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A Dragonriders of Pern B/C RP 

Tags: Pern, Dragons, Dragonriders, Role-Play, Fantasy 

Reply [IC RP] The Hatching Grounds
Revelio and Open Sesame! Double Clutch Hatching! Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2 3 ... 4 5 ... 116 117 118 119 [>] [>>] [>>] [»|]

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Invisible Regular

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 8:56 pm

As it was common knowledge that the eggs would likely be hatching soon, she and a few other Vinters had started hauling some wine in preparation. It was for this reason she had found herself at High Reaches as the hum went through the weyr. Finn! She thought instantly in excitement. Perhaps this would be the time she impressed a little dragonet of her own. There were surely enough eggs that it was a possibility. Izi made her way to the stands and found a seat. Her eyes combed through the line of female candidates until she spotted the familiar head of rather disheveled hair. Finnisa must have been caught doing something and had to rush to get changed. She mentally, and physically, crossed her fingers for her younger sister as she settled in to watch.
[[ OOC: Iziquin is in the stands and open for interaction! ]]

The young woman had settled in fairly easily at High Reaches. She knew it was necessary and surprisingly didn't experience any home sickness. Vari knew that was a good thing for her since if she happened to impress, she would have to stay at High Reaches for quite a while. All the same to her, if you asked the young woman. She didn't quite understand the gender bias of her current location but would in due time if she happened to end up staying. Hustling along with the rest of the candidates, she made sure everything for herself was in proper order before stepping onto the sands among the rest of the girls and bowing to the queens. "Goodluck." She said to the girls around her.
[[ OOC: Varinia is available for interaction, please quote me and/or bother me on discord! ]]

Being at High Reaches was somewhat strange to the young man. It was a taste of what his candidateship life might have been like if he had chosen High Reaches instead of Western. Heck, there was still the chance he would end up here but he'd let the dice fall where they may. He was most definitely not awake when the humming started. At first he wondered if someone was just snoring loudly but as it got louder it also became unmistakable. Sieston got dressed, perhaps not as quickly as some others, but not slowly either. He made sure he was presentable, first impressions always mattered. And today, he might meet his which was as good a reason as any to make himself presentable. Sieston ended up in the second half of the boys as they filed onto the sands. Giving both the queens a bow, he took his place, shifting partially from being excited and partially from the heat. Ready or not, he thought.
[[ OOC: Sieston is available for interaction, please quote me and/or bother me on discord! ]]  
PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 8:59 pm
So, here they went then. Talis rose and dressed quietly, without any fussing or real concerns for her appearance, just hair brushed into a presentable state and then tied back on the way to the Sands. This would be her first 'normal' Hatching, although with two clutches of dragonets about to break shell, it probably wouldn't quite be standard, anyway. But they wouldn't be getting sunburned on a beach. Speaking of which...

She might have been keeping an eye out for a certain Western candidate as she took her place, but her attention very quickly went to the first egg to crack. Its inhabitant seemed to be...having some issues, judging by its eye color, first yellow and then pale. Poor little thing. Hopefully it would be alright!


Oh my, these babies were early risers! Sylfie was never one to be quick out of bed, and was glad she didn't have quite the pressing hurry the candidates did - or the robes! Just normal, everyday clothing for her, although beyond making sure that everything did indeed go together and her hair wasn't sticking out from her head every which way, she didn't spend all that much time getting ready. She wanted to, just a little more maybe, but it wouldn't do to be late, so she settled for nervously fussing with her hair all the way into the Stands.

Where she immediately set to looking for a Harper and his flit, only to pull at her hair again when she did spot them, tugging it forward to fall to the side of her face. It did very little to actually hide the scar there, but it made her feel better about it. Sort of. She wasn't as terribly sensitive about it as she had been, and it wasn't as if he hadn't seen it time and time again since she and Hesperith had plucked him up and brought him to the Weyr, but...

But. Still, she gave the pair a bright smile as she sidled along to sit beside them, wiggling her fingers in a little wave to Regory as she greeted them both. "Good morning."

