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Cute Fairy

PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 11:37 am
Reserved for Future Rider  
PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 11:38 am
Reserved for Future Rider  


Cute Fairy


Cute Fairy

PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 11:44 am
Reserved for Future Rider  
PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 11:46 am
Reserved for Future Rider  


Cute Fairy


Cute Fairy

PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 12:20 pm

Name: Brindi
Age: Fifteen turns
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual with a healthy respect for women
Craft: Miner
Rank: Apprentice
Location: High Reaches
Physical Description: With tan skin, wide brown eyes, freckles, and permanently messy sun bleached hair; a reddish brown with lighter red streaks, Brindi wouldn't look out of place in fields with runners and herdbeasts. This young, once hopeful wherhandler, looks younger than he is, but has a well defined body from working in the mines. He is tall and well built; not too thin, but not large either. Brindi doesn't seem to mind what he wears, however. He doesn't seem to mind at all being dirty, and usually is. He isn't the best sort if you want someone who understands the purpose of cleanliness. Stains adorn most of his clothing, especially those caused from going down in the mines; at least until he came to High Reaches. He often has smudges of dirt on his face and hands as well.
Personality: Personality:Brindi is a boy stuck in that childhood phase where he's between deciding whether females are frightening creatures, or the best thing on Pern since dragons. Despite being fourteen turns old, the boy seems to have just accepted the need for responsibility, as he has taken his father's place in the Mines. He has the energy and tastes of a youngster, avoiding most females, participating in trades and rough and tumble games with the younger set at the camp.

As a small boy, Brindi lost contact with his older siblings. He remembers them fondly, but the memories he has of them are few. He resented his oldest brother for leaving the camp when Brindi was ten turns old, because naturally, Brindi thinks that if his brother had stayed, he wouldn't have been made to take over his father's place in the mine. The young man isn't known for his memory, and while he's terrible with names, he recognizes faces with ease.

He is forgetful about other things, as well. Oh, did you want Brindi to clean? He forgot. He got distracted. He started to clean, but he found something interesting. He'll get around to it tomorrow. And yet, when tomorrow comes, he'll tell you that it escaped his mind once more.

He can be considerate. If reminded often enough, he does something and even more. Did you ask him to scrub the floors? He set the table as well. Maybe you asked him to peel tubers; his least favorite food, and he'll make sure you know it; he'll ask to help with dessert as well.

Brindi is one of those young men who never really did consider (and perhaps never will) himself an adult until he was forced to. When his father was made to retire, Brindi found himself expected to fill the man's shoes. He, with the help of his family, worked to save enough marks to purchase a wher egg. He never managed it to purchase it. He was Searched from the minor hold and brought to High Reaches.

As for his behavior towards females, Brindi never spent much time with them. His mother was usually busy teaching his two sisters (she never had much time for anyone, outside of telling Brindi's father what to do). She reminded Brindi of an angry wherry, most of the time. Not being around many women in the mining camp, he began to expect this behavior. Are all women really so bossy?

Positive Trait List cheerful, judges based on personal experience (could be positive or negative depending on circumstances), considerate, family oriented
Negative Trait List Irresponsible, immature, forgetful, assumes things, judges people based on own experience
History: History: Once Brindi considered himself one of many; his older siblings however, left the camp when he was fairly young. He has little contact with them, for he has no firelizard to take messages to them, and only sees them if they care to visit during a Gather Day. Their camp is really a small hold a ways away from High Reaches hold. Now he considers himself one of three, and the oldest of the set. He followed his father's footsteps into the minercraft, while his younger sisters; well, they preferred their mother's former craft. Stirring the young man's love for food, his mother had been trained in the bakercraft.

Brindi's childhood was uneventful. His father, Brind, had Impressed a wher when he was a young boy. Brindi began his minecraft apprenticeship at the age of thirteen, but never put much thought into it. He was a people pleaser; his father wanted him to follow him in the craft. Once Brindi reached a certain age, however, he was forced to realize that his father was growing old. The man was becoming too weak to enter the Mines, and his son was expected to take his place. Brindi found his freedom stripped from him; he was expected to purchase a wher egg, and Impress it when it hatched. He was never able to. He was Searched by a bluerider, and quickly agreed. The chance to Impress a dragon, rather than a Wher, the boy jumped at it.

And though the young man was reluctant to take on responsibilities candidates were given; peeling tubers, cleaning... Yuck! He seems to have adjusted.

About eight months ago, Brindi was sent word that his older brothers had perished trying to protect their farms from Thread. He grieves them and has made it a point to keep in contact with his remaining family.  
PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 12:34 pm

Name: Tassiel (Tass to friends!)
Age: twenty turns
Sex: male
Sexual Orientation: heterosexual
Craft: apprentice harper
Rank: Candidate
Location: High Reaches
Physical Description: Tassiel has straight, dirty blonde hair that he keeps in a neat quiff just past his ears. He's tan and tends to freckle if he spends long hours in good weather, with brown eyes almost an identical color to fresh brewed klah. He's rather tall, but has a slightly thicker build than either of his brothers. His clothes, like his hair, are typically neat.
Personality: Tassiel might be the most confident out of his two brothers, in all ways but one. From the time he was ten turns old, he seemed to have everything planned out. Nothing seemed to phase him. And then, he started noticing women. That's when all his trouble began.

