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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

Tags: Halloween, Demons, Monsters, Roleplay, Academy 

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Sparkly Bunny

PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 3:44 pm
[SOLO] A Tower Of Her Own Making

Where has Belladonna been all this time? After her return from The Mysterious Island, Belladonna went to her room... And didn't come back out...
PostPosted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 11:33 pm
[PRP]I Need A Map!


Taking a walk with one of her Treats introduces Belladonna to a very nice zombie-boil named Mortimer. It is perhaps a good thing the witch cannot read his mind for he is rather fixated on her exceedingly bouncy breasts.



Sparkly Bunny


Sparkly Bunny

PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 2:17 pm
[PRP] Innocence Lost

Dealing with her own death was hard for the witch, but when she learns that others have died too, she opens up to the nice zombie-boil Mort. And might be developing a bit of a crush on him...
PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 10:30 pm
Texts With Mort, or,
What A Good Witch Does During A Bad Time

More time then she had wanted had passed since Belladonna had last been in her dorm room. A fine layer of dust had collected over the majority of her things, along with little trails of tiny feet that indicated the pets that remained in her closet had been just fine without her. And dust was not the only thing she had seemed to collect. A few stacks of old homework had been stacked outside her room along with notices from the school, each more threatening then the last. These notices were all instantly thrown into the garbage, along with the homework, because Belladonna believed in starting new.
Even if that meant starting new for the second time.

The first time had gone rather alright for the first few days, but it had quickly spiraled back into the same familiar pattern of regret and lack of action. But, this was her second try and those always fared better then the first. So, with a great sigh of mixed feelings, the witch swept her hat off her head and placed it carefully on the foam head atop her desk. Two hairbands put her hair into pigtails and a quick change into a pair of frilly bloomers and a lacey tank brought some much needed comfort for the witch.
"Going to clean?" Binx asked as he curled around her ankles and his too long tail brushed against the back of her knees. The witch let out a nervous cackle as the feeling and nodded down at him.
"Yup. Going to put on some music and get this place back to new." But just as she was about to turn on her eye-pod, her eye-phone let out a deep caw.

The witch whirled around and stared at the pink phone that lay in the middle of her perfectly made bed. Who was texting her? No one wanted to talk to her... But it was probably just her parents or one of her sisters, asking if she was re-admitted to the school. Belladonna rolled her eyes and snatched the thing off the bed and looked at the screen.
And almost dropped it.
She let out a tiny squeak and slapped a hand to her mouth, her eyes wide as she stared at the message.
"Your Mother again?" Binx drawled from his new place on the window ledge. With deft kitty paws he unlatched the lock and pushed the window open to let in some much needed air. "That witch is the worst kind, the one that begins with a 'b'."

The reply he got was not the one he expected. Instead of Belladonna laughing or at least agreeing with him in violent and exuberant terms, she only squeaked again. When he turned to look at her, he could not decide what emotion she was currently experiencing. It looked like a mixture between intense sadness and great relief. There even seemed to be tears pricking at the corner of her eyes. As he opened his mouth to ask, she slumped to the floor and furiously began texting. Even months of cut off communication seemed unable to curb her quick fingers.
"Its from Mort." She said between clicks of her fingernails on the screen. "I bet he's away on the trip with the others..."
The witch and her cat had been wondering where most of the school had gotten, but a nice visit with Jackb had answered all their questions. The school was visiting the Four Clans.
Belladonna was a little sad she had not gotten back in time to join them. The Four Clans all had impeccable fashion sense.


Text to Mort MORT!!!1!!!! OMJ! How are you?! Are you on the trip to the Four Clans?! What are you doing? Are you ok!? Is anything dangerous happening?! Tell me everything!!

After another moment of pause, the witch reopened his last message and sent another one.


Text to Mort Yes, I'm fine. Back at the school. Everyone must be on the trip cause I'm one of the few here. Its lonely. Hopefully I'm back for good. I'll wait for you.

Belladonna held the phone pressed close against the bottom of her nose and hoped that Mort understood how much this meant to her. He probably didn't, but any sort of contact was enough to make her spirits lift.
Things were getting better...

With renewed vigor, the witch bounced to her feet and snatched up the cloth she intended to use for dusting and had just made one swipe of her desk before her phone went off again. A dilemma was presented to the witch. Should she finish dusting or--


Text to Mort
Are they training you or something? If its too long, don't worry. If you have a second to call, you could do that... I'm free, but if you're not that's ok.
Glad you're having fun. Grab me some feathers from War! Plants? Whaaat?

She hoped her questions prompted him to give her more details. Belladonna never would have guessed Mort would be one to restrict his texts, but she wasn't judging. It was just interesting is all... So, as quickly as she could in case Mort replied soon, the witch jumped off her bed and dusted her desk.
Which ended up being a good idea, because while the witch was waiting for her phone to chirp with a text message, she was not expecting it to ring. But ring it did.
And even though she had told Mort to call, she hadn't expected him to actually take her up on the offer. Not that she was unhappy... Actually, she was a little more then pleased. She was almost... Giddy!
"Aren't you going to answer that?" Binx asked in a bored manner as he flicked his tail and settled down on the window sill for a nap.
Belladonna took a deep breath and hit the 'answer' button.

"Mort? Hello?" She pulled the phone away from her ear and looked at the screen to ascertain he was still on the line. She could hear him, but it was fuzzy. "Yeah, no, yeah! Talking is fine, I just wasn't expecting it. But its fine! Really!" A pause as she bit her lip. Was she nervous? "What? Lonely? Yeah... A little. Well, a lot actually. No one is here! Its just me and Binx."
The witch turned to the cat and did a little hop-skip of joy. He merely twitched his tail and didn't open his eyes.
"So what have you been up to? What are you all doing on the Clan's Islands?"
There was so much she wanted to say. She wanted to say 'Thank you', for calling and texting and caring, but she also wanted to say 'I miss you'. But he might not miss her, so she didn't want to say that... Not yet at least...


It had never occurred to Belladonna that she had ever failed to mention her familiar to the boil, so it was good that she continued on in such a blissfully unaware manner. And it was quite nice of Mort not to call her out on such a thing when their time was so short.
But, nevertheless, the witch listened intently, nodding her head encouragingly even though Mort couldn't see it. She even managed not to say anything until he had finished and was waiting for her response. It was bit much to take in, for Belladonna had never seen any of the Clans Members. She had heard of them from her family and through the various caveats of knowledge, but seeing them was another thing entirely.
The Famine Clan didn't sound entirely like something Belladonna would be fond of. Desert and survival? While she liked survival, she wasn't a fan of the desert. Too hot. One couldn't layer properly in the desert...

