lass otes

First Aid Basics 1

Glowing Centipedes
* Eat FEAR
* Can store and regurgitate fear
* Same weaknesses as ghosts.

* Clean wounds
* Flush fluid through the body.

FEAR Shield
* Transfer your own FEAR to your shield.
* More FEAR = stronger the shield.
* Too much FEAR = forever locked kit.
* Recreate shield when it is too weak.
Gold Potion
* Kills infections.

Blue Potion
* Causes vomiting.
* Useful if poisons or other toxins are ingested.

Red potion
* Restore minor energy.

Black Potion
* Numbs pain.

Purple Potion
* eat away dead flesh to clean wounds.

Syringe filled with Orange liquid
* Burns through flesh.

Clear liquid
* Reacts to FEAR
* Indicates how ill patient is
* Severity indicated by how dark and thick smoke is.

Green liquid
* FEAR stabilizer.
* Most useful in dissipation cases.
* Makes an area solid for quick treatment.

* hydrophile - fence liquids in.
* living organism
* keep chalk & liquid seperated and chalk will break down and try to reform liquid to fill space. aka free refill.
* can be used to slow blood flow from wounds