Women might as well have been a species of undiscovered qualities, in his eyes. He became tongue tied. The words he wanted to say failed him. He wanted to tell them they were beautiful and a sight to behold, but they had the ability to turn his brain to gruel. Not every woman possessed this ability. His sisters certainly didn't seem to. He could speak freely around them without worrying what they might think, or what they'd say. He improved with time; or, less women got his attention anyway. Words came easier. He was no longer trying to impress anyone. What others thought didn't seem to matter so much.

He still has some trouble expressing his emotions verbally to any not closest to him. His siblings and friends will know his deepest fears and thoughts, his worries and doubts, but not others. It will take him a long time to verbalize any strong emotion, despite being well aware of them. He's not withdrawn, but bringing words to how he feels to friends and acquaintances alike is sometimes difficult. It's much easier to write about them, or to briefly refer to them before changing the subject or telling a punny joke. This has become less apparent as he's grown older; he still has some trouble getting the courage to speak to women. Well, one in particular. He does acknowledge--and act! on his feelings for the apprentice healer, but hasn't been able to bring himself to tell her how he feels.

Tassiel is a sweet young man, with a cheerful demeanor. He loves to make people smile with puns and jokes. He can be cheeky towards friends, teasing them and poking fun. He loves people and being around them, but not always being among them. He especially enjoys celebrations and spending time with his family. Turnover is his favorite. While he doesn't usually partake in the dancing, he does love to watch. People are so much better than any song could ever make them.

He's a talented singer, but you won't find this apprentice on stage. He prefers to write songs, not sing them.

He can be stubborn! He grew up with both an older brother, and a younger, so as the middle child, had to stand his ground. He will stand up for what he believes in, sometimes too firmly with peers. With authority, rarely will he object. He may groan about whatever chore he's been set to doing just as much as any other candidate told to clean the latrines.

Tassiel's confidence is in his own abilities. He writes well, and he's aware of his talent. He will proudly hand any friend or relative who asks (and sometimes if they don't) his latest work. And while he doesn't prefer to sing, he knows that if a master should ask him to, he would be able to do so.

Love is something Tassiel never really understood, and still feels as if it's a foreign concept. He's never felt the way he does for Bekah before. And if he can't tell her, well at least he can make her life a bit easier with mugs of klah when she has a night shift.
Positive Trait List Cheerful, quietly confident, tidy, loves to make people smile, playful, family oriented, romantic, observant
Negative Trait List Stubborn (towards peers!), cheeky, struggles with verbalizing his emotions (towards anyone but family / close friends), too family focused? (Speaks freely around family but withdraws around others, prefers company of family more than that of others? Not sure what the negative term would be.)
History: Tassiel was born to a High Reaches bluerider and a greenrider who'd been visiting during a goldflight. Nine months later, the babe was delivered--not so gently, to his father. He was immediately placed in the crèche, where he grew until he and his older brother, T'rel, were fostered.

The boys were only two turns apart, which led to plenty of arguments. For the first two turns of his life, Tassiel was poked, prodded, pinched, hugged, had his hair pulled; and he did just as much in return. They grew close as time went on; even becoming interested in the same craft.

Tassiel favored the written word, once he was old enough for the Weyrharper to teach. He loved to write. Describing things he could see around him, and sometimes things he could only see in his head. Around this time, the boys discovered they had another brother. At eight and ten turns respectively, having a two turn old tag along behind them whenever they neared the crèche was the. worst. ever.

Tassiel found, though, that he enjoyed the younger kid's company, when Ionan was quiet (which, unfortunately, was rare). Ionan seemed to get upset about every and any little thing. Was there a spinner near his cot? He cried. Was the sun going down too early and so they'd arrived at bedtime?

But! As little brothers do, Ionan grew. Tassiel grew too, and in time he became closer to his stubborn younger brother than he'd ever been with T'rel. When Tassiel was eighteen, Ionan broke his arm. The boy was stubborn about going to the healers--insisting it was a sprain, he was fine. But it wasn't. Tassiel had no healing training, but he'd known Ionan was hurt. He'd taken the boy to one of the apprentice healers--

And fallen in love. Well. Not quite, but Tassiel certainly took an interest in Bekah from then on. He found out when her shifts were and left flowers before they began. If she worked at night, he took a hot mug of klah and left it at the door with a knock. He'd had to pester T'rel for her birthingday, and when he found out she was working, he'd set a plate full of bubblypies there for her to find. Tiny things, little things he hoped wouldn't give him away.

Thread came on his nineteenth birthingday. He'd been hoping to ask Bekah to walk with him--maybe tell her how he felt, finally! Instead, the alarm rose. He couldn't believe it. He'd never really believed it'd existed, and now! Now his brother and sister were fighting it! It was even more important that he Impress now. It was even more important that he share his feelings with Bekah--because who knew when something would happen?
Other: Anything else you want to add?

