Right now, Makiya has no love/life mate.
She is looking for a mate that won't be
bothered by how she acts, such as her
stubbornness. She believes that love is
love no matter what gender it comes in,
so is open to looking for love in all sorts
of places. If you have someone that you
think would be "The One" for Makiya,
PM me and we can together plot out an
RP for the two of them. Please don't go
into the roleplay assuming that your
Soquili is automatically her mate. It will
probably take a long roleplay, as well as
some time for Makiya and I to determine
who is the best one for her. She
islooking for a mate, but it may take a
while for me to decide who exactly will
be her mate. So prod me and we can set
up a roleplay and have fun in the meantime. =D