The words 'giving up' struck a nerve in Hel, and her lips twisted in a scowl. She never gave up, but the problem was...there wasn't anything to give up in this fight. She'd won already, and she didn't want to kill him. The battle was over, and he wanted to throw his life away. Hrm. This was also one of the few hunters she came across who just...really seemed to hate those of Halloween, where as all the others didn't seem to mind, as their bigger enemy were the horsemen. It was curious, how this individual could come from the same pool as the others...

The reaper finally shook her head. "I am giving up nothing, Hunter. I am not out to end your kind." There was a pause as Hel's spear reformed back into her horse-sized raven familiar, and it's dark red eyes leveled on Evan as it stood next to its reaper. "I won, you lost. Go back to your base." She started to walk towards him, collected, calm. She knew he wasn't a threat anymore, and it showed. Her familiar followed suit, but kept its eyes pegged on the Hunter even as they moved past him. The reaper did pause to look at him, her lips pulling up a bit. "The name is Hel, and when you are healed, I look forward to facing you again." She then made her way towards the door with her familiar, opening the door and leaving through it.
