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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

Tags: Halloween, Demons, Monsters, Roleplay, Academy 

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Trash Husband

PostPosted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 1:12 am
“Good…” The hell spawn paused, looking at a gold pocket watch from his vest pocket. “Day class. Welcome to Demon Contracts 101. While not my normal subject of teaching, it became apparent that while there are others demons on staff, few have experience in demonic contracts like I do, so I was asked to give a lecture on the subject. To begin, I must apologize for the state of my classroom. This is perhaps, a good example of what happens when one loses a contract and cannot find their copy. Or in my case, a gnome hired to clean accidentally shoved it into a stack of papers and never bothered to look at what he was doing.” That might have explained the lack of gnomes. They knew when to make themselves scarce.

“For those that have not had the pleasure of my teaching before I am Rengath. K. Rengath. Previously a fear harvester and then actor. It might seem odd to bring up in a class about demonic contracts but I can tell you in both cases, demonic contracts were tools of the trade. From scaring humans to making deals for devils to appear on the stage, demon contracts are one of the oldest forms of FEAR generating we halloweeners have. Yes, halloweeners. Though the demonic race is the only one with the real ability to form binding contracts, all of Halloween has the ability to use the notion, the fear generating power of a contract. But, we will get to that later. Firstly, we will cover our basics. Jumping ahead of ourselves solves nothing.
Now-“ The black board was flipped over, he pulled his cane from it’s resting place by the chair, moving it to the side. Pointing to the blackboard, the first item listed. ‘What is a demon contract?’

“The very meat of the subject. What IS a demon contract? Put simply, it’s a binding agreement between a demon and a subject. Notice, I do not say victim, target, or even human. A demon contract at it’s core, is a binding that is to allow an exchange with collateral should the binding be broken. When demon contracts were first made, many demons asked for a human’s soul, and this fear at the loss of a soul, of something they cherished, bound to their life and afterlife, generated such a great fear that one contract could moderately sustain a halloweener for a lifetime. That was the beauty of a demon contract you see. It did not last just a short while, usually, it lasted the human’s lifespan, generating a constant flow of raw FEAR. Only on occasion would the demon would have to go back and reaffirm the contract, usually verbally, to keep the flow of FEAR generating.

To return, the binding came in the form of two parts. A written form, and a physical form. Before the majority of humans could read and write, the contract’s written form might generate a FEAR on it’s own. Common humans lacking in understanding would be unable to read it, adding a layer of mystery. But, what if they could read? That is where the demon mark came in. A physical reminder of the deal, never vanishing until the terms were met. This mark was considered ‘universal’. It was something that any human might understand. But, humans feared us so greatly they would often kill their own who would form contracts with us.” A sad shake of his head. “That generated a healthy dose of FEAR for us, but imagine the problem early demons faced. You make a contract expecting a lifetime of FEAR…and then the human is killed. A waste. So you had to hide the mark. Make it discreet. Blend in. Scars, birthmarks- these were two of the most common methods of marking, though they didn’t always work. The art was in being subtle enough, yet pronounced to the human who was marked.“

A tap of his cane. “Now, ‘an exchange with collateral should the binding be broken’. The demon asked for a soul, or a babe, or something. They get it to be agreed upon. Now what? Now the demon had to provide a service of equal measure. Think about that. Souls, children- humans valued these things above all others. So why give them up? Money, power, freedom. Three of the most often thing they desired. And now we, the demon, had to provide it. The caveat was to collect AFTER services rendered. This is fairly true even now. You cannot collect payment without providing services. In olden times, we had to trick humans. Get gold for them. Lie for them. And in rare cases… kill for them. Laws have changed since then, but the point my students, is that we HAD to provide the services. We failed any one aspect, the human could claim they were not bound and our efforts would go to waste. In comes the collateral. If we failed in any aspect of the service, the human was unbound but we might still torment them had we done nearly perfectly. If they failed to provide ‘payment’ we would torment them as is our natural temperament. Unless specified otherwise of course. In all this history, there is the root of the demon contract.

A formal agreement between two parties where both would have something to gain and something to lose. An equivalent exchange. Guile and cunning were needed no doubt, but the base is the same even now. Two parties forming an exchange. One of them, being demon. That is our root of the demon contract.”