Candidate Specific Questions
Do you want them to have an official Search RP? No need
Do you understand they will age every passing year regardless if you're there to RP the or not? Yes
Do you want them to have a possible Stands Impression? No  


Cute Fairy


Cute Fairy

PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 12:42 pm

Name: Marinel
Age: 18
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Craft: Woodcrafter
Rank: Apprentice
Location: Western Weyr
Physical Description: With long limbs, a long, sleek and shapely torso, and long, well kept brown hair, Marinel comes across firmly on the feminine side of looks. Like his twin, he has green eyes, but his much more active lifestyle has given him a notable tan. He dresses neatly, his hair is generally pulled back.

He has scars that rake down the left side of his face.

Despite the recent trials and tribulations in his life, his usual demeanor is a cheerful one. Never afraid to smile, his brightness somehow makes even his awkwardly transitioning teenage face seem friendly and inviting, to the point that even if you shaved he and his twin bald, bathed them both, and set them next to each other, you'd be able to tell them apart in a second.
Personality: Marinel grew up without much in terms of responsibility. He was the unwanted twin; the one that murdered their mother, according to his father. He was told—no less than twice a seven day that it was his fault. Dolmar was favored, and was trusted with responsibilities. So his brother shouldered most of the weight of expectations, and was an endless source of love and understanding and approval, and so despite their less-than-stellar father, Marinel developed into a mostly positive, happy young man. Always ready to make new friends, he likes trying new things. On the downside, his easily distracted nature means that he often leaves things unfinished or forgotten in the excitement of something newer.

Once he decides that he cares about something or someone, he can become a bit of a mother hen. He likes feeling loved and cared for in turn, and especially with thrad back now, he's terrified of losing anyone else. He assumes no news is bad news, and can end up assuming the worst after long enough.

Mari was left alone once Dolmar was apprenticed. He’d wanted to go too—in fact, he missed his twin so much and grew so tired of his father’s constant bullying, that he ran away within two weeks of when Dolmar left. It was hard, but he lasted on his own for some time; stealing when he had to. That was how he met Saimwen. Saimwen saved his life. By the time he reached that caravan he was half starved. He’d survived, ten turns old, on his own for a few seven days; but it was hard when he had never learned to fish.

He learned to navigate by the stars with Saimwen’s family; he learned to make a living. He stayed for almost six turns. He grew a lot in that time. He matured, he filled out muscular wise, working with Saimwen and his father.

He also enjoys making mischief, a left-over trait from his childhood. He'll happily play along with rumors to confuse people, play pranks, unless he knows it bothers or upsets someone. If it's someone he cares about, he can turn downright protective in an instant, determined to defend his friend's feelings, and maybe a little worried about losing them if they felt like he was teasing them too.

He is extremely protective of his brother.

He’s come to grips with his father’s death. If it’s mentioned, he reacts, but some part of him is relatively indifferent. They were never close. It was thinking his brother had died that had broken him.

Marinel is currently struggling with his own self consciousness. He heard so often that he was the cause of his mother’s death as a very small child, that he believes it even now. He has become more confident through encouragement from his brother, but has times where he feels worthless. He fears disappointing his brother as he did their father. He's begun branching out, meeting others. He's begun to see what Dolly meant, when talking about making friends with people of higher rank. He's befriended two goldriders; and though one gold in particular seems to insist he'll Impress one certain color, he doesn't want to cause any trouble between himself and his brother.

Dolly Impressing has already put a wall up between them. He doesn't want to enforce it.

History: Marinel is the younger of the twins, born nearly three candlemarks after Dolmar in a minor hold under Telgar, and he bears the supposed burden of being the cause of his mother's death. Exhausted from long labor, she did not live to see her sons for more than a few moments. His brother, at least, never blamed him, though on rare drunken nights his father wasn't always so kind.

Despite the rough fashion of his entry to the world, his childhood was not terrible. As the younger son, he was freed of most of the expectations and duties that fell to his twin, and Dolmar often encouraged him to enjoy himself, to have fun, to do whatever he liked. This often resulted in him running around either in or out of the hold, trying new things, meeting new people, and generally getting himself into trouble. And for a while he was happy being the 'less important' son, because he got to come back at the end of the day, meet his brother after lessons, and share his adventures.

But then, when they were both around ten turns old, his brother left. Off to Courtesan Crafthall to train in diplomacy, he was suddenly alone without his brother, his best friend.

He ran away.

He'd made friends with a group of passing traders, and when they decided to leave, he begged to go along. They either didn't realize who his father was, or didn't care, but regardless, they took the young boy along. He stayed with them up until Igen's territory, and then left to make his own way. Nameless, but eager and friendly, he was able to find enough work and make enough friends to eventually work his way into a woodcraft apprenticeship. The new people to meet and the new skills to learn distracted him for a while from his missing sibling. Eventually he decided that he'd become a journeyman, and then return home. His father wouldn't be mad if he'd actually done something worth while like that, right?

Thread returned before he ever saw home again. He hadn't been in contact in turns, but it cut everything short when news of the devastation hit. He eventually managed to beg a dragonrider to take him home, but all they found were ruins, and two men, struggling to make it to the nearest weyr. From they learned that everyone else, even his father, had died, devoured by thread.

