Steel makes the warrior

___H i s t o r y:
Hidden away in the caves of Iwagakure, one of the locals had given birth to one of those who had been deemed for training for multiple arts. Metal crafting and shinobi. An odd combination when ti comes to the very ideals, where perfection must be expected in both fields. The child grew with speed, and the oddity began as he overtook the local business. His blades were unique, constantly changing in his grasp, and none seemed to grasp precisely how he had such a knack for creating these specialized blades. Even more so was the abilities that he had when he was on the field, his blade adjusted frequently for a variety of situations. The blade darkened and shined. At long last on his death bed, he explained it all.

Oxidization and molecular bonding. The Rokusho clan began to continue further, used most frequently to support themselves, adjusting bonds within the confines of the steel blades, causing an odd adaptability rarely seen with a swordsman.

Due to their ancestry in forging swords and various weapons, the clan itself has a practice. At their coming of age ceremony At the age of twelve, each child of the Rokusho line is taught the basics of the use of the oxidizing sabiton element.

___T r a i t s:
• Raw Talent with weapons [-1 post reduction for Bukijutsu Styles]
• Smith's arms, which tend to make one's upper body stronger than an average shinobi
• Forge's Heat - Work in the forge has created a natural resistance to fire, despite their elements. Damage received by fire techniques are reduced by one rank.
• Due to a Rokusho's technique's requirements for vials of metallic substances of some kind, their techniques require no ninjutsu seals.

___R e s t r i c t i o n s:
• Must possess Doton & Fuuton elements
• Must be bukijutsu class
• Requires a regular supply of metals

___N o t e s:
• The word "weapon" is used liberally, as if can also be applied to a puppet, if of the proper materials.
• Coating techniques last [8] posts, unless willed otherwise.

___T e c h n i q u e s:
Sabi Te (Rusting Hand)
Rank: E- Passive
Description: The basis for all Rokusho clan techniques, the user practices the process of advancing the rusting process dramatically with their very touch, because of this, the user can break down shinobi tools for the metal flakes needed to perform techniques.

Konji (Dark Blue Ground)
Rank: C
Description: The Rokusho apprentice begins learning with a way to cover a fundamental flaw in the bukijutsu user's combat and the natural conductivity of a weapon of steel. Utilizing some of the metal they keep on their person, they coat their blade with an obviously dark blue layer, composed to reduce the effectiveness of raiton techniques by one rank.

Suimo (Weaken and decline)
Rank: C
Description: In the midst of combat, the user will set aside the safety of their blade to catch the enemy's, their blood will seep onto the blade, dramatically oxidizing the steel, dulling the edges, reducing their weapon's capabilities by one rank.

Danzetsu (Break Off)
Rank: B
Description: Utilizing excess metals, the user will settle a brittle coating upon their weapon. When met with resistance, it triggers a genjutsu, making it appear as if the weapon has broken. This particular genjutsu wears off after [3] posts of the user, or ends immediately when they strike out against the enemy.

Haijin (Ashes and Dust)
Rank: B
Description: The user throws a handful of metal flakes into the enemy's eyes, making it appear as if the user is breaks down into flakes of rust, disappearing on the wind.

Sentan Kidou (Spearhead Railroad Tracks)
Rank: B
Description: The user makes use of a trail of metals, usually steel wire due to costly trails of iron lumps being so pricey, in which the user will rust the line, their chakra rusting all along, with a secondary purpose. These flakes will congregate at fixed points and spear upward, in an attempt to skewer the foe.

Sabi Shuuha [Rust Wave]
Rank: B
Description: The name is quite contrary to the actual technique, in which the user will grasp a hold of a number of shuriken, and toss them off after imbuing them with their sabiton element. Though it's quite easy to tell they are coming, the projectiles themselves are covered by the clouds of iron flakes falling about, obscuring their locations.

Matsuru (Deify)
Rank: A
Description: The user builds upon the basis that Konji established for enhancing their own blade. A new coating placed upon their blade, augmenting the weapon to hold a magnetic charge, to ward off smaller projectiles and reduce fuuton effectiveness by one rank. Due to its new magnetic charge, it's easily more conductive of raiton techniques, boosting their power a rank.

Chacha (Disruption)
Rank: S
Description: The user makes use of all the metals within their touch. Steel wire, kunai, shuriken. Anything they can, to create a large quantity of the rust flakes, as they are whipped up in a frenzy, creating a dust storm of sorts. Ingested flakes will stun any shinobi for [2] posts. Counter attack is difficult, however, for the visibility is greatly reduced.

Kousotsu (Armored Warrior)
Rank: S
Description: Gathering their arms, much like with the technique Chacha, the user gathers their chakra and releases a massive corrosion on steel within the area. Rather than summon up "dust storms", the user draws the materials near to their flesh, creating a material wall between themselves and the enemy. The user may utilize the shavings of rust to form weapons of surprising durability and impress various bloodline abilities on a higher scale during the time in which this is active.
• Active for eight posts

Shiage (Finishing Touch)
Rank: A
Description: Catching the enemy's weapon, the user pumps their chakra into the enemy weapon, embedding into it the accelerated rate of oxidization, where over the next several minutes, the weapon begins to corrode and break away. Often an unused tactic, due to the user's need to put themselves in harm's way.
• Six posts before weapon break

____ Users / Members: