talk, and loves to hear about everyone's family where she refuses to talk about her own. She's overall very pleasant but can have her mood easily soured when her own relatives are brought up, or if anyone leaves baskets or young foals unsupervised. When she's angry she's filled with a silent wroth, not talking much but visibly enraged. She can be violent, a streak in her she inherited from her sire, but usually only in extreme anger or for benevolent reasons. With the exception of Kalona, she's as slow to judge as she is to forgive.
Cecilia loves to fly, however. Her wings have been the greatest natural boon of hers and she takes great joy in them.
Bio [Some of this previously plotted with Nuclearity]
Cecilia and her two brothers were abandoned by both parents. Their mother afraid and unable to accept them as her own and their father a cruel Kalona bred stallion. Ceci matured much faster than her siblings and it fell upon her to raise them. She was exceptionally resourceful and not the worst mother, but was highly begrudging in her duties. Her foalhood was one of herding her brothers around to find food and fleeing from danger. She resents their parents highly and is loathe to associate with any Kalona. Out of her siblings she inherited many of their more unusual ancestral traits but takes no pride in that, often finding herself prone to fits of rage. Her brothers grew and went their separate ways and it wasn't long before this entire branch of the family was estranged, none of them wanting to deal with their bitter past. In spite of it all Cecilia is keen to make up for her mothers failings and is exceptionally fond of the younger generation, enjoying watching gleeful play and sport. She promises herself to be a doting and fair parent whenever she's given the chance to do so, and to raise upstanding Soquili of her own- mate at her side or no.
Reflecting on her colourful past has made Ceci realize she's been actually rather bored lately. She's afraid of being tempted into mischief but longs for excitement and fun.
Plot and Breeding Arrangements
[ x ] Single Slot breeding agreement with Rain's Daar'chtholas
Plans for Lifemating with Duckie's boy Zain afterwards.
|--- Breeding Attempts ---|
Lady Nekoya- Nov 2010
Sabin Duvert- Nov 2010
Beejoux- Nov 2010
King Inversitle- Nov 2010
Ririka- December 2010
Mindsend- December 2010
Ririka- December 2010
Agneza- January 2011
Roleplay Log:
12/23/13- [Mountains of Snow] Ranger and Cecilia
02/10/14- [Always Greener] Anselm and Cecilia
02/16/14- [A Long Overdue Meeting...] Nevara and Cecilia