There was no news of his brother, and it began his long trip to find out if he had any family left at all. The rider was heading to High Reaches, to join them and help fight thread, and he took Marinel along. Once at the weyr, he figured, he would easily be able to find someone heading to Western who'd take him along. It took some time, but now he's finally made it to Western, and managed to be searched while nosing around, to boot.
Other: Strengths: Creative, friendly, kind, passionate.
Weaknesses: Occasionally distracted, a worry-wart, immature, forgetful.

Candidate Specific Questions
Do you want them to have an official Search RP? No
Do you understand they will age every passing year regardless if you're there to RP the or not? Yes
Do you want them to have a possible Stands Impression? No
- - - > Please keep in mind that Stands Impressions are very rare. This means that not everybody will get an opportunity to have a surprise Impression, and you lower your chances of being picked by a dragonet. Given the character is not ICly an official Candidate, they will need a reason to be at the Weyr of their choice long-term, or at least for every Hatching.  
PostPosted: Mon Jun 11, 2018 10:30 am

Name: Nilah (Nillie to almost everyone)
Age: seventeen turns
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Craft: Starcrafter
Rank: apprentice
Location: Western Weyr
Physical Description: Nilah has pointed, sharp facial features. She has long, straight, auburn hair that falls nearly to her pointed elbows. Often times it ends up covering her eyes, which are brown. She is rather diminutive in height. She is not especially thin due to her past habits of inactivity and times of plenty while at the Her pointer finger and middle finger on the right hand are calloused from writing, close to the knuckle. Her fingers are often smudged with ink.

While she is usually clean otherwise, the girl seems to have a habit of making holes in her clothing. Whether this is intentional or from sheer clumsiness, remains unknown. She appears to get dressed in a hurry; she may go to do daily chores without realizing that her boots are on the wrong feet. Ouch! Her clothing often clashes in color.
Personality: Nilah is very articulate, choosing her words carefully. If ever insulted, her tone becomes formal and icy. She is always polite; some would say she has a smug tone to her words at times. She will quite intentionally use words that she believes her peers would be unable to understand if she's in one of her superior moods. Fortunately, these are few and far between. Only if she is questioned on a subject she deems simple, will she do this. She is very intelligent, and has a goal to impress those around her.

Despite not being particularly friendly, Nilah has a desire to fit in. She is quiet upon first meeting people; she would rather observe than participate, until a point. She loves to make people smile. She loves to help out; chores are no bother to her, having grown up in a small farmcrafting holding.

As a child, Nilah was easily fooled, trusting just about anything people told her. She still has the natural, childlike expectation that people tell the truth, at least most of the time. Once upon a time, if someone had told her that there was a wild wher under her cot, she would have believed them. Instead of being frightened like one would expect, however, she would undoubtedly search for it. Now, at fourteen turns old, she knows better; still, she will not fail to seek adventure.

She listens more than she speaks; and if she hears tell of a firelizard nest or an injured wher, Nilah is going to want to be there. This habit of seeking out danger--as can be expected, can lead to serious consequences. Curiousity killed the firelizard; well, it can get a candidate into trouble. If not injured.
She is extremely impatient. She has a bad habit of twitching her arms, bouncing on the balls of her feet, and tapping her fingers--movement in general when she feels something hasn't happened soon enough. This trait will show itself whenever she is moody--or particularly excited about something. If there is a clutch on the sands, expect to hear fingers tapping.

She is loyal to a fault, often being defensive of friends at awkward times and judging others by how they have treated them. It doesn't matter if her friend is the one in the wrong; they will always have Nilah there to back them up. Whether it's an excuse describing exactly why they were late to chores again or if someone has made one of her friends a target. She is possessive and protective of the friends she gains. This does not mean she will jump in the way of a blade if ever one was produced--rather that she will verbally defend them with tones of cool superiority. She will fight reason with reason. Due to this possessive, protective behavior, however, Nilah will be wary of those attempting to approach her usual companions, regardless of their intentions.

She tends to be extremely imaginative. This may have to do with long candlemarks spent reading and listening to local harper. She seems to have utmost faith in harpertales. She tends to be vain. She will soak up compliments like a sponge; but will say very little in response to them.

History: Nilah was born to sensible parents, if nothing else can be said for them. They were well enough off farmcrafters, with a small holding outside Western Weyr. They had been thrilled when a local healer had informed them that they were expecting a child. Nilah's father had hoped for a boy. A good, strong boy to help about their fields. A boy to take over their holding when he fell to age. A boy to teach how to fish, a boy to teach how to hunt wherries.

Perhaps he had hoped too much. He was sorely disappointed when his wife gave birth to Nilah. He did warm up to her--teaching her to fish, to hunt wherries--he did his best to bond with his daughter. He failed, for the most part. Nilah, though interested in gleaning as much information as she could about fishing, hunting, tending the fields--was never interested in actively doing so.

No, what Nilah liked to do was read. She would hunker down under a tree, in a room, in a field on the pretense of watching over wherries; reading records, songs, harper tales.