As Hesperith made herself comfortable up above, she sent a warm greeting to 'their' Harper. They may not know it, but Fianth and Rhianth are lucky to have you in attendance. With so many babies - and such parents! - you'll have much to write about.




Vice Captain

Interstellar Pirate

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 9:01 pm

But it was not the worried egg that hatched first. Nor indeed was it any of the eggs that had been wobbling at all! From the center of Rhianth's clutch a large silver and green egg simply fell in half. Out of the egg paced a dragonet that was rather... green toned. However, he was quite a bit larger than any Green might hope to be!

The Slytherin dragonet had made his appearance known. How like him to make a grand entrance. Observing those who had gathered thus far he gave a rather disenchanted yawn. Please. Who did they think that they were?
PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 9:09 pm
Gru was used to being woken unexpectedly; when the call went out for Candidates to get their bodies to the Sands, he was among the first. He bowed as he’d been taught, but hesitated before going further in. He stared across the cavern at the eggs, feeling that desire to touch them well up inside. Knowing it was not permitted, he forced himself to look away, instead searching over his fellow Candidates for a glimpse of red.

As with every other hatch that had happened in the night, the boy bolted from bed, easily finding his robe and getting it on properly in the dark. His fingers brushed through his copper-colored hair automatically as he jogged to the hatching grounds. His appearance was the last thing on his mind—all that mattered just then were the newly-arriving hatchlings. He was wide-awake and ready when he took his place on the sands.

This was it. Her first hatch. Vaali put on her robe and then just… stood there among the chaos. So many thoughts filled her mind, both good and bad. Everything she’d learned with Gr’del, about how to behave and what to expect from the hatchlings. All sorts of stories, some of them fresh from Western’s visiting candidates. The more she thought about those, the more an uneasy sensation began to rise in her stomach. There would be a lot of baby dragons about at once. Another candidate distracted her from that thought with a gentle push to get her out of their way. She shook her head to clear her mind and hurried off to join the rest.

Lesta felt uncomfortably exposed. Something about the simple whiteness of the robe made her feel as if she were under a performer’s spotlight. The strap of the thin sandals she wore on her feet felt as if it might just snap with each step she took. And then she was actually standing in the blazing hot sand, making the sandals all but useless anyway. She wished she could disappear. Should she really be here? Would any of the new dragons want her? She tried to snuff out those thoughts as best as she could, keeping her eyes trained anywhere but the stands as spectators began to file in. She wasn’t ready to make eye contact with Lestenna, who would most certainly be present.

Though it was still hours before dawn, Farin had little trouble getting ready and hustling down to the cavern. He would do his brother and Viyanakerth proud, even if he didn’t Impress this time. He owed them that much. As he took a place on the sands, he looked over all the eggs and their parents, and was a bit surprised to see that gentle gold Fianth’s eyes were reddish. He hoped all was well.

Talk about fresh meat. He hadn’t even been at the Weyr long enough to participate in a Touching, yet here he was. He’d paid undivided attention to the candidate master during his “important-bits” briefing, and would be sure to follow it well. He preferred to survive another night. He glanced toward the stands, looking for Yunara. She’d surely be one of the first spectators to show. It was… nice to know that someone he knew would be there, at least.  



Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 9:12 pm
A soft voice caught Shar off-guard, her focus completely on the eggs. She glanced beside her with a little smirk as Riz joined her, ready to stand properly this time. He'd gone through all the motions and it wasn't some thrown-together last second group of Candidates. This time they were ready.

"Fairly excited. No beating sun to burn us. No sun at all, in fact," she said, glancing up at the open ceiling to where the sky was still dark. Slowly but surely it would lighten with the dawn, but for now the stars were the only things in the sky.

Another crack drew her attention to the eggs as the Slytherin egg hatched. It was a rather haughty looking...green? Brown? It certainly was shiny and larger than any green she'd seen. Very strange...

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 9:14 pm

When an egg hatched and a dragon spilled out onto the sands Yurastar found himself standing more proper, eyes watching the movement and taking care to have his thoughts free of anything but love and devotion. There was no way anyone would be able to say he did anything wrong - mentally, anyway.



