"Perhaps Faiyum? He is my current mentor. Big plant on his head?" It occurred to Falair that she probably didn't know anyone outside of Famine that Shaheen might really know. Even though they all lived together in one place, the young Mare still saw the clear cut lines of clan among the whole.

A boisterous laugh came from Falair. One in which she placed her hands on her sunken stomach. "Too many clothes, yes. That is a pretty good description of Salbei. He does enjoy his clothes."

It took a few minutes for her to quell her laughter, wiping at her brown eyes with thin fingers before tilting her head in such a way that the beads in her hair clicked and clacked against the large, fire colored stones in her necklace. "It would depend on the situation. Each has a notation of good and a hint of bad. I could not say it worse than before...." Falair placed a finger to her lips over her mask. "But I could not say it were better either. Such as it is. It is different and will take some time to adjust."
