Freya started dancing ridiculously out of victory, but her movement slowed when the serpent started to change. She stared feverishly at the woman under the mast, plucking out her pin and a medal, and holding it up to Freya.

Which meant.

That was her professor.

"ODIN'S BEARD, PROFESSOR SAVAGE!" She screamed, pulling her heels out of the wood of the deck (where they had wedged in due to the weight of the mast that fell upon her) and running to help get the mast off of her and help her up. "I am so sorry, I didn't knows..!" But then again, she was being given the professors pin. And a medal. A MEDAL! Did that mean she passed, despite.. well... being insane?

"OH, thanks yeh thanks yeh thanks yeh Professor Savage! Yeh makes a great sea monster!" She flung her arms around Savage in a hug, and then took her prizes.

She was a Year 3! A WINNER IS FREYA.