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A Dragonriders of Pern B/C RP 

Tags: Pern, Dragons, Dragonriders, Role-Play, Fantasy 

Reply [IC RP] High Reaches Weyr
[ORP] It's Always Tea Time: Tea Clutch Feast [Open] Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2 3 ... 4 5 ... 8 9 10 11 [>] [»|]

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Anxious Spirit

PostPosted: Thu May 31, 2018 3:28 pm
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Raelin was in no rush to get Saith her food. She doubted the green was honestly hungry at all, and even if she was, it was clear Saith would be using most of her time talking to her family or other dragons. So rather than make the line to get some wherry, she grabbed herself a cup of tea and began to people watch.

It was different, being on the other side of the candidate-weyrling divide. Not super different, but enough to feel weird about it. Just above non-riders, still below everything else. Like social puberty. Gross. She had to start talking to someone, or she'd just start stewing in it.

"Nice dress," she told one of the nearest people to her, a splotch-skinned girl in Western's colors. It sounded like an insult, though it wasn't. Raelin herself was provided with something almost like a pants-suit/tunic ensemble, not one to really enjoy how naked dresses made her feel. "I think I remember you from the sands a little. Burn you up that bad?" she asked, clearly eyeing her skin.

party marty

- - - - - -
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Dhawsn was a big man. Not the tallest, but one of the roundest. He was always self-conscious of this at any big gathering, especially feasts. He could tell himself that the focus was on the newborn dragons all he wanted, it still made him felt guilty as he piled his plate up. It wasn't his fault it smelled so good, okay?

Despite being sociable himself, he was oddly shy in the midst of large groups of people. Without work to busy himself with, he was left to just take a seat at a table, eat, and (hopefully not so creepily) spy on what few faces he did know in the throng. Ezyzu arrived in style, for instance, and he almost decided to just take his plate and go chat her and her new dragon up--but wait, that big bronze was the dad, right? Okay, maybe wait a bit on that...Actually, you know what? Shaff it. He waved enthusiastically at the woman, unaware there was a crumble of bread stuck in his beard.

Prism Shine
PostPosted: Thu May 31, 2018 3:38 pm
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Orri was a barely contained fanboy.

Usually you couldn't find enough excuses to be around so many riders at once unless it was Threadfall, and now here they all were! The new ones and some of the upcoming wingriders! And Westerners! And--!! He was a young boy surrounded by all the idols of his childhood, and now he didn't know where to start. Was Dad around? Should he go look for Herg'r? Was he allowed to approach the new dragonets? Jeez, some of them were already pretty big, that was so cool!

Wait--that guy. He was a bronze rider like Dad, wasn't he? Orri so often watched both weyrlings and official wings at work, it took him only a few moments to place the man's face. In his rushed walk to get within conversational distance, he had to keep pushing his thick glasses up. "Um, hi!" he chirped up at the man. "You're, um..." Shards, what was his name? He could picture the bronze easily. "You're the one who rides that cool bronze from last year's hatching, right?"

here have a fanboy candidate


Anxious Spirit


Territorial Friend

PostPosted: Thu May 31, 2018 4:45 pm
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They were going to a BRAND NEW PLACE! A brand new place where the rest of his SIBLINGS AND PAPA were! And people would be coming all over JUST TO SEE THEM!

Baihath was practically vibrating in Alya's arms as they were transported Between, appearing in the much colder skies above High Reaches. Don't run too fast, or you might hurt yourself! And don't scare your other brothers or sisters! Despite the reminder, Baihath could feel that His was just as excited, so eager to meet and mingle! He wiggled all the harder in her grip--and then froze when a voice reached him. Thank you! Me and Mine are real happy to be here! He chirped happily at Worenth.

Once Alya was on the ground and she could safely help him down, the white immediately shot towards the dining hall. Alya's exasperated laughter trailed behind him, and he sent a rush of love her way. There were so many people! And dragons! And who was he supposed to see first?! Before he could enter the hall, he promptly veered sharply to the left, earning some surprised gasps from humans as he galloped towards an enormous gold and bronze shape. This is where he had to start!!! Hi mama! Hi papa! Both Susurinth and Cordrath would feel his tiny body eagerly wiggling against their forelimbs paired with an enormous wave of affection and warmth before he was off again.

He bounded past Ezyzu, pausing to arch his body up against her legs like a friendly feline before he playfully pounced at Dhawsn's shins, batting at his shoes before he ducked underneath the tables filled with food. Khamaith! He called cheerfully, sending more waves of love and adoration towards his gold sister. Was she was Saith? He would have to visit but--Oh? There were more people over there!

