Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 6:36 am
"Separate, Sifting through the wreckage, I can't concentrate, Searching for a message, In the fear and pain, Broken down and waiting, For the chance to feel alive." - Excerpt from: In My Remains by Linkin Park
Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 1:41 am
Name: Senshi
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Herd Affiliation: None
Age: Adult
Size: Larger than the average Regular Soquili
Breeding Slots: 1.) Trying with Sonata Requiem - Owned by Gl!tch~ (Breeding Agreement: [X]) 2.) Reserved for Sonata Requiem 3.) Reserved for Sonata Requiem 4.) Reserved for Sonata Requiem
RP Color: Crimson
Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 1:43 am
Senshi is a kind and sweet stallion. His friendly nature makes him pleasant to have around. This is a decidedly conscious move on his part to be different from his father. He carries a chip on his shoulder, that he can be better than his long ago memory of his father. Occasionally in the heat of the moment, Senshi forgets. At these times he will become the jerk he despises so much.
Due to a childhood accident that ended in a double tragedy, Senshi is shy and skittish around foals. He carries the guilt of his sibling’s deaths like a shroud and feels it will taint any interaction with other foals he might have. All in all, he prefers to keep his distance, but often can be caught watching longingly. Such is the forbidden fruit. It will take a strong, confident mare to pull this stallion around into a family man.
There’s only one thing this stallion has been unable to train himself out of. Oh look there’s a branch coming up. I should duck my head so I don’t…. THWAP! ….hit… it. Senshi is a grade-A Klutz. If there’s a branch/rock/dip/mound obviously in the way…. you guessed it, he’s going to trip/stumble/run into it. If you ask him, he’ll swear that they moved and jumped right in front of him!
Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 1:45 am
It was entirely his fault. He could still hear their screams in his mind. Senshi’s coat shivered at the childhood memory. All he wanted was to explore the cave he had found near were his family was grazing. Arrogantly he had taunted his two brothers into coming with him. The three of them had innocently left while their parents grazed. For awhile the three of them played in and around the entrance of the cave. Explorers, monster chasers, and treasure hunters all make exciting games. The cave itself gets very dark inside within 100 feet. When Senshi and his brothers ventured back deeper into the cave the footing became treacherous as light faded.
He decided a prank was in order since it was a dark and scary cave. Waiting until his brothers were within reach, he reared up and pushed the closest with his hooves. Knocking the unsuspecting colt off balance and into the youngest; the two tumbled together and off the edge into a black gaping maw. The shrill screams of fear and pain from his brothers echoed through the cave. Terrified and filled with shame Senshi scrambled to leave the cave; barely avoiding the same hole his siblings fell down by some twist of Fate that he never knew. He made it free of the cave, but never heard from or saw his brothers again.
The dreaded return to his parents nearly had him stiff with fright. No matter how they pressured him he never told them what happened that day. As a result, his father blamed him for the disappearance and presumed death of his siblings, and rightly so, even though Senshi never said whose fault it was. Being almost continually harassed by his father made it doubly hard on the young colt. Unable to bear the pressure from his father and the guilt within his own soul, Senshi fled.
Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 1:48 am
Father: Unknown - Presumed Dead Mother: Unknown - Presumed Dead Siblings: Unknown Brother 1 - Deceased Unknown Brother 2 - Deceased Mate: Sonata Requiem Children: None Grandchildren: None
Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 1:50 am
Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 1:51 am
-What happened to Senshi after he ran from his family. Did he get adopted by another family? Did he wander alone till he grew to adult hood?
Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 1:52 am
1.) Blake - A great Soquili, and Senshi's first friend. 2.) Sonata Requiem - A sweet, fun, active mare who stole his heart.
Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 2:13 am
Name: Aurum Argentum
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Herd Affiliation: None
Age: Adult
Breeding Slots: 1.) Fling planned with Majora - Owned by dawns_aura (Breeding Agreement: [X]) 2.) Open 3.) Open 4.) Open
RP Color: Gold
Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 2:16 am
Aurum is a very pretentious parrot. He is constantly preening his gold and silver feathers, taking such care in his grooming that his feathers often shine as if they are made of real gold or silver. If one tries to call him by just his first name he will refuse to answer. Unless you use his full given name he will ignore you until you relent. He is quite annoying and sarcastic, finding every reason to fault Senshi whom he unwelcomely attached himself to.
Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 2:17 am
Originally hailing from a south sea island Aurum was quite bored with his peaceful existence. Try though he might he could find no excitement on his little island, so he set out across the ocean and eventually reached the Kawani Lands where he happened upon Senshi, a silly stallion whom Aurum loves to torment and tease. The parrot’s life has become much more interesting since attaching himself to the train wreck of a stallion. Aurum is the scout for Ghost’s little thief group, though he’s not always as vigilant as the job requires.
Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 2:19 am
Father: Unknown - Presumed Dead Mother: Unknown - Presumed Dead Siblings: None Mate: None Children: None Grandchildren: None
Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 2:20 am
Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 2:21 am
Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 2:22 am