They fostered Nilah to a Master Starcrafter at a small nearby hold when she was about thirteen, hoping that she would eventually be able to make something of herself--and return with marks enough to help support their farm. A few months into her fifteenth turn, though, thread returned! Their farm was all but destroyed, her father too injured to repair it on his own. They sent word, but told her to stay where she was. She was safer there, and maybe the marks would help them rebuild.

For those two turns, Nilah took in all she could from her master. Learning to chart the stars, their names. She learned how to tell the difference between planets and stars, and why some stars varied in color. That changed when a dragonrider visited, declaring that they were on Search.

Nilah had never thought much about that possibility; now faced with it, she was forced to make a decision. The aspect of leaving the place she had just begun to call home for a new one frightened her. Surely the Weyr had records--even if she did not Impress, she would learn from the experience. She accepted the rider's invitation.

She never regretted her decision.

Other: Anything else you want to add?  


Cute Fairy


Cute Fairy

PostPosted: Mon Jun 11, 2018 11:11 am

Name: Ionan
Age: 14 1/2
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Craft: N/A
Rank: Weyrbrat
Location: High Reaches
Physical Description: Ionan is slender in build, and tall for his age. His hair is often found falling into his eyes when he's forgotten to comb it back. This, however, is rare. Though Ionan is young, he seems to have a flair for looks. When not participating in chores, he may be found fixing his hair. Brushing off dust from his trousers. Picking stray hair from his tunic. The thing that stands out most about Ionan is--that he's clean.

He's the sort that will not stand waiting more than a day to bathe; and when he does, he spends enough time that his hands are properly wrinkled.

Ionan has large brown eyes, framed by thick lashes. His hair is golden blond, and sometimes hides his eyes from view. Freckles lightly line his nose and cheeks.
Personality: Ionan, for a young boy, tends to be egotistical. When using the word 'egotistical' when concerning Ionan, it isn't meant that he believes he's talented. He knows he is. Whether it be something Ionan's done for turns--or something he's just decided to try, he will be the best at it. (If he feels he is not, expect a loud, obnoxious event in which he bemoans his flaws and carries on about how he should have done better--until someone--most likely his older brother, reassures him that he will improve with practice.) He's an active sort. He likes to constantly look busy, even if he isn't, really.

Oh, he moans and groans about chores with the rest of them! Perhaps more. Ionan, though careful about his appearance, prefers to leave everything else to the others his age. He doesn't want to clean. He doesn't want to help. He wants nothing more than to be able to spend time with his older sister, Iona. Or to keep to himself. This weyrbrat is often reclusive (with the absence of his sibling) and quiet. Unless someone provokes him into speaking; and they may be surprised. Ionan can be long winded, hoping to bore those around him enough that they will go away; there may be some truth in the blather, but he hopes those who listen won't be clever enough to piece those truths together. Not exactly shy, this weyrbrat prefers to be left alone.

Ionan feels he is deviously clever. He's as mischevious as the next weyrbrat, though he is more quiet when going about it. He prefers pestering others to pranks, instead focusing on mental bothers rather than physical. Oh, was he supposed to be there? He must have forgotten. Oh, so that was who he was supposed to take the tubers to. He'd thought they meant someone else. Oops.

You never want to give Ionan marks and ask him to specifically purchase certain items. This weyrbrat may not be likely to steal marks, however, he has a tendency to believe he has found something the purchaser would like more than what they originally requested. Did someone ask for a redfruit? He found bubblypies for the same price! He has no moneysense; if given marks, he would spend them as soon as recieve them.

Ionan doesn't want the nicest candidate of the turn award. He may be generous (depending on the person), but he doesn't like to be called out on it. He would rather it remain unknown who's shared their lunch with a younger child in the creche, who's shown someone how to peel tubers properly. Though often kind, like most teenagers, Ionan believes he must behave as those around him believe he behaves. If when taking cues from adults and others around him, he feels that he is expected to misbehave, he will.

Ionan prefers the company of females! Oh no, he doesn't think of them that way. Not yet. Well, maybe a little. No, he prefers the company of females simply because he feels he can relate to them better. He has spent long hours with his older sister and enjoys her company. Whether he enjoys the company of girls his age as much--that remains to be seen.

Beware when confiding in Ionan. He delights in spreading rumors and does not limit himself to spreading them about people he knows. He may start one about himself. Not always one to paint himself or others in the best light, it may be best to proceed with caution when conversing with this weyrbrat.

Ionan, though shy and rather reclusive when spending time with those he does not know, tends to be possessive. Not of objects, no. As a weyrbrat, he has few things he could call his own. Of people. This is most often noted when he is conversing with his older brother.

Ionan isn't sure he'd be willing to share his brother with a dragon.

This stems from a long lasting fear of being left alone. Ionan, for as long as he can remember, has followed his brother as if they were attached by the hand. With the change that came once he was old enough to become a candidate, he had to adjust. With some difficulty. He struggled for a period of time, fretting over whether Tarel would Impress; fretting over what would happen if he did.
Maybe not a talent, but Ionan feels he is especially skilled at fibbing. Except when talking to his older brother, whom he feels is a walking lie detector.

