Well Hello everyone...... Long time long time I KNOW.. So I'm sure all of you are wondering how work has been going and how that appointment with that new shrink went last week. Work is slowly progressing trying to find people who are not busy.. GONNA GET PAID SOMETIME THIS TO NEXT WEEK (bout a hundred bucks BUUUUUUUT STILL) speaking of getting paid.. Sometime I gotta go to the school and get my s**t down there straightened out so I can go back, and take out more money so I can have more out of my soul to good old UNCLE . SAM!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Does he need my money? or isn't he satisfied enough with everyone's tax funds?) ah he doesn't matter he's a cartoon they all love money and uncle Sam is the richest cartoon EVER! Honestly.... His picture should always be.."I WANT YO $$$ FOR PICTURES OF THE PRESIDENT'S FACES LOOK BETTER TO ME GREEN!" Maybe he was a pyschic and predicted the Hulk before it came out or some s**t...
ANYYYYYYWAAAAAAAAAY I love my new shrink she's prego with doubles so by the time I see her again the day right after my 24th birthday in November she's going to look more stuft than a thanksgiving turkey and I'm sure will be plenty to feed her and her two preciouses plenty of it! She's very easy on the eyes so she's easy to talk to.. I was able to tell her the truth about everything.. which will make it easy for me to tell her "Hey I know you really care about me and I know we need to get this valium situation under control but as you can see from the results from my pee" which she hopefully does "I"ve been on that for 3 years... If I could put those things down with no toll of a physical withdrawl I'd flush them all now Doc... But I'll be happy as hell and when I can't stop shaking that's my body's personal alarm saying valium or medicine time... so I'd like to wait till your maternity leave is done with so you can be there all the time when we start this if we can... I'm glad you care enough to know how bad long term effects valium can do to someone....." But I already told her I wasn't interested in reproduction.....
I kind of see myself as a womanboy if that makes sense.....woman with boyish features bisexual... punches like a man... acts kind of like a man.. and thinks a lot like a man... BUT I'm happy to be a woman.. I don't want a sex change.. but I don't like having my period and if I want a baby I want to adopt one less fortunate than I was ever. My genetics are ******** and I don't think I can trust anyone elses DNA to cancel my defections........ Nor their comitment at this moment in time considering I haven't kept an IN PERSON relationship for even a year........... Bit salty about even being able to keep a partner... Does even someone need a partner to raise a child? WELL If I got all my time to give to my future adoptee Asian baby and I'm all alone providing I have a great income and time for the Asian kid... It'll just be me and the little one I guess.. Maybe a puppy or kitty when it wants one (because I know it will)