Queen Spazzy
Blind Blindness
Well, it's really pretty and cute. If I had an animal avatar base, that is a good model of what I would not mind it looking like.

Sorry for the late reply! I have been really busy with school, and then I forgot. I'm sorry your mom dislocated her wrist. I have always lived at my parents house, so if my mom needs me to take her to the hospital (she gets panic attacks when driving any kind of long distance), I take us to see my dad. She, of course, never goes to the hospital, except like in your mom's case, if she breaks a bone, which she has not done in a long time (she actually broke her wrist some 15 odd years ago).
And thank you. Yes, my dad is doing better now a week and a half out from the hospital. It was a bit scary there for a while, and he's still not out of the woods, but he's okay for now.

That's true. Well, one of my friends like really gory things such as bodily mutilation. She had never told anyone before besides me and her boyfriend. I wasn't that shocked. People have different interests. Although it was the first time in a while I had heard of such an interest.

Don't worry about the picture quality. I saw the pictures okay. I actually thought it was a teddy bear xd , but I like it.

It's free to switch between animal and human base (unlike switching between human base genders), so if you ever decide to switch, I can definitely throw some item suggestions your way, haha~
It's fine! I've been busy with the new FFXIV expansion coming out, anyway, and spend most of my time playing that. >>;
On top of dislocating it, a later scan showed a break that they hadn't seen before and she ended up having to have a plate put in.
I'm glad your dad is doing a bit better for the now, at least, I hope it can stay that way and that he can improve!
Gory stuff doesn't exactly bother me, but I'm also not exactly into it, but it certainly wouldn't bother me to find out someone I know was into it. I mean, like, some people like horror movies, some people like comedies, it's just that kind of mundane difference in my mind even though I suppose some people think more seriously of such things.
Yeah, without his tail and wings and little head frills, he doesn't really look like a dragon. I'd just have to pop some little ears on his head and this would make a decent bear plush base, haha~
Part of the magic of amigurumi, I suppose, you can take things from other patterns to use for something completely different. Like, the feet of my dragon are based off another pattern I've used before to make an ewok, and his body is loosely based on the remembered pattern and shape I used for some Doctor Who dolls I've made before.
I've got his tail done and pinned on, the last piece that will need any stuffing, I think, I just have to sew it on and then move on to figuring out the hard parts because I've no experience with crocheting, like, added ruffles (his head frills), and the only wings I've made before now were for a Rainbow Dash pony doll, which aren't even remotely the right shape, so I get to figure this all out as I go because while I know of a pattern I could probably look up for the wings (I've seen in my browsing through other patterns that of a Toothless the dragon doll whose wings would probably make a good example), I feel I need the experience creating my own patterns; I can always come back to it later if I can't manage to figure it out, anyway.