Wiggling free of the cloth covering the table, Baihath galloped towards a cluster of people. He only slowed to a trot when he realized one of them had an odd stick. After questioning Alya about it, it seemed like it was a good thing he hadn't run into him! Slinking around Sam'kel and Dr'stan's legs, he popped up on his hind legs to peer up at Z'tir. Hello! I like your stick! Okay, bye! With a happy trill, off the tiny dragonet darted.

There was so much to DO!!!!!

Mx Cherie



prism shine


PostPosted: Thu May 31, 2018 5:52 pm
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Zelaya had taken all the requisite time getting dressed up and styling her hair for the belated hatching feast. She wasn’t ever one to focus on her looks, but being appropriate, looking as she ought as a respected candidate of High Reaches was worth her time. Her usual hair ribbon was gone, a small crown of delicately woven blooms in its place to keep her locks at bay; a light and breezy (but definitively floor-length) dress of sky blue and white was the order of the day, even if the style was a bit more fanciful than she usually chose for herself. The Weyr had been excellent at seeing her properly attired, though this was something she had brought from Balen. A close inspecting eye would be able to see that the fabric of the sleeves, and of the shawl-like capelet, was chased through with barely-there leaf patterns.

Of course a feast meant socializing with people, but she could manage. It was still an effort, and she would forever prefer the silence of nature, but she had been determined to not let it render her an anxious mess. She was better than that much at least, surely. And so when she joined the throng heading for the festivites, she made a point to smile, nod, curtsy at any of the riders or important weyrfolk who greeted her. She spared them few words—still a quiet child indeed, but the urge to retreat was made weak enough to stomach and bury.

She spotted few familiar faces in the crowds. Sure, she knew, had met, any number of persons in her...gracious. Was it nearly a turn now? She was momentarily floored by the realization. And in so much time she really had only forged a few real friends. Many she didn’t see here now...but with two weyrs joining for a celebration, that was hardly shocking. Spotting anyone she was close to in the flock of hundreds would be a small miracle. Well. She supposed she should at least eat and drink in the new weyrlings’ honor, right? There went one now, the still-small white hatchling barreling along into the crowd.
For noticing Baihath.

Zelaya has yet to spot anyone she knows so feel free to interact.

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Across the globe Strigonth indeed felt the gentle, warm touch of Khamaith as she joined her distant soblings and parents. Such a good, soft, kindly gold she was. The blue had indeed wished to go along, he and his rider both loathe to miss such an opportunity, but rules were rules. They and the rest of their clutch had remained behind at Western, to spend the day dreaming of tea and cakes.

Of course, Strigonth was never without a plan. Lovely Khamaith, it is a true wonder and joy to know that you will have this day with your precious siblings. He knew full well how badly some missed their estranged brothers and sisters. Would that we, that I, could have joined you. The weyr is quiet and empty, cold without the sunshine of you here to brighten it. That during such a time of excitement for you, you still would spare a thought for me? Why, my hearts are moved by it, truly. And perhaps...though I cannot yet fly to join you and your, our, dear siblings, if you might spare another thought for me from time to time, well. I think I would be just as pleased by that.

His words rode a wave of genuine appreciation, the want to be there as well, but tempered with an apparent wish not to spoil her day worrying after him. And the hope that maybe she would come home to him after, and tell him all about it—or better, regale him as it happened—he let slip like a bashful secret, one cast out like a line and hastily snapped back, the blue demurring again that she should focus on enjoying herself, and worry not for him.
Prism Shine
Strig says hi back, among other things!




Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Thu May 31, 2018 6:51 pm
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Amusement and pride filled his hearts as he watched his youngest make her way over, trying to look every bit the prim and proper adult she was certainly not. As Saith seated herself, he leaned down to nuzzle her gently in greeting, returning her flood of love with one of his own. I am very excited to have everybody together. What of you, sweet Saith? Are you excited to see everybody? Certainly, she was capable of being very independent if she needed to be, but he did like the idea that she and her siblings would get along well.

Lifting his head again, the familiar form of a very nervous blue did not go unmissed, though Cordrath did notice Aspalath did not approach to give his greeting. It did not surprise him that he was sticking to his own. The bronze made no effort to move towards his son physically, though he did reach out mentally, carefully easing his presence into the blue's mind, coated with nothing but love and support. Are you doing well, my son? You have grown much since I last got to see you, dear one. his voice was quiet and soothing, doing his best to not startle the child.