A tap of the cane to the board. ‘What types of contracts exist?’
“Now. Several forms of contracts exist. As I outlined before, the two most common were written and verbal. To date, they are the most often used and utilized. But there are other forms. One, is the one party contract. Which is initiated by a human on their own. Demons on occasion will write elaborate rituals on how to contact them and make contract with them… all without ever contacting the human. The humans begin a ceremony of sorts, offering something in exchange for something as is customary. They invoke a bunch of gibberish and maybe light a few candles, draw something on their hand, whatever. The ceremonies vary greatly, but the fact is, the FEAR they generate is self made. The human’s own mind generates the fear without the demon ever being present. How does the fear get harvested then? A name spoken still has power. Not a true name but, you get the idea. The FEAR is usually gathered by general harvesters. The one party contract is becoming increasingly common, usually with younger humans who feel more dejected with society. These are often passive forms of contracts, and if brought to Halloween as formal claims, will be rejected. Unless the demon is present and has contact with the human at the time of the contract, they will not be held accountable not be given a siphon of profits gained. These contracts are made for general FEAR creation. They sustain us as a whole and while not lucrative, it is a demon’s duty to his fellow halloweeners to provide as our compatriots do for us. What are demons without their monstrous aids, their ghostly apparitions to haunt at their whims? Demons do not control, we rely on other races and they should be able to rely on us with fear generating. Remember that.” He seemed rather serious about that bit.

“Another type of contract is the False Contract. A term for a contract that is made where a demon will purposely come out with the short end of the stick if you will. Why do this? Simple. It makes the human thing they are smarter than us. It gives them confidence. We set the contract up on weak terms favoring the human. In this, it’s all about the acting if you will. You convince the human they are smarter, that they could pull it off again. Then… you slowly up the stakes. Progressively you bet larger and larger things. Each contract asks for something greater each time, but the trick is to keep losing. They generate a small fear but- the trick here is that when one contract reaches the crescendo, when everything in on the table, all the bets made- WE come out on top. We ‘win’ if you will. The ultimate loss. The rush of pure FEAR is great and grand. These types of contracts take a long time, but the payoff is usually high. Favored for their way of generating large spikes of lasting FEAR, false contracts end with a true contract at the ‘win’. SOME might say that these form are exceptionally cruel to humans, that they aim to make a human suffer.” He sneered, cane finding a crumpled paper, a familiar hue of green on the edges… smashed under Rengath’s boot. “But, they forget that ALL contracts do this to a certain degree. This form is only one where it is more pronounced.”

“We have another form of demon contract. And that is the informal. It literally, is a light agreement made with a demon that cannot be held to. You have all probably made informal contracts at one time of another. Knowingly or not. These contracts will never create a demon mark, and never hold up in any Halloween court. With humans, the allure is the fear that it IS a formal contract. Why make them with humans? Build a trust for when the REAL thing comes along. Why with halloweeners? Because you’re a demon and they just kind of happen. Really, informal contracts don’t matter much in Halloween and you really shouldn’t concern yourself with them.” He waved it off with his free hand.

Verbal contracts are fairly straight forward. They are done obviously, verbally. The terms are usually vague, and they’re often just sealed with a demon mark. Now class, as halloweeners, I caution you STRONGLY to not agree to such contracts. Not even in times of desperation. The contracts often are used to bind service, and to enact a way of owing favors. It’s a painful thing to owe favors and be unable to refuse let me tell you. Verbal contracts will hold in court provided the contracted carries the demon mark. Note however, that the demon must be clear when making this form of contract. Often, they will offer a handshake and ask if they have a deal, agreement, or accord.
But, for humans? This is much the same as halloweeners. However they are left without ways to fight it in courts, and are left at a demon’s mercy. Sadistic some might say, but they generate a good dose of FEAR from the unknown parameters the demon has placed.