Ionan loves to draw. Whether it be the dragon that'd been snoozing long enough for him to make a rough sketch, or sketches of the scenery, Ionan will make the attempt to impress his brother.

Though Ionan is often reclusive when separated from his brother, if encouraged to speak, he will ramble on any given subject, fly off on tangents, and intentionally attempt to lose any listener in the conversation. He does this loudly and quite rapidly.
History: Ionan was born to High Reaches Weyr. He was given to the creche once he was old enough to be weaned, and grew among the other weyrbrats. His parents showed enough interest to provide small trinkets on his birthingday each turn, but he was never particularly close to them. He instead attached himself to his older brother, Tarel. Tarel learned of their relation soon after coming in contact with the younger boy. With the decision to let it be known that they were siblings, the two spent long hours together through the turns.

Tarel was eight turns older, but the two remained close even after Tarel became old enough to stand for Impression. He encouraged Ionan to find a craft he was particularly interested in.

He didn't find one, but he was kept busy enough once he grew old enough to be a candidate.

When Tarel impressed, at first Ionan resented the time his older brother had to spend taking care of his dragon and participating in lessons. As time went on, however, he started to bond with the green; once Tyalith was old enough not to need fed every few hours, he was allowed to help in bathing her.

What he didn't like, a few turns later, was when T'rel kept disappearing to see some girl. Tyila, T'rel had gushed, was the prettiest, kindest, smartest woman on all Pern. Ionan had to hear all about it. Stupid T'rel and his stupid girl. There wasn't much time for the brothers to spend together, because Thread came, and then, so did Tyila and every other person in the vicinity. Ugh.
Other: Character is attached to T'rel, who will be posted up as soon as finished with both!

Candidate Specific Questions
Do you want them to have an official Search RP? No need (heart)
Do you understand they will age every passing year regardless if you're there to RP them or not? Yes
Do you want them to have a possible Stands Impression? No  
PostPosted: Mon Jun 11, 2018 11:17 am

Name: Rhiyn
Age: 16 turns
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Craft: Weyrbrat
Rank: Candidate
Location: High Reaches
Physical Description: Rhiyn has a small, lithe form. He could easily be mistaken for a female, if it weren't for his usual stance. He is scarcely 5'1; and he stands up to his inches. All of them; because when you don't have many to spare, you need every inch to prove your worth. He is slender and has delicate facial features on a sharply shaped face. His hair is a curly mass of black-brown, and he is tan. Freckles adorn his nose and cheeks. His blue eyes stand out in his tanned face, making them appear larger than they are.

Personality: Rhiyn wants you to know that you are flawed. In far more ways than he is. This candidate believes he is perfection personified, and nothing any dimglow says is going to change his opinion. This overzealous, confident boy believes he knows the answer to everything. Unless, you know, there's a pretty girl in his vicinity. He seems to clam up, then, unsure what to say. He may stumble over his words if he tries to talk to her; but it's more likely that he'll run off to bother someone else.

He takes great pleasure in correcting those around him. He loves poking holes in people's logic. He loves to tease. He has a sense of humor and enjoys laughing with people as much as he does laughing at them.

Rhiyn isn't very good when it comes to sharing his emotions. He tends to close himself off, keeping his feelings internal. When his foster brother, G'ret died during Threadfall eight months ago, this became even more apparent. Rhiyn will not speak of G'ret. He seems to become angry whenever his foster brother is mentioned; but really, it's his way of coping. His irritability is driven by grief. He was always particularly close to G'ret, rather than his milk mother. G'ret was six turns his senior and Rhiyn was in awe of him.

It took three days for Rhiyn to accept that G'ret was gone.

Rhiyn is well aware that he's only sixteen turns old. While he prefers to think he knows everything, there are many things he doesn't understand. Why Thread had to come back. Death. Why the sun comes up in the same spot every morning when you feel like all Pern's ending. It terrifies him to admit that. Thread terrifies him.

He seems especially close to Demanthra (Dea) and opens up to her more than he does most. They're close friends currently, but at sixteen turns old, who knows where their relationship will go? He's currently struggling with this, and has closed himself off, even to Demanthra. She Impressed a while ago, and after she faced Thread, he began to realize something. He can't. He can't lose someone else he cares about to Thread. Not again.

Rhiyn is a sweet young man, if a bit vain and cowardly. R'yn is young, and he knows that. He will sometimes use his youth to his advantage--but it is more likely to be against him, he feels.
Positive Trait List playful, loving, humorous,
Negative Trait List vain, tactless, keeps things to himself, trouble sharing emotions, trouble accepting own emotions
History: Rhiyn was born to a bronze rider and a greenrider as result of a flight. He was quickly fostered to Fovila, a woman who had a son close to his own age. The younger two were only months apart. However, he was closer to his elder foster brother, G'ret.
His childhood went by without much incident; Rhiyn grew strong (but not very big), as G'ret liked to say. He did make friends, but there was one in particular of note; Rhiyn met Demanthra when he was six turns old. They were both weyrbrats. Demanthra was two turns his senior, and so talented! Meeting Demanthra, while she was playing her pipe, he was filled with admiration for the older girl. It awoke a love for music that the Weyrharper's teaching tunes couldn't satisfy. Demanthra taught him to employ that love.

