• Gotta Grow Up: Something or someone needs to kick his butt into gear and get him past this immaturity he has. It's not cute anymore, Hathi!
• Join The Glen: Hathi needs to join the herd of Flutter Soquili. I think this will happen after he and Matthi split up for a while, iirc.
• Other stuff: Just. Whatever, man. Let's do it.
• Rhea: Former potential mate; mother of Matthius. Their relationship was fine in 2010, but looking back, it got a bit...concerning in places. It's been so long I think we officially broke mates (Rhea might even be mated to someone else since I dipped?). Hathi does Not wish to challenge his vague positive feelings and address the discomfort underneath them. Why acknowledge problems when you can ignore them instead??
• Matthius: His son. Hathi has not been a great dad, but he's tried to be a good friend, at least. Usually it's ended up with Matthi taking care of him, instead of the other way around, and Matthi's pretty much Had It TM with that arrangement. Hathi knows Matthi needs to get out and spread his wings, so to speak, but he also feels bad for being not the best parent, and he sometimes overcorrects this guilt by being a little bit smothering. It's not an ideal situation for either of them.
• Aleda: Future mate. I don't think we've actually RP'd them yet? Talk to Nym about this, future!Julie.
Basic Info: Name: Prima Rosa Meaning: First Rose D.O.B.: 12/23/10 Gender: Female Species: Uni-Wind Se🗶ual Orientation: Gonna have one (1) fling with a dude and then realize she's a lesbian. Can't wait. Herd: N/A Position: N/A Owner(s): Juliette06 Colorist(s): Selalusia RP Color: Magenta Obtained Through: CYO 2k10
Personality: She's not good, she's not bad, she's just NICE. Can't stand it. God does she need a personality overhaul.
RPs: U/S?Are You My Prince? - with Ilarion (whoever that is) (reached out to Phail re: stats) F/SOn Motherhood - with Cirro Strata A/SNot So Scary After All - with Aiden A for active / F for finished / U for unfinished??? idknameofRP A for active / F for finished / U for unfinished??? idknameofRP
• Gosh DARN does she need something INTERESTING to happen to her! Please!!! • She's gonna rescue Amaltheia!!! • ???
Basic Info: Name: Matthius Meaning: Gift of God (loosely) D.O.B.: 7/1/11 Gender: Male Species: Uni-Flutter Sexual Orientation: Str...aight? Herd: N/A Position: N/A Owner(s): Juliette06 Colorist(s): hanging gallow RP Color: Chocolate Obtained Through: Mock Breeding
Personality: A boy who is At His Limit TM. Kinda raised himself, was first to realize that was messed up. A good dude at his core, but frustrated at present with his current situation.
• Dear old Dad, what are we going to do with you? (Leave him with the flutter heard and gtfo, basically) • Tiramisu Zeppole - fr....iends, please stop crying oh god I DIDN'T KNOW I HAD A TRAGIC BACKSTORY PLEASE CALM DOWN. but no really, he'll ground her and she'll brighten him up. there will be obnoxious singing. there will be tears. it'll be ridonkulous. •
RPs: F/SOn Motherhood - with Prima Rosa A for active / F for finished / U for unfinished??? idknameofRP A for active / F for finished / U for unfinished??? idknameofRP A for active / F for finished / U for unfinished??? idknameofRP A for active / F for finished / U for unfinished??? idknameofRP
• ??? • ??? • ???
• Lifemate: Sol'Lunier • ??? • ???
Breedings: 1. LM breeding with Sol'Lunier - Agreement | MCCL pick by Odet Amo 4/1/24!! Thank you! 2. Reserved for Sol
Basic Info: Name: Fritzwallace Meaning: None; loose reference to Fitzwallace from The West Wing, even though they're nothing alike. D.O.B.: 9/27/21 Gender: Male Species: Unicorn Sexual Orientation: Pan af, babeeey Herd: N/A Position: N/A Owner(s): Juliette06 Colorist(s): techabyte RP Color: Medium Turquoise Obtained Through: Stocktember 2k21 Raffle
RPs: A/SA Shadow In the Sea - with Eabha, Marina, and Takutai A for active / F for finished / U for unfinished??? idknameofRP A for active / F for finished / U for unfinished??? idknameofRP A for active / F for finished / U for unfinished??? idknameofRP A for active / F for finished / U for unfinished??? idknameofRP
Basic Info: Name: Jack Meaning: Named after the human who created Orange Shirt Day (their middle name). D.O.B.: 10/01/21 Gender: Male Species: Cerynei Sexual Orientation: Candra-sexual Herd: N/A Position: N/A Owner(s): Juliette06 Colorist(s): Moxxiie RP Color: Fire Brick Obtained Through: Truth & Reconciliation 2k21 Flaffle
Personality: Sad, soft, somber and serious. Less sad when with Candra, which is new for him!