Finally, Written Contracts. The most formal, and the most clear of all forms. Specifics are laid out usually, the more in depth, usually the more elaborate the deal. For both halloweeners and humans, this is seen as the safest form of a contract. Terms are often clear cut, deadlines set, and marks had a usually time before they will be considered null. While they may not generate the most amount of fear, they are considered traditional safeguards. Humans will often feel safer making these forms of contracts. So when it fails for them? The FEAR generated is firm, solid. It takes time to master formal contract writing, but once mastered, it’s one of the most valuable skills a halloweener might have. Yes. Non demons even study this art. Though they cannot make them, those who deal with demons frequently will take up the study of demon contracts to better arm themselves. A useful life skill. If you want to be a politician? A lawyer? Statesman? You’ll probably study demon contracts extensively. For FEAR harvesters? It too is a requirement. Boogeymen are also required to be fairly knowledgeable in the subject.”

The cane hit the board. ‘Who can make a demon contract?’
“Now, who can make a demon contract? Frankly speaking, anyone. But a true demon contract, one that holds in court, is alas, a trait only those of the demonis race posses. Monsters, Ghosts, Undead, Reaper- technically speaking, they could make contracts falling under much the same terms as a true demon contract with humans. Human are put bluntly, stupid. Any halloweener can be called a demon, much as humans might call any halloweener a monster. They frankly, lack any understanding of our races. They're dumb. That is why this works. But non demon contracts? They will just lack three key things. One, they will be unable to create a demon mark. Two, in Halloween, they will not get paid for the FEAR they generate. Three, it will have no hold if the human decides they want to get technical. It’s uncommon, but not unheard of non demon races mimicking demon contracts to generate FEAR. These are usually for general FEAR creation, or to set a sort of goodwill with a human to set them up for a betrayal. The most common you might encounter or hear of is reapers making demon contracts. Magical services for this that and the other. When a non demon makes a demon contract, at best, it’s a borrowed term. A name for a contract between a halloweener and a human. Humans have a nasty habit of getting races… muddled. This is a prime example as of why. Purists might loath this ‘non demon contracts’ but if it generates FEAR? It generates FEAR. And we ALL need FEAR. To shun someone for creating FEAR they won’t even be paid for is a fool’s task. Halloween benefits from each drop of FEAR created after all.

Now, when a demon makes a contract- it’s a true demon contract. It holds in the courts. It’s filed. We can get paid for our work.Plus- It’s binding. Meaning that when we make a contract, it’s bound to be filled in one way or another. The contract holds in courts and FEAR claims, humans often feel locked in by them, we can sell and trade them-“ He paused, looking at the students, “But that is another thing. When a demon makes a demon contract the end result is that it’s binding. The contract has repercussions, as well as rewards. .”

A tap of his cane to the blackboard again, this at ‘How do Demon Contracts work?’

“A tricky subject, how they work. As I explained earlier in what they are- how they bind is rather simple. They use our FEAR. When a contract is made, verbal, or written- a part of our FEAR is bound. This comes in the form of the demon mark. This is a key aspect. Imagine something that lets a demon know if you’ve done your end of the deal. Any time of the day. Then imagine always knowing that you’re connected to someone, and it’ll eat a bit of your FEAR until your contract is completed. The art here is in the balance. Demon marks use a demon’s FEAR to work. THIS is how my class, it’s binding. It binds two FEARs together.
Remember how I mention balance. Say you want a classmate to do your homework? A simple one page essay. Well that’s fine. Your teacher might loath it but as far as contracts go, not a bad thing to want from a demon. Here is the thing now- The demon cannot suddenly demand a lifetime of service. An equivalent exchange.” He slammed the cane on the ground for emphasis, tiny wisps of fire sparking out from his hands. “The scales can tip one way or another, but when the dish is tipped so far it falls over- Terrible things can befall a demon. Usually, this ends with the contract destroying itself. A self preservation act a demon cannot control. Why does it do this? Because if the contract doesn’t destroy itself, the demon’s own FEAR will be consumed to make up the deficit. The opposite can also happen. The scales can tip but never fall so heavily to one side or the other.