"Forehead kissed?" The witch echoed, "New brain?" She paused for one long moment then jumped up and down. "You're NOT stuttering! Oh Mortimus, that's wonderful!" She wasn't sure how she felt about that whole forehead kiss thing... At the end of their last meeting, she had bestowed upon him a kiss. But it sure wasn't anything as wonderful as getting a new brain... "I'm glad a Clansman's kiss can do that. And your talking is just fine. Besides, I'll help if you like! Practice makes perfect as they say." She paused and twirled a red curl of hair around her finger. "So you're at War now? Do you know what's planned for next? Grab me a feather if you can! I know they have such beautiful feathers..."
Belladonna didn't want to impose, really... But... A gift would be nice. She couldn't go on the trip, but at least Mort was including her in some small way... "But if its too much of an imposition, please don't worry! Just come back safe..."

She paused once more and pursed her lips.
"Please, do try to be careful... I know you will but... Well, I guess I'm just worried..." Her voice had dropped to a softer note that she hoped didn't betray altogether too much.


The witch couldn't help but purse her lips a little as Mort told her he'd be ok. He was acting so nonchalant, when they both knew that something terrible would most likely happen. These trips always ended in such and although it seemed that the Clans so far were being friendly (and helpful, even!) Belladonna knew better then that. The Clans and Halloweeners had very different ideas of things and the witch was sure these varying ideas would come to an unfortunate and very messy head...
"Well, you're speaking so well already! I'm so proud." She even did a little jump for him. But before she could say anything else, the speakers on her phone rustled in a strange manner and the witch jumped to make sure the call hadn't been lost.

"Was that wind?" She asked as she pressed on finger to her other ear so she could hear him better. "Tree tops?! Mort, are you in a tree?!" That sounded so much fun! Belladonna loved tree tops and being up high! Its why she loved being a witch, she could just hop on her broom and sail away whenever her heart pleased. But the more she thought about it, the more she realized that Mort probably wasn't a fan of such. She'd have to take him flying at some point... "Tie rope and lasso people?" She bit her lip. Was flirting ok? "You'll have to show me when you get home..." To keep from letting out the most inane giggle, Belladonna slapped her hand against her mouth and instead only chuckled softly. "But a flying mount? Well, if you do, don't look down, ok? And always keep a tight grip and always make sure your feet are in the proper position!"
For riding a broom, it was tucked behind you, but for a flying mount it was probably in a pair of stirrups or something...
"I ride a broom, so when you get back we'll go for a ride. Its fun!"

"But YES! Yes send me a picture! I'll send you one too!!" Now she giggled, but it was a little happier then just some ditzy laugh. "If you can send pictures of the islands too, that'd be nice... I'd love to see what everyone wears..." Now she was mumbling and that was silly. "And you can text me whenever too... Since I'm here at Amityville, there isn't much to do... I know you're busy, but its fine if you can't text much... But I'd like it!"
Oh Hecate, she sounded so laaaaaame...


Wings, he said? How interesting... Belladonna hadn't known that. She so wished she could have gone on the trip to see all these lovely people and their homes... They probably could have even taught her a thing or too! She could certainly use such a jarring event as meeting the Four Clans.
"Well, even if you don't want to fly right away that's ok. We can always fly together some other time!"
From his window sill, Binx made a soft mewling noise. For a moment the witch stopped and looked at him, expectant.
Was he alright with all her flirting? Was he advising against this? Did he think Belladonna was being stupid?
Err, no. He was just sleeping and having a dream. Whoops...

"Yes! Pictures would be lovely. I can track your journey from back here, or... Something." Now a terribly nervous laugh broke out of the witch and she winced at the sound of it. "And I'll take pictures of stuff here, but uh... It might not be that interesting. But I'll find something fun to do and I'll send you a picture of that, ok?!" She told him with a bit of a bounce.

Now she paused and balled her fist up and shook it. Should she ask? It seemed like he had some time...
"So! Um! What have you been up to since I've been gone?"
The last they had met was... After he had come back from the first Island and had died. They had bonded (or, at least, she thought so), but then the witch had been shipped back home.
"Did... Did you go to the Scarentine's Dance? I did, but I, um... I didn't see you... Not that I was looking! Well, I was a little... But not in.. Um..." Shut your big fat mouth! Shut it right now! "What have you been up to?!"
Best to just stick with the easily answered questions...


"What all are you planning?" The witch asked jovially enough as she skipped over to her bed and plopped down. The conversation seemed to be going well enough, so she might as well get comfy.
As for taking classes, yeah... She'd have to get right on that... If she didn't, her parents would take her out of Amityville for good and wouldn't let her come back. Not only would that totally demolish what little she had left of a social life, it'd also kill all her chances for a good future. No career, no happily ever after. Nope. And that would be just awful!
"Yeeahhh. Well, when you get back you can help me pick out a class or something... If I don't, I'll probably be kicked out of Amityville..."

But that was an unfortunate topic of conversation, so the witch snuggled against her pillows and went with the topic change.
"You were late too? Huh! I must have been the last one there then. I was craaaaazay late." She paused, blinked once and let out a very loud and shrieking "WHAAAAT?!". The noise woke up Binx who did his own kitty screech and glared at the witch. "You got into a battle with a HUNTER?!"
Oh my Hecate, that was bad! They were invading the school now?! Did she need to be extra careful since she was here alone? Because she fought ok, but she hadn't had a lot of experience for it and ooohhhhh jeeeez.
"Are you ok? Did you win? Did they hurt you?! What happened?!"

As for whether she had fun or not, well... She had fun when she got to chat with Westy, but besides that it... Not very exciting. She had tried to meet new people, but it hadn't gone the greatest... And after that little debacle, she had hung around by the food table then snuck out and back to her room. Which eventually led back home... Again. Whatever.
"Yeah, it was fine." She eventually murmured in what she hoped was a cheery enough note.


Dear Jack, that sounded terrible... And a mysterious corridor somewhere in Amityville?
Oh... Oh dear, that wasn't good.
It wasn't that Belladonna necessarily wanted to seek out trouble, no that wasn't the case at all... It was mostly that, well, she was horribly curious by nature. And she just wanted to know what these hunters had going on that made them so fearsome. Not that she was thinking of wandering the halls to find this mysterious corridor. No, that rarely worked anyways.
But then...
"Well..." She replied in an equally hushed tone. "I'll try." He sounded so concerned and she didn't want to worry him... Not really. Fine. She wouldn't look for the corridor, at least.

The witch sighed slightly and angled her face from the speaker so Mort couldn't hear her. How had she been since the dance? Ugh, maybe that was not a good question.
"Um, maybe I should explain that when you tell me about your hunter fight when you get back..." She bit her lip and nervously swiped Binx from the ledge and onto her lap.
"Sooooooooooooo... Are you going to be graduating to Year 2 soon?" Was that an ok question? Belladonna will still so behind, they'd probably be Year 2's for a while... Which wouldn't be so bad, since its nice to have friends...


