well hermit crabs love to eat crabs so no worries lol. im a huge crab nut too. i kind of have to be living right by the ocean and all lol

hubby and i dont eat much meat but we do eat some. i figure no point in me going vegan or whatever so may as well enjoy some meat. i am starting to get him to like veggie meats though. ive got him addicted to blackbean burgers

im sure if i ever get to have a pet cow ill probably eat alot less beef. they are one of my favorite animals but they taste so good and i get major cravings for some red meat if i havent had any in a while
True! My crabbies are big fans of crab and shrimp and all sorts of stuff. I don't like beans, but I don't mind Boca Burgers sometimes. I don't really like beef much, so I don't miss it... OR replace it.

Oh, except stroganoff. I think my mom made that with beef and I liked that, though it caused me a LOT of pain.

i know nearly all my cooking causes my husband pain. he has such a fragile digestive system and mine is made of steel. i eat bits of raw hamburger that ive droped on the floor and dont have any problems, but if he eats hamburger that isnt cooked all the way or if i do something different to it he manages to get sick.

so right now the dog and i enjoy eating raw meat for lunch every now and then and him and the rats can have their overcooked meats