Holy fishballs, dragonets were....so tiny.



The egg that had cracked earlier....was it not moving more? Soui felt like she knew that egg, knew the dragonet within...and instantly tried to snap that train of thought off. She'd caused enough woe there, she needed to focus and pay attention before she shamed herself further.

Thankfully a distraction came in the form of an actual dragonet, one that seemed full of a vibrant personality that couldn't help but catch her eye. Tradition had said if a boy dragonet hatched first the clutch was lucky, right? Did his arrival mean the hatching was already considered a success no matter what? Either way Soui was pleased to see he was healthy, even as she hoped he'd find his lifemate among all those gathered.



"Shards." When the first egg to crack spilled out a green.....bronze? Brown? Whatever it was, Haveli sucked air in through her teeth. Not for her, clearly, but that didn't mean she'd write it off entirely. The actions it would perform on the sands, whomever it would choose, that would be worth noting for future interactions. One egg wasn't the end of everything, even if it did press her chances down quite a bit.

There was time, yet.  


Sparkly Decorator


Lonely Phantom

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 9:27 pm
“I’ll take the lack of sunburn no matter what comes!” Riz grinned as he spoke, glancing sidelong at Shar from one gold eye. “Leaving that beach last time and spending days in the healers for sun poisoning wasn’t the most fun way to end it, but today is perfect.”

Today he would just square up and watch what happened, hope for the best! And it seemed that the hatching was going to start with quite a show when the greenest colored shiny bronze he’d ever seen. Now this was going to get interesting.

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 9:31 pm
Helaku // He/Him // Western

Helaku had not been sleeping terribly well recently. Sure, he was a teenage boy and could usually sleep the sleep of the dead. But he was in an unfamiliar bunk, in an unfamiliar Weyr, and there were two clutches close to Hatching. So he'd fluttered to wakefulness, yet again, and started to resign himself to staring at the wall until slept returned...until he noticed something was different. Something that he recognized, especially since the green flit curled up in the hollow of his side was fairly thrumming in response. Humming.

It was time, it was happening, time to do this!

While the temptation to sit bolt upright was strong, first he had to extricate Spook from her warm nest on his side. She interrupted her own humming to creel softly in protest, but his insistence that this was important and he needed to be there unlatched her claws with only a few minutes' fuss. As he practically flew to grab his Candidate robes and changed, he tried to stress that she needed to stay off the Sands at all costs. She could be anywhere, just not there. Images of angry golds accompanied the thought of her following him out there. He thought she understood, probably. But there was little time, and he needed to join those filing out to hear the Candidatemasters' last-minute advice and take his place among the other boys on the Sands after a deep bow to each gold. The heat radiated through his sandals, and he began the familiar foot-to-foot shuffle.

A few eggs were rocking, one peeking out through a crack, but it was another one altogether that was the first to fully break shell. A bronze? He thought he remembered something about that being seen as good luck by more traditional types. Knowing how bloody a Hatching could get, he'd take whatever positive signs he saw.  

Excited Apathy

Obsessive Hoarder

Prism Shine

Fanatical Egg

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 9:31 pm
Nonami - Western Candidate

Sleep hadn’t come easily to the mousy candidate. Ever since they’d been packed up to come to High Reaches for the double clutch, sleep hadn’t been the easiest to come by. It was enough, by any means. Yet in the early hours before dawn, they nearly leapt out of the cot they’d been using as the hum had started up. The reverberation that set their heart instantly pounding. It was here, it was time.

Shaky hands grabbed a hair comb, slowly working any tousled knots in their long locks free--and slowly, the shaking in their fingers had stopped, too. Most of them, anyway. Nerves were still jumping, especially after the memory of the first egg they’d touched sprang into their head. They could do this. They could be brave.

Everyone else was brave, so could they.