Sahrawith was also beginning a sibling prowl. He could see her over by Aspalath and while she needed not questions or checking in on, Cordrath sent her a wave of affection as well. He hoped her presence would be calming to her brother who was in a very strange and new place.

He could also see that Harneth was already on the prowl for his dear brother, and Cordrath sent him a wave of pride. I am also watching for Moseleth. I have not seen him yet. Would you like to come wait with me? he offered, though he would not have been surprised if Harneth wanted to continue the search on foot with his perfect chosen by his side.

Ah, but a more familiar form soon filled the sky, and Cordrath looked upwards, offering wave upon wave of love to Susurinth even before she landed. She brought precious cargo - another of their little ones - with her but he stayed firm in his place of watching, knowing that the little ones would come to him as they were ready. He was very much sitting up straight with his broad chest postured out to try and make a good presentation for his new home. Or perhaps it was for Susurinth's appreciation. He leaned forward to nudge his snout against the gold's forehead as she settled, offering her a quiet murmur of appreciation and love, before peering over to watch as Pavari, Ezuyu, and his dear Khaimath climbed from her back.

He leaned in to nuzzle at the tiny gold, thrumming adoringly at her greeting. You look well, dearheart. Tell me if you are. It was really a request as he continued to look her over, the image of her curled up next to her mother filling his hearts with more joy than he could have imagined. Oh, what would it do to him when all of them were here together? Even two months felt like such a long time. When she drew closer to him, he moved a wing to hold both her and Saith closer. They were so perfect.

And soon came another excitable face! Baihath was as a blur of white, zipping through to give his greetings. As he leaned up against his father, Cordrath kreeled lovingly at his smallest of children, nudging his rump with his snout as he was off again, but sending a wave of love after him.

They were all so very, very perfect.


Sinders Path




Prism Shine

PostPosted: Thu May 31, 2018 6:56 pm
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With Oyath still recovering, there was very little for A'ye to worry over as he surveyed the gathering group. Dragons were arriving from Western with the other half of the most recent clutch in toe, and it was always amazing to see how much the dragonets had grown in as little as two months time. Oyath had been slow to grow, if A'ye could recall, and he was around the High Reaches set on a daily basis so he didn't notice change there; to see the size of the bronzes and gold was very comforting. What wasn't comforting or comfortable was the finery A'ye happened to be wearing, and from where he stood near the table of klah he shifted on his feet. His outfit was several turns old, seeing as he never thought to buy anything new since he was unlikely to attend anything that called for it, and it was clearly out of style compared to what everyone else was wearing.

Perhaps it would have been better if he'd just shown up in a sack, for that was what he felt like he was wearing as he looked over the growing crowd. Or, even better, he should have just stayed quietly in his Weyr with his convalescing dragon. Oyath certainly agreed to that thought, as the rumble in his head confirmed, but he dismissed her wants with another mug full of klah. It was his...sixth? Seventh? Somewhere along the way (and with a drudge clearing out empty containers) he'd lost count, but it wasn't like he was drinking anything that would cause problems. Sure he might feel a little tired later, but so would everyone else - especially that cute little white dragonet who was zipping around like he had a fire-stick tied to his tail. In his heart A'ye was glad that such an energetic baby had gone to Western, as a clouded thought of sadness brought what he felt might have been treatment for him at High Reaches. This place was kind...to a degree, but the babies need not know it.

And so the greenrider returned his thoughts to happiness and reached for another mug of klah, much to the verbal disdain of the poor soul tasked with manning the area.

mentioning of baihath!

A'ye is currently drinking klah like it's no one's business and he may need an intervention before the party is done! Someone come make sure there is enough klah left for everyone else!


Sparkly Decorator


Feral Hunter

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PostPosted: Thu May 31, 2018 7:09 pm
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Let's make our way over to the food and we can search for him as we move through the crowds. Dr'cul offered this thought to Harneth as they moved, the taller man doing his best to gauge his long stride for the little blue, though as he was bigger now the blue did not have to jog to keep in step with his. That is a good idea, I wouldn't mind trying some whe...