There was an unnaturally long pause from Belladonna's end of the phone that might prompt Mort to wonder if the call had been dropped, but finally it was broken by a soft "Oh." from the witch.
Well, that was only the most embarrassing thing she's probably ever asked anyone ever. The witch took a moment to drop her face into her palm and mumble an embarrassed "Open mouth and insert pointy-toed shoe".

"Well, um! Sorry about that. it really has been.. Quite a long time. But hey! Congratulations! I hope your test went well! Did you get the testing professor's pin?" Belladonna remembered obtaining Savage's pin during her test, so maybe Mort got lucky and got one too. After another moment of thought the witch perked up. "Hey! You must have gotten taller or grown your hair out, right?" Certainly the witch had changed inbetween her first and second year of school. She vaguely wondered if Mort had noticed her changes, but she wasn't sure... "You should send me a picture!!"


"Oh my Hecate, a pit?! That sounds terrible! I guess you're alright since we're talking now... I'm glad you passed though! And wait... If you pass the test the horsemen give you... You'll be a... Third year?!"
Wait... Wait, had she been gone that long? Maybe she was just confused... But that would be just so... So strange if they all graduated lightyears before she did...

"So you've been experimenting? How long is your hair now?" Belladonna gave Binx a kiss on his forehead, but he squirmed against her until he escaped her grasp. "As for height... Maybe a few inches? I dunno... I'm short and I'm pretty sure I won't be getting any taller, so no matter what you'll be looking down at me." A nervous giggle escaped and she shrugged her shoulders. "Ehh, I think I'm the same since you last met me..." Maybe a little more messed up? Nah, don't bring the conversation down like that... "I think my hair is longer?" She pulled at a pigtail, but shrugged again.
For a moment she looked down at her most prized feature which had probably increased at least a little, but decided telling Mort that would be a bad idea... "Learn any cool new FEAR tricks?"


Well, that made a bit more sense... Belladonna, as much as she adored her friends and wanted to refriend them, did NOT want to be left behind academically. But... Funnily enough, she hadn't realized it was a possibility until Mort mentioned taking the Year 3 exam. How dreadful it would be if all her friends graduated ahead of her and she was permanently stuck as a second year?! The shock! The horror! The shaaame!
"Teachers pin are nice. But they're hard to earn... When I took mine, only one other girl got the teacher's pin too and there were maybe 6 or 7 of us taking the exam. But we did it!" Belladonna's pink eyes looked up to the small cork board above her desk that held various momentos, but also in the top right corner her own school pin as well as Professor Savage's.

With a small giggle, the witch settled in and listened to the most she'd heard Mort ever say. It was good to know that she was learning about him and what would get him talking. While she liked his quietness (naturally noisy people always prefer to spend time with someone who is softer), she did take a strange sort of relish in his frenzied speech. It was a little hard to follow sometimes, almost like someone whose first language wasn't English, but she followed well enough and gave little noises of encouragement at the proper places.
"Robohand? That sounds so interesting! You'll have to show it to me when its finished..." She finally pronounced, a little lost on what else to say.

"And its ok about the phone. I know I've been keeping you and you probably have much more important things to do, so I won't keep you much longer." A pause. "Unless you want to keep talking. I'm not saying I want to stop talking. I like talking to you. Its fun. I was just... What I was trying... What I mean to say is..." She huffed into the phone. "Yes. I'll take a picture of myself and send it to you when we're done chatting!"
There! That was it! WHEW. What was it about this boil that got her all tongue-tied?


"Yes, of course. With the wings too." As someone who could fly with the help of a broom, Belladonna couldn't help but romanticize the idea of flight with lovely, leathery bat wings as well. She almost asked him what sort he was making (feather or skin) when he mentioned a nap and the witch jumped from her bed.
"I was keeping you from sleep!? Oh my Hecate! Why did you let me do that?!" She squawked at him as her free hand flailed about. "You need your sleep, especially on a trip like this!"

"But yes! Please do check in every once in a while to let me know you're ok! I'd do the same, but I don't want to bother you since I don't know when you'll be busy or not..." She pursed her lips and took a breath. "Have a good nap and a good day tomorrow and horrible luck on your next class with War!" A pause. "And I'll send you a picture in a second!! You do the same!" Another pause. "OK. Night Mort! Bad dreams!!"


For one long moment the witch stared triumphantly at her phone. Job well done! She had communicated with another person and they were friends and it was great! She couldn't help but smile proudly as she looked at her phone happily.
"What a fantastically awful job at flirting you did." Binx broke the reverie with his deadpan voice before he flicked his tail once and hopped back to the window ledge.
"Flirting?!?!" Belladonna shouted at him. "I was not flirting!!"
The cat leveled his gaze with her's before he sat up straight, puffed out his chest and in a strangely accurate imitation of Belladonna's voice and cadence, said "Did you go to the Scarentine's Dance? I didn't see you! Not that I was looking~ Oh, I do ever so much like talking to you!"

"............................I never said 'ever so much'. I don't say that." Was all the witch could reply before she grabbed the cat from the window ledge. "Now shut your mouth and take my picture. I swear. I don't ever recall asking for a cat with quite so big an attitude."
Binx said nothing but smiled as Belladonna's face was bright red.
"Here." She instructed him as she pushed her phone into his paws. "Press the button to take the picture..."
"Besides the fact that I am not in possession of thumbs in which to hold this contraption, you've got to stop blushing first before we take any pictures."
This little remark dictated that Belladonna fuss over both cat and her complexion, change her shirt and then set up a bunch of pillows so all that was necessary was for Binx to press the button and for the camera to snap. These all coincided happily and Binx bounced over to his owner's shoulder to look at the picture.

"Don't you think you've got a bit too much cleavage going on to send to him?" Binx flicked his tail. "Wouldn't want to give him the wrong impression of you."
"Oh pish. Tosh! Its perfect." Belladonna cooed as she placed the picture into a text, wrote a short message and then sent it off.


Picture Message to Mort
User Image
See! I'm doing just fine! Do well at War tomorrow and bring me back a present if you can! And text me too! Yaaaaay~ <333


A few minutes later, Belladonna got her reply.
"Binx! Binx look! He grew his hair out!" She told him in an excited tone that relayed much more excitement then was usually necessary for hair length.
"Ahh. So this is the boil." Her little black cat said as he pressed one paw against her phone screen. "He looks alright enough... I daresay, certainly your type. Shy yet sweet and very much blue."
The witch gasped and snatched her phone away, her face bright red yet still managing to look utterly betrayed at the same time.
"We agreed not to talk about that." She said in a softer voice then Binx expected. He also did not expect her to look wistfully at her phone once more, heave a sad sigh and click away from the picture. It was even more of a surprise when she quietly set the phone down on her bed and went about cleaning the rest of her room in a very silent manner.
Later that night Binx would cuddle up to her and tell her he was sorry when it was time for bed. He would say he didn't mean to insult her and in fact, meant it more in a way of approval. Belladonna would reply that she knew and that it was ok and that she wasn't even sure if she liked this boil in that manner or not.