RPs: F/SA Chance Encounter - with Candra A/SIntentions - with Candra A for active / F for finished / U for unfinished??? idknameofRP A for active / F for finished / U for unfinished??? idknameofRP A for active / F for finished / U for unfinished??? idknameofRP
• ??? • ??? • ???
• ??? • ??? • ???
Breedings: 1. Reserved for Candra - Agreement 2. Reserved for Candra 3. Reserved for Candra
Basic Info: Name: Marina Meaning: Of the sea. Note: A conversion of my very first B/C pet ever, who was in turn named after the daughter of a family friend of ours who was born around the time I got into the B/C (and who was so very adorable as a tiny baby). D.O.B.: 11/16/21 Gender: Female Species: Mutant Nixie-Seathi Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Herd: N/A Position: N/A Owner(s): Juliette06 Colorist(s): Moxxiie RP Color: Dark Blue Obtained Through: Halloween 2k21 B/C Conversion CYO Event
Personality: Gentle, friendly, and motherly to all. I have so much personality for her because she's literally my oldest B/C pet in soq form, please send help.
RPs: A/SA Shadow In the Sea - with Fritzwallace, Eabha, and Takutai A for active / F for finished / U for unfinished??? idknameofRP A for active / F for finished / U for unfinished??? idknameofRP A for active / F for finished / U for unfinished??? idknameofRP A for active / F for finished / U for unfinished??? idknameofRP
Personality: Supportive, of Marina only. Anyone else is bites you bites you bites you. He protecc, he attacc, but more than anything, he...napp?
History: ???
• ??? • ??? • ???
• ??? • ??? • ???
Breedings: 1. ??? 2. ??? 3. ???
5 Star Familiar Project: • December 2k24:
• January 2k25:
• February 2k25:
• March 2k25:
• April 2k25:
• May 2k25:
• June 2k25:
• July 2k25:
• August 2k25:
• September 2k25:
• October 2k25:
• November 2k25:
• December 2k25:
Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2024 4:20 pm
Aithghen Geimhreadh Mōdraniht
Basic Info: Name: Aithghen Geimhreadh Mōdraniht (Aith for short) Meaning: Aithghen loosely translates to 'rebirth' in Celtic/Old Irish; Geimhreadh means 'winter' in Irish; Mōdraniht was an event held on what is now called Christmas Eve. D.O.B.: 12/21/21 (love her bday so much) Gender: Female Species: Angeni Sexual Orientation: ??? Herd: N/A Position: N/A Domain: Rebirth Domain Abilities: AAAA APPROVED!!! Owner(s): Juliette06 Colorist(s): Mr Cheri RP Color: Dark Green Obtained Through: Winter Wonderland Celebration of the Seasons 2k21 Event
Personality: Bright, joyful, gentle, and eternally hopeful. Determined to bright light to all the dark places.
RPs: A/STwo Unicorns and a Bunny Walk Through the Woods - with Wink, Ruby, LV, and Sneffels A for active / F for finished / U for unfinished??? idknameofRP A for active / F for finished / U for unfinished??? idknameofRP A for active / F for finished / U for unfinished??? idknameofRP A for active / F for finished / U for unfinished??? idknameofRP
Basic Info: Name: Hipolito Alejandro Eleganté Orosco-Nerón (Hipo or Lito for short) Meaning: Hipolito loosely translates to 'freer of horses'. D.O.B.: 12/02/21 Gender: Male Species: Angeni-Cerynei-Kalona-Wind Sexual Orientation: Keeping all this goodness to himself would just be unkind to the general population. He's an equal opportunity lover, who loves all shapes, sizes, genders, identities and species under the sun. His beauty is a gift that just keeps on giving! Herd: N/A Position: N/A Owner(s): Juliette06 Colorist(s): Mahogany Sunset RP Color: Coral Obtained Through: Phail's A What?! Goldfish Raffle
Personality: He has never had a bad day in his life. He has the energy of a crazed flamenco dancer mixed with Esteban from the Suite Life of Zack and Cody.
History: ????