Harneth's thought trailed off as he felt the familiar touch of his father's mind. He quieted and let out a happy trill, turning his head to see his father and now his mother as well. Oh! But that can wait Dr'culmine. Father is over there and mother has joined them. Whirling blue eyes turned to look up at the man. You have not yet had the chance to speak to Father or Mother. The polite blue was clearly waiting for Dr'cul to agree to the unasked suggestion, and the taller man couldn't help but smile softly as he felt the eagerness.

Let's go then.

With those words, Harneth was off towards his parents, though he walked with poise and grace, holding himself with pride as he moved. He did not run around like Baihath, instead he moved with the dignity and grace that he felt, and knew, a son of Cordrath should move.

Thank you for watching for Moseleth, Father. He greeted the bronze as they neared, his eyes watching him before turning to look at his mother. He let out a very happy trill towards her. It is wonderful to see you again mother. You as well Khaimath. The little blue bowed towards his Golden mother and sister before turning to glance back at Dr'cul.

His rider had deemed to stay back a bit, as this was a family meeting and didn't need him right in the middle, though Harneth decided that wasn't needed. The little blue moved and began to nudge his rider forward by pressing his head into his knees. Once he felt Dr'cul was at the right spot, he sat beside him proudly. Mother, Father; this is my rider Dr'cul. He is a journeyman surgeon! Pride clearly colored Harneth's thoughts about his bonded.



Prism Shine
PostPosted: Thu May 31, 2018 7:16 pm
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Nadry had never fussed this much about getting ready for anything, and for her, that was saying something. If she hadn't had Ichta for company and help, she might still have been up in her weyr, fighting with herself about what to wear. The trouble was, she had always been fond of blue - not just because it was a nice color, but because it looked nice on her - which meant that she had quite a few blue clothes. A sevenday ago, that wouldn't have been a problem, and she almost certainly would have come down to the Feast in a lovely, knee-length dress of soft blues, but a sevenday ago she would not have been going on a date: a date with a bluerider and a bronzerider. And since it was their first date, she was concerned about wearing blue and possibly sending an unintended message. She was concerned about a lot of things, actually, and was probably overthinking it all, but blue was definitely not an option. Thank Faranth her other dress wasn't green, or she would have been in real trouble! (Though if it had, she would have risked wearing the blue one, because she would not, for anything, have taken the color that Ichta was wearing and looked beautiful in. Sorry, R'shahar!)

But, luckily, her other option was a mix of mauve and dark, desaturated purple, which made it a perfectly safe choice. The neckline was perhaps just a little bit lower than she'd remembered it, but it was also one of the pieces in her wardrobe that had needed, ahem, 'adjusting' when she'd discovered that she had...filled out a bit during her weyrlinghood. That discovery had panicked her at the time, but she recognized it now for what it was, which was that she really had just filled out. She was a young woman, after all - a very active, dragonriding young woman, so there was also muscle. Once she'd accepted it, it was no longer a point of distress, but rather...she actually thought she looked a bit better for it. Still not a head-turner, by her own estimation, but. Well. That was what dresses, carefully styled hair, and just a touch of tasteful makeup were for.

Taking into account that carefully-styled hair, and how mindful she always was of mussing nice clothing, she had opted to walk to the dining hall while Menankith glided down to join the assemblage of adult dragons outside. How long it had been since he'd been able to fit inside! Since their own Hatching Feast, nearly a turn ago. That seemed both yesterday and yet a lifetime away now. A curious feeling, to realize that they were almost officially adults.

Mx Cherie




Feral Hunter

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PostPosted: Thu May 31, 2018 7:18 pm
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Standing there, scanning the crowd for some of his fellow weyrlings, C'ryn was blindsided as a young man suddenly came running over to him. Having someone come over to him like this, bubbling with some excitement, it took him a short while to get a response out, though he was glad it wasn't too long.

"I..I am. C'ryn of bronze Aresoth." He could feel the pride and ego from Aresoth's side of the link, having heard himself referred to as the 'cool bronze'. C'ryn did his best to not roll his eyes physically, instead offering a smile to the young man before him.

He did manage to remember his manners, however, and held a hand out to him. "I don't know if I got the chance to know you while I had been a candidate." He figured it was a little politer to ask that way instead of just, asking for the boys name.

PostPosted: Thu May 31, 2018 7:26 pm

Kinitarth, came the deep, gravelly voice. I have improved some. Are you better today? Siloth stirred from his ledge, just lifting his head to gaze at the gathering beginning to take place. Please give Sam'kel my regards, the large Bronze said, and then settled heavily onto his ledge once more.