Rhiyn's love for music is no secret, but he likes to behave as if it is. His foster mother encouraged his love of it, but couldn't demonstrate. She was tone deaf and though she sang--her foster son preferred her not to. While he loves music, he never desired to become a harper.

His foster brother Impressed the first time he stood, to a bronze named Aplaisth. He'd been thrilled for G'ret! Thrilled! And--maybe a little envious. He wa twelve when his brother Impressed, and in absolute awe of him.

It didn't help that G'ret went out of his way to impress his brother. Once Aplaisth was old enough, he took his younger brother out (or up) as often as he was able.

Eight months ago, Thread returned, and with it, it took Rhiyn's brother. He remembered the scream from Aplaisth before they went between. Rhiyn has had a difficult time with his grief since, struggling to verbally express how he feels.
Other: Anything else you want to add?

Candidate Specific Questions
Do you want them to have an official Search RP? No
Do you understand they will age every passing year regardless if you're there to RP the or not? Yes
Do you want them to have a possible Stands Impression? No
- - - > Please keep in mind that Stands Impressions are very rare. This means that not everybody will get an opportunity to have a surprise Impression, and you lower your chances of being picked by a dragonet. Given the character is not ICly an official Candidate, they will need a reason to be at the Weyr of their choice long-term, or at least for every Hatching.  


Cute Fairy


Cute Fairy

PostPosted: Mon Jun 11, 2018 11:24 am

Name: Melira
Age: Seventeen
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Craft: Weyrbrat
Rank: Weyrbrat
Location: High Reaches
Physical Description:
Personality: Appearing lazy and somewhat of a ditz, Melira does the bare minimum when it comes to candidate chores. Honestly, she'd like to do nothing more than spend time outside, with her companions or by herself. Not the brightest glow in the basket, she often has trouble when it comes to comprehending someone's meaning, but this doesn't keep her from spreading what she believes said person meant. This will probably improve with age; being fourteen, one can hardly expect her to understand everything. She loves to talk. About herself; or about someone else, it doesn't particularly matter.

She loves being around people, but doesn't mind spending time on her own. During these times she daydreams, or puts her vivid imagination to work. She is quite talented at weaving stories together, but rarely does so for others. In recent months, she's thought about how the Weyr was before the return of Thread. People werent living in fear; they were happier then. People weren't dying.

Sometimes, she isn't very attentive, and tends to be easily distracted. Any noise during lessons and her focus is immediately on whatever it was that made the noise.

She dawdles, she procrastinates. She's a bit of an attention seeker.

Melira, despite her flaws, tends to be loyal to those she considers friends. If any one of them is ever in need, she will jump up to assist. Helping friends is one of the few things Melira does not consider work. She sets her lazy behavior aside to pitch in, and will actively defend a friend (at least verbally) if ever needed. She feels if she helps out, she will get the same in return, if ever needed. She is an extrovert, seeking out social situations at all times; and playful to a fault.

Being a story teller causes Melira to be a bit of a romantic. Rather, a hopeless romantic. She loves it, she thrives on it. She enjoys hearing about it; she pays attention to which dragon flew which, and their riders, if their names are present in conversation. When she puts her mind to it, she can be empathic; and recently, she's learned, she can sympathize with people. She is more interested in watching stories play out; being a firm believer that all people have a part to play.

Positive Trait List Loyal, believes all people are important / "Tell their own stories", creative, helpful, empathic
Negative Trait List Attention seeking, bit of a ditz, dimglowed, talks too much, distractable, procrastinates; typical teenage girl
History: Melira was born to a blue and green rider pair in High Reaches and did not have a a very exciting childhood. She was placed in the crèche as soon as she could be; her mother had lost interest in raising a child after a few days of the babe's colicky cries. She wasn't really a part of Melira's life: and while L'mul, the Weyrsinger, took an interest in teaching her tunes she wasn't exactly the most focused in his classes. She was slower to pick up instruments than most, L'mul had lamented, but has had no trouble after that. She prefers pipes.

She was fostered by a kitchen worker when she was a turn and a half. The woman had been a candidate in her youth, but had failed to Impress. She'd never left the Weyr. She encouraged Melira, but having no children of her own, wasn't entirely sure how to handle the child.

It was Thread that shook this girl to the core. Thread returned when she was thirteen turns old, just eight months ago, and took her father along with it when it left. She hadn't been particularly close to him, having grown up in the crèche. But he, unlike her mother, had sought to spend his free time with his daughter. He'd given her gifts, he'd told jokes; he'd been there, even if he hadn't raised her. She couldn't help but expect him to come talk to her, for him to come spend time with her--no, he was gone.

She lost interest in her studies. She became lazy. It hurt. She'd never imagined something like this. It became easier to tell stories than to dwell on reality.

Other: Anything else you want to add?