He sighs. “This is why in Halloween, contracts are taken as rather serious matters. Making stupid, unbalanced contracts are a wonderful way to hurt yourself. Do these contracts exist for humans? Yes, but they’re rare. Maybe they exist to help.. persuade. We make contracts to harvest fear. It’s rather pointless to use a full blown contract on a human. Everything until this point- I’ve been treating how contracts work in terms of being something that doesn’t bind your very core to a human. Why do that when you can just get what you need and leave? In higher learning, we might get in depth, but consider it thus- An average halloweener will not make a FEAR binding contract with a human. You won’t because it’s simply not useful to what we need. If you want to make one? They exist, but either you’re playing a delicate game of manipulation and suggestion, or you’re an outright moron. The main goal with demon contracts and humans is to harvest fear. With halloweeners- to exchange services.”
A deep breath, he looked at the class, red eyes tired, but slightly relaxed. “Probably a lot to take in, but we’ll take a short break. I’ll answer an questions you have thus far.”

THE FIRST PORTION OF THE LECTURE IS OVER! ICLY this is a small break to relax, ask questions, and ponder the magic that is demon contracts. In 24 hours, (ICly about 15 minutes) Class will resume and all questions asked thus far will be answered.
PostPosted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 2:05 am
“Now that we’ve had a bit of a break, let us resume our lesson.” A tap to the next point, the hell spawn was wasting no time.
Day to day life. How do contracts affect you? You can go your life without ever making a contract. Others will have a life rife with paperwork.” His red eyes flick over to a filing cabinet. You can almost make out something about how important paperwork is from some muttering on his end. “Demons often specialize. I did work on the stage, before, I worked at a fear harvesting firm. The contracts I made were often for luck or-“ He waved a hand in the air, “-Better performances. Confidence. A show’s success. Popularity. None of these bound by my fear. When I became an actor, I specialized in acting, and the very few contracts I made had me act to my full potential while guaranteeing that my role would not be given away at a moment’s notice. I needed them for peace of mind and to keep myself from getting kicked to the curb if one show went bad, my fault or not. Each demon is different. Each halloweener’s need is unique. Contracts are serious, things not taken lightly.

Now you may think, ‘I can make a contract here in school!’ Yes, but these are like training contracts. There is a reason they all must be registered. Short term, not very strong, they at best, will help you understand how they work either as a demon or as a young halloweener going out into the world. Demonic accounting firms exist, but you also have freelance. There is no overall or general when it comes to your day to day lives. You all will have different needs, and as you grow, those needs will change. You might need a demon contract, you might never.”

A tap on the next point.
The Use in Scaring Humans
“We’ve covered this in detail quite a bit, but let’s recap. The main goal in a demon contract is to harvest fear. We can bind with our FEAR, but it’s rare, just to help give us a bit of manipulation. Usually nothing a human will notice. Marking a human- that’s not a binding. It’s marking to scare them. Marking to bind- you best know what you’re doing. Demons have changed a great many things by making binding contracts with humans without them knowing. But when they did this- it was a process of years usually. It was without them knowing. No, nearly every contract a demon makes with a human will be to harvest FEAR. If you take an advance course on demon contracts, you might learn how these binding contracts are used, but, we won’t be covering them. Frankly speaking, non of you have reason to need to know about them at your age. Cast out delusions of changing the world. Trust me, it’s better when you do.”

A tap on the next line-
How to make a contract at Amityville Academy
“Now some of you may be thinking you can just.. go out and make a contract. Maybe you came to this class to learn just this. Well newsflash.” He pointed the cane at them all. “It’s not that simple. You don’t get to make a contract all willy nilly. You don’t get to just make them about whatever you want. Here at Amityville, you can make them.. UNDER supervision. As discussed prior, there are two types of contracts recognized. Verbal and Written. Here, both can occur, but doing one makes you a moron and likely looking at a possible detention, the other is considered a basic training contract. Now, by no means do we here expect a demon to make these. But if you DO plan to make a contract, if you go and willy nilliy make one? You WILL be filling out the proper paperwork. You WILL be making a visit to the office. You WILL be filing your contract and seeking to get it approved.

You see, frankly you are children. Children don’t have business making contracts. Not really. And when you youths do, you tend to either be morons, or you tend to want things that are not allowed. Hence the approval process. Let’s say you want or plan to make a contract. You then go to the office, take one of the forms there, fill it out, and you wait. Maybe just a minute or two or maybe a week really I don’t know what Arel does frankly half the time but anyway-“ Rengath snorted, “-It will either be approved or denied. If approved the contract is seal, record stored, and congrats you have your contract.
Denied? You will not be able to make the contract. You try? Well you can likely expect some FEAR backlash as well as a nice little detention.