Dressing in the soft white robe that fit snug in a few places that made Nonami wince, they shuffled to put the sandles on the correct feet before moving to follow the slowly gaining throng of candidates. Not many had filed in yet--okay, not bad. Would they be able to find their newly met sister, Amaretti? Yet, they needed to stay focused -- turning, they bowed to both Rhianth and then Fianth as well, before shuffling off to the side, attention split between the shaking eggs and the candidates as they all filed in.

Mr Cheri

/ / / /

Ielin - High Reaches Candidate

The humming had been what started Ielin out of a decent sleep, pausing to hear the rustling of the other candidates as they shuffled around. The humming had sent Waves into a shiver, and he raised his hand to find the shaking firelizard against his neck. Today would be okay, and he sent the blue a small wave of comfort. It didn’t quite quell the whirling yellows in his tiny eyes, but helped somewhat.

Running his hand over his face, scruffy, with a healing scar against his chin, Ielin dragged himself out of the covers to begin preparing himself. He near squirmed into the candidate’s robe, at the tightness around his biceps and chest. One more hatching under his belt.. But with a better outlook on life, this time around. Slipping the sandles on, he scooped up Waves and cuddled the firelizard briefly--before gently nudging the little blue to find someplace comfortable.

Ielin followed the stream of candidates out towards the hatching sands, his breath near catching as he gazed at all the wobbling, shaking eggs--was that a hatchling, already? Minding his manners, he bowed to Fianth and then to Rhianth before casting his gaze around. There wasn’t too many that had filed in--he caught the sight of Rizdax and smiled, nodding to the candidate and did an awkward little wave to Riz’s friends as he circled a bit closer to the group, but stayed a little distance away.


/ / / /

Cavera - High Reaches Candidate

It was the day!! The day!!!
Cavera had woken with a start, bright eyed and near bounding out of the bed as she leapt to get ready. She’d been waiting for this day, eager to stand at her first hatching on the sands. She’s pushing a comb through her hair almost a touch impatiently, hurrying to put the robes on and try to flatten them out as best as she can. She’s eager to see what this new experience would lead her, yet she wants nothing else more than to see who the sweet eggs she had touched hatch into, and who might they choose.

Oh, but she wants so badly to see her foundbrother, and hopes a certain bluerider may be watching…

As she enters, she bows as neatly as she can to both mother dragons, and hopes in her heart that they might feel her warmth at how wonderful they were to share their children with all of them. But her eyes catch a hint of red hair as she turns to find a place to stand, and she makes her way over to the side--beaming at her foundbrother. “I’m so excited!” She’s near beaming, waving to Rizdax’s friends warmly.



“Dea and #Teddy#“

/ / / /

Tuelarua - High Reaches Candidate

How.. wonderful.. Utterly breathtaking.

Tuelarua had woken with a start, the humming and frantic shuffling of candidates stirring her from her sleep. Was it today? Finally today? She’d forced herself to get up, running a comb through her coppery hair before tying it off and away from her face. The candidate robes were a touch baggy on her -- for her very short, slim stature didn’t really fill out the necessary garb. Yet she slips on the sandles, trying in any attempts to wake herself up…

But the sight of the eggs alone had done so, her breath hitching at the wondrous sight of them rocking and twitching. There was already a dragon that had hatched, a lovely green-hued dragon..

Yet she made herself fall in line with tradition, bowing to one golden mother before the other, and began to make her way over to the side a bit less populated still. Her gaze cast around, trying to see the one dark-eyed candidate that she had bumped into, that had made in an appearance in one of her paintings.. Yet she had to focus, turning to watch the early hatched dragon make his way into the world.  
PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 9:41 pm

"Oh... Oh dear-- eeeeep!"

Amila had a plan when the Touching ernded. She was planning tohide on the Sands, thought it seemed that would be quite difficult already, and the girl fidgeted at once, wringing her hands as she looked to the gold mothers, bowing before looking to the eggs. She was shaking, and trying notto panic. She didn't want hurt, she didn't want to... Well, see the disgust she was sure the dragons would show -- she was already ungirly enough wanting to BE a rider... So being here sealed it, and the girl felt nothing but anxiety on the Sands as she looked at the eggs. What if she made a dragonety cry like Hufflepuff had?

