Lizzy for Treasurer

Post 1

The adventure for today was not one that could be found behind parchment papers or thickly leather bound books. Day one of the exploration outside the safety of the dark cozy reaper dorm. It was time to explore the unknown world of the student body, and what better way then to look at the student council booths. It was such thinking that led Seth to the unfinished booth that lay ahead of him. Scarcely populated he decided it would be the easiest place to start. He'd eventually brave lady Riley's booth for president but he wasn't qu wahmbulance ite ready for all that.

He stood watching two other boils talk to who he presumed to be Lizzy the ghoul running the booth. He adjusted his glasses before taking the plunge toward social interaction. One step after another he was slowly heading toward a path of what seemed self destruction. Bus older siblings had gotten through which on some levels was saying a lot since peter had made it through and returned to teach.

Social humiliation was his last thought before the words tumbled forth. "Hello, I'm Sethinous, is there by chance anyway I could assist you?" For the most part his words flowed smoothly as he spoke but with his nerves being on edge as they were his sentence came out rushed and squeaked at the very end. A light red flushed his cheeks as he cleared his throat. "Sorry." He shifted his glasses again as he tried to gather his composure. He was ateast glad he'd had the sense not to approach the mindflayer first. His hold on his leather bound book at his side as he found comfort in its presence. The large book was visibly noticeable though it was merely an extension of Seth so.he often payer it no mind till moments when he most needed its comfort. "I typicaly go by Seth though." Thankfully he managed not to squeak this time at the end of his sentence, so the flush on his cheeks cooled slightly though it was still visible against his take skin.

Post 2
No help was needed. It was unfortunate however that would not derail him. He'd do the meet and greet and prepare himself to hit the ground tuning fir he was determined to get a grasp if the social thing or hide away in his dorm for but classes if he failed. He was certain the blush that had cropped up upon his cheeks had dulled down for they didn't seem sohot anymore but he could not be sure.

He dipped his head softly taking in the polite refusal, which it was very polite to say the least. It was then that he saw the reaper ghoul he'd apparently over looked upon his approach. He thought over his words to find if he'd noticeably verbally given away his ignorance of the ghoul and as pleased when he found in no way that he had. Lest he would need to think of way out of that one.

Then he realized she'd continued speaking to him. New to the school... How did she know? As he asked himself the question his hand fluttered to his bow tie and he realized his skull pin would give it away. "Yes, I've been here a little under a month though I've only just gotten out of my dorm to explore these festivities" He nodded softly hoping his nerves would settle soon. This ghoul didn't seem so bad and so far he hadn't miserably shanes himself.