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Cyren Visus

Cyren eventually slowed to a walk when she concluded she had put enough distance between herself and the vampires. She wasn't worried about being pursued. Should one of them reveal themselves, she could just as easily return to running. "But seriously though, they know I hate hunting the young ones." She muttered under her breath, discarding her masculine tone in favor of her natural one. Given the size of the smallest of the clan, she placed him roughly around the age the last young vampire she had killed had been. The thought of that particular vampire left a bad taste in her mouth. She flipped her hair back and sighed, tapping one of her blades against her thigh absently.

"What to do, what to do..." She mused. If she really wanted to, she could call in one of the favors she was owed and have another hunter sent out in her place. "But there's not guarantee they will get the job done right." She rested her hands behind her head and frowned. Honestly, there were very few among her kind that she trusted. Most hunters were just as incompetent as any other humans. Few were capable enough to get the job done. Fewer still among them were cut out for life as a killer. She lifted her shirt, replacing her blades in their sheaths. Leaving them out was unnecessary now that she didn't plan to fight them tonight.

"Heh. That girl was rather pretty." Cyren chuckled to herself. She preferred her own gender over men any day but developing relationships was impossible given her profession. The hunter began toying with her hair, twisting a strand around her fingers (as she tended to do when she was caught up in her own thoughts). "Gods I hate this job sometimes. Why are the cute ones already dead?"