Everything was going to go horribly. That's what, and quietly, Amila tried ducking into a group of others to try disappearing into the crowd of Candidfates. Maybe hiding worked like this?


Siv was entirely down and ready. Her father's partner made it to watch the Hatching -- she'd begged him in leters to keep ears open, and she was more than eager to see the dragonets emerge into the world, the wteen of fifteen turns strolling confidently onto the Sands -- almost strutting. Oh, sure, the day mighty e3nd in tragedy, but the faqscination outweighed the sad, and she didn't worry about if the dragons picked her or not. They knew whom was meant for them, and poassing the girl trying to hide (Amila), she settled, calm and content to watchthe eggs.

"This' gonna be so neat."  

Eos Galvus

Shadowy Celebrant


Fashionable Informer

7,350 Points
  • Elocutionist 200
  • Person of Interest 200
  • Peoplewatcher 100
PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 9:45 pm

The early hour was not a shock to the system; rather, it was the exact opposite. Marilye drifted along with the crush of white-robed Candidates, offering a bleary smile for anyone with whom she happened to make eye contact. As she walked, she twitched the folds of her own robe into order. She wasn’t not nervous—and certainly wasn’t not excited! But she also wasn’t not asleep. That changed incrementally as the heat of the Sands seeped up into her thin sandals and set her to swaying, as the chorus of thrums swelled to set her heart to beating in time, as first one egg and then another egg cracked—as she saw her first dragonet. Her heart caught in her throat for a beat before the thrums carried it away again, and Marilye raised her hands to cover her open mouth as she stared in momentary awe at the handsome—mm, awkward—gleaming—well, dripping—intimidating and fascinating creature. “Oh, but he’s….so cute!”


Several meters away, Donovost shifted with apparent calm from foot to foot, eyes likewise fixated on the newly-emerged dragonet. Was it a green? A brown? A bronze? Over a turn in the Weyr and he still couldn’t be sure of this one, but then he hadn’t ever seen a babe quite like this in Western. From what little he had seen of High Reaches, they did, well, everything differently here. Why not baby dragons too? His blue eyes, bright and alert, drifted briefly from the hatchling and across the unbroken shells of their clutchmates. Donovost wasn’t nervous, not on a More Than day like this, but he was on his guard. He had seen what an unbonded dragonet could do to an unwary Candidate—and had also witnessed the change that would come over both in the moment of Impression. Cautious and cautiously optimistic, with only a small smile of acknowledgement for the flock of flutterbys desperately battering the walls of his gut, Donovost turned his focus back to the first hatchling to emerge. Well, he thought, maybe he was a little nervous.  
PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 9:50 pm
For mentions.


Mention: U’zan

In the wee hours of the morning, Ruunan dreamt. He saw himself old and grey, weathered and withered, like some once mighty tree that had done its duty. The Pass had come to an end- and he was still alive. He had nothing to fear anymore. No regrets. No shame. His hands were rough and calloused- but from riding, or whittling, he couldn’t tell.

He hadn’t given up.

Careless hands shook him away, and, startled, the boy gave a small, quiet half-gasp. Peering down at him, in a thin halo of half-light, was his sister. “Whu-” He began, but the grin that spread across her face (shells, how was she so awake already?) told him all that he needed to know.

That, and he felt the vibrations shudder through his cot.

Fear sprang, a breathless beast clawing its way through his stomach and into his throat. He croaked, not quite managing a whole, coherent word, but Nyara didn’t seem to notice. “It’s time,” she said, pulling back his blanket, “let’s go!”

Everything that he did seemed to go faster in her company. She added a frantic, pacing energy to his getting ready, pulling on his white robes and sandals, and even running a comb through tangled chocolate curls. But she was smiling- happy, content and blissful as she walked towards her future- and it gave him some hope. The Fear Monster took a step back, frightened by such positive, gold energy, and crawled into the pit of his stomach.