Family: Parents: N/A Extended family:N/A Siblings: N/A Mate: Probably never gonna be lifemated, unless the person's okay with a very open relationship. Children: ......• Ofelia Valentina Lea Orosco-Nerón (2021 Mock Breeding Plushie Conversion with ShadowMoonLea) Grandchildren: N/A (yet) Uncerts:Adult Uncert, Markings
RPs: A/SAcquaintances, Not Friends with Ofelia & Karmea A for active / F for finished / U for unfinished??? idknameofRP A for active / F for finished / U for unfinished??? idknameofRP A for active / F for finished / U for unfinished??? idknameofRP A for active / F for finished / U for unfinished??? idknameofRP
Personality: Really sweet, really good at saying "yes, I understand, you poor thing, but you know, that other thing you said..." and making Hipo take some accountability for himself.
History: ???
• ??? • ??? • ???
• ??? • ??? • ???
Breedings: 1. ??? 2. ??? 3. ???
5 Star Familiar Project: • December 2k24:
• January 2k25:
• February 2k25:
• March 2k25:
• April 2k25:
• May 2k25:
• June 2k25:
• July 2k25:
• August 2k25:
• September 2k25:
• October 2k25:
• November 2k25:
• December 2k25:
Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2024 8:14 pm
Pachamama Breeze
Basic Info: Name: Pachamama Breeze (Pacha for short) Meaning: Mother Earth; an Inca goddess. D.O.B.: 1/08/22 Gender: Female Species: Unicorn Sexual Orientation: Too shy to be any kind of sexual. Probably bi, once she figures that out. Herd: N/A Position: N/A Owner(s): Juliette06 Colorist(s): ~MoomoolatteCha~ RP Color: Midnight Blue Obtained Through: RP contest for a basket...I think??
• Veil, Vapor, & Resurrection Sinclair: VERY SCARY Kalonas! • Ayaz: Rescued her when she fled from the Kalona Krew up there, only for her to have to rescue HIM when he went careening off a cliff. • ???
Breedings: 1. ??? 2. ??? 3. ???
Personality: Fretful, but counter-intuitively his anxiety helps Pacha be a little braver herself.
History: Pacha found him in the dead of winter, half-frozen to death, and took him home, warmed him by the fire, and snuggled close around him to keep him safe. They've been best friends ever since.
• Sindi: A fellow protector, who is stout of heart and strong of will. • Feierabend: A pretty, adventurous mare that has caught Ayaz's interest. • ???
Breedings: 1. Fling with Feierabend - Permission 2. Fling with Sindi - Permission 3. 'Fling' with Pacha - Agreement (but they didn't Do The Deed; canonically, even if it's a real breeding, it'll be some spirit nonsense) 4. Fling with Alma - Agreement
[quote][b]Is it ok to livestream the breeding?:[/b] (If you say yes, it's possible you -- and other viewers -- will be able to see the adult stages ahead of time. Say no if you'd prefer they be kept a surprise.)
Entry Code: Ayaz (Juliette06) x Feierabend (ahmazeinlee)
[b]Link to Breeding Agreement:[/b] [url=https://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?page=699&t=23696151#396608589][ X ][/url] [color=white]---[/color][b]Lifemate?:[/b] No
[b]RP Approved?:[/b] No
[b]Low Luck?:[/b] /No
[spoiler][list=1] [*] list of attempts [/list][/spoiler]
[b]Breed Variants (Stock Templates Only):[/b] Yes [color=white]---[/color][b]Templates to Avoid:[/b] N/A
[b]Other Variants (Stock Templates Only):[/b] Yes [color=white]---[/color][b]Templates to Avoid:[/b] Bent Neck
[b]Random Breeds (1st Gen Throwbacks Only):[/b] Yes! [b]Random Variants (1st Gen Throwbacks Only):[/b] Yes!
[b]Throwbacks?:[/b] YES IN A BIG WAY PLEASE I SPENT SO MUCH TIME GATHERING ALL THE LINKS. [color=white]---[/color][b]Link to previous Generations:[/b]
Ayaz: G1 (although canonically [url=https://www.soquiliera.com/soquili/images/Sweeny/Certs/KitsIzotz.jpg]Izotz[/url] is his biological brother!)