But let’s say you ARE a moron. You make a verbal contract. Just on the spot. Nothing written just words. Congrats, you are this close to a detention.” He held up two fingers. If you squint they don’t look to be touching. “You’ll need to file your contract at the office within the next 24 hours. Fail to do so and, yes we will know, and yes we will find you, and you will not just have detention, your contract will be rendered null. There will be no appeal. You MUST file your contract with the school with the proper paperwork. Why? Because aside from the school being held accountable for your safety,” questionable at best, “you are children making contracts. I cannot emphasize this point enough. It is for your own safety that these rules are in place. Now where are contract forms? In the office. Who approves them? Guess. Contracts here at school… consider them like contracts with training wheels on. They are not to the same magnitude that real world contracts are, but they are a step towards the real thing. If you every want to learn more or get advice on making a contract, we have a guidance counselor on staff, not to mention various demons such as myself employed. While us instructors are not the best choice, we can help if just a bit if you are worried about something such as terms or if it will be approved. Think of us as.. preliminary agents if you will.” He waved it off, done with the subject.

Another point
The Laws and Rights of the Contractor and Contracted

“And now class, the mandatory bits. This is considered a beginner’s lecture, so consider yourselves lucky. If you wish to take the advanced course, you’d get a nice thick textbook to study from. We’re skipping that. All Contract courses have a nice little PSA I’m required to give. I won’t bore you. The basic thing is this. As a halloweener, YOU are responsible for the contracts you agree to. Contracts MUST be filled one way or another. Broken? Quite lovely mess you’ve rightly made there. The one in debt takes on that debt, in a nice thing called FEAR backlash. Ever seen a high strike gambler’s chance get thrown out- only to have recoil completely? Break a contract that’s about what happens. A loss of FEAR equal to what is owed. A loss of abilities, long term or temporary, infertility, blindness, scarring, loss of other senses, tangibility, loss of contract ability, death.” He was reading from a list, making a face and the last part. “Well, I think that is all a bit extreme, but then these little PSAs usually are. Legally, both parties are responsibly for their end of the contract. They have the right to terminate the contract- perhaps the parties cannot complete it for one reason or another. Breaking the contract and suffering backlash is something they both would rather avoid.

At that point, they can go into the courts and settle it there. A preventative measure. Courts can also handle disputes. You STILL don’t want to end up here. The Laws are complex and boring, and your rights? Basically what you agree to. You’re young. None of you should be making contracts anyway. Minors with contracts-“ A small shudder. “At the end of class I’ll have a flyer that the school feels is mandatory. Can’t blame them really. Anyway. That covers our lecture portion. If you have questions about anything we’ve discussed, please ask them now.

THE SECOND PORTION OF THE LECTURE IS OVER! ICLY this is a small break to relax, ask questions, and ponder the magic that is demon contracts. In 24 hours, (ICly about 15 minutes) Class will resume and all questions asked thus far will be answered.




Trash Husband


Fallen Galaxy

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 2:39 am
Once the lecture started, the fey grabbed his writing utensil and started to jot down notes. Writing down everything in order, Marosa kept notes of practically everything. He wasn't sure about the possibility of using contracts, or if a Gancanagh ever needed to use one, but any information was better than no information, except for bad information.

He didn't think a teacher would give bad information, unless there was a lesson to be learned. Tapping his pencil against his lips, the fey shook his head. This was a lesson, but not one of those lessons.

He wasn't sure he could find his voice yet, still being new to the school, but Marosa took the extra break time to write down thoughts about the lecture. He wanted to take everything seriously, and at least attempt to find a happy medium between school and ... whatever else he'd find time to do.  
PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 3:39 am
Rengath went to the board, erasing what had been written. Three words were quickly scrawled on with the chalk. ‘Questions and Answers.’