But for right now, she would going to hide her happy smile from her familiar because it was all too much fun.

((Sorry if you get tagged again. XD))  


Sparkly Bunny


Sparkly Bunny

PostPosted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 9:29 pm
More Texts With Mort, or,
Sure, We Can Totally Talk Some More! Not That I Mean Anything By Talk I Just Meant That.. Er... Yes!

In the days between arriving back to campus and receiving a text message from Mort and now, Belladonna had done a fairly good job at keeping herself busy. It was altogether too tempting to go back through the halls of Amityville and wander until she found the portal that lead to the Hunters, so the witch made good on her promise to be careful and kept herself busy instead. Natural curiosity served a helpful purpose most of the time, but right now... Well, right now it was doing Belladonna a great disservice. Besides, she only wanted to help the school...

Regardless of her wants or strange desires, she had managed to keep her preoccupied by making herself a new dress. Although Halloweentown kept a generally cool disposition year-round, it did have a tendency to warm up just the slightest during the middle of the year. And when one is used to a nearly permanent weather condition, one quickly notices when the weather has changed.
With that in mind, Belladonna was hard at work sewing herself a summer dress made of delightful white fabric dotted with little skulls she had found hidden away in her closet.

So when her cell phone rang with a next text, the witch had a whole yard of fabric wrapped around her body in a strange manner and a bunch of sewing needles sticking out of her mouth.
"Mrphh??" She mumbled around them as she shuffled over to her phone. "Mort!" Was her reply as she spat the needles out and snatched up her phone to quickly fire back a reply.


Text to Mort
Heya! :3 Oh Jack, that kind of sucks? Unless it doesn't. I'm not sure, ha ha. And whatever is easiest! Even a scrap of fabric or whatever! I'm not picky. How is everything else?

"Your friend?" Binx drawled from his window seat, one tail lazily flicking though he did not open his eyes.
Belladonna rolled her eyes at the cat, but blew him a kiss nonetheless.
"Yes, its Mort." She clarified as she clacked her fingernails against the screen.


Text to Mort
Death?? Ooohhhh~ I'd definitely take any souvenir you could find! If its not a hassle... And a posse? Sure! I'd like a pic. I'll try to send you one too, but uh... I'm kind of in the middle of sewing a new dress, but no worries!

For a long moment, Belladonna puzzled over the text message Mort had sent her. She even took the time to properly pin her dress back together before she looked at it again. (The pinning had only taken a few moments really, but still... It was good thinking time.)
Finally she pursed her lips and showed the message to Binx who only found enough energy to read it with one eye. Naps were a very energy-high activity.
"I think he's saying that maybe one of the Death Clans-people is hot? But maybe they have lava hair? That's what I think. Lava hair sounds pretty cool but--" Belladonna was interrupted by Binx who flicked his tail and rolled onto his back with a squawk to make her hush.
"It means that the Island itself is hot and potentially made of lava. He did mention that all the Clansmembers fly?" The witch nodded meekly. "Exactly. So, quite literally, the floor is lava."

The witch giggled and pulled her feet up onto the window ledge she sat on next to Binx and wiggled them until they were under his fluffy body. She mumbled a soft "warm!" before she got back to texting.


Text to Mort
That sounds so scary! Please be careful! I would rather you not die on this trip too. But yeah, I sew! When you get back I'll make you something. Do you like cravats?

After a few minutes of waiting, Belladonna had managed to extract herself from her pinned together dress and let it flop happily against her desk while she dug around in her closet for her sewing machine. It had gotten lodged in there somewhere and the witch not only had to wrestled it free, she also had to wrestle a few of her wayward pets back into the closet. Though she loved them dearly and each in their own way, Belladonna sometimes found it a real bother that her Treats were so quick. It made catching them much more difficult.

Finally, she was triumphant in her rescue and lugged the machine over to its cleared off place on her desk just in time for her phone to ping again. With a squeak the witch bounced across her room and snatched it up.
"Oh goodness, this sounds terrible!" She said aloud before she typed it out.


Text to Mort
Oh my Hecate, are there ENEMIES now?! I thought this was a safe trip! Mooortttt~ >3< If things go bad, give them a good hit for me, ok? And a cravat is just a fancy neck-tie for gentlemen. I mean, I can sew whatever you'd like really!

She couldn't believe they were talking about fashion when something very serious seemed to be going on!
And when the next text arrived, Belladonna actually set down the dress to focus on it. Things were getting worse?, she wondered to herself as she worried on a fingernail. Wasn't this supposed to be just a simple, friendly field trip to another neighboring people? The Four Clans while not Halloweentowners, were still of the Halloween species persuasion, so what was there to fight about?

And then the witch recalled what they had taught her in grade school about the Four Clans. They're like us... Only more extreme...
That made only a little more sense, but not enough to explain what was going on with Mort.
"UGH." The witch heaved a heavy sigh as she flopped onto her bed and kicked her feet in frustration. "This is crazy!"
If only she had gotten back in time!


Text to Mort
So long as that's the worst case scenario! But I'm a pretty good stitcher too, yanno. I DO sew. But I can totally help with complying! Just tell me what to do and I'll help! But is everything ok? What's going on?

The moment Belladonna had hit 'Send', it had started. A slow, sick feeling that swelled in her stomach and spread until it had her fingers twitching and her heart pounding. Something was wrong... It had been ten minutes since Mort had last replied and although he was usually a little slow, he was more apt to have the witch not worry and send her a message fast. Especially when she asked if everything was ok.
"He should have replied by now." The witch told Binx who only mumbled something softly and repositioned one of his paws. Since he offered no more help, Belladonna was left to only one option.
Send another text.

Text to Mort

I'm getting worried, you haven't replied. Is everything ok? Sorry if I'm bothering you...

Standing in the middle of her room, Belladonna tapped her foot three times on the floor before she dramatically swirled and tossed herself face first onto her bed with a large and agonized groan. And since she was already hyper-aware of the time, the witch timed herself as sprawled out on her bed at 7 minutes. (It seemed much longer as she did her best not to move one tiny muscles... Except when her nose itched... And when her boobs had to be squished down and out of the way... And also when her skirt had ridden up to far in the back and then also...)
Finally she sat up with another dramatic noise and looked at her phone.
Still, no new messages.

Text to Mort

OK. I DON'T CARE HOW CLINGY I LOOK. I'M SINCERELY WORRIED ABOUT YOU. Please, if everything is ok, text me!