Feiera: [url=https://www.soquiliera.com/soquili/images/Uta/Certs/VanAna2.jpg]Avalyn - Mock Mother[/url] x [url=https://www.soquiliera.com/soquili/images/Mind/certs/v2/TechaLalita.jpg]Lalita - Mock Father[/url]
Avalyn: [url=https://www.soquiliera.com/soquili/images/Agneza/Tagged/Soquili/Vanmoriel.jpg]Vanmoriel - Feiera's Grandmother[/url] x [url=https://www.soquiliera.com/soquili/images/Mind/Growth/october2011/sanghese1.jpg]Ananel - Feiera's Grandfather[[/url]
Vanmoriel: [url=https://www.soquiliera.com/soquili/images/Mobbu/Certed/Vanyacert.jpg]Vanya - Feiera's Great-Grandmother[/url] x [url=https://www.soquiliera.com/soquili/images/Mind/acc/TaarabAccTag.jpg]Taarab - Feiera's Great-Grandfather[/url]
Ananel: [url=https://www.soquiliera.com/soquili/images/Norp/Tagged/Relimine_Tag02.jpg]Sangria - Feiera's Great-Grandmother[/url] x [url=https://www.soquiliera.com/soquili/images/King/StagesCerted/narciluci2cert.jpg]Hesediel - Feiera's Great-Grandfather[/url]
Basic Info: Name: Pyxis Gloriosa Meaning: Pyxis is a small, faint constellation; Gloriosa is a genus of 12 lily plants. D.O.B.: 08/30/22 Gender: Female Species: Hippo-Kirin (I think??) Sexual Orientation: Pan, when she starts thinking about that sort of thing Herd: The Flock Position: ??? Owner(s): Juliette06 Colorist(s): LOLTERNATIVE RP Color: Sea Green Obtained Through: RP Contest
Personality: Studious; a bit cold, focused on the scientific side of life, with passion burning deep. Loves to dance, doesn't like to admit it or be observed doing it. Knows she's 100% That B.
RPs: S/F:The Scent of a Secret - Feb RP Game Prompt; with Lotus A/S:Secret Melodies - with Echo A for active / F for finished / U for unfinished??? idknameofRP A for active / F for finished / U for unfinished??? idknameofRP A for active / F for finished / U for unfinished??? idknameofRP
• ??? • ??? • ???
• Lotus: The closest thing Pyxis has to a best friend. He cares about plants and seeds and growing things almost (almost) as much as she does, and the two bonded over this fact during hours spent in the Flock's greenhouse. She does not care about his disability, as long as it doesn't get in the way of his work or care for the greenhouse. She maintains a respectful distance between them, because girl doesn't know how to relax. • ??? • ???
Breedings: 1. Fling with Kosmos - Agreement 2. Lotus?? 3. Fling with Echo - Agreement 4. Fling with Hrothmaer 5. Fling with Voronwe 6. Fling with Caelius if Caelius' female agrees Stats: • August 2k24: ✓ aaaaa• Bonus Stats - 1% All: ✓ • September 2k24: ✓ aaaaa• Bonus Stats - 3% Strength: 🗶 • October 2k24: ✓ aaaaa• Bonus Stats - 3% Courage: 🗶 • November 2k24: ✓ aaaaa• Bonus Stats - 3% Speed: 🗶 • December 2k24: 🗶/✓ aaaaa• Bonus Stats - ???: 🗶/✓ • January 2k25: 🗶/✓ aaaaa• Bonus Stats - ???: 🗶/✓ • February 2k25: 🗶/✓ aaaaa• Bonus Stats - ???: 🗶/✓ • March 2k25: 🗶/✓ aaaaa• Bonus Stats - ???: 🗶/✓ • April 2k25: 🗶/✓ aaaaa• Bonus Stats - ???: 🗶/✓ - estimated 100% stats without bonus stats - • May 2k25: 🗶/✓ aaaaa• Bonus Stats - ???: 🗶/✓
[quote][b]Is it ok to livestream the breeding?:[/b] No
Entry Code: Pyxis Gloriosa (Juliette06) x Echo (Malikztiah Ankhwave)
[b]Link to Breeding Agreement:[/b] [url=https://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?page=731&t=23696151#397234902][ X ][/url] [color=white]---[/color][b]Lifemate?:[/b] No
[b]RP Approved?:[/b] No
[b]Low Luck?:[/b] No
[spoiler][list=1] [*] list of attempts [/list][/spoiler]
[b]Breed Variants (Stock Templates Only):[/b] Yes [color=white]---[/color][b]Templates to Avoid:[/b]
[b]Other Variants (Stock Templates Only):[/b] Yes [color=white]---[/color][b]Templates to Avoid:[/b] Bent Neck
[b]Random Breeds (1st Gen Throwbacks Only):[/b] Yes [b]Random Variants (1st Gen Throwbacks Only):[/b] Yes
