Blue Chuulnath of Araskara
Chuulnath's attempt at keeping up, much to his dismay, was not...great. He began lagging behind, straining his wings to keep up. He was usually so fast, and he knew he could rely on why? Still, he remained positive, determined to catch the lovely Saith. He was infatuated with the beautiful, wonderful green--an infatuation that, should he lose, would be forgotten as soon as it arrived. Loyalty was the name of the game, of course, he'd just bounce back from his sudden crush with no difficulty. It was, after all, the way that he was always so invested in his flights, when he chose to chase.

I won't let that happen! Chuulnath promised. All eyes are on you, especially mine! Do the mountains have eyes? The question was not meant to be clever, but a simple observation. As he sought to follow her, he was able to catch up a little better, weaving through other suitors, and even giving a little twist in the air to show off. That was more like it! He was so speedy and agile, surely she'd be impressed!

Araskara nodded back to the greenrider, not quite beyond their embarrassment. As their head bobbed in greeting, their brown eyes flicked back towards Raelin. A smile touched their face--it seemed they were forthcoming with those--at Raelin's wry comment. "I'm, er, Araskara. Chuulnath is mine." They should offer some advice, right? That was usually helpful...right? With all the skill of a socially clumsy person, they bumbled forward with their words, nervously chattering for a moment. "It's easier if you don't worry about it too much. Not that it's easy not to worry--just...getting caught up in overthinking..." They trailed off awkwardly, losing their train of thought as their dragon bugled loudly, as he hoped that Saith had seen his cool midair twist, which wasn't as impressive as he thought it was.

Blue: 40
4 turns: +3
Average/normal: +5
Brazen, daring, or confident: +4
Rider is pursuing Raelin: +5
Total: 57

Strength: 6
Speed: 24
Dexterity: 12
Stamina: 5
Wits: 10

Total: 9+29=38