The young man clenched his gut as he awaited the Candidatemaster’s instructions, but mustered a small smile as Nyaranau squeezed his shoulder. “It’ll be fine. No matter what happens. Just remember to stay out of the way of rampaging dragons, okay?” She laughed a little, a bracing sound in the stillness of the morning, and Ruunan nodded as he stepped onto the Sands.

Giving the clutchparents a long and formal bow, he murmured his thanks and took his place amongst the semi-circle of candidates. He glanced at the Stands for his parents, stealing himself against another of Fear Monster’s swipes, and smiled as he saw Rakara waving enthusiastically towards him.

And… yes, there was U’zan, too. He found himself focusing on a particularly interesting grain of sand until a loud crack caught his attention. Which egg was that? A rush of excitement- unusual, for him- poured through his body and quicked his heartbeat. Bronze? Brown? Blue or Green? Dragons were still fascinating, no matter what happened…

And… ahhh… There it was! The first egg! Ruunan’s drawn expression brightened as he marvelled at the size of the Slytherin dragon. What an incredible creature. It had a green tone- and Ruunan couldn’t help but wonder if perhaps it was just a very large green. That had to be fortuitous, right?



Mention: E’dan

Nyaranau didn’t sleep- not properly, anyway. Like many candidates, her naps were taken in small but frequent bursts when possible, allowing her to remain awake and active for longer periods of time. Some made us of klah- which Nyara quite liked… but no, her drive came mostly from internal sunshine and happiness. It was hard to stop her when she wasn’t buzzing on the possibilities of dragons- let alone sevendays before clutches were due to hatch.

Two clutches. Two whole, splendiferous clutches. So many dragons. So many possibilities. Soon… soon, she would be a rider! She felt it in her blood. It had to happen. It was supposed to happen. Her father was a dragonrider, afterall, with the most beautiful blue. Maybe she would Impress a blue, too?

And so, Nyara lay in bed, staring at the ceilling, daydreaming- or night, in this case- about a dragon she might ride. If enthusiasm counted towards Impression, she would have been a rider twenty times over by now.

There was a faint and distant rumble, that gathered in strength. Nyara sat bolt upright, glancing around for the glows. “The hatching!” She hissed to those nearby, glee and giddiness turning her into a snake-human as she slipped out of bed and into her robes with ease. Tying back her frizzy hair to keep it from getting in her way, she splashed a little water on her face before making her way to her brother, and rousing him from his bed as well.

And it was time. Every step they took was one closer to their destiny. Nyaranau could feel the excitement in the air- it tingled on her tongue, leaving her dancing towards the hatching sands. Once they were allowed in, she bowed to the parents, her thanks spirited away by the humming of dragons, by the unusually high-pitch of her own voice.

A loud crack seemed ominous, but careful studying of the eggs told Nyara that all was well- other than a worried eye peering out. But as the candidates prepared themselves, one of Rhianth’s larger eggs split in half, revealing a large, green-toned creature. Nyara found herself clapping almost stupidly, a grin on her face. “Wow- what a dragon.” She muttered, perhaps to those nearby, but most certainly to thin air.



Kel had to be shaken awake. Mornings were just… well, they weren’t pleasant. Nothing about morning said good, so why people had to start it with ‘good morning’ was beyond her. Still. More pressing issues. Hatchings. Clutches. The whole prepare yourself, candidates… She affected an air of displeasure and rumbled with her fellow candidates at being dragged out and into Between at Faranth knows what hour, but deep down excitement buoyed her heart to new heights.

This was it.

Hatchings were always exciting. She tugged at her robes one final time as she entered the Sands, bowing to the clutchparents and thanking them for the opportunity to Stand. It didn’t take too long for the first egg to hatch, either. There were a few shaking eggs- even one that seemed to have partially split- but… the beautiful green egg revealed a large green dragon. Huh. What a surprise!  

Sweet Symmetry

Tipsy Kitten


Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 9:59 pm

And the first egg had already split onto the sands. It was easier to be there as an observer while she had her notes to flip through and keep her mind on - though her eyes had trailed towards where he was instead. Only for a moment, before it was back down to seeing what the first hatchling had done with the bets.