[b]Throwbacks?:[/b] YES, PLEASE. [color=white]---[/color][b]Link to previous Generations:[/b]
Pyxis: [url=https://www.soquiliera.com/soquili/images/Mind/certs/LOLTAstraeus.jpg]Astraeus - Father (G1)[/url] & [url=https://www.soquiliera.com/soquili/images/Vis/Certs/VanityRose_a.jpg]Vanity Rose - Mother[/url] [url=https://www.soquiliera.com/soquili/images/Mobbu/Certed/Vanyacert.jpg]Vanya - Grandmother (G1)[/url] x [url=https://www.soquiliera.com/soquili/images/Slimy/Soquili Tags/jasmine_samand_3cert.jpg]Calla - Grandfather[/url] | [url=https://www.soquiliera.com/soquili/images/Mind/certs/InsaneButterflyJasmineLilly.jpg]Jasmine Lilly - Great-Grandmother (G1)[/url] x [url=https://www.soquiliera.com/soquili/images/Ririka/Certs/TerWisp3Cert2.jpg]Samandiriel - Great-Grandfather[/url] | [url=https://www.soquiliera.com/soquili/images/Norp/Tagged/Joharial_Tag02.jpg]Terentia - Great-Great-Grandmother[/url] x [url=https://www.soquiliera.com/soquili/images/Dawnie/Tags/SevatiRohannon-3.jpg]Wisp - Great-Great-Grandfather[/url] || Terentia's line: [url=https://www.soquiliera.com/soquili/images/DD/AccessoriesnScars/Taharial-cert-acc.jpg]Taharial - Great-Great-Great-Grandmother[/url] x [url=https://www.soquiliera.com/soquili/images/Zoo/Tags/josephtagged.jpg]Joseph - Great-Great-Great-Grandmother (G1)[/url] | [url=https://www.soquiliera.com/soquili/images/Ameh/Tagged/angel.jpg]Angel - Great-Great-Great-Great-Grandmother (G1)[/url] x [url=https://www.soquiliera.com/soquili/images/Ameh/Tagged/raguel.jpg]Raguel - Great-Great-Great-Great-Grandmother (G1)[/url] || Wisp's line: [url=https://www.soquiliera.com/soquili/images/Sirenz/Tags/sevati.jpg]Sevati - Great-Great-Great-Grandmother (G1)[/url] x [url=https://www.soquiliera.com/soquili/images/Natsu/tag/3_PeaFlower_tag.jpg]Rohannon - Great-Great-Great-Grandfather[/url] | [url=https://www.soquiliera.com/soquili/images/DeeJaye/SoqCer/dolpAiyana.jpg]Aiyana - Great-Great-Great-Great-Grandmother (G1)[/url] x [url=https://www.soquiliera.com/soquili/images/soqs/Tags/narci_tag.jpg]Narcissus - Great-Great-Great-Great-Grandfather (G1)[/url]
RPs: U/S:Hard Times - with Torment (???) A/SAcquaintances, Not Friends with Hipo & Karmea A for active / F for finished / U for unfinished??? idknameofRP A for active / F for finished / U for unfinished??? idknameofRP A for active / F for finished / U for unfinished??? idknameofRP
Basic Info: Name: Eabha Meaning: Life D.O.B.: 9/27/21 Gender: Female Species: Usdia Sexual Orientation: Str...aight? Pan? Who's to say. Herd: N/A Position: N/A Owner(s): Juliette06 Colorist(s): spelldancer RP Color: Medium Orchid Obtained Through: A gift from Luna! ;-; Originally from Stocktember Raffle (same as Fritz!)
Personality: Spunky! Though she be but little, she is fierce c:
RPs: A/SA Shadow In the Sea - with Fritzwallace, Marina, and Takutai A for active / F for finished / U for unfinished??? idknameofRP A for active / F for finished / U for unfinished??? idknameofRP A for active / F for finished / U for unfinished??? idknameofRP A for active / F for finished / U for unfinished??? idknameofRP
Basic Info: Name: Wink Meaning: The thing you do with one eye. Also the name of a unicorn from his source material, I think? D.O.B.: 4/27/23 Gender: Male Species: Unicorn Sexual Orientation: ??? Herd: N/A Position: N/A Owner(s): Juliette06 Colorist(s): Calixita RP Color: Royal Blue Obtained Through: Tori's Little Turns 2 Raffle
RPs: A/STwo Unicorns and a Bunny Walk Through the Woods... with Ruby Maxine, LV, Sneffels and Aith A for active / F for finished / U for unfinished??? idknameofRP A for active / F for finished / U for unfinished??? idknameofRP A for active / F for finished / U for unfinished??? idknameofRP A for active / F for finished / U for unfinished??? idknameofRP