This is where I'm going to say that I take pride in not watching music videos and s**t.
It's a song. Seriously.
I usually agree with your opinions and rants, but honestly? A song?
Over all the things to be mad about, like thirteen year old girls 'needing' a boyfriend, you choose a song.

All I can say is that I really don't see the point.
If you don't like how sexual it is, don't watch.
Let people think it's cultural. It might be their first and only taste of culture.
No point in freaking out.

And about the slumdog version, PCD made it first, you need to give them that.

Uh, it's more like sexualization of pop culture that's the problem here.
Music no longer needs to be legitimately good any longer.
All that matters is the sex.
A pretty face, nice bod, and booty-shaking is now preferable over quality.
Maybe the music video in Slumdog was a bit campy but at least it was focused on a good, notably well-lit production rather than a compilation of lame dance moves and cleavage.