-Veltanna bets that Dynzrak will impress a male from Rhianth’s clutch.
-Niika counterbets Veltanna that Dynzrak will impress one of Fianth's male children instead.

-Ahlalei is betting twice.
First: A gold will chose a High Reaches candidate
Second: A Blue will chose someone that isn’t a candidate from either Weyr

-Niika has countered with:
First: If there is a gold, it will choose a candidate who has stood for at least 2 PC clutches (Tarot, Spooky, and Tea)
Second: There will not be more than 2 stands impressions.

-A'kir bets that someone is going to die at the hands of a dragon from the Harry Potter clutch, that there will be one gold dragon between the two clutches and it will hatch from the Disney Songs clutch, that both clutches will hatch an equal amount of browns, that the first egg from the Harry Potter clutch to hatch will be the Nimbus 2000 egg, and that the first egg from the Disney Songs clutch to hatch will be the How Far I'll Go egg. - LOSS, FIRST HP CLUTCH EGG WAS SLYTHERIN
-Niika makes no counter bet. She is too stunned by how specific this is. - Win

-T'of is betting that Toren will Impress one of the first 12 eggs to hatch.
-Niika bets Toren will impress one of the Disney Clutch.

-Farinalgo bets he will Impress a blue.
-Niika bets Farinalgo will impress a Disney Song Blue.

-Venin bets that a dragonet will die or go between without finding its lifemate.
-Niika bets there will be at least three Stands Impressions.

-Emori bets that at least two candidates will be mauled to death.
-Niika bets a minimum of 7 candidates will be maimed.

-Syflie bets that a gold will hatch, but won't choose a High Reaches candidate.
-Niika is betting if a gold hatches, it will be between 40-43' as it's adult size in the profile that she can't read because she doesn't know this stuff but shhhhhhhh. AKA smaller than average.

-Lelte has bet that there will be 2 Golds, Fianth's clutch will be the more maim-y of the two, and that there will be more (PC) greens than blues overall - all in one
-Niika makes no counter bet.

-Amila is betting on Impressing a green.
-Niika is betting Amila will impress a green from Rhianth's clutch.

-H'lare is betting a Bronze will Impress someone people assume UNLIKELY to Impress a bronze. OOCly that basically means something like a Stands Impressiuon ETC.
-Niika is betting swapped candidates from Western will impress more metallic dragons than High Reaches candidates do.

-Aerone bets a dragonet will try to break a BROTHER from HIS shell
-Niika is betting a female dragon will be assisted by a sibling in hatching.

-(Aerone)that a white will hatch from either clutch.
-Niika bets if there is a white, it impresses to a girl.

-Falienn is betting he doesn't survive the hatching
-Niika is betting Falienn will impress a dragon that mauled another candidate!

-Makimton bets he will impress a dragon from Rhianth's clutch
-Niika bets Makimton will impress from Fianth's clutch!

Sweet Symmetry
-Nyaranau bets that there are two gold dragons, Impressing candidates from different Weyrs; the Auror egg will be the first egg to hatch overall, and the first egg to hatch from Fianth’s clutch will be the You Can Fly egg; the first dragon to Impress will be Brown; and Ruunan will Impress a Green from Fianth’s clutch. - LOSS, SLYTHERIN HATCHED FIRST
-Niika has no counterbet for Nyara - just that one of those things won't have to happen for her to win. - Win

-Ruunan bets that the first egg to Impress will be a bronze from Fianth’s clutch
-Niika bets first impression goes to a Green from Rhianth's clutch.

-there are more female dragons than male dragons across both clutches, but there will be more male weyrlingpairs
-We'll have more unusual lady impressions - at least 3 on a blue or a brown

-and Nyaranau will Impress a Blue from Rhianth’s clutch.
-Nyara will impress a Green, rather than a Blue, from Rhianth's.

-Kinyegele has bet that Someday My Prince Will Come will impress to an aged out or a long-standing candidate!