Text to Mort

Not that I'm trying to be clinging or meaning that if you DON'T text me it means something has gone wrong but STILL. I'M WORRIED. D:


Text to Mort


With another groan, the witch sprang from her bed and bounded across the room. The noise aroused the ire of Binx, who opened one eye to watch as his witch hurriedly and with a great deal of passion, rifled through her desk. She kept mumbling "Where is it?" and "I knew I left it around here somewhere!" all the while she clattered and clanged and banged around and made a great deal of noise.
"Dear Hearth and Cauldron, what IS IT with you and your insistence on making so much noise today?" Binx growled from his ledge before he finally sat up and stretched. (As if to add to the clamor, he let out an ungodly screech as he arched his back.)
"My cards!" Belladonna shouted in way of reply as she wrenched open her closet. That was a bad move as immediately five of her treats sprang from the closet and out into her room. Though it was unfortunate, Belladonna did nothing about them and instead plunged her hands into the random stuff that generally sat at the bottom of closets. After a few more minutes of not finding whatever it was she was looking for, she jumped back to her feet and managed to capture four of the five treats. She gave each one a quick kiss on the head before she placed them back into the closet and slammed the door shut. The fifth treat was the lucky Mr. Cuddley Ruffley Butt, who perched himself happily on Belladonna's pillow and idly fluffed his wings.
Finally she gave up the search and sat back on her bed as she shakily clutched at her phone. Mr. Ruffley Butt cuddled up against her thigh and spread his wings over her lap, but she only stared through them into nothing.

"Oh..... Oh!" Was all the small black cat said before Binx jumped down off his ledge, trotted over to the small black messenger bag slumped against the desk and gingerly used his teeth to pull out a small lilac colored bag. In her astonishment, Belladonna did not move but only stared wide-eyed as Binx carried the bag over to her and dropped it as her feet. One smooth movement had Mr. Ruffley Butt in her hand and Belladonna on the floor as she reached out for the bag.
"How did you know...?"
"I am your familiar after all." Binx replied as he curled up on her other side. "You have so many tarot cards, I couldn't be sure which ones you were looking for, but I figured if it was as important as you're acting like it is, these would be the ones you wanted..."
The bag contained a set of very worn tarot cards with a princess theme. They were the first set Belladonna had ever owned and had gotten them for her fifth birthday. When things got rough or something went wrong and she needed to consult a deck of cards, this was the one that never ever failed her.
So with a deep breath, she shuffled the cards and pulled out three.

The witch stared at the three cards she had pulled a moment longer before she snatched up her phone and opened a new text.

Text to Mort

OK. This is my last text but I'm still worried. But I did a Tarot reading and whatever you're going up against, try a different method. My cards say that taking the well worn or trusted path isn't the way, but that your path to victory is different or not your first choice. What I'm trying to say is don't give up and keep trying and everything will be ok! Good luck! Text me back when everything is ok!!!

For the next few minutes Belladonna remained on the floor of her room and held Binx and Mr. Ruffley Butt close and hoped that Mort and the others would be ok. But hope only got someone so far. Hope didn't make the time go any faster. Keeping busy did.
So after another five minutes of waiting, the witch rose to her feet and continuing sewing her dress. When the school came back, she'd look cute, at least.

It had been over a solid thirty minutes since Belladonna had even dared check her phone, so when it gave a little 'ping' to let her know a new text message had arrived, she dived for it with all the gusto that one might expect of someone waiting for an important reply.
But when she held it up to her face and read the letters within, her gusto quickly vanished. It vanished so quickly, in fact, that her fingers faltered and she dropped the phone. It clattered unceremoniously to the floor and the witch took a step away from it as her hands reached up to cover her mouth. There are hunters... On this trip... But why?
Although she possessed a nice store of information, Belladonna was not very versed on hunters. In fact, she didn't know much of them at all. What she did know, though, was that they were bad. They were extremely bad news for Halloweeners. So why were they there on the Four Clans Islands? Were the Four Clans fighting too?

"Is everything alright?" Binx asked from his perch on the bed, cuddled up against Mr. Ruffley, who decided that waiting was too boring and had instead taken a nap. Belladonna's only reply was a small, scared shake of her head.
It took another few moments of deep breathing before she decided to pluck the phone off the floor and send off a reply.
She wanted to keep it short, simple... But there was so much to say. So much to hope for...
Finally, she settled on one phrase.


Text to Mort
Stay safe. Come back alive.

It would have to do for now.

For the rest of the day, the witch worked on her dress and didn't hear back from the boy. She worried until it was time for bed and had terrible dreams about what could have happened. The next morning saw her unhappy, worried and very much grumpy.
No more texts came in, so Belladonna only assumed one thing: Something terrible had happened and when the students got back, she'd find out exactly what it was.  
PostPosted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 5:06 pm
[Nightmare Solo] Little Witchling, Face Your Fears


Somehow infected with a bit of the Insanity by those around her, Belladonna experiences a nightmare that plays out her biggest fears and which seems altogether too real.


Sparkly Bunny


Sparkly Bunny

PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2012 11:48 am
I'll Share Your Burdern

After Mort returns from The Four Clans Islands, Belladonna decides to visit him in attempt to cheer his spirits. What happens is something she doesn't expect, but finds that she wants. But though she is happy for a while, things quickly turn and the witch is left joyous that her feelings are returned, but feeling dismal over the future.

+2 Points for being over 10K  
PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2012 10:31 pm
A Wonder of Witches

Long ago, before her leave of absence, Belladonna met a very adorable witch named Anna. Hopefully they can be better friends soon!


Sparkly Bunny


Sparkly Bunny

PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2012 11:58 pm
Don't Ask Me

Exactly 3 and 1/2 days after her emotional roller coaster ride with Mort, Belladonna receives a text from him. She races to see him only to find that the emotions (as well as stakes) are higher. They talk about lots of things, share a few intimate moments (are cockblocked!) and Belladonna meets Mort's Mother.

+2 Points for being over 10k
PostPosted: Mon May 14, 2012 8:28 pm

Hunter Fight: Princess Brawl!

Curious as to what these Hunters were really all about, Belladonna wandered the halls of Amityville until she stumbled upon the Haunted House. And a Hunter. Despite their similar appearance (red heads, cute with curls), things did not end on a positive note...



Sparkly Bunny


Sparkly Bunny

PostPosted: Mon May 14, 2012 8:31 pm

[OPEN CLASS] Don't I Get A Wish For This?

Belladonna fights for love and the ability to make out with boys in their rooms! In the name of Hecate, she will kick you a**!
...Maybe the fifth time around!

PostPosted: Mon May 14, 2012 8:37 pm

[SOLO] Encourage Sisterly Affection

In this episode of the Lives of the Divine Witches, Belladonna learns that blood is indeed thicker than disparaging cup sizes and her older sister Hemlock proves to be quite useful when it comes to dispensing wise words of a helping nature.