The Wingleader shifted his attention, catching sight of Sam'kel at the man spoke up. "I am pleased to see that you did not suffer major damage," Z'tir said, clearly looking him over to check for just that. "Have you met any of the hatchlings so far?" he inquired, curious to know what one of his wingriders might think of the crowd of weyrlings. There had been opportunities to meet some of them already, but now all of them were in one place.

When Dr'stan spoke, Z'tir regarded his Wingsecond. "Dr'stan. I am well enough. Mobile." Which was a significant improvement upon the past few weeks--

Whatever he'd planned to say next would forever be forgotten, as a White dragonet came hurting through the crowd, winding between his and Dr'stan's legs. The Wingleader toppled over like a felled tree, letting out a surprised curse. By the First Egg, whose was that White?

Prism Shine


Vice Captain

Interstellar Pirate


Feral Hunter

9,200 Points
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PostPosted: Thu May 31, 2018 7:31 pm
A nod of the head towards Sam'kel, Dr'stan smiled at the man before his attention was back on Z'tir. He was certainly glad he was feeling better, as well as able to get up and about, though all thoughts on how to respond to anything was gone quickly.

A small white, one of the hatclings though not one from their Weyr, had come over to them, running around and then winding through their legs. The man couldn't help but find this curious, and he would have find it quite amusing if it wasn't for the fact that Z'tir had fallen.

Eyes wide, Dr'stan leaned down and held an arm out to his Wingleader, offering to help him stand up. "Sam'kel, do you mind getting a chair over here?" He was sure that after having fallen like that Z'tir probably would want to sit down instead of trying to stand. "Are you alright sir?" Probably a stupid question but, well he couldn't help it.

Prism Shine

Mx Cherie
PostPosted: Thu May 31, 2018 7:53 pm

Although Cynosuth had a veritable hoard of lovely ornaments that her Dr'stan had acquired for her through her early months, she found that she could not choose from among them. Her gift must be special, and none of these items quite fit the bill. Ah... but wait! Buried within the pile was a lovely diadem, just the sort of thing for a young Green who was undergoing a growth spurt. Just like dear Sahrawith. Of course I am coming to see the babies, Cynosuth replied, delighted at her brother's mental touch.

Buoyed by his love, she sent a surge of affection right back to him, along with the thanks that she hadn't been properly able to give him for his role in piecing her broken hearts back together. I would adore your company. Please. Having selected the prize that would best suit, she left her weyr, Dr'stan already well on his way down toward the Feast, himself.

When she arrived, she settled beside her dear brother. Perhaps she was simply happy to see him, but whatever the reason, her hide glowed softly. Aurinkoth, do you think that any of the babies will come out to meet us? she asked, anxious to meet them. But then, sensing that her little friend was not quite so nearby as she might wish, she reached out to Sahrawith. Dear Sawi, I brought you something that I think you might like. Congratulations on your Impression, my darling. The sweetest of Greens!



Vice Captain

Interstellar Pirate


Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Thu May 31, 2018 8:30 pm
She was as radiant as he always saw her - though perhaps a big softer in her glow than usual. Never the less, the mere sight of Cynosuth filled his hearts with a pure joy that he passed on both to her and to his Ichta. There was so much to share, he couldn't even contain it. As she settled, he leaned in to nudge his snout against her cheek, offering soft kreels of affection.

He did, however, comment on the item she had brought with her. Oh! That is very pretty! What is it for? certainly, it was too small for either of them to wear.

I bet if I were to say hello they would! he asserted confidently, leaning slightly against the green's side as he bowed his head to try and peer into the hall where everybody was gathered. Oh, were there any babies he could see that weren't glued to mom and dad right then? He didn't want to break up any sweet moments. Hmmm. Which one, which one?

Mx Cherie

Not talking but he is here too. Sorry he isn't Cynosuth.

Aurinkoth is trying to find a baby to say hi to!! Some say hi to him!!!
PostPosted: Thu May 31, 2018 10:31 pm
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I am! she declared confidently, as if she hadn't been metaphorically sweating buckets about her entrance for hours before. Thankfully, this one was a lot better than at the Hatching. He wasn't going to tell anyone else about that right. Cordrath pls.

He had picked a good spot to watch everything unfold. Saith, swaddled in his wings, had to stretch her short neck out to make sure her vision stayed clear for it, and positively hummed as she observed. While not as energetic as some of her siblings, she wished it was possible to gather them all up and hold them at the same time. Instead, she took a cue from her father and sent warm affection to Aspalath and Sahrawith. Sawi would take care of him, surely, as he seemed so nervous. She couldn't blame him. Hello, dear brother. We're here if you want to get away, she added to her brother, a more calming presence perhaps than her sister's quick fire questions. Cordrath, being the best father, was also the best hiding spot.

