I've played Skyrim and I like it well enough, it's just hard for me to get really immersed in it for some reason.

My copy's on the 360 because my computer's already taken up by my love of The Sims 3 and obsession with the Dragon Age games and since all of which are modded to the high heavens, Skyrim would kill my laptop.

I usually tend to prefer elves in games, but I had a hard time making a gorgeous elven woman in vanilla game, so I went with a Nord. Plus, Nords are good for smacking things around with a sword; it all worked out in my favor. I like thieves due to their quickness, but it isn't well suited for a Nord.

I don't have a favorite faction. =/ But, I do like that the Companions has a set of decent-looking twins.

I really don't like the main storyline of the game. It's kind of slow-moving and anti-climactic in comparison to side quests. I do like the Daedric Prince quests, though. It's fun that you're forced to make moral decisions and potentially get to sink into depravity (though I never do because I feel bad).