Sparkly Bunny


Sparkly Bunny

PostPosted: Thu May 17, 2012 10:06 pm
Texts with Mort III, or
The Return of Texting and Small Freak Outs

"Binx! Binx! Where is my--"
"In the closet, third drawer."
The witch bounced across the room and wrenched open the closet door with a lilting 'Thank you' tossed over her shoulder. The past week had been filled with classes, meeting new people and doing a lot of running around. It had been difficult, but Belladonna had kept herself busy for varying reasons, but one of the biggest being so she wouldn't think about Mort. He hadn't texted when he said he would and though the witch had been marginally worried about it, she put aside her worry. There had to have been a very good reason, and though Belladonna was not the type of girl to place bets, she certainly had already put a few seeds toward the idea of Ramona being the one who kept Mort from his phone.
(And if she was wrong it didn't much matter. She was only betting against herself. It was win/ win either way!)

But that afternoon before Belladonna ran off to an art class she had picked up, she had been trying to find her sketch book. It was an easy class, but she wanted to do her best and she figured bringing a few fashion sketches to class wouldn't really hurt.
Yet just as she had pulled open the door and had begun to search through the assortment of things within did her phone go off. Sure it was only a friend, or perhaps Hemlock, Belladonna ignored it and continued to search.
Having inherited a bit of curiosity from his mistress (or perhaps having given her a bit of his own), Binx padded across the bed and pressed a small paw to the touch screen and watched it light up. His tail didn't flick like normally, but it did give a small wave through the air.
"Its Mort."

Later on, Binx would describe the next few seconds as an explosion. Not so much in terms of fire or heat or anything of that sort, but more of an explosion of... Noise. And movement.
All at once Belladonna let out a strange, shocked and surprised noise that wasn't exactly a scream, while she tried to whirl and knocked into the dresser. That hurt, so she let out a shriek of pain, but then threw herself across the room toward her phone. She snatched it up and read the message with wide pink eyes.
After a moment the witch looked up to Binx and let the tiniest smile grace her lips. She said nothing, but he moved on the bed to allow her more room to sit.


Text to Mort
Hey! <3 Oh its all good, you've been busy resting. No worries.
I'm good! Been really busy taking classes and getting back into the swing of Amity. I became a Magical Girl!!

His response wasn't as quick as her own, so Belladonna jumped back off the bed to fetch her sketchbook as per her original plan. She flipped idly through it, having not really looked at it before she had done the sketches for herself and Mort. There were some nice ideas in here that she could probably use for whatver-- Ping!
The book was tossed on the bed and the phone in her hands. After a moment the witch giggled in a nervous manner, but before she could tell Binx what the reply had been, her phone pinged again. For a moment she screwed her face up in thought, but finally let it drop and clacked her nails against the screen.

Text to Mort

Very funny. I mean the Anime kind. I wasn't very good at it, I'm a much better witch. But you'll have to see my costume sometime! It was pretty cute.
Nothing going on the school. Its been nice and quiet and calm. There's a small welcoming party this Saturday for the Horseman, but I'm sure nothing will happen.

At least, Belladonna hoped that the Welcoming Party for the Horseman went alright. There had been the very clear notice of 'Not fighting', but the witch was fairly certain that that rule would most certainly be broken. Especially since it had been so adamantly brought up.
As for the Horseman, Belladonna had never met any of them. She hoped that their experience had at least humbled them slightly, at least a little. Not that she wanted what happened to have happened, but... Still.
Yet the prospect of Mort coming home, well... That certainly set the witch's heart to fluttering, but she couldn't appear desperate.

Text to Mort

I'm sure everything will be fine. I haven't seen any since they came to the school, but it should be fine.
Come back whenever you're ready! But I do hope you're feeling better... Amity isn't the same without you.

"Has he mentioned--"
"No, but that's ok. He's had it hard!"
Binx screwed his mouth into a kitty frown but curled up in Belladonna's lap nonetheless. She looked like she was about to jump up and grab something else and Binx wanted to nap. So to keep her still, the cat plopped himself down. For a moment Belladonna glared at him, but she grabbed the book off her bedside table and began to read a few pages in that while she waited.
The first message arrived and she replied to it in her usual quick manner.

Text to Mort

That's so wonderful to hear! I'm so glad!
Thor? Is that your name for your metal arm? How cool! Glad to hear its not been boring. Done anything else fun?

The second reply came just as she had sent the first one off and had been in the middle of reviewing it, so it sufficiently startled her. And when she read it, her whole face went pink.
"About time he mentioned something." Binx mumbled with a flick of his tail and a devious smile.

Text to Mort

Been missing you too. I've kept busy, but I'm a bit lonely without you... I'll be glad to see you again.

The witch furrowed her brows at the message, but sent it regardless. If he had been brave enough to say he missed her, then she'd be brave too!

Belladonna only managed another three pages before the next reply and though it was getting to a good part, she quickly set the book down to read his text. She couldn't help but laugh at the first sentence and even though Binx nudged her with a back paw, he didn't ask so she didn't tell.

Text to Mort

Ha ha, good for you! And the gym? For sparring? Eek, we'll have to fight when you get back. I got into a fight while you were gone too!
But its better that everyone else doesn't know about the Hunters. Wouldn't want to cause unnecessary panic...

Belladonna nearly dropped her phone when she realized she had accidentally almost told him of her fight with a Hunter. Oh, he was going to be livid that she'd picked a fight with their ilk.
Ugh, sometimes she could be really stupid.
And just as a bit of disappointment was about to set in over his lack of reply to her other message, her phone pinged and her heart soared.
Only to have it peter out strangely.

Text to Mort

Eerrrr, hi there... I'm assuming Greg?

Mort's text had been fairly coherent and free of spelling errors or extra letters. This was... Definitely not Mort. And with two older sisters, Belladonna was fairly certain she knew what had happened. Poor Mort. Just when things were about to get good too!

"Poor Mort. His brother stole his phone." Belladonna explained to Binx as she set aside her book and set to petting him. She had become horrifically distracted and now couldn't concentrate on the plot, no matter how good it had gotten.
"Gluttony demon, isn't that what you said his brother was?" Binx drawled between purrs. The witch replied in the positive and he twitched an ear at her. "You might not hear from him again, in that case. His brother probably ate his phone."
Belladonna was horrified by this thought and began to expound on it when another text arrived. For a long moment she stared at it with her face screwed up into a very intense look of thinking.

She liked to think she knew Mort well enough to understand his grammatical habits, as well as his reactions. So after a few more moments of study, the witch surmised that this was Not Mort.


Text to Mort
Nice try Greg, but Mort isn't really a 'totally' kind of guy. If you'd like to chat, I'd be more than willing to! :3 I learned a new hex that can transfer over the phone and I've been dying to see if it works. Mort said he'd try it for me, but I suppose you'll do too!

Ha! Take that you meddling sibling, you!
(Not only was Mort not a 'totally' kind of guy, he would have also apologized profusely for his brother's antics. He was very sweet like that. Not at all forward like this Greg apparently was.)