But how could she hide now with her golden mother and sister here? Avoiding the indignity of crawling and possibly sliding off her father's hide to get to them faster, Saith went around at an almost prance, long tail out for balance. Mama! Khamaith! Two months was too long, she couldn't begin to imagine what longer would feel like. Eyes whirling blue and purple, she touched her snout to their necks and chests and trilled, somewhat taken aback that Khamaith was already so big. It was easier when Cordrath snuggled them under his wings to excuse more overt cuddling. Oh, it is so good to see you! You must tell me about Western Weyr. Have you been doing okay?

She could pester her sister and mother and watch Harneth's presentation at the same time. Actually, this might not be a bad idea: that way, they could all get an idea of who their chosen were...Although getting everyone together might be like herding felines. Now he has two means to save people, Saith commented, pleased to know of Dr'cul's skill. Hello, Dr'cul.

Actually, given how Baihath was bouncing around like a child's toy, maybe it would be harder than herding felines. Still, Saith couldn't help but chuff, sending her brother her amusement and love in passing. Please be careful not to hurt yourself!

deep breath i think this is everyone


Prism Shine




Sinders Path


Anxious Spirit

Sinders Path

Liberal Lover

PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 2:29 am
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Erastan was busy scanning his surroundings for a likely privet spot where they could get out of the main body of the crowd. But as more people entered the area the task became increasingly difficult, he was short to begin with, plus 15 and hardly even hitting the edge of the main growth spurt. Aspalath clinging to his side was not helping matters as the dragon was a block in and of himself.

The boy thought he might have spotted a promising unoccupied corner when Aspalath let out a short bulge of alarm as the ever lovely Sahrawith bulldozed into him. His first instinct was to bolt but there was no where to go that wouldn't get him further into the crowd and part him from his rider, so he just hunkered down, tucking in his wings and tail as much as possible and trying to compose himself. "oo..oh Sister." Even the blue's mental voice was shaky. 'You startled me.' he admitted trying to play it off as a mild jump scare and not an event that had shaved several years off his life.

He could feel the affection from the young green and he tried to respond in kind but it was hard to summon the same warmth back when he just wanted to sink into the ground. At least one of the green's questions allowed him some escape. He curled his long neck around Erastan, nudging him forward while also partly hiding behind him. 'This is my rider, Erastan'

Erastan glared at the green, but that was just his face. He did manage to pull up a stiff nod as he put one arm protectively over his nervous blue. Aspalath snuggled into the touch and felt a bit better. Enough to try and answer the rest of her questions. He even managed a very stiff and awkward return nuzzle

'I am well, western treats us well. And that is kind of you to say but I am showing poor growth next to our bronze and gold siblings and even other blue's of our clutch'

Sensing a small break in the conversation Erastan choose that moment to cut in. "There are other western dragons here too. Over there by your mother." Nudge nudge, hint hint.

Poor Aspalath he was trying so hard to be the noble confident dragon that he saw from others, trying not to let anyone put his rider see the black whole of anxiety he was, sadly he was failing. One look at his body language told others all they needed to know. Then Cordrath cut in, he jumped then felt a well of shame. "Oh Father. I am sorry I did not yet greet you as would be proper, I am just getting my bearings. I am well." Yep that was totally all it was. He hoped the large bronze would forgive him such a failing though surely now the large male would start to see what a disappointment he was.

Erastan meanwhile had started to battle his way to the back of the hall with Aspalath close on his heels. At last they found a break in the crowd, a small corner that the blue could settle in with his back against the wall and Erastan at his front as his shield. Erastan's thoughts of slipping into crowd were quickly dashed, he couldn't leave his beloved when he was working himself into such a tizzy. But he couldn't block him from the greetings of other dragons. 'Better?' He asked the blue.

Now he had some space about him the blue seemed to have started breathing normally again. 'Yes, thankyou Erastan' The boy cuddled against his dragon in response and felt the blue calm another notch.

He was even able to answer Saith without flinching away from her mental touch. 'Thankyou but I am quiet well where I am sister." Was everyone checking on him because they could tell there was something wrong with him? Oh dear.

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[IC RP] High Reaches Weyr

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