Candidate Specific Questions
Do you want them to have an official Search RP? No
Do you understand they will age every passing year regardless if you're there to RP the or not? Yes
Do you want them to have a possible Stands Impression? No
- - - > Please keep in mind that Stands Impressions are very rare. This means that not everybody will get an opportunity to have a surprise Impression, and you lower your chances of being picked by a dragonet. Given the character is not ICly an official Candidate, they will need a reason to be at the Weyr of their choice long-term, or at least for every Hatching.  
PostPosted: Mon Jun 11, 2018 11:31 am

Name: Jakkin
Age: 14
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Craft: Weavercraft
Rank: Apprentice
Location: High Reaches
Physical Description: Jakkin is tall for fourteen turns, and relatively bony. He has few distinguishing features. He has a bony oval shaped face that he's rather proud of; he has bony hands. He is tan with dark brown hair. He has an air of someone who is very careful about his appearance. He seems to have custom made the majority of his clothing quite some time ago. There have been small repairs and a few are becoming threadbare in some areas--it seems he's always working on improving them with left over scraps.
Personality: Tending to be distant, this isn't exactly the type of boy you'd want to run up to and befriend. Half of the time, he ignores the majority of people - and when he doesn't, you'll wish he had. He has a bad habit of pointing people's flaws and weaknesses out to them, and if anyone ever criticizes him he either takes it with a silent shrug or seems to ignore them. Most of this socially unacceptable behavior is his way of entertaining himself, and seeing what kind of person someone is.

He seems to have no tact; he has no concept of keeping his opinions and ideas to himself, if he feels like sharing them. Jakkin has built an impenetrable wall around himself and his feelings - reinforced with an unfriendly demeanor.

What really captures Jakkin's interest is a conversation that he can pick holes into. If you're talking plans and they don't add up, this boy will be there to point them out for you. In an attempt to make conversation more interesting for him, Jakkin will often form stories to tell others. Whether true or false, you won't be able to tell. He can weave a story as well as any harper. Maybe he should have been one. He has a sense of humor that isn't often seen--he will be caught chuckling at other's flaws quite often. They seem to amuse him.

Since attempting to connect with people, Jakkin has shown a slow, but terrible temper. While he prefers to act as though nothing bothers him, there are times when he will fly off the handle, indulging in fits of rage brought about by rather unpredictable mood-swings. These are verbal (he is not physical in his anger whatsoever, with the exception of animatedly moving his arms and gesturing wildly) and he will fuss later on to Viorica. Often the moods of others amuse him; he feels he can play anyone as easily as he can mend a hem.

There is a startling difference between Jakkin's neat appearance and his alcove in the candidate barracks. Though his small space has few personal items, there always seems to be something on the floor. Patterns and old scraps of previous projects. Charcoal and used hide litter his cot when he's not sleeping there. If ever asked, Jakkin would claim the mess helps with his ability to think. He won't thank anyone for cleaning it--he wants it that way, thank you very much. He knows exactly where everything is.

Jakkin is a private person. He doesn't want others knowing what he's really thinking or feeling at any given time. He'll force a smile and say that he's feeling great, thank you for asking. He's just fine sitting here alone.

Jakkin, despite his unfriendly demeanor, seems to be indifferent to most people. If there is genuine dislike, he will make it known through his silences. He will take the time to argue with those he is indifferent to--or respects; those he does not, he will pointedly ignore. He seems to prefer some people over others and animatedly will bicker with them. Small things, mostly. He isn't really angry. It's playful.

Despite this tendency for affectionate bickering, this man also tends to be protective of his best friend. Not so much that it shows itself physically; but certainly to a point where he will defend them verbally.
History: History: Born to successful weavercrafters at High Reaches Weyr, even as a small boy, Jakkin was aware that he was special. He was an only child, and his parents doted on him in any spare moment. They encouraged him to grasp at his talents (especially in their own craft) as well as to socialize with other children. The latter didn't go as planned.

He was fostered (and apprenticed) to a master weaver at the age of ten turns. He quickly took to the craft like a firelizard takes to the air; excelling in the simplest of projects, moving on to more difficult ones early in his apprenticeship. He soon realized his ability. His ego hit an all time high, after a few turns. He could only take so much praise before it went to his head. It was at this time that he withdrew further from the average person, preferring to associate only with those he felt suited to someone of his skill.

His plans were changed at the age of fourteen. A bluerider came to speak with his master while the boy had been finishing an embroidery under the man's watchful eye. The bluerider's dragon took an interest in the apprentice, and Jakkin accepted immediately; promising himself that if he did not Impress, he would become the master he'd always planned on being. If he did Impress--he would be the greatest dragonrider Pern'd ever seen!
Other: Anything else you want to add?

Candidate Specific Questions
Do you want them to have an official Search RP? No need (heart)
Do you understand they will age every passing year regardless if you're there to RP them or not? Yes
Do you want them to have a possible Stands Impression? No  


Cute Fairy


Cute Fairy

PostPosted: Mon Jun 11, 2018 11:33 am
Reserved for Future Candidate  
PostPosted: Mon Jun 11, 2018 11:34 am
Reserved for Future Candidate  


Cute Fairy


Cute Fairy

PostPosted: Mon Jun 11, 2018 11:35 am
Reserved for Future Candidate  
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