Having felt rather smug with herself, Belladonna was not at all prepared for the reply she received. So much so that she let out a small curse and, making sure to hold Binx steady, flopped back onto her pillows. The cat was not happy with this sudden motion, but he quickly readjusted himself and dozed off again. At the base of her bed, Lanna stirred from her own nap and toddled over to the edge of the bed where placed her stubby paws onto the side and whined until Belladonna scooped her up onto the bed to join the party.
Hmmmmm. What was she to say to that? Belladonna had been planning on her threat to succeed and scare Greg into giving Mort his phone back, but that seemed to have epically failed. Plus, she would also have to be very careful from here on out. Greg asked if she was the ghoul Ms. McNeal had met, which meant she'd talked of Belladonna, but the witch couldn't be sure of what Ms. McNeal had said of her...
Might as well take her chances.


Text to Mort
Yes, I met your mother when she came to pick up Mort. She was very lovely.
And I won't hex you so long as you give Mort the phone back. Please.

Vaguely, Belladonna wondered if Greg had seen a picture of her. Mort surely didn't still have that one from his time at the Four Clans, did he? .... Hmmmm. Most intriguing...

Things only got worse when the next message arrived. Belladonna groaned out loud and pressed her hands against her face.
"This is ridiculous!" She told them through a laugh, because while it was all sorts of crazy, it was also absolutely hilarious. This Greg was certainly a cad, but at least a funny one. She knew next to nothing about him, but every text sent her a little bit more information. And though she wanted to appease him so she could recommence her chat with Mort, she also would put her foot down. She couldn't hex him, but maybe she could buy some time for Mort to get the phone back.
Assuming Greg wasn't actually sitting on the zombie...


Text to Mort
So sorry Greg, but I have to decline. I'm sure you're an upstanding, endearing gentleman, but I'm afraid its just not in your cards right now.

"Can you believe it Binx? Greg thinks a date with me is a good idea."
"Date? You mean stare-a-thon?"
The witch swatted her backside, but he didn't even budge, only let out a little kitty chuckle. Lanna yipped at this, but cuddled into Belladonna's hip as Binx had occupied the space that was her stomach.

The interim with no texts stretched out and Belladonna grew restless. She grabbed her book off her nightstand, but kept rereading the first sentence so instead just laid there. After another moment of nothing, her phone pinged and she eyed it suspiciously.
Hhhhmmm. Guess she'd have to trust that it was really Mort this time. She'd try an experimental text, just to be sure.


Text to Mort
Hooray! And I was just saying words. He asked me out on a date! XD
Fight? OH! You mean my fight? Yes, it was terrible and I'll tell you about it when you come back so in case you get mad I can distract you!

That sounded a little more heavy than she'd meant it, but oh well. It'd have to do for now. Belladonna wasn't at all sure how she was honestly going to tell Mort she had gone looking for a Hunter fight and found one, only to loose miserably, but she'd have to tell him something. He was a sweet boil and deserved the truth.
Even if that truth had been a half-baked idea with bad intentions and even worse consequences...

"It would probably be best to tell him the truth." Binx said with a bit of indignation. But his ideas were always stupid, so Belladonna only frowned at him and ignored him for the next message that came much quicker.


Text to Mort
Sorry he stole your phone. >.<;
I wasn't seriously hurt. But I did run away. Like I said, I'll tell you later. ^__^ No worries, I'm ok!

No, seriously. Mort. Stop asking. Belladonna was beginning to get nervous and he was a smart boil, he'd probably put two and two together. And while the witch had deeply regretted her actions, she'd regret them a whole lot more if Mort hated her forever.
"Teeeellll hiiiiim~"
"Not helping!" Belladonna nearly shouted at the cat, her hands frantic as they flailed.
Really, she just needed him to ask something else... Like whether or not Belladonna missed him too, or at least something semi-romantic...

Yet they were still back to this dodging around the subject bit. Humph. Maybe Belladonna could instigate something, for once. Usually she played coy and let them come to her, but what could it hurt to be a little forward every once in a while?
(At least, she certainly wasn't going to mention her fight again.)


Text to Mort
Ha ha, I think she does? She and Binx kind of didn't get along for a while until they realized they could cuddle me both at the same time.
Speaking of missing someone, let's go back to before Greg stole your phone. Didn't say you missed me??

Yes, that would do for present. It was just coy enough to lead him in, but just forward enough to start things back.
Oh, this was devilish fun indeed!

"Do you miss Mort?" Belladonna asked Lanna, who only snuggled closer and gave a small, content little 'yip'. The witch figured that meant something along the lines 'Yes, for I have forgiven him for accidentally (because, really and truly it was an accident!) singing my fur with his crazy electricity body. But while I miss him, I am content to be with you, oh-so-cuddly one who lets me sleep with you and holds me close. But I hope he comes back soon'.
Belladonna was most satisfied with that reply.
As well as the text one!


Text to Mort
Its happened before... But I'm very glad you didn't. I'm rather fond of you, myself.

Did people still say that and meant in a romantic sort of manner?
Belladonna tacked on another message, just to be sure.

Text to Mort

Err, excessively fond, actually.

Fairly content with herself, Belladonna set about to petting Binx, who only murmured every once in a while and mostly just purred.
"I think this is all going to go excessively well. I think its going to work out this time." So when Belladonna received the first text, she let a happy sigh out and took a moment to smile in a very dopey manner. Binx nor Lanna seemed to notice for they only napped on, unaware of the rapture Belladonna currently felt.
That was until she looked at the second text.
A long hiss of anguish and crushed hopes exited Belladonna and she pressed a hand to her face.
"Why am I such a horrifically, entire dolt?"
Time for damage control.

Text to Mort

Its just happened before that someone I am fond of has left the school and never returned nor bothered to contact me. I'm not terribly lucky when it comes to people returning my affections. So I've just been a little hesitant and... Worried, I suppose.
Sorry if that sounds... Strange?

Boooooooooooooooooo. Everything had been going so well!
Go back to being sweet and saying you liked me toooooooooooo! Belladonna inwardly whined to herself.

The next few moments were a bit angsty for the witch as she mumbled to herself, mostly of her big fat mouth and how silly she was and all those self-deprecating type things. Binx mumbled something about 'Letting it go', but it only sent Belladonna into a further tizzy. She had even begun to worry the left side of her hair as she hurriedly brushed out her hair for want of something to do, but only succeeded in making it more fuzzy.
At the arrival of the next message, Belladonna took a deep breath and opened the digital letter.

In a moment her angst and worry and fear dissolved and she stopped worrying her hair. She took another deep breath and sighed out all her negativity. There would always be a little fear left, but a little terror made life interesting. It was certainly worth it if things really and truly worked out this time around.

Text to Mort

I would very much like it if you came back to me like you promised. emotion_kirakira
But only if you want to, of course!