“Now a true time for discussion. You can chitter and chatter about the subject at hand but if you begin to talk about who you totally are going to hook up with, what so and so was wearing of so help me, if you want to trade your rare Arel for so and so or your holographic Cricket I will personally hit you with my cane. For one that is a terrible trade, two, this is where you can ask me anything you like about demonic contracts, personal reasons, more advanced parts, anything and everything.” He brought back the chair he’d been sitting it, looking slightly tired. “The only things off limits are contracts about how to pick up ghouls or boils. If you need a contract for that, then there really is no help for you. “

THIS IS NOW AN OPEN QnA FORMAT! Your student may ask pretty much anything they like about demon contracts, or just…well. Whatever they can think of. Ask questions in BOLD RED And quote me (iStoleYurVamps). I’ll get to your question as fast as I can and answer it as accurately to canon as I can.
If I pass over a question it might be because I don’t know the answer or IClY cannot answer it. I will answer them, but on ones that I OoCly don’t know I’ll need to relay them to the canon contract guru Liz so understand there might be a possible delay. ICly if Rengath can’t answer -> I’ll find a way to get the info to your student. NO QUESTION WILL BE LEFT UNANSWERED.




Trash Husband

Carhop Cavalier

Familiar Teenager

PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 11:03 am
Gene began taking notes as soon as the professor began to speak, not wanting to miss any parts of this particular subject. Starting up a business would require money - and while she'd saved up, she would probably need a loan. Demons tended to loan money, but there were contracts made in return; contracts that the Doppelganger would rather not have any part in.

When he finished and asked for questions, Gene's hand was the first to go up. He hadn't really covered loans and that sort of thing in great detail. "Professor! What kind of services or payment can a demon ask for in return for a contracted loan?"

PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 1:51 pm
Sin was scrawling down notes as quickly as she could manage, every once in a while her pen would jerk slightly as she tried not to grumble about some part of the lecture. For starters it was tough to sit there and listen about how dangerous contracts were over and over, it made Demons sound like conniving opportunists. The second issue was the painful reminder that she hadn't had as much practice with contracts as she would have liked. Oh sure she'd done a small one with Calder helping him with his water issues, but since then nothing. The professor made it sound as if that were dandy, children didn't seem to have any business making contracts? She wasn't a child! As for the school being responsible for their safety…HA HA HA! Sin struggled to keep from snorting at that little comment, she'd never been in so much danger in her life until her parents enrolled her in Amityville…and still she came back because she valued the lessons she was taught, painful and hard as they may be.

She barely had time to work a cramp out of her hand when the professor resumed his lecturing and she continued to take notes trying to think about any questions she had. One formed in her mind but she was almost afraid to put voice to it, it sounded like something dangerous for starters. She continued to jot notes down trying to keep them in tidy bullet points and underlining the things that were emphasized.

Finally Professor Rengath erased the board, and Sin had to scramble to finish her notes. By the time she looked back up it seemed Question and Answer time was in session. She bit her lip and then waited for the professor to finish answering Gene before she raised her hand. She had to ask, she had to know if contracts made with fear could be corrupted by joy or twisted into fatal or unstable things by other means.

She cleared her throat slightly and then asked
"Professor, you covered humans and halloween but can contracts be made with…others? The citizens of Christmas, Horsemen, or the human hunters for example?"



Tricky Treater




Trash Husband

PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 6:17 pm
As Gene’s hand rose, Rengath nodded, listening to her speak. “A good question. Thankfully not a complex one. Like many loans there will need to be collateral. Usually treasure of somesort, something from the family, an heirloom perhaps, or something with extremely high sentimental value. Sometimes they ask for manual labor, often specified what kind of labor; Many traditional demons, very big on that sort of personal route. But moneywise, contracted loans often have the collateral coming from a third party just like any other loan. In the failure to pay and the third party skips out- we have the FEAR backlash effect, or payment is collected in another format. It can get a bit complex and muddled, but contracted loans while not uncommon are not your only option. Personally I would suggest looking at other options before seeking a demon contracted loan, as they often promise low interest but have a higher debt collection.”
Carhop Calvalier

Rengath was vaguely interested in Sin’s question… until the ghoul mentioned hunters, at which point his expression darkened considerably. Hands shifted on his cane as he leaned back in his seat, eyes closing as he mulled it over before answering. “Horsemen are beings of FEAR, contracts would.. work with them. I would not recommend it. At all. They are old, and by old I mean old. They have knowledge in things we of Halloween do not and dare not touch for good reason. Contracting one… is inadvisable at this time, even by professionals. But Christmas denziens… I doubt it. Contracts as discussed, feed off of FEAR. Those of Christmas do not generate FEAR so the point of making a contract is rather null with them. Not to mention the contract would not simply work. It needs FEAR, simple as that.… But... There ARE no others." Leaning forward, Rengath hoped he was making the point very clear. “I hope that helps you.” It was clear enough in his stance and stare, Rengath was not going to even touch upon hunters.

