Two of my friends lost their virginity after dating a guy for a month... (This was very recent too) Were all in the middle of high school. I personally think its moving a little fast, but I wouldnt know Ive never had a bf. It was one of my previously mentioned friends very first serious boyfriend that she did it with, and like the week before she told me how fast she thought my other friend was moving, but she ended up doing the same thing!

Basically, if you dont feel like reading that whole paragraph: How long do you generally go out with a guy before doing him?

I didn't have sex with any of my high school boyfriends. I didn't want to become a teen mom or get an std by accident. You should only lose your virginity to someone you are truely in love with. If they are in love with you then they'll wait forever to make love if necessary. If you're thinking about having sex though get on birth control and make sure he uses condoms. Useing one method doesn't always stop pregnancy. My cousin was on birth control and she still got pregnant so make sure you use both and not one. Don't EVER have sex without them until you're ready to have a child. Completing high school with a baby is horrible my sister went through it when she was just 15 years old. My true honest advice is to wait until after high school because if an accident happens then you might not graduate on time or maybe not even at all.