Wistful Flame
Banshee Cupcake
Wistful Flame
Banshee Cupcake
Wistful Flame
Banshee Cupcake
Ingredients: 2 cups sugar, 1/2 cup butter, 1/2 cup cocoa, 1/2 cup of milk, 1/2 cup of chopped nuts (optional), and 1 tsp. of vanilla
Steps: Mix sugar, butter, cocoa, and milk in saucepan and bring to a boil quickly. Reduce heat to medium and boil 3 or 4 min., or until a little dropped into cold water forms a soft ball (about 234 degrees). Remove from heat and stir in oats nuts and vanilla. Drop by teaspoonfuls onto waxed paper and let stand till hardened.
Though you can spray a cookie sheet or something and pour it, once it's hardened you can cut it into squares or bars. ^-^

Oh, those sound great! Merci!~

Definantly going to make. Do you have a rough estimate to how much this makes?
Hmmmm. about half an hour to mix everything together. The hardening part depends on the thickness of the mixture after you drop or pour it.

Maybe I should rephrase the question sweatdrop
How many cookies will this yield? (I apologize if my English isn't well)
Oh oops. About 3 dozen if I remember correctly. If your making bars I'd reccomend doubling everything as if it's in one of the spread sheets that are long the mis will only fill up half of the sheet.

Thank you~
Yeah, that's good to know ^^ I was planning on doing the bars
The bars are also good to take on camping trips as well. ^-^ Energy bars + granola bars. emotion_awesome