“Please see me after class miss Err.”
PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 1:35 am
Marosa's interest piqued at the mention of humans, and he found it rather interesting that the Professor reacted the way that he did. His father had told him time and time again that Gancanagh had a natural ability that worked exceptionally well on humans, but human hunters... what did that mean? The term was completely foreign to the fey, and he made a mental note to himself to ask someone about it later. Maybe Sharra would know.

He raised his hand, deciding to change the subject. The Professor didn't look happy at all. "Is tere such a ting as a non-verbal contract? Fer example, by touch, or eyesight." He rolled back his shoulders, wings flittering only slightly.



Fallen Galaxy

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Trash Husband

PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 2:25 am
Rengath looked at the newer student giving the boil a shake of his head. “I am afraid not. Such contracts, if they existed, would be too open to abuse, not to mention that what one side might assume might be seen and vastly different than the other. So no, such things do not exist. And let us be glad they do not. I shudder of a world where looking at another in the eyes might render me in a contract. A good thing to note is that with verbal, the other party must also be able to hear and understand the contract as it is given. So you can’t make a verbal contract with something that cannot hear you.”
PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 2:39 am
Marosa nodded in reply, satisfied with the answer. It was a crazy idea, but he was relieved that touching someone wouldn't equal a contract or anything of the sort; it was just an ability he had to live with.

Returning to his notebook, the fey wrote down the replies to the questions, ever vigilant on note-taking.  


Fallen Galaxy

21,490 Points
  • Object of Affection 150
  • Treasure Hunter 100
  • Battle: Rogue 100


Tricky Treater

PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 1:07 pm
Judging by the dark look on the professors face Sin had the sinking suspicion she ought to have just kept her mouth closed. She listened carefully and nodded her head ever so slightly while taking everything in. Hmm, so contracts with with the horsemen were possible…but inadvisable. Well inadvisable or not it was good to know if she was ever in a pinch. As for Christmas and it's citizens the response was somewhat expected but left her wondering if there was such a thing as a contract made with…joy. If fear could create powerful bonds then could joy do the same and if so what did a backlash of joy do to the christmas citizens…or what could it do to a halloweener? She remembered the pains of fighting jolly trees and joyful toys long ago, perhaps the backlash of joy, if it were even possible, would be just as bad as a fear backlash.

'There ARE no others'

Hmm? She frowned slightly as Rengath leaned forward and then tried to smooth her face back into a more neutral expression. His avoidance when it came to discussing the hunters just fueled Sin's curiosity. Had the professor said there were no others because contracts with hunters were not permitted…or was it that no demon had tried to make such a contract? She would as soon see all hunters eradicated, but until then using them as a means to an end sounded…practical. What could one even offer a hunter? They had to want something, everyone wanted something. She was drawn from her internal musings as the professor asked her to see him after class. She gave a small nod and bent her head to jot down a few extra notes as he answered another question, hopefully she wasn't in trouble.
PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 1:37 am
Since the lecture had begun, Sharra had been rather diligently taking notes, this being a subject he was actually interested in. In all truth, he wondered if he would see the need to ever form a demon contract, though he did suppose that he might for the simple, and universally beneficial use that was FEAR harvesting. After all, the professor was correct, being demons, it seemed to be their duty, since other races were not so proficient with demonic contracts. It did make him wince, however, realizing just what those under a contract may or may not have exactly subjected himself to. He was going to have to ask at least one friend just...what they'd gotten themselves into.

At Marosa's question, he glanced over, raising a brow before smiling at the Fey boil. He was rather glad that the redhead had made this class.

