I'm slightly addicted to it.
            One night, when my friend was over, I was awake before her so I started watching You Are Beautiful on netflix.
            It later ends with her and me waking up and literally yelling at the tv towards the entire show! Like "OMG, JUST GO, SHE'S RIGHT THERE. IT'S COOL,DUDE!"
            This may be a bit spoilerly for those who haven't seen it but when they finally kissed, me and my friend cheered so loud, I think the neighbors probably thought we were watching some sports event.

            My mom is now terrified when I tell her I'm watching a korean drama or when she hears a different language come out of my tv.
            I've seen a majority of Boys over Flowers; the beginning was pretty great but over time, it kinda weighed down my interest though I try to watch it every now and then.