Though her worry had faded, a bit of apprehension set in and Belladonna began to re-worry her hair. It wasn't so much fear, but more... Nervousness? Well that was weird... Usually the witch didn't get nervous like this. Not over a boil. Maybe over a class or an upcoming event, but never like this. Never over a text.
So when the next text arrived, the scream that ripped from Belladonna's throat certainly was one of joy. But it was still a scream that startled Binx enough that he jumped to the end of the bed with a screech, and scared Lanna into actually rolling off the bed.
Binx let out a string of kitty curses while Belladonna jumped to her feet and began to jump up and down on her bed, all the while with crazy laughter and cackles. Even when Binx had ceased to hiss and spit, Belladonna scooped him and jumped with him while Lanna yipped from the floor.
"He asked Binx! He wants to be my boilfriend! He wants ME! ME ME MEEEEE!!!" Belladonna began to twirl as she jumped, which Binx did not appreciate, so he quickly hissed back.
"Have you said yes?"
Belladonna suddenly stopped and looked at the cat with a very serious face.
"Oh. I should do that." In the next instance she had fallen back to the bed and had snatched up her phone.

Text to Mort

Then you shall receive not only get a smile but a very big hug, so long as I can be your ghoulfriend.

For a few moments after she had sent her text, Belladonna sat there with a goofy, almost crazed grin on her face. This was really, honestly happening. Right now. For real.
With another squeal, Belladonna jumped to her feet, scooped up Binx and began to dance around her room. She acted as though he were not only a willing partner, but actually good at waltzing. (He wasn't. Cats aren't particularly known for their waltzing abilities.) In her mind, this was a Grim Fairy Tale, where the Knight would come valiantly to her side and they could live happily ever after. They surely still had battles up ahead, but Knight and Princess could certainly handle them together.
"We're going to be so happy~ And carefree~ And my life is lovely~ Oh Binx! I'm so happy!" The witch put a kiss on his kitty nose that he attempted to swat away with his claws, but she only dumped him on the bed and picked up Lanna. She twirled with the foxfire (Who was a bit wiggly) for another minute before the next text arrived. She also deposited Lanna onto the bed and read it standing.
She promptly sat.
Oh la la~

Text to Mort

Then I shall do my best to give whatever it is of me you ask! wink

Too coy? Too forward? Too saucy?
Belladonna didn't have those phrases in her vocabulary at this moment.

Well, apparently the witch could be too forward. Mort's text was... Coy! Forward! Saucy!
However was the witch to reply to that?
Well, of course in a very similar, if slightly more in depth manner.

Text to Mort

Oh, I suppose you're right! Well, so long as you don't mind a heaving chest from all my breathing and a break every once in a while, this could work out! But I AM a rather energetic person...

Belladonna cackled to herself and covered her face to hide her blush. This was all too hilarious and fun and it was making her giddy. If she didn't do something (like a cartwheel! Or something equally giddy and foolish) she might just die right then and there of joy.

"You've gotten quiet. He's making inappropriate remarks." Binx said as he gingerly tip-toed his way across the bed to reclaim a comfy spot.
"Yes! Yes he is indeed!" Belladonna replied with a giggle that might have been infectious had anybody else been present to laugh with her.
Binx was not pleased with this and instead sat down in front of Belladonna (who had clamored joyfully back onto her bed with Lanna) and placed a kitty paw on her knee.
"Belladonna, if he's only attracted to you because--"
"Don't be so insensitive, Binx! I have feelings too, you know." A small stab of hurt crossed her face and Binx flattened his ears bashfully.
"I apologize. I don't want to see you hurt." He refrained from saying "again".
Belladonna forgave him with a kiss on the head and read the next message. It would be best not to tell Binx about it...

Text to Mort

Always the scientist, wanting to test things out! Fine! I'll be your test subject!
And yes, I had noticed that. You didn't think I bounced for my health, now did you?

Well, Belladonna had always liked the shy ones because they were at once shy and usually not. It was no different with Mort. But it was more fun, more enjoyable with him. Everything felt lighter and brighter and all around better.
Belladonna flopped back onto her pillows and sighed dreamily.
Things were finally going her way.

Text to Mort

The first ghoul to talk to you at length? Really? A handsome creature like you! Well, I'm glad I did then.
But of course Mort. I'll always do my best to be patient and be here for you. I'm very, very happy. <333

In the middle of her first reply she received the second, so she only tacked on the ending with a smile and some extra hearts. She could have filled up a whole text message with hearts, but that would be a bit much.
Ooohh, how she wished he could be here with her!

A long moment passed before the witch sat up and smiled goofishly at Binx. He only rolled his kitty eyes before he trotted around her and settled on the pillow she had been resting on.
Didn't she have a class soon? Oh well! It could be skipped for a day just so Belladonna could keep this feeling of joy, of peace, of utter contentment just a little longer. Had she ever felt this intensely? Perhaps not, at least not in a positive way.
"Thank you Hecate." The witch whispered as her phone pinged and she snatched it up.


Text to Mort
Then I'll always smile to make you just as happy!
Two days? That's not too bad at all! Of course I can wait for you. <333
Yaaaay! I'm glad you're coming back.

Belladonna bit her lip to stifle the ridiculous giggle that had begun to bubble within her. Everything was so silly, it was all so cliched. But she didn't care. All of this was too good to worry over how silly it might sound.

"Good Goddess, if you smile anymore your damn chin will fall off." Binx muttered from the pillow as he idly clawed at one of Belladonna's curls. The witch only tilted her head toward him and giggled. Nope, still didn't care.
Especially not when the next text from Mort arrived. Once read, Belladonna nearly melted into the bed.
Oh, he's good. She thought to herself as she quickly texted back with frantic hands.


Text to Mort
2 Days isn't long enough for me to get into trouble! wink
And it will be so long as I get to see your own smile. Be safe and see you soon! <333

Belladonna figured they were done texing, at least for now, and she was content. More than content. Was there a word for that? Contenter? It didn't matter, because she was it. She was over the moon, ecstatic, soon to be head over high heels, a** over teakettle.
With another shout of joy, Belladonna jumped up and grabbed Binx. She swung him around once in a twirl before she hugged him close.
He wanted to say something, he wanted to complain or to claw her and make her let him go. But she was so happy, he didn't have the heart. In all honesty, he was just glad she was finally in a good place.
It had been too long...  
PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 10:41 am

Friendship Is Magic!


Feeling a little more tired than usual, Belladonna scurries on over to the Maul and grabs herself a really tasty coffee drink. And meets Gene! The fun doppleganger that is totally friends with Mort and oh Hecate, she had a crush on him? Whoops. Belladonna dropped the bomb a little too harshly on poor Gene's feelings, but she recovered well enough to still be friends with the witch. Yes! Friendship +1!



Sparkly Bunny


Sparkly Bunny

PostPosted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 6:09 pm
On The Up and Up

And he came home! And he doesn't hate her and really and truly, honestly wants to be Belladonna's boilfriend! So they made out and cuddled and talked! It was fantastic~ Sure to make a good impression and show him exactly how she feels, Belladonna bestowed upon him her school pin. Also, a pet zqurriel of his own!
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