Pursing his lips thoughtfully, he raised his hand high. "What's the real difference between an informal and a verbal contract? Do you have to shake hands? Or do statements like 'I promise', meant sincerely, fall under them in some cases as well?"


Azure Desiderium

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Trash Husband

PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 10:27 am
Rengath took a glance at Shara as he folded his hands. “Intent. The demon in question must have the intent or will to create a contract. Usually there is a shaking of hands, some form of acknowledgement for both parties that what they’re entering is a demon contract. In example, I ask you to complete the homework, you agree, and we shake on it. Unless I have the will or intent to make what just occurred a demon contract, all we’ve done is informal. Aside from the fact that making a contract with a youth is…” He shuddered, ”Seedy at best, you would also have to know that we’re making a contract. Some halloweeners have stories that say that the verbal contracts they made are just informal ones they were tricked into. The key is that the other party knows, even if just a hunch. A forced contract after all, has the FEAR backlash. It’s too high a risk that a normal Halloweener would not attempt it. It’s a rare thing to worry about as even highly trained demons are rather overt when they set up contract terms. They tend to make sets of checks and balances, laid down key items, will be a bit vague.. that sort of thing”
Azure Desiderium
PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 10:43 am
As the last of the questions were answered, Rengath nodded, looking to his watch. “Well, as we seem to be running out of time, I’ll cut right to the point. It’s time to see just how many of you paid attention.” A tap on his chair and- nothing. Another tap, and the demon looked slightly annoyed. Sitting upright, the tap became a small clatter as Rengath hit the chair’s arm.

Still nothing.
“Jack damn it bring in the-“ A sudden WOOSH and dozens of papers came falling from the catwalk, floating harmlessly down atop students and teacher.
“Yes. The exams.” With a heavy sigh, the hell spawn set a few of the papers on his person on fire, black ash scattering around him on the floor. “Yes well, take one of the exams and answer it as clearly as possible. When done, flip it over, and write what kind of demon contract you can see yourself making and, what would be the best possible terms given, along with the worst possible terms given. When you all are completely done, turn them in and I’ll give you a grade. Don’t worry, I won’t share with the whole class.”

Actually, knowing Rengath, he probably would.

I swear that I am answering these questions to the best of my knowledge and that I did not cheat what so ever: (Name Here)

1- Who can make a demon contract?
2- In the past, what did humans often ask for and offer in exchange?
3- Name three ways a contract will include a demon mark.
4- How stupid are humans?
5- When making a contract what is most important?
6- List 3 types of contracts.
7- Where do you go in Amityville to make contracts?
8- True or False: You will make at least one contract in your life.
9- What problem did early demons encounter when making demon marks?
10- True or False: This exam is a contract. State Why.

AND YOUR ACTIVITY IS AN EXAM. HOW EXCITING! Simply fill out the exam and turn it in. After? Well you’ll need to stick around for your grade but you can chatter and do whatever. You think Rengath cares at this point? So long as you don’t harass those taking the exam at least. This portion last 24 Hours and at the end the class will be considered ‘OVER’ with only the optional segment remaining.




Trash Husband


Tricky Treater

PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 11:04 pm
Sin was just finishing jotting down the last of her notes and wondering how one might get around the intent policy. She was still a bit enthralled at the idea of contracting a hunter, but of course if she did she would have to submit her paperwork to the office. Hmm maybe if she waited until she was on break? Were students allowed to make contracts on break without registering them with the school? Best not even ask, it would make her sound sneaky...and she wasn't being sneaky, just...thoughtful.

She jerked up as she saw a sudden fluttering and exams rained down on them. Sin hastily brushed the papers off her lap and then took one of the non-crumpled ones. She looked it over and then bit her lip, an exam to see who had been paying attention clearly...hopefully she could remember what she just wrote down. She bit her lip and started to write, the first portion wasn't too hard...but as she flipped her paper over she had to consider carefully.

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Sin finished off and smiled at the back of her paper, there the first terms were reasonable...the second terms ludicrous no one would make such a stupid deal. Words like Any, Always, and Forever were incredibly dangerous and more-so when placed on a written contract.

She moved to hand her paper in and then sat back down to quietly re-read her notes and wait until class was over.
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