-Niika has made no counter bet.
****Pach cannot win an egg

-Jeri bets that she will finally Impress, from Fianth's clutch.
-Niika counters that Jeri will impress from Rhianth's clutch.

-Willim bets the first to hatch will be a bronze from Rhianth's clutch
-Niika bets the last to hatch will be a bronze from Fianth's

Akina Tokuwa
-Ryah bets that more (PC) girls will Impress overall, and that at least two of those girls will match to an unconventional color.

-Niika bets that more than half of the PC green impressions will be to boys.

-Fisher has bet that any golds in the clutch(es) will not Impress to a High Reaches candidate
-Niika bets that more than half of any bronzes and golds will go to Western Candidates!

-Fisher has bet brawling dragonets will result in a candidate being unable to stand any further or a dragonet going between
-Niika is betting that won't happen.

Prism Shine
- Keris bets Phyrana will impress from Rhianth's clutch
-Niika bets Phyrana will impress a male dragon
PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 10:00 pm
User ImageA pair of sad, grey eyes watched from up in the stands. One small young woman had not earned the right to Stand, but she had reason for being there all the same. Yunara wore a dress that had certainly seen better days, although the loaned trousers beneath it were enough to make her want to die of shame. Yet if she hadn't been wearing them, she would've been putting on quite the show. But still... when the dragon had arrived while she and Karou were on their journey, she hadn't realized that she'd need to pack fine things to wear.

It didn't matter, anyway. She'd been allowed to stay to help in the kitchens for now, at least. That was the main thing. The important thing. Being there to support him, when it was his first Hatching. Even if... well. There was no point in going there. The girl watched the Sands, seeking a familiar pair of eyes, and finding them for a moment. Was it safe out there? Would she lose him now, after discovering that he still lived?


Kellan had... been having a decidedly wonderful morning, by all accounts. A wonderful morning rudely interrupted by eggs who had decided to take that precise moment to hatch. With a sigh, he rolled out of his bunk, giving Shinnikan another lingering kiss for good luck. It was as simple as a thought putting on his Candidate robes and sandals. He'd done this enough times by now that he was all but immune to the excitement that it had once caused. Yawning, he ran a comb through his hair, checking in the polished metal mirror to make sure that he was suitably turned out. Then, grabbing Shinnikan's hand (and so what if Shinnikan was barely stumbling into his sandals,) he meandered to the Hatching Grounds.

Show time. As always, the Golds demanded a bow each. But it was the little dragonet already out on the Sands who drew his eye. Now what was that? The swagger on the creature was certainly that of a Bronze, yet Kellan had grown used to seeing golden, amber hued beasts of late. Perhaps a Brown? For, it should be noted, it was most definitely male. If a little out of the typical range of shades. Hmm. But then again, he'd certainly seen similar hides before. If not from among the clutches he'd encountered then from among the Weyr's grown dragons.


The fun had most definitely arrived, Amaretti noted, watching the dragonet with a languid, feline gaze. She narrowed golden-orange eyes, a smirk crossing her lips. What a fine little man, indeed! With her arm loosely tangled through Dynzrak's, she gave a yawn of her own. Good morning, indeed. But where were the other hatchlings, hmm? "He's a stunner," she drawled to Dynzrak, leaning into the young man's shoulder. Although from the way he was watching the crowd, the dragonet didn't seem to share the opinion. Ha!

Glancing at the Candidates who joined the small, growing crowd on the Sands, she caught sight of a few of interest. "Nonami," Amare said, holding a hand out to her sibling. That particular person was most welcome by her side! How wonderful to have a member of her own family here, even if they'd only recently discovered the connection. She'd always been close to her family, and adding to it was something of a delight.

Prism Shine


Vice Captain

Interstellar Pirate


Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 10:00 pm


Shake shake.

Shake shake shake shake!!!!!!!!!! Faint cracks form along the surface of the striped egg which somehow has found the gusto to shake even more than it seemed to do already.  
[IC RP] The Hatching Grounds

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